Do many old ColdFusion Performance admonitions still apply in CFMX 8? - performance

I have an old standards document that has gone through several iterations and has its roots back in the ColdFusion 5 days. It contains a number of admonitions, primarily for performance, that I'm not so sure are still valid.
Do any of these still apply in ColdFusion MX 8? Do they really make that much difference in performance?
Use compare() or compareNoCase() instead of is not when comparing strings
Don't use evaluate() unless there is no other way to write your code
Don't use iif()
Always use struct.key or struct[key] instead of structFind(struct,key)
Don't use incrementValue()

I agree with Tomalak's thoughts on premature optimization. Compare is not as readable as "eq."
That being said there is a great article on the Adobe Developer Center about ColdFusion Performance:

Compare()/CompareNoCase(): comparing case-insensitively is more expensive in Java, too. I'd say this still holds true.
Don't use evaluate(): Absolutely - unless there's no way around it. Most of the time, there is.
Don't use Iif(): I can't say much about this one. I don't use it anyway because the whole DE() stuff that comes with it sucks so much.
struct.key over StructFind(struct,key): I'd suspect that internally both use the same Java method to get a struct item. StructFind() is just one more function call on the stack. I've never used it, since I have no idea what benefit it would bring. I guess it's around for backwards compatibility only.
IncrementValue(): I've never used that one. I mean, it's 16 characters and does not even increment the variable in-place. Which would have been the only excuse for it's existence.
Some of the concerns fall in the "premature optimization" corner, IMHO. Personal preference or coding style apart, I would only start to care about some of the subtleties in a heavy inner loop that bogs down the app.
For instance, if you do not need a case-insensitive string compare, it makes no sense using CompareNoCase(). But I'd say 99.9% of the time the actual performance difference is negligible. Sure you can write a loop that times 100000 iterations of different operations and you'd find they perform differently. But in real-world situations these academic differences rarely make any measurable impact.

Coldfusion MX 8 is several times faster than MX 7 from all accounts. When it came out, I read many opinions that simply upgrading for the performance boost without changing a line of code was well worth it... It was worth it. With the gains in processing power, memory availability, generally, you can do a lot more with less optimized code.
Does this mean we should stop caring and write whatever? No. Chances are where we take the most shortcuts, we'll have to grow the system the most there.
Finding that find line between enough engineering and not over-engineering a solution is a fine balance. There's a quote there by Knuth I believe that says "Premature optimizations is the root of all evil"
For me, I try to base it on:
how much it will be used,
how expensive that will be across my expected user base,
how critical/central it is to everything,
how often I may be coming back to the code to extend it into other areas
The more that these types of ideas lie in the "probably or one way or another I will", I pay more attention to it. If it needs to be readable and a small performance hit results, it's the better way to go for sustainability of the code.
Otherwise, I let items fight for my attention while I solve and build things of real(er) value.
The single biggest favour we can do ourselves is use a framework with any project, no matter how small and do the small things right from the beginning.
That way there is no sense of dread in going back to work on a system that was originally meant to be a temporary hack but never got re-factored.


How small should functions be? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
When is a function too long? [closed]
(24 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
How small should I be making functions? For example, if I have a cake baking program.
if(cakeType == "chocolate")
if(cakeType == "plain")
if(cakeType == "Red velvet")
fetchIngredients("Red Velvet")
//Rest of program
My question is, while this stuff is simple enough on its own, when I add much more stuff to the bakeCake function it becomes cluttered. But lets say that this program has to bake thousands of cakes per second. From what I've heard, it takes significantly longer (relative to computer time) to use another function compared to just doing the statements in the current function. So something that's similar like this should be very easy to read, and if efficiency is important wouldn't I want to keep it in there?
Basically, at what point do I sacrifice readability for efficiency. And a quick bonus question, at what point does having too many functions decrease readability? Here's an example of Apple's swift tutorial.
func isCandyAmountAcceptable(bandMemberCount: Int, candyCount: Int) -> Bool {
return candyCount % bandMemberCount == 0
They said that because the function name isCandyAmountAcceptable was easier to read than candyCount % bandMemberCount == 0 that it'd be good to make a function for that. But from my perspective it may take a few seconds to figure out what the second option is saying, but it's also more readable when ti comes to knowing how it works.
Sorry about being all over the place and kinda asking 2 questions in one. Just to summarize my questions:
Does using functions extraneously make efficiency (speed) suffer? If it does how can I figure out what the cutoff between readability and efficiency is?
How small and simple should I make functions for? Obviously I'd make them if I ever have to repeat the function, but what about one time use functions?
Thanks guys, sorry if these questions are ignorant or anything but I'd really appreciate an answer.
Does using functions extraneously make efficiency (speed) suffer? If
it does how can I figure out what the cutoff between readability and
efficiency is?
For performance I would generally not factor in any overhead of direct function calls against any decent optimizer, since it can even make those come free of charge. When it doesn't, it's still a negligible overhead in, say, 99.9% of scenarios. That applies even for performance-critical fields. I work in areas like raytracing, mesh processing, and image processing and still the cost of a function call is typically on the bottom of the priority list as opposed to, say, locality of reference, efficient data structures, parallelization, and vectorization. Even when you're micro-optimizing, there are much bigger priorities than the cost of a direct function call, and even when you're micro-optimizing, you often want to leave a lot of the optimization for your optimizer to perform instead of trying to fight against it and do it all by hand (unless you're actually writing assembly code).
Of course with some compilers you might deal with ones that never inline function calls and have a bit of an overhead to every function call. But in that case I'd still say it's relatively negligible since you probably shouldn't be worrying about such micro-level optimizations when using those languages and interpreters/compilers. Even then it will probably often be bottom on the priority list, relatively speaking, as opposed to more impactful things like improving locality of reference and thread efficiency.
