Spring Security 6.0 CsrfToken behavior change - spring-boot

I tested Spring Security as part of my Spring Boot Setup in version 6.0-M5, 6.0-RC1 and 6.0-RC2. I recognized a behavior change and wanted to ask whether this may be a bug. I return the CSRF token as a serialized JSON, but since RC1 the content of the token in the JSON is garbage.
My working code in Spring Boot 6 Milestone 5 still working as expected.
public class CsrfController {
public CsrfToken csrf(CsrfToken token) {
return token;
In my use case I query the controller using a unit test.
int serverPort;
private TestRestTemplate webclient;
public void getCsrf() {
ResponseEntity<String> entity = webclient.getForEntity("http://localhost:" + serverPort +
"/rest/user/csrf", String.class);
// ... here some code to get the token from the JSON body ...
This is the first query of the server. A session object between client and server is not established in past queries. This worked in M5 but stopped working in Spring Boot 6 RC1 and RC2
The following controller code made it work again in RC2:
public CsrfToken csrf(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
CsrfToken repoToken = tokenRepo.loadToken(request);
if (repoToken != null) {
return repoToken;
// required because it is required but ay not be initialized by the tokenRepo
repoToken = tokenRepo.generateToken(request);
tokenRepo.saveToken(repoToken, request, response);
return repoToken;
If I tried the old code in RC2, I received on client side a malformed string. I did not receive a UUID styled token in my JSON serialized response body. I think it is related to the uninitialized session object.
Is this a bug or is an uninitialized session and a resulting not working CrsfToken specified behavior?

I think the issue is in the way I try to get and use the XSFR token.
Because I want to use an Angular frontend, I configured my token repository to provide the tokens via Cookie.
This produces cookies the old UUID style. However the authentication expects the new tokens as generated by https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security/issues/11960 . Probably the cookie mechanism still needs to be migrated until final Spring Boot 3.0.


Best Way to encode Fragment in URL - SpringBoot

I have a spring boot application where an endpoint responds with a url for the client to redirect to. This correct url looks something like:
https://checkout.stripe.com/c/pay/stuff#morestuff which is being properly logged below
Here is my spring boot code:
#PostMapping(path = "/create-checkout-session", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<Void> createSubscription(#RequestParam String priceId) throws StripeException {
Session session = Session.create(params);
log.info("Redirecting with session {}", session.getUrl());
return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.FOUND).location(URI.create(session.getUrl())).build();
However, when my client receives a response from my endpoint, the URL is truncated up to the # to something like:https://checkout.stripe.com/c/pay/stuff (removing the #morestuff).
I found this post about needing to encode the # and I was wondering what the best way to do this is?

Spring security - Get SESSION cookie value in AuthenticationSuccessHandler

I know that spring security creates a cookies names SESSION on successful authentication. Is it possible to get hold of that cookie value in AuthenticationSuccessHandler.
I have a following implementation inside which I need that SESSION cookie value. I looked as response headers of HttpServletResponse, but they have XSRF-TOKEN set-cookie headers,
public class MyAuthenticationSuccessHandler implements AuthenticationSuccessHandler {
public void onAuthenticationSuccess(
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Authentication authentication)
throws IOException {
Can you please help.
The SESSION cookie is created by Spring Session's DefaultCookieSerializer, which is called every time a new Session is created, and not necessarily after successful authentication.
Spring Session's SessionRepositoryFilter wraps the HttpServletRequest in such a way that whenever you obtain an HttpSession from the request at any point in your application, you're actually getting a Spring Session object. However, this cookie is written to the response after your handler has been called, as you can see in SessionRepositoryFilter:
try {
filterChain.doFilter(wrappedRequest, wrappedResponse);
finally {
wrappedRequest.commitSession(); //the SESSION cookie is created if necessary
So if the session has just been created for this request...
The cookie won't be available in the HttpServletRequest because the cookie hasn't been sent yet (and so the browser couldn't have sent it)
The cookie won't be HttpServletResponse as a "Set-Cookie" header because it will be written after your application has handled the request.
However, you could get the cookie value:
String cookieValue = request.getSession().getId();
Note: The above code will force Spring Session to create a session backed Redis/Jdbc/etc that will be used later to generate the SESSION cookie.
I got it using the getSession().getId() method from request. My example is using the Webflux implementation with Kotlin but apparently works similar in HttpServletRequest implementation see https://javaee.github.io/javaee-spec/javadocs/javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest.html#getSession--
class AuthenticationSuccessHandler : ServerAuthenticationSuccessHandler {
private val location = URI.create("https://redirect.page")
private val redirectStrategy: ServerRedirectStrategy = DefaultServerRedirectStrategy()
override fun onAuthenticationSuccess(webFilterExchange: WebFilterExchange?, authentication: Authentication?): Mono<Void> {
val exchange = webFilterExchange!!.exchange
return exchange.session.flatMap {
it.id // 87b5639c-7404-48a1-b9da-3ca47691a962
this.redirectStrategy.sendRedirect(exchange, location)

