What is the purpose of the dummy argument that's passed to BASIC's POS function? - terminal

Not long ago I read that the Commodore 64's BASIC interpreter contains a POS function which returns the current horizontal position of the cursor. Since then, I've noticed this idiosyncrasy in some other BASIC dialects, including Microsoft QBASIC, and even Roku's BrightScript, which is much more recent.
What I'm wondering is, why is this a thing? If the value of the argument isn't used, why even require it? My guess is that maybe really early on BASIC didn't support functions without arguments, and it's stuck around for whatever reason, probably compatibility. But that wouldn't explain why it's still a required argument.
Worth mentioning is QBASIC also includes CSRLEN, which returns the vertical position of the cursor, but it doesn't require/accept any arguments. This supports my idea that it came from "ancient times"—POS would have been a well-defined operation on the earliest terminals (teletypes), but CSRLEN wouldn't have made sense until later hardware.

I seem to recall (very vaguely) that the lookup table in which pos was placed was one where all functions had an argument (like sin or fre). To that end, pos used common code to ensure it had an argument, even though it was ignored.
The BASIC interpreter in the C64, being based on the (rather limited) 6502 CPU had to all sorts of wondrous tricks to allow all its functionality.
Now keep in mind that required reaching down in to my gray matter through 30-odd years of detritus. I suspect you'll get a more accurate(a) answer over at the retro-computing sister site.
(a) And probably more complete, to an almost painful degree :-)


When to reuse functions?

I have a function in my program that generates random strings.
func randString(s []rune, l int) string
s is a slice of runes containing the possible characters in the string. I pass
in a rune slice of both capital and lowercase alphabetic characters. l
determines the length of the string. This works great. But I also need to
generate random hex strings for html color codes.
It seems all sources say that it's good programming practice to reuse code. So I
made another []rune that held [1-9a-f] and feed that into randString. That
was before I realized that the stdlib already inclues formatting verbs for int
types that suit me perfectly.
In practice, is it better to reuse my randString function or code a separate
(more efficient) function? I would generate a single random int and Sprintf it
rather than having to loop and generate 6 random ints which randString does.
1) If there is an exact solution in the standard library, you should like always choose to use that.
The standard library is tested. So it does what it says (or what we expect it to do). Even if there is a bug in it, it will be discovered (by you or by others) and will get fixed without your work/effort.
The standard library is written as idiomatic Go. Chances are it's faster even if it does a little more than what you need compared to the solution you could write.
The standard library is (or may) improve by time. Your program may get faster just because an implementation was improved in a new Go release without any effort from your part.
The solution is presented (which means it's ready and requires no time from you).
The standard library is well and widely known, so your code will be easier to understand by others and by you later on.
If you're already imported the package (or will in the near future), this means zero or minimal overhead as libraries are statically linked, so the function you need is already linked to your program (to the compiled executable binary).
2) If there is a solution provided by the standard library but it is a general solution to similar problems and/or offers more than what you need:
That means it's more likely not the optimal solution for you, as it may use more memory and/or work more slowly as your solution could be.
You need to decide if you're willing to sacrifice that little performance loss for the gains listed above. This also depends how and how many times you need to use it (e.g. if it's a one-time, it shouldn't matter, if it's in an endless loop called very frequently, it should be examined carefully).
3) And at the other end: you should avoid using a solution provided by the standard library if it wasn't designed to solve your problem...
If it just happens that its "side-effect" solves your problem: Even if the current implementation would be acceptable, if it was designed for something else, future improvements to it could render your usage of it completely useless or could even break it.
Not to mention it would confuse other developers trying to read, improve or use your code (you included, after a certain amount of time).
As a side note: this question is exactly about the function you're trying to create: How to generate a random string of a fixed length in golang? I've presented mutiple very efficient solutions.
This is fairly subjective and not go-specific but I think you shouldn't reuse code just for the sake of reuse. The more code you reuse the more dependencies you create between different parts of your app and as result it becomes more difficult to maintain and modify. Easy to understand and modify code is much more important especially if you work in a team.
For your particular example I would do the following.
If a random color is generated only once in your package/application then using fmt.Sprintf("#%06x", rand.Intn(256*256*256)) is perfectly fine (as suggested by Dave C).
If random colors are generated in multiple places I would create function func randColor() string and call it. Note that now you can optimize randColor implementation however you like without changing the rest of the code. For example you could have implemented randColor using randString initially and then switched to a more efficient implementation later.