It's like if you're using a compiler with very simplistic register allocation that has a stack spill for every single variable you use, that doesn't mean you should be trying to use and reuse as few variables as possible to work around its tendencies. It means reach for a new compiler in those cases where that's a non-negligible overhead (ex: write some C code into a dylib and use that for the most performance-critical parts), or focus on higher-level optimizations like making everything run in parallel.
How small and simple should I make functions for? Obviously I'd make
them if I ever have to repeat the function, but what about one time
use functions?
This is where I'm going to go slightly off-kilter and actually suggest you consider avoiding the teeniest of functions for maintainability reasons. This is admittedly a controversial opinion although at least John Carmack seems to somewhat agree (specifically in respect to inlining code and avoiding excess function calls for cases where side effects occur to make the side effects easier to comprehend).
However, if you are going to make a lot of state changes, having them
all happen inline does have advantages; you should be made constantly
aware of the full horror of what you are doing.
The reason I believe it can sometimes be good to err on the side of meatier functions is because there's often more to comprehend than that of a simple function to understand all the information necessary to make a change or fix a problem.
Which is simpler to comprehend, a function whose logic consists of 80 lines of inlined code, or one distributed across a couple dozen functions and possibly ones that lead to disparate places throughout the codebase?
The answer is not so clear cut. Naturally if the teeny functions are used widely, like say sqrt or abs, then the reader can simply skim over the function call, knowing full well what it does like the back of his hand. But if there are a lot of teeny exotic functions that are only used one time, then the ability to comprehend the operation as a whole requires looking them up and understanding what they all individually do before you can get a proper comprehension of what's going on in terms of the big picture.
I actually disagree with that Apple Swift tutorial somewhat with that one-liner function because while it is easier to understand than figuring out what the arithmetic and comparison are supposed to do, in exchange it might require looking it up to see what it does in scenarios where you can't just say, isCandyAmountAcceptable is enough information for me and need to figure out exactly what makes an amount acceptable. Instead I would actually prefer a simple comment:
// Determine if candy amount is acceptable.
if (candyCount % bandMemberCount == 0)
... because then you don't have to jump to disparate places in code (the analogy of a book referring its reader to other pages in the book causing the readers to constantly have to flip back and forth between pages) to figure that out. Of course the idea behind this isCandyAmountAcceptable kind of function is that you shouldn't have to be concerned with such details about what makes a candy amount of acceptable, but too often in practice, we do end up having to understand the details more often than we optimally should to debug the code or make changes to it. If the code never needs to be debugged or changed, then it doesn't really matter how it's written. It could even be written in binary code for all we care. But if it's written to be maintained, as in debugged and changed in the future, then sometimes it is helpful to avoid making the readers have to jump through lots of hoops. The details do often matter in those scenarios.
So sometimes it doesn't help to understand the big picture by fragmenting it into the teeniest of puzzle pieces. It's a balancing act, but certain types of developers can err on the side of overly dicing up their systems into the most granular bits and pieces and finding maintenance problems that way. Those types are still often promising engineers -- they just have to find their balance. The other extreme is the one that writes 500-line functions and doesn't even consider refactoring -- those are kinda hopeless. But I think you fit in the former category, and for you, I'd actually suggest erring on the side of meatier functions ever-so-slightly just to keep the puzzle pieces a healthy size (not too small, not too big).
There's even a balancing act I see between code duplication and minimizing dependencies. An image library doesn't necessarily become easier to comprehend by shaving off a few dozen lines of duplicated math code if the exchange is a dependency to a complex math library with 800,000 lines of code and an epic manual on how to use it. In such cases, the image library might very well be easier to comprehend as well as use and deploy in new projects if it chooses instead to duplicate a few math functions here and there to avoid external dependencies, isolating its complexity instead of distributing it elsewhere.
Basically, at what point do I sacrifice readability for efficiency.
As stated above, I don't think readability of the small picture and comprehensibility of the big picture are synonymous. It can be really easy to read a two-line function and know what it does and still be miles away from understanding what you need to understand to make the necessary changes. Having many of those teeny one-shot two-liners can even delay the ability to comprehend the big picture.
But if I use "comprehensibility vs. efficiency" instead, I'd say upfront at the design-level for cases where you anticipate processing huge inputs. As an example, a video processing application with custom filters knows it's going to be looping over millions of pixels many times per frame. That knowledge should be utilized to come up with an efficient design for looping over millions of pixels repeatedly. But that's with respect to design -- towards the central aspects of the system that many other places will depend upon because big central design changes are too costly to apply late in hindsight.
That doesn't mean it has to start applying hard-to-understand SIMD code right off the bat. That's an implementation detail provided the design leaves enough breathing room to explore such an optimization in hindsight. Such a design would imply abstracting at the Image level, at the level of a million+ pixels, not at the level of a single IPixel. That's the worthy thing to take into consideration upfront.
Then later on, you can optimize hotspots and potentially use some difficult-to-understand algorithms and micro-optimizations here and there for those truly critical cases where there's a strong perceived business need for the operation to go faster, and hopefully with good tools (profilers, i.e.) in hand. The user cases guide you about what operations to optimize based on what the users do most often and find a strong desire to spend less time waiting. The profiler guides you about precisely what parts of the code involved in that operation need to be optimized.
Readability, performance and maintainability are three different things. Readability will make your code look simple and understandable, not necessarily best way to go. Performance is always going to be important, unless you are running this code in non-production environment where end result is more important than how it was achieved. Enter the world of enterprise applications, maintainability suddenly gains lot more importance. What you work on today will be handed over to somebody else after 6 months and they will be fixing/changing your code. This is why suddenly standard design patterns become so important. In a way, the readability is part of maintainability on larger scale. If the cake baking program above is something more complex than what its looking like, first thing stands out as a code smell is existence if if-else. Its gotta get replaced with polymorphism. Same goes with switch case kind of construct.