how to view spring csrf token in filter

i am using spring mvc 4.3 version. We are using spring csrf which is default. In one of the scenario i am getting invalid token error, but I see the token whatever I have got the same is been sent to server. Is there any way I can put log message to see server response to see the csrf token that is generated. on the UI JSP page i am using tag and in the page view source I could see the token. But i want to see in a filter from server side to make sure there is no other token missing on my page.
I have two tabs on my page. Whenever I change tabs I am getting into this token invalid issue. Could you help me how to access this token details in my custom filter.
I tried the AOP like this any changes required?
public class AfterGenerateCsrfTockenAspect {
protected transient ITSLogger logger = LogManager.getLogger(this.getClass().getName());
pointcut = "org.springframework.security.web.csrf.HttpSessionCsrfTokenRepository.generateToken(..)",
returning = "result"
public void logGeneratedCsrfToken(Object result) {
logger.debug("CSRF token was generated. :::: " + result);
Is there any way I can put log message to see server response to see the csrf token that is generated
Yes, AOP to the rescue. For example you can log token each time it was generated:
#Slf4j // lombok for logging
public class AfterGenerateCsrfTockenAspect {
#AfterReturning( // use here FQDN of your Token generator method
pointcut = "org.springframework.security.web.csrf.CookieCsrfTokenRepository.generateToken(..)",
returning = "result"
public void logGeneratedCsrfToken(Object result) {
log.info("CSRF token '{}' was generated.", result);
By default spring stores csrf token in session. we can access csrf token from session attributes
String key ="org.springframework.security.web.csrf.HttpSessionCsrfTokenRepository.CSRF_TOKEN"
HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);
CsrfToken token =(CsrfToken) session.getAttribute(key);

Spring-ws SoapHeader fields access in endpoint method

We are developing a contract-first WebService using spring-ws 2.2.0. We are trying to manage the authentication using a custom tag, named AuthToken, located in the SoapHeader.
The AuthToken has the following structure:
We are able to generate a WSDL schema containing the specified custom authentication tag inside the SoapHeader.
The problem is that when the client performs the call towards our server we are not able to unmarshal the AuthToken tag (located in the SoapHeader) in our Ws Endpoint implementation.
Using the #RequestPayload annotation in the binding method signature (handleMethodRequest as specified in the example below), we are able to access the unmarshalled payload content (located in the SoapBody).
We tried to make the same thing with the SoapHeader content without success.
In the following code examples we show you what we would like to obtain:
#PayloadRoot(namespace = NAMESPACE_URI, localPart = "methodRequest")
public MethodResponse handleMethodRequest(#RequestPayload MethodRequest request, #SoapHeader(value = "authToken") AuthToken authToken) { }
#PayloadRoot(namespace = NAMESPACE_URI, localPart = "methodRequest")
public MethodResponse handleMethodRequest(#RequestPayload MethodRequest request, AuthToken authToken) { }
#PayloadRoot(namespace = NAMESPACE_URI, localPart = "methodRequest")
public MethodResponse handleMethodRequest(#RequestPayload MethodRequest request, org.springframework.ws.soap.SoapHeader header) { }
#PayloadRoot(namespace = NAMESPACE_URI, localPart = "methodRequest")
public MethodResponse handleMethodRequest(#RequestPayload MethodRequest request, MessageContext messageContext) { }
In case 1, 2 we obtain the following error:
No adapter for endpoint [MethodResponse EndpointImplementation.handleMethodRequest(MethodRequest, AuthToken) throws java.lang.Exception]: Is your endpoint annotated with #Endpoint, or does it implement a supported interface like MessageHandler or PayloadEndpoint?
In case 3, 4 we have no errors but we are not able to handle SoapHeader or MessageContext (respectively in case 3 and 4) to reach our purposes, accessing the AuthToken to retrieve username and password sub element.
Looking for a solution in the web we found that many people having the same problem uses Spring Interceptors to handle the authentication.
Following the "Interceptors-way" we should access the AuthToken inside the interceptor. Unfortunately we need to use AuthToken field inside handleMethodRequest method for other purposes, for example loading user specific data, not accessible outside handleMethodRequest.
Therefore we cannot follow this way because we need to refer user specific data inside the handleMethodRequest method.
Does anyone know how can we solve the problem? Thanks in advance.
For that use case, the only supported combination of annotation and parameter type is #SoapHeader and SoapHeaderElement. Spring-WS currently doesn't support unmarshalling headers.
A hacky way of getting the value from interceptor to the handleMethodRequest is using a static ThreadLocal instance. Since the same thread that invokes the interceptor also invokes the handleMethodRequest you can use
ThreadLocal.set(AuthToken); // in interceptor.
ThreadLocal.get();// in handler and then clear it after use.
Also, I noticed that #SoapHeader(value = "{authToken") in your example does not have } is that a typo here or in your code?

Authentication in Spring MVC via REST

I've been looking for a way to authenticate a user via REST controller (URL params).
The closest thing to do so is the following:
public class UserController extends BaseJSONController{
static Logger sLogger = Logger.getLogger(UserController.class);
#RequestMapping(value = "/login", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public #ResponseBody String login(#RequestParam(value="username") String user, #RequestParam(value="password") String pass) throws JSONException {
Authentication userAuth = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(user, pass);
MyCellebriteAuthenticationProvider MCAP = new MyCellebriteAuthenticationProvider();
if (MCAP.authenticate(userAuth) == null){
response.put("isOk", false);
response.put("isOk", true);
response.put("token", "1234");
return response.toString();
However, this doesn't create a cookie.
Any idea or a better way to implement what I want to achieve?
Firstly, you should not do this manually:
It is better to employ special filter responsible for authentication, setting security context and clearing it after request is handled. By default Spring Security uses thread locals to store security context so if you don't remove it after client invocation, another client can be automatically logged in as someone else. Remember that server threads are often reused for different request by different clients.
Secondly, I would recommend using basic or digest authentication for your RESTful web service. Both are supported by Spring Security. More in docs http://static.springsource.org/spring-security/site/docs/3.1.x/reference/basic.html
And finally, remember that RESTful web service should be stateless.
Also remember that Spring Security documentation is your friend. :-)