When would you swap two numbers without using a third variable?

I have read several sources that discuss how to swap two numbers without using a third variable. These are a few of the most relevant:
How do you swap two integer variables without using any if conditions, casting, or additional variables?
Potential Problem in "Swapping values of two variables without using a third variable"
Swap two integers without using a third variable
I understand why it doesn't make sense to use the described methods in most cases: the code becomes cluttered and difficult to read and will usually execute more slowly than a solution utilizing a third "temp" variable. However, none of the questions I have found discuss any benefits of the two-variable methods in practice. Do they have any redeeming qualities or benefits(historical or contemporary), or are they only useful as obscure programming trivia?
At this point it's just a neat trick. Speed-wise if it makes sense though your compiler will recognize a normal swap and optimize it appropriately (but no guarantees that it will recognize weird xoring and optimize that appropriately).
Another strike against xor is that if one variable alias the other, xor’ing them will zero both out. Since you’ll have to check for and handle this condition, you’ll have extra code involved – probably by using the third variable method.
You could also try adding and subtracting values… except that you’d have to check for and handle overflow, which would involve more code (probably the third variable method). Multiplication and division have the same flaw, but more importantly, there’s the exquisite delight of representing fractions in binary (so this wouldn’t work in the first place).
Edit: D’oh, sorry for the thread necromancy… got so caught up in following links that I forgot to check the dates.

"GLOBAL could be very inefficient"

I am using (in Matlab) a global statement inside an if command, so that I import the global variable into the local namespace only if it is really needed.
The code analyzer warns me that "global could be very inefficient unless it is a top-level statement in its function". Thinking about possible internal implementation, I find this restriction very strange and unusual. I am thinking about two possibilities:
What this warning really means is "global is very inefficient of its own, so don't use it in a loop". In particular, using it inside an if, like I'm doing, is perfectly safe, and the warning is issued wrongly (and poorly worded)
The warning is correct; Matlab uses some really unusual variable loading mechanism in the background, so it is really much slower to import global variables inside an if statement. In this case, I'd like to have a hint or a pointer to how this stuff really works, because I am interested and it seems to be important if I want to write efficient code in future.
Which one of these two explanations is correct? (or maybe neither is?)
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: to make it clearer: I know that global is slow (and apparently I can't avoid using it, as it is a design decision of an old library I am using); what I am asking is why the Matlab code analyzer complains about
but not about
I find it difficult to imagine a reason why the first should be slower than the second.
To supplement eykanals post, this technical note gives an explanation to why global is slow.
... when a function call involves global variables, performance is even more inhibited. This is because to look for global variables, MATLAB has to expand its search space to the outside of the current workspace. Furthermore, the reason a function call involving global variables appears a lot slower than the others is that MATLAB Accelerator does not optimize such a function call.
I do not know the answer, but I strongly suspect this has to do with how memory is allocated and shared at runtime.
Be that as it may, I recommend reading the following two entries on the Mathworks blogs by Loren and Doug:
Writing deployable code, the very first thing he writes in that post
Top 10 MATLAB code practices that make me cry, #2 on that list.
Long story short, global variables are almost never the way to go; there are many other ways to accomplish variable sharing - some of which she discusses - which are more efficient and less error-prone.
The answer from Walter Roberson here
[...] This is not necessarily more work if not done in a top-level command, but people would tend to put the construct in a loop, or in multiple non-exclusive places in conditional structures. It is a lot easier for a person writing mlint warnings to not have to add clarifications like, "Unless you can prove those "global" will only be executed once, in which case it isn't less efficient but it is still bad form"
supports my option (1).
Fact(from Matlab 2014 up until Matlab 2016a, and not using parallell toolbox): often, the fastest code you can achieve with Matlab is by doing nested functions, sharing your variables between functions without passing them.
The step close to that, is using global variables, and splitting your project up into multiple files. This may pull down performance slightly, because (supposedly, although I have never seen it verified in any tests) Matlab incurs overhead by retrieving from the global workspace, and because there is some kind of problem (supposedly, although never seen any evidence of it) with the JIT acceleration.
Through my own testing, passing very large data matrices (hi-res images) between calls to functions, using nested functions or global variables are almost identical in performance.
The reason that you can get superior performance with global variables or nested functions, is because you can avoid having extra data copying that way. If you send a variable to function, Matlab does so by reference, but if you modify the variable in the function, Matlab makes a copy on the fly (copy-on-write). There is no way I know of to avoid that in Matlab, except by nested functions and global variables. Any small drain you get from hinderance to JIT or global fetch times, is totally gained by avoiding this extra data copying, (when using larger data).
This may have changed with never versions of Matlab, but from what i hear from friends, I doubt it. I cant submit any test, dont have a Matlab license anymore.
As proof, look no further then this toolbox of video processing i made back in the day I was working with Matlab. It is horribly ugly under the hood, because I had no way of getting performance without globals.
This fact about Matlab (that global variables is the most optimized way you can code when you need to modify large data in different functions), is an indication that the language and/or interpreter needs to be updated.
Instead, Matlab could use a better, more dynamic notion of workspace. But nothing I have seen indicates this will ever happen. Especially when you see the community of users seemingly ignore the facts, and push forward oppions without any basis: such as using globals in Matlab are slow.
They are not.
That said, you shouldnt use globals, ever. If you are forced to do real time video processing in pure Matlab, and you find you have no other option then using globals to reach performance, you should get the hint and change language. Its time to get into higher performance languages.... and also maybe write an occasional rant on stack overflow, in hopes that Matlab can get improved by swaying the oppinions of its users.