At what point do you decide to sacrifice one for other? That purely depends upon what business your code is achieving. Is it academic? Its got to be the perfect solution even if it means 90% devs struggle to figure out at first glance what the hell is happening. Is it a website belonging to retail store being maintained by distributed team of 50 devs working from 2 or more different geographic locations? Follow the conventional design patterns.
A rule of thumb I have always seen being followed in almost all situations is that if a function is growing beyond half the screen, its a candidate for refactoring. Do you have functions that end up you having your editor long length scroll bars? Refactor!!!

Is Performance Always Important?

Since I am a Lone Developer, I have to think about every aspect of the systems I am working on. Lately I've been thinking about performance of my two websites, and ways to improve it. Sites like StackOverflow proclaim, "performance is a feature." However, "premature optimization is the root of all evil," and none of my customers have complained yet about the sites' performance.
My question is, is performance always important? Should performance always be a feature?
Note: I don't think this question is the same as this one, as that poster is asking when to consider performance and I am asking if the answer to that question is always, and if so, why. I also don't think this question should be CW, as I believe there is an answer and reasoning for that answer.
Adequate performance is always important.
Absolute fastest possible performance is almost never important.
It's always worth keeping an eye on performance and being aware of anything outrageously non-optimal that you're doing (particularly at a design/architecture level) but that's not the same as micro-optimising every line of code.
Performance != Optimization.
Performance is a feature indeed, but premature optimization will cost you time and will not yield the same result as when you optimize the parts that need optimization. And you can't really know which parts need optimization until you can actually profile something.
Performance is the feature that your clients will not tell you about if it's missing, unless it's really painfully slow and they're forced to use your product. Existing customers may report it in the end, but new customers will simply not bother if the performance is required.
You need to know what performance you need, and formulate it as a requirement. Then, you have to meet your own requirement.
That 'root of all evil' quote is almost always misused and misunderstood.
Designing your application to perform well can be mostly be done with just good design. Good design != premature optimization, and it's utterly ridiculous to go off writing crap code and blowing off doing a better job on the design as an 'evil' waste. Now, I'm not specifically talking about you here... but I see people do this a lot.
It usually saves you time to do a good job on the design. If you emphasize that, you'll get better at it... and get faster and faster at writing systems that perform well from the start.
Understanding what kinds of structures and access methods work best in certain situations is key here.
Sure, if you're app becomes truly massive or has insane speed requirements you may find yourself doing tricked out optimizations that make your code uglier or harder to maintain... and it would be wrong to do those things before you need to.
But that is absolutely NOT the same thing as making an effort to understand and use the right algorithms or data patterns or whatever in the first place.
Your users are probably not going to complain about bad performance if it's bearable. They possibly wouldn't even know it could be faster. Reacting to complaints as a primary driver is a bad way to operate. Sure, you need to address complaints you receive... but a lack of them does not mean there isn't a problem. The fact that you are considering improving performance is a bit of an indicator right there. Was it just a whim, or is some part of you telling you it should be better? Why did you consider improving it?
Just don't go crazy doing unnecessary stuff.
Keep performance in mind but given your situation it would be unwise to spend too much time up front on it.
Performance is important but it's often hard to know where your bottleneck will be. Therefore I'd suggest planning to dedicate some time to this feature once you've got something to work with.
Thus you need to set up metrics that are important to your clients and you. Keep and analyse these measurements. Then estimate how long and how much each would take to implement. Now you can aim on getting as much bang for you buck/time.
If it's web it would be wise to note your page size and performance using Firebug + yslow and/or google page speed. Again, know what applies to a small site like yours and things that only apply to yahoo and google.
Jackson’s Rules of Optimization:
Rule 1. Don’t do it.
Rule 2 (for experts only). Don’t do it
yet— that is, not until you have a
perfectly clear and unoptimized
—M. A. Jackson
Extracted from Code Complete 2nd edition.
To give a generalized answer to a general question:
First make it work, then make it right, then make it fast.
This puts a more constructive perspective on "premature optimization is the root of all evil".
So to parallel Jon Skeet's answer, adequate performance (as part of making something work, and making it right) is always important. Even then it can often be addressed after other functionality.
Jon Skeets 'adequate' nails it, with the additional provision that for a library you don't know yet what's adequate, so it's better to err on the safe side.
It is one of the many stakes you must not get wrong, but the quality of your app is largely determined by the weakest link.
Performance is definitely always important in a certain sense - maybe not the one you mean: namely in all phases of development.
In Big O notation, what's inside the parantheses is largely decided by design - both components isolation and data storage. Choice of algorithm will usually only best/worst case behavior (unless you start with decidedly substandard algorithms). Code optimizations will mostly affect the constant factor - which shouldn't be neglected, either.
But that's true for all aspects of code: in any stage, you have a good chance to fail any aspect - stability, maintainability, compatibility etc. Performance needs to be balanced, so that no aspect is left behind.
In most applications 90% or more of execution time is spend in 10% or less of the code. Usually there is little use in optimizing other code than these 10%.
performance is only important to the extent that developing the performance improvement takes less time than the total amount of time that will be saved for the user(s).
the result is that if you're developing something for millions... yeah it's important to save them time. if you're coding up a tool for your own use... it might be more trouble than it's worth to save a minute or even an hour or more.
(this is clearly not a rule set in stone... there are times when performance is truly critical no matter how much development time it takes)
There should be a balance to everything. Cost (or time to develop) vs Performance for instance. More performance = more cost. If a requirement of the system being built is high performance then the cost should not matter, but if cost is a factor then you optimize within reason. After a while, your return on investment suffers in that more performance does not bring in more returns.
