Invoking Spring Stomp Websocket from Rest Api not working - spring

I have a requirement in which I have to send a message through spring stomp WebSocket from inside a rest API, after searching a lot on the internet I have found a solution, I tried that but it's not working. Although the same code working perfectly with #MessageMapping
// #MessageMapping("/chat.sendMessage")
#RequestMapping(value = "/chat.sendMessage")
public void sendMessage(#Payload ChatMessage chatMessage// , Principal principal
) {
simpMessagingTemplate.convertAndSend("/queue/private" + 1, chatMessage);
simpMessagingTemplate.convertAndSend("/topic/public", chatMessage);

The issue is resolved now,my bad, I forgot to change the code on client-side and still calling the stompClient.send() instead of calling the API


Spring Security 6.0 CsrfToken behavior change

I tested Spring Security as part of my Spring Boot Setup in version 6.0-M5, 6.0-RC1 and 6.0-RC2. I recognized a behavior change and wanted to ask whether this may be a bug. I return the CSRF token as a serialized JSON, but since RC1 the content of the token in the JSON is garbage.
My working code in Spring Boot 6 Milestone 5 still working as expected.
public class CsrfController {
public CsrfToken csrf(CsrfToken token) {
return token;
In my use case I query the controller using a unit test.
int serverPort;
private TestRestTemplate webclient;
public void getCsrf() {
ResponseEntity<String> entity = webclient.getForEntity("http://localhost:" + serverPort +
"/rest/user/csrf", String.class);
// ... here some code to get the token from the JSON body ...
This is the first query of the server. A session object between client and server is not established in past queries. This worked in M5 but stopped working in Spring Boot 6 RC1 and RC2
The following controller code made it work again in RC2:
public CsrfToken csrf(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
CsrfToken repoToken = tokenRepo.loadToken(request);
if (repoToken != null) {
return repoToken;
// required because it is required but ay not be initialized by the tokenRepo
repoToken = tokenRepo.generateToken(request);
tokenRepo.saveToken(repoToken, request, response);
return repoToken;
If I tried the old code in RC2, I received on client side a malformed string. I did not receive a UUID styled token in my JSON serialized response body. I think it is related to the uninitialized session object.
Is this a bug or is an uninitialized session and a resulting not working CrsfToken specified behavior?
I think the issue is in the way I try to get and use the XSFR token.
Because I want to use an Angular frontend, I configured my token repository to provide the tokens via Cookie.
This produces cookies the old UUID style. However the authentication expects the new tokens as generated by . Probably the cookie mechanism still needs to be migrated until final Spring Boot 3.0.

Solution Spring Backend OAuth2 Client for both web apps as for native (mobile) apps

For the past days I have been trying to figuring out how to make OAuth2 work on a native app with the OAuth2 client consisting of a separate frontend application with a Spring backend. Good news! I figured out a way to make it work both as web app (on a browser) as on a native (mobile) app. Here I would like to share my findings and ask for any suggestions on possible improvements.
Where Spring works out of the box
Spring Oauth2 works out of the box for web apps. We add the dependency <artifactId>spring-security-oauth2-autoconfigure</artifactId>. We add the annotation #EnableOAuth2Client. Furthermore, we add the configuration. For an in detail tutorial I would like to refer you to this tutorial.
Where challenges start to arise
Spring works with a session cookie (JSESSIONID) to establish a session which is send to the frontend using a Set-Cookie header. In a mobile application this Set-Cookie header is not send back to the backend on subsequent requests. This means that on a mobile application the backend sees each request as a new session. To solve this, I implement a session header rather than a cookie. This header can be read and therefore added to the subsequent requests.
public HttpSessionIdResolver httpSessionIdResolver() {
return HeaderHttpSessionIdResolver.xAuthToken();
However, that solves only part of the problem. The frontend makes a request using window.location.href which makes it impossible to add custom headers (REST call cannot be used because it would make it impossible to redirect the caller to the authorization server login page, because the browser blocks this). The browser automatically adds cookies to calls made using window.location.href. That's why it works on browser, but not on a mobile application. Therefore, we need to modify Spring's OAuth2 process to be able to receive REST calls rather than a call using window.location.href.
The OAuth2 Client process in Spring
Following the Oauth2 process the frontend makes two calls to the backend:
Using window.location.href a call to be redirected to the Authorization server (e.g. Facebook, Google or your own authorization server).
Making a REST GET request with the code and state query parameter to retrieve an access token.
However, if Spring does not recognise the session (like on mobile phone) it creates a new OAuth2ClientContext class and therefore throws an error on the second call: InvalidRequestException("Possible CSRF detected - state parameter was required but no state could be found"); by the AuthorizationCodeAccessTokenProvider.class. The reason it throws this error is because the preservedState property is null on the request. This is nicely explained by this post's answer of #Nico de wit.
I created a visual of the Spring OAuth2 process which shows the box 'Context present in session?'. This is where it goes wrong as soon as you have retrieved the authorization code from logging into the authorization server. This is because further on in in the getParametersForToken box it checks the preservedState which is then null because it came from a new OAuth2ClientContext object (rather than the same object that was used when redirecting the first call to the page of the authorization server).
The solution
I solved this problem by extending OAuth2ClientContextFilter.class. This class is responsible for redirecting the user to the authorization server login page if no authorization code has been retrieved yet. Instead of redirecting, the custom class now sends back a 200 and the in the body an url to which the frontend needs to be redirected. Also the frontend can now make a REST call rather than using window.location.href to be redirected. That looks something like:
public void doFilter(ServletRequest servletRequest, ServletResponse servletResponse, FilterChain chain) throws IOException,
ServletException {
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest)servletRequest;
HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse)servletResponse;
request.setAttribute(CURRENT_URI, this.calculateCurrentUri(request));
try {
chain.doFilter(servletRequest, servletResponse);
} catch (IOException var9) {
throw var9;
} catch (Exception var10) {
Throwable[] causeChain = this.throwableAnalyzer.determineCauseChain(var10);
UserRedirectRequiredException redirect = (UserRedirectRequiredException)this.throwableAnalyzer.getFirstThrowableOfType(UserRedirectRequiredException.class, causeChain);
if (redirect == null) {
if (var10 instanceof ServletException) {
throw (ServletException)var10;
if (var10 instanceof RuntimeException) {
throw (RuntimeException)var10;
throw new NestedServletException("Unhandled exception", var10);
// The original code redirects the caller to the authorization page
// this.redirectUser(redirect, request, response);
// Instead we create the redirect Url from the Exception and add it to the body
String redirectUrl = createRedirectUrl(redirect);
The createRedirectUrl contains some logic building the Url:
private String createRedirectUrl(UserRedirectRequiredException e) {
String redirectUri = e.getRedirectUri();
UriComponentsBuilder builder = UriComponentsBuilder.fromHttpUrl(redirectUri);
Map<String, String> requestParams = e.getRequestParams();
Iterator it = requestParams.entrySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<String, String> param = (Map.Entry);
builder.queryParam(param.getKey(), param.getValue());
if (e.getStateKey() != null) {
builder.queryParam("state", e.getStateKey());
I hope it helps others in the future by implementing OAuth2 using Spring on web and mobile applications. Feel free to give feedback!

