Extract numbers and find missing numbers in filenames - bash

In bash, I have a folder containing some subfolders and files as
, where N is a known large number. I would like to know which numbers are missing in the filenames.
I am trying to come up with simple codes that I can extract numbers from the filenames (in the example, it is 1,2,4,...,N) and find missing numbers in 1:N (for example, 3).
I am very new to bash scripts. I tried to find similar questions and answers but I couldn't.
Any input will be appreciated!
ps. I have tried
ls -1 | sed 's/script_//' | sed 's/.ext//'
and successfully extracted the numbers, but I am unsure how to save those numbers and compare with 1,...,N to obtain missing numbers.

Basically I want to find numbers in 1,...,N for a known N, that do not exist in the filenames.
Presuming file_ and .ext are common patterns among your files; loop through 1 to N, build filenames, check their existence and report if they're missing.
N=10 # known N
for ((i=1;i<=N;i++)); do
if [ ! -f "$f" ]; then
printf '%s is missing\n' "$f"

Extracting the numbers is fine. Comparing with 1..N can be done as follows.
Assuming the numbers are in range 1..100:
diff <(ls -1 | sed 's/script_//' | sed 's/.ext//' | sort -n) <(echo "$(seq 1 100)") | sed -n 's/> //p'
Or if the upper bound is below 10:
diff <(ls -1 | sed 's/script_//' | sed 's/.ext//') <(echo "$(seq 1 9)") | sed -n 's/> //p'


Bash how to sort a list of files named filedaymonthyear.mp4

I have a list of files :
I need to sort them in the date order, how can I do that?
Because if I use something like :
ls *.mp4 > mylist.txt
I don't have the right order.
Sort can define keydef by offsets.
printf "%s\n" *.mp4 | sort -k1.9,1.12 -k1.7,1.8 -k1.5,1.6
In this example, the entire line is considered to be "field 1".
The starting string file occupies offsets 0-3.
offsets 4-5 are the Day.
offsets 6-7 are the Month.
offsets 8-11 are the Year.
This defines the keys in priority order, so sorts by year, then month, then day.
No need to spawn a bunch of processes or fight with regexes unless you enjoy that. (I kinda do, lol)
You are not too far away from a solution. The trick is
to invert the day/month/year group
then sort alphabetically
to invert the group again in order to reconstruct the actual file names
ls *.mp4 > mylist.txt
cat mylist.txt | sed -E 's#file(..)(..)(....)#file\3\2\1#' | sort | sed -E 's#file(....)(..)(..)#file\3\2\1#' > sorted.txt
Using the decorate/sort/undecorate idiom:
printf "%s\n" *.mp4 |
sed -E 's/.*(..)(..)(....)\.mp4$/\3\2\1 &/' |
sort |
sed 's/[^ ]* //'
With the assumptions that the .mp4 extension is always preceded by a date in DDMMYYYY format and no filename contains a newline character.
ls -1 | sort -k1.9,1.12 -k1.7,1.8 -k1.5,1.6
naming your files fileYYYYMMDD.mp4
ls -1
is enough (as correctly noted ls already sorts)