The importance of performance is IMHO highly correlated to your problem set. If you are creating a site with an expectation of a heavy load and lot of server side processing, then you might want to put some more time into performance (otherwise your site might end up being unusable). However, for most applications the the time put into optimizing your perfomance on a website is not going to pay off - users won't notice the difference.
So I guess it breaks down to this:
Will users notice the improvements?
How does this improvement compare to competing sites?
If users will notice AND the improvement would be enough to differentiate you from the competition - performance is an important feature - otherwise not so much. (To a point - I don't recommend ignoring it entirely - you don't want your site to turtle along after all).
No. Fast enough is generally good enough.
It's not necessarily true, however, that your client's ideas about "fast enough" should trump your own. If you think it's fast enough and your client doesn't then yes, you need to accommodate your ideas to theirs. But if you're client thinks it's fast enough and you don't you should seriously consider going with your opinion, no theirs (since you may be more knowledgeable about performance standards in the wider world).
How important performance is depends largely and foremost on what you do.
For example, if you write a library that can be used in any environment, this can hardly ever have too much performance. In some environments, a 10% performance advantage can be a major feature for a library.
If you, OTOH, write an application, there's always a point where it is fast enough. Users won't neither realize nor care whether a button pressed reacts within 0.05 or 0.2 seconds - even though that's a factor of 4.
However, it is always easier to get working code faster, than it is to get fast code working.
No. Performance is not important.
Lack of performance is important.
Performance is something to be designed in from the outset, not tacked on at the end. For the past 15 years I have been working in the performance engineering space and the cause of most project failures that I work on is a lack of requirements on performance. A couple of posts have noted "fast enough" as an observation and whether your expectation matches that of your clients, but what about when you have a situation of your client, your architectural team, your platform engineering team, your functional test team, your performance test team and your operations team all have different expectations on performance, none of which have been committed to stone and measured against. Bad Magic to be certain.
Capture those expectations on the part of your clients. Commit them to a specific, objective, measurable requirement that you can evaluate at each stage of production of your software. Expectations may not be uniform, with one section of your app/code needing to be faster than others, nor will each customer have the same expectations on what is considered acceptable. Having this information will force you to confront decisions in the design and implementation that you may have overlooked in the past and it will result in a product which is a better match to your clients expectations.

Performance anti patterns

I am currently working for a client who are petrified of changing lousy un-testable and un-maintainable code because of "performance reasons". It is clear that there are many misconceptions running rife and reasons are not understood, but merely followed with blind faith.
One such anti-pattern I have come across is the need to mark as many classes as possible as sealed internal...
*RE-Edit: I see marking everything as sealed internal (in C#) as a premature optimisation.*
I am wondering what are some of the other performance anti-patterns people may be aware of or come across?
The biggest performance anti-pattern I have come across is:
Not measuring performance before and
after the changes.
Collecting performance data will show if a certain technique was successful or not. Not doing so will result in pretty useless activities, because someone has the "feeling" of increased performance when nothing at all has changed.
The elephant in the room: Focusing on implementation-level micro-optimization instead of on better algorithms.
Variable re-use.
I used to do this all the time figuring I was saving a few cycles on the declaration and lowering memory footprint. These savings were of minuscule value compared with how unruly it made the code to debug, especially if I ended up moving a code block around and the assumptions about starting values changed.
Premature performance optimizations comes to mind. I tend to avoid performance optimizations at all costs and when I decide I do need them I pass the issue around to my collegues several rounds trying to make sure we put the obfu... eh optimization in the right place.
One that I've run into was throwing hardware at seriously broken code, in an attempt to make it fast enough, sort of the converse of Jeff Atwood's article mentioned in Rulas' comment. I'm not talking about the difference between speeding up a sort that uses a basic, correct algorithm by running it on faster hardware vs. using an optimized algorithm. I'm talking about using a not obviously correct home brewed O(n^3) algorithm when a O(n log n) algorithm is in the standard library. There's also things like hand coding routines because the programmer doesn't know what's in the standard library. That one's very frustrating.
Using design patterns just to have them used.
Using #defines instead of functions to avoid the penalty of a function call.
I've seen code where expansions of defines turned out to generate huge and really slow code. Of course it was impossible to debug as well. Inline functions is the way to do this, but they should be used with care as well.
I've seen code where independent tests has been converted into bits in a word that can be used in a switch statement. Switch can be really fast, but when people turn a series of independent tests into a bitmask and starts writing some 256 optimized special cases they'd better have a very good benchmark proving that this gives a performance gain. It's really a pain from maintenance point of view and treating the different tests independently makes the code much smaller which is also important for performance.
Lack of clear program structure is the biggest code-sin of them all. Convoluted logic that is believed to be fast almost never is.
Do not refactor or optimize while writing your code. It is extremely important not to try to optimize your code before you finish it.
Julian Birch once told me:
"Yes but how many years of running the application does it actually take to make up for the time spent by developers doing it?"
He was referring to the cumulative amount of time saved during each transaction by an optimisation that would take a given amount of time to implement.
Wise words from the old sage... I often think of this advice when considering doing a funky optimisation. You can extend the same notion a little further by considering how much developer time is being spent dealing with the code in its present state versus how much time is saved by the users. You could even weight the time by hourly rate of the developer versus the user if you wanted.
Of course, sometimes its impossible to measure, for example, if an e-commerce application takes 1 second longer to respond you will loose some small % money from users getting bored during that 1 second. To make up that one second you need to implement and maintain optimised code. The optimisation impacts gross profit positively, and net profit negatively, so its much harder to balance. You could try - with good stats.
Exploiting your programming language. Things like using exception handling instead of if/else just because in PLSnakish 1.4 it's faster. Guess what? Chances are it's not faster at all and that two years from now someone maintaining your code will get really angry with you because you obfuscated the code and made it run much slower, because in PLSnakish 1.8 the language maintainers fixed the problem and now if/else is 10 times faster than using exception handling tricks. Work with your programming language and framework!