Do many old ColdFusion Performance admonitions still apply in CFMX 8?

I have an old standards document that has gone through several iterations and has its roots back in the ColdFusion 5 days. It contains a number of admonitions, primarily for performance, that I'm not so sure are still valid.
Do any of these still apply in ColdFusion MX 8? Do they really make that much difference in performance?
Use compare() or compareNoCase() instead of is not when comparing strings
Don't use evaluate() unless there is no other way to write your code
Don't use iif()
Always use struct.key or struct[key] instead of structFind(struct,key)
Don't use incrementValue()
I agree with Tomalak's thoughts on premature optimization. Compare is not as readable as "eq."
That being said there is a great article on the Adobe Developer Center about ColdFusion Performance: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/coldfusion/articles/coldfusion_performance.html
Compare()/CompareNoCase(): comparing case-insensitively is more expensive in Java, too. I'd say this still holds true.
Don't use evaluate(): Absolutely - unless there's no way around it. Most of the time, there is.
Don't use Iif(): I can't say much about this one. I don't use it anyway because the whole DE() stuff that comes with it sucks so much.
struct.key over StructFind(struct,key): I'd suspect that internally both use the same Java method to get a struct item. StructFind() is just one more function call on the stack. I've never used it, since I have no idea what benefit it would bring. I guess it's around for backwards compatibility only.
IncrementValue(): I've never used that one. I mean, it's 16 characters and does not even increment the variable in-place. Which would have been the only excuse for it's existence.
Some of the concerns fall in the "premature optimization" corner, IMHO. Personal preference or coding style apart, I would only start to care about some of the subtleties in a heavy inner loop that bogs down the app.
For instance, if you do not need a case-insensitive string compare, it makes no sense using CompareNoCase(). But I'd say 99.9% of the time the actual performance difference is negligible. Sure you can write a loop that times 100000 iterations of different operations and you'd find they perform differently. But in real-world situations these academic differences rarely make any measurable impact.
Coldfusion MX 8 is several times faster than MX 7 from all accounts. When it came out, I read many opinions that simply upgrading for the performance boost without changing a line of code was well worth it... It was worth it. With the gains in processing power, memory availability, generally, you can do a lot more with less optimized code.
Does this mean we should stop caring and write whatever? No. Chances are where we take the most shortcuts, we'll have to grow the system the most there.
Finding that find line between enough engineering and not over-engineering a solution is a fine balance. There's a quote there by Knuth I believe that says "Premature optimizations is the root of all evil"
For me, I try to base it on:
how much it will be used,
how expensive that will be across my expected user base,
how critical/central it is to everything,
how often I may be coming back to the code to extend it into other areas
The more that these types of ideas lie in the "probably or one way or another I will", I pay more attention to it. If it needs to be readable and a small performance hit results, it's the better way to go for sustainability of the code.
Otherwise, I let items fight for my attention while I solve and build things of real(er) value.
The single biggest favour we can do ourselves is use a framework with any project, no matter how small and do the small things right from the beginning.
That way there is no sense of dread in going back to work on a system that was originally meant to be a temporary hack but never got re-factored.