Concatenate files based on numeric sort of name substring in awk w/o header

I am interested in concatenate many files together based on the numeric number and also remove the first line.
e.g. chr1_smallfiles then chr2_smallfiles then chr3_smallfiles.... etc (each without the header)
Note that chr10_smallfiles needs to come after chr9_smallfiles -- that is, this needs to be numeric sort order.
When separate the two command awk and ls -v1, each does the job properly, but when put them together, it doesn't work. Please help thanks!
awk 'FNR>1' | ls -v1 chr*_smallfiles > bigfile
The issue is with the way that you're trying to pass the list of files to awk. At the moment, you're piping the output of awk to ls, which makes no sense.
Bear in mind that, as mentioned in the comments, ls is a tool for interactive use, and in general its output shouldn't be parsed.
If sorting weren't an issue, you could just use:
awk 'FNR > 1' chr*_smallfiles > bigfile
The shell will expand the glob chr*_smallfiles into a list of files, which are passed as arguments to awk. For each filename argument, all but the first line will be printed.
Since you want to sort the files, things aren't quite so simple. If you're sure the full range of files exist, just replace chr*_smallfiles with chr{1..99}_smallfiles in the original command.
Using some Bash-specific and GNU sort features, you can also achieve the sorting like this:
printf '%s\0' chr*_smallfiles | sort -z -n -k1.4 | xargs -0 awk 'FNR > 1' > bigfile
printf '%s\0' prints each filename followed by a null-byte
sort -z sorts records separated by null-bytes
-n -k1.4 does a numeric sort, starting from the 4th character (the numeric part of the filename)
xargs -0 passes the sorted, null-separated output as arguments to awk
Otherwise, if you want to go through the files in numerical order, and you're not sure whether all the files exist, then you can use a shell loop (although it'll be significantly slower than a single awk invocation):
for file in chr{1..99}_smallfiles; do # 99 is the maximum file number
[ -f "$file" ] || continue # skip missing files
awk 'FNR > 1' "$file"
done > bigfile
You can also use tail to concatenate all the files without header
tail -q -n+2 chr*_smallfiles > bigfile
In case you want to concatenate the files in a natural sort order as described in your quesition, you can pipe the result of ls -v1 to xargs using
ls -v1 chr*_smallfiles | xargs -d $'\n' tail -q -n+2 > bigfile
(Thanks to Charles Duffy) xargs -d $'\n' sets the delimiter to a newline \n in case the filename contains white spaces or quote characters
Using a bash 4 associative array to extract only the numeric substring of each filename; sort those individually; and then retrieve and concatenate the full names in the resulting order:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
case $BASH_VERSION in ''|[123].*) echo "Requires bash 4.0 or newer" >&2; exit 1;; esac
# when this is done, you'll have something like:
# files=( [1]=chr_smallfiles1.txt
# [10]=chr_smallfiles10.txt
# [9]=chr_smallfiles9.txt )
declare -A files=( )
for f in chr*_smallfiles.txt; do
# now, emit those indexes (1, 10, 9) to "sort -n -z" to sort them as numbers
# then read those numbers, look up the filenames associated, and pass to awk.
while read -r -d '' key; do
awk 'FNR > 1' <"${files[$key]}"
done < <(printf '%s\0' "${!files[#]}" | sort -n -z) >bigfile
You can do with a for loop like below, which is working for me:-
for file in chr*_smallfiles
tail +2 "$file" >> bigfile
How will it work? For loop read all the files from current directory with wild chard character * chr*_smallfiles and assign the file name to variable file and tail +2 $file will output all the lines of that file except the first line and append in file bigfile. So finally all files will be merged (accept the first line of each file) into one i.e. file bigfile.
Just for completeness, how about a sed solution?
for file in chr*_smallfiles
sed -n '2,$p' $file >> bigfile
Hope it helps!

Delete the 3 last line of my txt with bash? [duplicate]