Changing more than one variable at a time. This drives me absolutely bonkers! How can you determine the impact of a change on a system when more than one thing's been changed?
Related to this, making changes that are not warranted by observations. Why add faster/more CPUs if the process isn't CPU bound?
General solutions.
Just because a given pattern/technology performs better in one circumstance does not mean it does in another.
StringBuilder overuse in .Net is a frequent example of this one.
Once I had a former client call me asking for any advice I had on speeding up their apps.
He seemed to expect me to say things like "check X, then check Y, then check Z", in other words, to provide expert guesses.
I replied that you have to diagnose the problem. My guesses might be wrong less often than someone else's, but they would still be wrong, and therefore disappointing.
I don't think he understood.
Some developers believe a fast-but-incorrect solution is sometimes preferable to a slow-but-correct one. So they will ignore various boundary conditions or situations that "will never happen" or "won't matter" in production.
This is never a good idea. Solutions always need to be "correct".
You may need to adjust your definition of "correct" depending upon the situation. What is important is that you know/define exactly what you want the result to be for any condition, and that the code gives those results.
Michael A Jackson gives two rules for optimizing performance:
Don't do it.
(experts only) Don't do it yet.
If people are worried about performance, tell 'em to make it real - what is good performance and how do you test for it? Then if your code doesn't perform up to their standards, at least it's something the code writer and the application user agree on.
If people are worried about non-performance costs of rewriting ossified code (for example, the time sink) then present your estimates and demonstrate that it can be done in the schedule. Assuming it can.
I believe it is a common myth that super lean code "close to the metal" is more performant than an elegant domain model.
This was apparently de-bunked by the creator/lead developer of DirectX, who re-wrote the c++ version in C# with massive improvements. [source required]
Appending to an array using (for example) push_back() in C++ STL, ~= in D, etc. when you know how big the array is supposed to be ahead of time and can pre-allocate it.

When is it good (if ever) to scrap production code and start over? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
I was asked to do a code review and report on the feasibility of adding a new feature to one of our new products, one that I haven't personally worked on until now. I know it's easy to nitpick someone else's code, but I'd say it's in bad shape (while trying to be as objective as possible). Some highlights from my code review:
Abuse of threads: QueueUserWorkItem and threads in general are used a lot, and Thread-pool delegates have uninformative names such as PoolStart and PoolStart2. There is also a lack of proper synchronization between threads, in particular accessing UI objects on threads other than the UI thread.
Magic numbers and magic strings: Some Const's and Enum's are defined in the code, but much of the code relies on literal values.
Global variables: Many variables are declared global and may or may not be initialized depending on what code paths get followed and what order things occur in. This gets very confusing when the code is also jumping around between threads.
Compiler warnings: The main solution file contains 500+ warnings, and the total number is unknown to me. I got a warning from Visual Studio that it couldn't display any more warnings.
Half-finished classes: The code was worked on and added to here and there, and I think this led to people forgetting what they had done before, so there are a few seemingly half-finished classes and empty stubs.
Not Invented Here: The product duplicates functionality that already exists in common libraries used by other products, such as data access helpers, error logging helpers, and user interface helpers.
Separation of concerns: I think someone was holding the book upside down when they read about the typical "UI -> business layer -> data access layer" 3-tier architecture. In this codebase, the UI layer directly accesses the database, because the business layer is partially implemented but mostly ignored due to not being fleshed out fully enough, and the data access layer controls the UI layer. Most of the low-level database and network methods operate on a global reference to the main form, and directly show, hide, and modify the form. Where the rather thin business layer is actually used, it also tends to control the UI directly. Most of this lower-level code also uses MessageBox.Show to display error messages when an exception occurs, and most swallow the original exception. This of course makes it a bit more complicated to start writing units tests to verify the functionality of the program before attempting to refactor it.
I'm just scratching the surface here, but my question is simple enough: Would it make more sense to take the time to refactor the existing codebase, focusing on one issue at a time, or would you consider rewriting the entire thing from scratch?
EDIT: To clarify a bit, we do have the original requirements for the project, which is why starting over could be an option. Another way to phrase my question is: Can code ever reach a point where the cost of maintaining it would become greater than the cost of dumping it and starting over?
Without any offense intended, the decision to rewrite a codebase from scratch is a common, and serious management mistake newbie software developers make.
There are many disadvantages to be wary of.
Rewrites stop new features from being developed cold for months/years. Few, if any companies can afford to stand-still for this long.
Most development schedules are difficult to nail. This rewrite will be no exception. Amplify the previous point by, now, a delay in development.
Bugs that were fixed in the existing codebase through painful experience will be re-introduced. Joel Spolsky has more examples in this article.
Danger of falling victim to the Second-system effect -- in summary, ``People who have designed something only once before try to do all the things they "didn't get to do last time", loading the project up with all the things they put off while making version one, even if most of them should be put off in version two as well.''
Once this expensive, burdensome rewrite is completed, the very next team to inherit the new codebase is likely to use the same excuses for doing another rewrite. Programmers hate learning someone else's code. No one writes perfect code because perfection is so subjective. Find me any real-world application and I can give you a damning indictment and rationale for doing a from-scratch rewrite.
Whether you ultimately rewrite from scratch or not, beginning a refactoring phase now is a good way to both really sit down and understand the problem so that the rewrite will go more smoothly if truly called for, as well as giving the existing codebase an honest look to really see if a rewrite's needed.
To actually scrap and start over?
When the current code doesn't do what you would like it to do, and would be cost prohibitive to change.