How do I use okhttp in the spring cloud ribbon

The getting started of the spring cloud ribbon is very easy and simple, and it is using the rest template to communicate with backend servers.
But in our project we are more like to use okhttp to do the http request, does anyone can help?
You can take a look at the spring-cloud-square project which supplies integration with Square's OkHttpClient and Netflix Ribbon via Spring Cloud Netflix, on the Github. Let's see a test method in the class
public void httpClientWorks() {
Request request = new Request.Builder()
// here you use a service id, or virtual hostname
// rather than an actual host:port, ribbon will
// resolve it
.url("http://" + SERVICE_ID + "/hello")
Response response =;
Hello hello = new ObjectMapper().readValue(response.body().byteStream(), Hello.class);
assertThat("response was wrong", hello.getValue(), is(equalTo("hello okhttp")));

Call back rest url using spring framework

I writing rest web services using spring framework 4.0 jars.
All the get calls and post are working fine.
I wanted to know how to implement an api which works asynchronously.
The client should post to this url and wait for the response ; something like call back mechanism between server and client . Server when gets the data posts response to this url.
Thanks in advance
Spring 4.0 framework has an easy solution to this.
Changed the Return type of the method DeferredResult .
Create an instance of DeferredResult and assign whenever value is assigned to this instance it would return the response to calling request.
public DeferredResult<String> getNewMessage(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
DeferredResult<String> deferredResult = new DeferredResult<String>();
return deferredResult;
void processRequest( DeferredResult<String> result)
result.setResult("hello world");

Authentication in Spring MVC via REST

I've been looking for a way to authenticate a user via REST controller (URL params).
The closest thing to do so is the following:
public class UserController extends BaseJSONController{
static Logger sLogger = Logger.getLogger(UserController.class);
#RequestMapping(value = "/login", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public #ResponseBody String login(#RequestParam(value="username") String user, #RequestParam(value="password") String pass) throws JSONException {
Authentication userAuth = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(user, pass);
MyCellebriteAuthenticationProvider MCAP = new MyCellebriteAuthenticationProvider();
if (MCAP.authenticate(userAuth) == null){
response.put("isOk", false);
response.put("isOk", true);
response.put("token", "1234");
return response.toString();
However, this doesn't create a cookie.
Any idea or a better way to implement what I want to achieve?
Firstly, you should not do this manually:
It is better to employ special filter responsible for authentication, setting security context and clearing it after request is handled. By default Spring Security uses thread locals to store security context so if you don't remove it after client invocation, another client can be automatically logged in as someone else. Remember that server threads are often reused for different request by different clients.
Secondly, I would recommend using basic or digest authentication for your RESTful web service. Both are supported by Spring Security. More in docs
And finally, remember that RESTful web service should be stateless.
Also remember that Spring Security documentation is your friend. :-)