I want to remove some n lines from the end of a file. Can this be done using sed?
For example, to remove lines from 2 to 4, I can use
$ sed '2,4d' file
But I don't know the line numbers. I can delete the last line using
$sed $d file
but I want to know the way to remove n lines from the end. Please let me know how to do that using sed or some other method.
I don't know about sed, but it can be done with head:
head -n -2 myfile.txt
If hardcoding n is an option, you can use sequential calls to sed. For instance, to delete the last three lines, delete the last one line thrice:
sed '$d' file | sed '$d' | sed '$d'
From the sed one-liners:
# delete the last 10 lines of a file
sed -e :a -e '$d;N;2,10ba' -e 'P;D' # method 1
sed -n -e :a -e '1,10!{P;N;D;};N;ba' # method 2
Seems to be what you are looking for.
A funny & simple sed and tac solution :
tac file.txt | sed "1,$n{d}" | tac
double quotes " are needed for the shell to evaluate the $n variable in sed command. In single quotes, no interpolate will be performed.
tac is a cat reversed, see man 1 tac
the {} in sed are there to separate $n & d (if not, the shell try to interpolate non existent $nd variable)
Use sed, but let the shell do the math, with the goal being to use the d command by giving a range (to remove the last 23 lines):
sed -i "$(($(wc -l < file)-22)),\$d" file
To remove the last 3 lines, from inside out:
$(wc -l < file)
Gives the number of lines of the file: say 2196
We want to remove the last 23 lines, so for left side or range:
Gives: 2174
Thus the original sed after shell interpretation is:
sed -i '2174,$d' file
With -i doing inplace edit, file is now 2173 lines!
If you want to save it into a new file, the code is:
sed -i '2174,$d' file > outputfile
You could use head for this.
$ head --lines=-N file > new_file
where N is the number of lines you want to remove from the file.
The contents of the original file minus the last N lines are now in new_file
Just for completeness I would like to add my solution.
I ended up doing this with the standard ed:
ed -s sometextfile <<< $'-2,$d\nwq'
This deletes the last 2 lines using in-place editing (although it does use a temporary file in /tmp !!)
To truncate very large files truly in-place we have truncate command.
It doesn't know about lines, but tail + wc can convert lines to bytes:
truncate -s -$(tail -$lines $file | wc -c) $file
There is an obvious race condition if the file is written at the same time.
In this case it may be better to use head - it counts bytes from the beginning of file (mind disk IO), so we will always truncate on line boundary (possibly more lines than expected if file is actively written):
truncate -s $(head -n -$lines $file | wc -c) $file
Handy one-liner if you fail login attempt putting password in place of username:
truncate -s $(head -n -5 /var/log/secure | wc -c) /var/log/secure
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed ':a;$!N;1,4ba;P;$d;D' file
Most of the above answers seem to require GNU commands/extensions:
$ head -n -2 myfile.txt
-2: Badly formed number
For a slightly more portible solution:
perl -ne 'push(#fifo,$_);print shift(#fifo) if #fifo > 10;'
perl -ne 'push(#buf,$_);END{print #buf[0 ... $#buf-10]}'
awk '{buf[NR-1]=$0;}END{ for ( i=0; i < (NR-10); i++){ print buf[i];} }'
Where "10" is "n".
With the answers here you'd have already learnt that sed is not the best tool for this application.
However I do think there is a way to do this in using sed; the idea is to append N lines to hold space untill you are able read without hitting EOF. When EOF is hit, print the contents of hold space and quit.
sed -e '$!{N;N;N;N;N;N;H;}' -e x
The sed command above will omit last 5 lines.
It can be done in 3 steps:
a) Count the number of lines in the file you want to edit:
n=`cat myfile |wc -l`
b) Subtract from that number the number of lines to delete:
c) Tell sed to delete from that line number ($x) to the end:
sed "$x,\$d" myfile
You can get the total count of lines with wc -l <file> and use
head -n <total lines - lines to remove> <file>
Try the following command:
n = line number
tail -r file_name | sed '1,nd' | tail -r
This will remove the last 3 lines from file:
for i in $(seq 1 3); do sed -i '$d' file; done;
I prefer this solution;
head -$(gcalctool -s $(cat file | wc -l)-N) file
where N is the number of lines to remove.
sed -n ':pre
1,4 {N;b pre
$!{P;N;D;b cycle
}' YourFile
posix version
To delete last 4 lines:
$ nl -b a file | sort -k1,1nr | sed '1, 4 d' | sort -k1,1n | sed 's/^ *[0-9]*\t//'
I came up with this, where n is the number of lines you want to delete:
count=`wc -l file`
lines=`expr "$count" - n`
head -n "$lines" file > temp.txt
mv temp.txt file
rm -f temp.txt
It's a little roundabout, but I think it's easy to follow.
Count up the number of lines in the main file
Subtract the number of lines you want to remove from the count
Print out the number of lines you want to keep and store in a temp file
Replace the main file with the temp file
Remove the temp file
For deleting the last N lines of a file, you can use the same concept of
$ sed '2,4d' file
You can use a combo with tail command to reverse the file: if N is 5
$ tail -r file | sed '1,5d' file | tail -r > file
And this way runs also where head -n -5 file command doesn't run (like on a mac!).
echo 'Enter the file name : '
read filename
echo 'Enter the number of lines from the end that needs to be deleted :'
read n
#Subtracting from the line number to get the nth line
m=`expr $n - 1`
# Calculate length of the file
len=`cat $filename|wc -l`
#Calculate the lines that must remain
lennew=`expr $len - $m`
sed "$lennew,$ d" $filename
A solution similar to https://stackoverflow.com/a/24298204/1221137 but with editing in place and not hardcoded number of lines:
seq $n | xargs -i sed -i -e '$d' my_file
In docker, this worked for me:
head --lines=-N file_path > file_path
Say you have several lines:
$ cat <<EOF > 20lines.txt
> 1
> 2
> 3
> 18
> 19
> 20
Then you can grab:
# leave last 15 out
$ head -n5 20lines.txt
# skip first 14
$ tail -n +15 20lines.txt
POSIX compliant solution using ex / vi, in the vein of #Michel's solution above.
#Michel's ed example uses "not-POSIX" Here-Strings.
Increment the $-1 to remove n lines to the EOF ($), or just feed the lines you want to (d)elete. You could use ex to count line numbers or do any other Unix stuff.
Given the file:
cat > sometextfile <<EOF
ex -s sometextfile <<'EOF'
This uses POSIX Here-Docs so it is really easy to modify - especially using set -o vi with a POSIX /bin/sh.
While on the subject, the "ex personality" of "vim" should be fine, but YMMV.
This will remove the last 12 lines
sed -n -e :a -e '1,10!{P;N;D;};N;ba'