I'm sure someone will now link Joel's article about Netscape throwing their code away and how it's oh-so-terrible and a huge mistake. I don't want to talk about it in detail, but if you do link that article, before you do so, consider this: the IE engine, the engine that allowed MS to release IE 4, 5, 5.5, and 6 in quick succession, the IE engine that totally destroyed Netscape... it was new. Trident was a new engine after they threw away the IE 3 engine because it didn't provide a suitable basis for their future development work. MS did that which Joel says you must never do, and it is because MS did so that they had a browser that allowed them to completely eclipse Netscape. So please... just meditate on that thought for a moment before you link Joel and say "oh you should never do it, it's a terrible idea".
A rule of thumb I've found useful is that if given a code base, if I have to re-write more than 25% of the code to make it work or modify it based upon new requirements, you may as well re-write it from scratch.
The reasoning is that you can only patch a body of code so far; beyond a certain point, it's quicker to do over.
There's an underlying assumption that you have a mechanism (such as thorough unit and/or system tests) that will tell you whether your re-written version is functionally equivalent (where it needs to be) as the original.
If it requires more time to read and understand the code (if that is even possible)
than it would to rewrite the entire application, I say scrap it and start over.
Be very carefull with this:
Are you sure you aren't just being lazy and not bothering to read the code
Are you being arrogant about the great code you will write compared to the rubbish anyone else produced.
Remember tested-working code is worth a lot more than imaginary yet-to-be-written code
In the words of our estemed host and overlord, Joel - things you should never do,
it's not always wrong to abandon working code - but you have to be sure about the reason.
I saw an application re-architected within 2 years of its introduction into production, and others rewritten in different technologies (one was C++ - now Java). Both efforts were were not, to my mind, successful.
I prefer a more evolutionary approach to bad software. If you can "componentize" your old app such that you can introduce your new requirements and interface with the old code, you can ease yourself into the new environment without having to "sell" the zero-value (from a biz perspective) investment in rewriting.
Suggested approach - write unit tests for the functionality with which you wish to interface to 1) ensure the code behaves as you expect and 2) provide a safety net for any refactoring that you may wish to do on the old base.
Bad code is the norm. I think IT gets a bad rap from business for favoring rewrites/rearchitecting/etc. They pay the money and "trust" us (as an industry) to deliver solid, extensible code. Sadly, business pressures frequently result in shortcuts that make the code unmaintainable. Sometimes it's bad programmers... sometimes bad situations.
To answer your rephrased question... can code maintenance costs ever exceed rewriting costs... the answer is clearly yes. I don't see anything in your examples, however, that lead me to believe this is your case. I think those issues can be addressed with tests and refactoring.
In terms of business value, I would think it's extremely rare that a real case can be made for a rewrite due solely to the internal state of the code. If the product's customer-facing and is currently live and bringing in money (i.e. is not a mothballed or unreleased product), then consider that:
You already have customers using it. They're familiar with it, and might have built some of their own assets around it. (Other systems that interface to it; products based on it; processes they'd have to change; staff they'd maybe have to retrain). All of this costs the customer money.
Re-writing it might cost less in the long term than making difficult changes and fixes. But you can't quantify that yet, unless your app is no more complex than Hello World. And a re-write means a re-test and a redeploy, and probably an upgrade path for your customers.
Who says the re-write will be any better? Can you honestly say your firm is writing sparkly code now? Have the practices that turned the original code to spaghetti been corrected? (Even if the main culprit was a single developer, where were his peers and management, ensuring quality through reviews, testing, etc.?)
In terms of technical reasons, I'd suggest it could be time for a major rewrite if the original has some technical dependencies that have become problematic. e.g. a third party dependency that's now out of support, etc.
In general though, I think the most sensible move is to refactor piece by piece (very small pieces if it's really that bad), and improve the internal architecture incrementally rather than in one big drop.
Two threads of thought on this one: Do you have the original requirements? Do you have confidence that the original requirements are accurate? What about test plans or unit tests? If you have those things in place it might be easier.
Putting on my customer hat, does the system work or is it unstable? If you've got something that's unstable you've got an argument to change; otherwise you're best of refactoring it bit by bit.
I think the line in the sand is when basic maintenance is taking 25% - 50% longer than it should. There comes a time when maintaining legacy code becomes too costly. A number of factors contribute to the final decision. Time and cost being the most important factors I think.
If there are clean interfaces and you can cleanly delineate module boundaries, then it might be worth refactoring it module by module or layer by layer in order to allow you to migrate existing customers forward into cleaner more stable codebases, and over time, after you've refactored every module, you will have rewritten everything.
But, based on the codereview, doesn't sound like there would be any clean boundaries.
I wonder if the people who vote for scrapping and starting over have ever successfully refactored a large project, or at least seen a large project in poor condition that they think could use a refactoring?
If anything, I err on the opposite side: I've seen 4 large projects that were a mess, that I advocated refactoring as opposed to rewriting. On a couple, there was barely a single line of original code that remained, and major interfaces changed in significant ways, but the process never involved the entire project failing to function as well as it originally did, for any more than a week. (And top-of-trunk was never broken).
Perhaps a project exists that is so severely broken that to attempt to refactor it would be doomed to failure, or perhaps one of the previous projects I refactored would have been better served by a "clean re-write", but I'm not sure I'd know how to recognize it.
I agree with Martin. You really need to weigh the effort that will be involved in writing the app from scratch against the current state of the app and how many people use it, do they like it, etc. Often we may want to completely start from scratch, but the cost far outweighs the benefit. I come across bits of ugly looking code all the time, but I soon realize that some of these 'ugly' areas are really bug fixes and make the program work correctly.
I would try to consider the architecture of the system and see whether it is possible to scrap and rewrite specific well defined components without starting everything from scratch.