Can this kernel function be more readable? (Ideas needed for an academic research!)

Following my previous question regarding the rationale behind extremely long functions, I would like to present a specific question regarding a piece of code I am studying for my research. It's a function from the Linux Kernel which is quite long (412 lines) and complicated (an MCC index of 133). Basically, it's a long and nested switch statement
Frankly, I can't think of any way to improve this mess. A dispatch table seems both huge and inefficient, and any subroutine call would require an inconceivable number of arguments in order to cover a large-enough segment of code.
Do you think of any way this function can be rewritten in a more readable way, without losing efficiency? If not, does the code seem readable to you?
Needless to say, any answer that will appear in my research will be given full credit - both here and in the submitted paper.
Link to the function in an online source browser
I don't think that function is a mess. I've had to write such a mess before.
That function is the translation into code of a table from a microprocessor manufacturer. It's very low-level stuff, copying the appropriate hardware registers for the particular interrupt or error reason. In this kind of code, you often can't touch registers which have not been filled in by the hardware - that can cause bus errors. This prevents the use of code that is more general (like copying all registers).
I did see what appeared to be some code duplication. However, at this level (operating at interrupt level), speed is more important. I wouldn't use Extract Method on the common code unless I knew that the extracted method would be inlined.
BTW, while you're in there (the kernel), be sure to capture the change history of this code. I have a suspicion that you'll find there have not been very many changes in here, since it's tied to hardware. The nature of the changes over time of this sort of code will be quite different from the nature of the changes experienced by most user-mode code.
This is the sort of thing that will change, for instance, when a new consolidated IO chip is implemented. In that case, the change is likely to be copy and paste and change the new copy, rather than to modify the existing code to accommodate the changed registers.
Utterly horrible, IMHO. The obvious first-order fix is to make each case in the switch a call to a function. And before anyone starts mumbling about efficiency, let me just say one word - "inlining".
Edit: Is this code part of the Linux FPU emulator by any chance? If so this is very old code that was a hack to get linux to work on Intel chips like the 386 which didn't have an FPU. If it is, it's probably not a suitable study for academics, except for historians!
There's a kind of regularity here, I suspect that for a domain expert this actually feels very coherent.
Also having the variations in close proximty allows immediate visual inspection.
I don't see a need to refactor this code.
I'd start by defining constants for the various classes. Coming into this code cold, it's a mystery what the switching is for; if the switching was against named constants, I'd have a starting point.
Update: You can get rid of about 70 lines where the cases return MAJOR_0C_EXCP; simply let them fall through to the end of the routine. Since this is kernel code I'll mention that there might be some performance issues with that, particularly if the case order has already been optimized, but it would at least reduce the amount of code you need to deal with.
I don't know much about kernels or about how re-factoring them might work.
The main thing that comes to my mind is taking that switch statement and breaking each sub step in to a separate function with a name that describes what the section is doing. Basically, more descriptive names.
But, I don't think this optimizes the function any more. It just breaks it in to smaller functions of which might be helpful... I don't know.
That is my 2 cents.