Counting the number of occurrences of a character in multiple files with unix shell

I would like to help out my girlfriend - she needs the specific count of certain characters in around 200 files (per file).
I already found How can I use the UNIX shell to count the number of times a letter appears in a text file?, but that only shows the complete number, not the number of occurrences per file. basically, what I want is the following:
$ ls
test1 test2
$ cat test1
$ cat test2
$ grep -o 'n' * | wc -w
$ <insert command here>
test1 10
test2 6
or something similar regarding the output. As this will be on her university machine, I cannot code anything in perl or so, just shell is allowed. My shell knowledge is a bit rusty, so I cannot come up with a better solution - maybe you could be of assistance.
grep -Ho n * | uniq -c
10 test1:n
6 test2:n
If you want exactly your output:
grep -Ho n * | uniq -c | while read count file; do echo "${file%:n} $count"; done
It's not exactly elegant, but the most obvious solution is:
for file in *; do
count=`grep -o $letter "$file" | wc -w`
echo "$file contains $letter $count times"
Glen's answer is far better for the flavors of UNIX that support it. This will work on a UNIX that claims it is POSIX-compliant. This is meant for the poor folks for whom the other answer does not fly.
POSIX grep says nothing about grep -H -o See: http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009604499/utilities/grep.html
Get a list of the files you want call it list.txt. I chose the character ^ == shift 6 for no reason
while read fname
cnt=`tr -dc '^' < $fname | wc -c`
echo "$fname: $cnt"
done < list.txt

How to loop over files in natural order in Bash?

I am looping over all the files in a directory with the following command:
for i in *.fas; do some_code; done;
However, I get them in this order
instead of
what is natural order.
I have tried sort command, but to no avail.
readarray -d '' entries < <(printf '%s\0' *.fas | sort -zV)
for entry in "${entries[#]}"; do
# do something with $entry
where printf '%s\0' *.fas yields a NUL separated list of directory entries with the extension .fas, and sort -zV sorts them in natural order.
Note that you need GNU sort installed in order for this to work.
With option sort -g it compares according to general numerical value
for FILE in `ls ./raw/ | sort -g`; do echo "$FILE"; done
This will only work if the name of the files are numerical. If they are string you will get them in alphabetical order. E.g.:
for FILE in `ls ./raw/* | sort -g`; do echo "$FILE"; done
You will get the files in ASCII order. This means that vvchr10* comes before vvchr2*. I realise that you can not rename your files (my bioinformatician brain tells me they contain chromosome data, and we simply don't call chromosome 1 "chr01"), so here's another solution (not using sort -V which I can't find on any operating system I'm using):
ls *.fas | sed 's/^\([^0-9]*\)\([0-9]*\)/\1 \2/' | sort -k2,2n | tr -d ' ' |
while read filename; do
# do work with $filename
This is a bit convoluted and will not work with filenames containing spaces.
Another solution: Suppose we'd like to iterate over the files in size-order instead, which might be more appropriate for some bioinformatics tasks:
du *.fas | sort -k2,2n |
while read filesize filename; do
# do work with $filename
To reverse the sorting, just add r after -k2,2n (to get -k2,2nr).
You mean that files with the number 10 comes before files with number 3 in your list? Thats because ls sorts its result very simple, so something-10.whatever is smaller than something-3.whatever.
One solution is to rename all files so they have the same number of digits (the files with single-digit in them start with 0 in the number).
while IFS= read -r file ; do
ls -l "$file" # or whatever
done < <(find . -name '*.fas' 2>/dev/null | sed -r -e 's/([0-9]+)/ \1/' | sort -k 2 -n | sed -e 's/ //;')
Solves the problem, presuming the file naming stays consistent, doesn't rely on very-recent versions of GNU sort, does not rely on reading the output of ls and doesn't fall victim to the pipe-to-while problems.
Like #Kusalananda's solution (perhaps easier to remember?) but catering for all files(?):
array=("$(ls |sed 's/[^0-9]*\([0-9]*\)\..*/\1 &/'| sort -n | sed 's/^[^ ]* //')")
for x in "${array[#]}";do echo "$x";done
In essence add a sort key, sort, remove sort key.
EDIT: moved comment to appropriate solution
use sort -rh and the while loop
du -sh * | sort -rh | grep -P "avi$" |awk '{print $2}' | while read f; do fp=`pwd`/$f; echo $fp; done;