What would usually happen is that you can either do that (and then sell that to the customer/management), or that you find out that the code is such a horrible and tangled mess that you become even more convinced that you need a rewrite and have more convincing arguments for it (including: "if we engineer it right, we would never need to scrap the whole thing and do a third rewrite).
Slow maintenance would eventually cause that architectural drift that would make a rewrite more expensive later.
Scrap old code early and often. When in doubt, throw it out. The hard part is convincing non-technical folks of the cost-to-maintain.
So long as the value derived appears to be greater than the cost to operate and maintain, there's still positive value flowing from the software. The question surrounding a rewrite this: "will we get even more value from a rewrite?" Or alternatively "How much more value will we get from a rewrite?" How many person-hours of maintenance will you save?
Remember, the rewrite investment is once only. The return on the rewrite investment lasts forever. Forever.
Focus the value question down to specific issues. You listed a bunch of them above. Stick with that.
"Will we get more value by reducing cost through
dropping the junk that we don't use
but still have to wade through?"
"Will we get more value from dropping the junk that's unreliable and breaks?"
"Will we get more value if we understand it -- not by documenting, but by replacing with something we built as a team?"
Do you homework. You'll have to confront the following show-stoppers.
These will originate somewhere in your executive foodchain from someone who'll respond as follows:
"Is it broken?" And when you say "It's not crashed as such," They'll say "It's not broke - don't fix it."
"You've done the code analysis, you understand it, you no longer need to fix it."
What's your answer to them?
That's only the first hurdle. Here's the worst possible situation. This doesn't always happen, but it does happen with alarming frequency.
Someone in your executive foodchain will have this thought:
"A rewrite doesn't create enough value. Rather than simply rewrite, let's expand it." The justification is that by creating enough value, users are more likely to buy in to the rewrite.
A project where scope is expanded -- artificially -- to add value is usually doomed.
Instead, do the smallest rewrite you can to replace the darn thing. Then expand to fit real needs and add value.
You can only give a definite yes to rewriting in case if you know completely how your application works (and by completely I mean it, not just having a general idea of how it should work) and you know more or less exactly how to make it better. Any other cases and it's a shot in the dark, it depends on too much things. Perhaps gradual refactoring would be safer if it is possible.
If possible, I typically would prefer to rewrite smaller portions of the code over time when I need to refactor a baseline. There are typically many smaller issues such as magic number, poor commenting, etc. that tend to make the code look worse than it actually is. So, unless the baseline is just awful, keep the code and just make improvements at the same time you are maintaining the code.
If refactoring requires a lot of work, I recommend laying out a small re-design plan/todo list that gives you a list of things to work on in order so that you can bring the baseline to a better state. Starting from scratch is always a risky move and you are not guaranteed that the code will be better when you are finished. Using this technique, you will always have a working system that improves over time.
Code with excessively high cyclomatic complexity (like over 100 in a large number of modules) is a good clue. Also, how many bugs does it have / KLOC? How critical are the bugs? How often are bugs introduced when bug fixes are made. If your answer is a lot (I cant remember norms right now), then a rewrite is warranted.
As early as possible. Whenever you get a premonition that your code is slowly turning into an ugly beast that is very likely to consume your soul and give you headaches, and you know the problem is in the underlying structure of the code (so any fix would be a hack, e.g. introduce a global variable), then it's time to start over.
For some reasons people don't like throwing away precious code, but if you feel your better off starting over, you are probably right. Trust your instinct and remember that it wasn't a waste of time, it taught you one more way of NOT approaching the problem. You could (should) always use a version control system so your baby is never really lost.
I do not have any experience with using metrics for this myself, but the
"Software Maintainability Metrics Models in Practice" discusses
more or less the same question asked here for two case studies they did.
It starts with the following editor's note:
In the past, when a maintainer
received new code to maintain, the
rule-of-thumb was "If you have to
change more than 40 percent of someone
else's code, you throw it out and
start over." The Maintainability Index
[MI] addressed here gives a much more
quantifiable method to determine when
to "throw it out and start over." This
work was sponsored by the U.S. Air
Force Information Warfare Center and
the U.S. Department of Energy [DOE],
Idaho Field Office, DOE Contract No.
I think the rule was...
The first version is always a throw away
So, if you learned your lesson(s), or his/her lessons, then you can go ahead and write it fresh now that you understand your problem domain better.
Not that there aren't parts that can/should be kept. Tested code is the most valuable code, so if it isn't deficient in any real way other than style, no reason to toss it all out.
When is it good (if ever) to scrap production code and start over?
Never had to do this, but logic would dictate (to me, anyway) that once you pass the inflection point where you're spending more time reworking and fixing bugs in the existing code base than you are adding new functionality, it's time to trash the old stuff and get a fresh start.
If it requires more time to read and understand the code (if that is even possible) than it would to rewrite the entire application, I say scrap it and start over.
I have never completely thrown out code. Even when going from a foxpro system to a c# system.
If the old system worked then why just throw it out?
I have come across a few really bad system. Threads being used where not needed. Horrible inheritance and abuse of interfaces.
It is best to understand what the old code is doing and why it is doing it. Then change it so that it is not confusing.
Of course if the old code doesn't work. I mean can't even compile. Then you might be justified in just starting over. But how often does that actually happen?
Yes, it totally can happen. I've seen money be saved by doing it.
This is not a tech decision, it's a business decision. Code rewrites are long term gains, while "if it ain't totally broke..." is a short term gain. If you are in a first year startup that is focused on getting a product out the door, the answer is usually to just live with it. If you're in an established company, or the errors with the current systems are causing more workload, therefor more company money.. then they might go for it.
Present the problem as best as you can to your GM, use dollar values where you can. "I don't like dealing with it" means nothing. "It'll take twice the time to do everything until this is fixed" means a lot.
I think there are a number of issues here that depend largely on where you are at.
Is the software working well from a customer perspective? (If yes be very careful about changes). I would think there would be little point re-witting unless you were expanding the feature set if the system was working. And are you planning to expand the features and customer base of the software? If so then you have much more reason to change.
As much as anything just trying to understand some else's code even if well written can be difficult, when badly written I would imagine almost impossible. What you describe sounds like something that would be very difficult to expand.
I would take into consideration if the application does what it is intended to do, is required for you to ever make modifications, and are you confident that the app has been thoroughly tested in all scenarios that it will be used in.
Do not invest the time if the app does not need alterations. However, if it doesn't function as you need and you need to control the hours and time invested to make corrections, scrap it and re-write to the standards that your team can support. There's nothing worse than terrible code that you have to support / decipher but still have to live with. Remember, Murphy's Law says it will 10 at night when you'll have to make things work, and that is never productive.
Production code always has some value. The only case where I would truly throw it all out and start again is if we determine the intellectual property is irrevocably contaminated. For example if someone brought large amounts of code from a previous employer, or a large percentage of the code was ripped from a GPLd codebase.
I'm going to post this book every time I see a discussion on Refactoring. Everyone should read "Working Effectively with Legacy Code" by Michael Feathers. I found it to be an excellent book - if nothing else, it's a fun read, and motivational.
When the code has reached a point that is not maintainable or extensible anymore. Is full of short-term hacky fixes. It has lots of coupling. It has long (100+lines) methods. It has database access in the UI. It generates a lot of random, impossible to debug errors.
Bottom line: When maintaining it is more expensive (i.e. takes longer) than rewriting it.
I used to believe in just re-write from scratch, but it is wrong.
Changed my mind.
What I would suggested is figuring out a way to properly refactor the code. Keep all existing functionality and test as you go. We have all seen horrible code bases, but it is important to keep the knowledge over time you application has.

Performance vs Readability

Reading this question I found this as (note the quotation marks) "code" to solve the problem (that's perl by the way).
Obviously this is an intellectual example without real (I hope to never see that in real code in my life) implications but, when you have to make the choice, when do you sacrifice code readability for performance? Do you apply just common sense, do you do it always as a last resort? What are your strategies?
Edit: I'm sorry, seeing the answers I might have expressed the question badly (English is not my native language). I don't mean performance vs readability only after you've written the code, I ask about before you write it as well. Sometimes you can foresee a performance improvement in the future by making some darker design or providing with some properties that will make your class darker. You may decide you will use multiple threads or just a single one because you expect the scalability that such threads may give you, even when that will make the code much more difficult to understand.
My process for situations where I think performance may be an issue:
Make it work.
Make it clear.
Test the performance.
If there are meaningful performance issues: refactor for speed.
Note that this does not apply to higher-level design decisions that are more difficult to change at a later stage.
I always start with the most readable version I can think of. If performance is a problem, I refactor. If the readable version makes it hard to generalize, I refactor.
The key is to have good tests so that refactoring is easy.
I view readability as the #1 most important issue in code, though working correctly is a close second.
Readability is most important. With modern computers, only the most intensive routines of the most demanding applications need to worry too much about performance.
My favorite answer to this question is:
Make it work
Make it right
Make it fast
In the scope of things no one gives a crap about readability except the next unlucky fool that has to take care of your code. However, that being said... if you're serious about your art, and this is an art form, you will always strive to make your code the most per formant it can be while still being readable by others. My friend and mentor (who is a BADASS in every way) once graciously told me on a code-review that "the fool writes code only they can understand, the genius writes code that anyone can understand." I'm not sure where he got that from but it has stuck with me.
Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for
machines to execute. — Abelson & Sussman, SICP
Well written programs are probably easier to profile and hence improve performance.
You should always go for readability first. The shape of a system will typically evolve as you develop it, and the real performance bottlenecks will be unexpected. Only when you have the system running and can see real evidence - as provided by a profiler or other such tool - will the best way to optimise be revealed.
"If you're in a hurry, take the long way round."
agree with all the above, but also:
when you decide that you want to optimize:
Fix algorithmic aspects before syntax (for example don't do lookups in large arrays)
Make sure that you prove that your change really did improve things, measure everything
Comment your optimization so the next guy seeing that function doesn't simplify it back to where you started from
Can you precompute results or move the computation to where it can be done more effectively (like a db)
in effect, keep readability as long as you can - finding the obscure bug in optimized code is much harder and annoying than in the simple obvious code
I apply common sense - this sort of thing is just one of the zillion trade-offs that engineering entails, and has few special characteristics that I can see.
But to be more specific, the overwhelming majority of people doing weird unreadable things in the name of performance are doing them prematurely and without measurement.
Choose readability over performance unless you can prove that you need the performance.
I would say that you should only sacrifice readability for performance if there's a proven performance problem that's significant. Of course "significant" is the catch there, and what's significant and what isn't should be specific to the code you're working on.
"Premature optimization is the root of all evil." - Donald Knuth
Readability always wins. Always. Except when it doesn't. And that should be very rarely.
at times when optimization is necessary, i'd rather sacrifice compactness and keep the performance enhancement. perl obviously has some deep waters to plumb in search of the conciseness/performance ratio, but as cute as it is to write one-liners, the person who comes along to maintain your code (who in my experience, is usually myself 6 months later) might prefer something more in the expanded style, as documented here:
There are exceptions to the premature optimization rule. For example, when accessing an image in memory, reading a pixel should not be an out-of-line function. And when providing for custom operations on the image, never do it like this:
typedef Pixel PixelModifierFunction(Pixel);
void ModifyAllPixels(PixelModifierFunction);
Instead, let external functions access the pixels in memory, though it's uglier. Otherwise, you are sure to write slow code that you'll have to refactor later anyway, so you're doing extra work.
At least, that's true if you know you're going to deal with large images.
