How to integrate an Azure Devops Calendar into Outlook - outlook

How can integrate an Azure DevOps Calendar into my Outlook (D365)?

The Azure DevOps calendar is a extension: Team Calendar, and the source code is in github:
For this extension, it stores data in Data storage and you can add/get/update it through REST API.
(You can check requests through Developer tool: Press F12 to open Developer tool > Network > add/update event >Check requests)
For example:{org}/_apis/ExtensionManagement/InstalledExtensions/ms-devlabs/team-calendar/Data/Scopes/User/Me/Collections/%24settings/Documents{org}/_apis/ExtensionManagement/InstalledExtensions/ms-devlabs/team-calendar/Data/Scopes/Default/Current/Collections/{team id}.{month}.{year}/Documents
So, you could build a outlook add-in to call these data storage REST APIs to integrate them.

For this issue, if you mean the calendar in the Boards, I am afraid currently there is no out-of-box feature to achieve this.
You can integrate Azure DevOps and outlook through Microsoft Flow, but there is currently no such flow about calendar.
In addition, in our official feature suggestion for Azure Devops forum, there is this existing suggestion: Import Outlook Calendar Events Into Azure Calendar. You could vote that suggestion ticket and share your comment there. The product team would provide the updates if they view it.


Listing All Emails in Inbox by Outlook Web Addin

I am able to get details of previewed email by this JavaScript command:
But I need to list all emails in the inbox (not only previewed one) by using Office JS, is it possible, if so how can I do it? (Its also okay receiving details from specified ID or e-mail number, if possible.)
No, it is not possible. Office web add-ins work under the context of currently selected item in Outlook only. If you need to access other items in the user's mailbox I'd suggest using Graph API, see Outlook mail API overview and Authorize to Microsoft Graph with SSO for more information.
Also you don't forget that VSTO based add-ins allows dealing with all items in Outlook stores. See Walkthrough: Create your first VSTO Add-in for Outlook for more information.
Feature requests on Tech Community are considered, when the dev team go through the planning process. Use the github label: “Type: product feature request” at .

Is it possible to programatically add an event to my own Office 365 calendar without an Azure subscription?

According to this guide there are a jillion ways to integrate, some of which are beyond my understanding, but they seem to require a Client Id which is created via
When I log into that site, it says I don't have a subscription. I don't really want an azure subscription - I have an office 365 subscription already.
Is there a way to integrate with office 365 without an azure subscription or some way that means I don't have to pay for Azure?
I have a program that runs as a windows service that books something, and when it's completed I simply wanted to insert the booking automatically into my outlook calendar.
To access Graph API you need to give a set of permissions to your app for selected endpoints and it can be done only in Azure portal.
Every Office 365 tenant has an Azure Active Directory.
To find it go into the Office 365 Administration dashboard, click the "Show All" menu down the left and side of the page, then click "Azure Active Directory". This will take you into the AAD admin pages in the Azure Portal.
From there you can register an application.

Is there a API endpoint to share elements (files, items, sites, ...) with other users in Sharepoint online and on-premise via REST API (in C#)?

I am required to create a share feature (like the one in Sharepoint or OneDrive) for documents, items and folders, for Sharepoint online and on-premise, in a Xamarin app.
What I have:
Sharepoint REST API.
Xamarin app connected to a Sharepoint online and on-premise server.
Sharepoint content is available in Xamarin app and user can select the option Share item which I have to implement.
What I need:
The logic to implement to be able to create the shareable link and actually share it like the Sharepoint website online does it (check screen shot).
#Mohamed Aloui,
You could have a try the below endpoint to create a sharing link:
You can get an example through F12 tool:
Below is a tutorial blog and a similar thread, you may take a reference:
How to create a shared link with an expiration date for the item of OneDrive For Business via Rest API?

Customization in Dynamics365

Can we do customization in Dynamics365 portal up to such extent that we create a website with and java script which interact with Dynamics365 entities and open inside dynamics365 portal.
Yes, you will probably need to setup single sign on authentication between your website and the portal, the suggested manner of which is Azure AD B2C.
This is currently possible but undocumented, official support is coming soon.
This slide is from an executive briefing by Microsoft last week.

Building a calendar webapp syncing with Google Calendar, Outlook and Apple Calendar

I am about to build a simple webapp that has several tasks, each of which has got a due date.
I would like this webapp to automatically sync with Google Calendar, Outlook and Apple Calendar - 2-way integration would be a plus.
The webapp is built on a LAMP server.
What's the cleverest way I can go about this from a point of view of limiting the workload as much as possible?
And also, is that even possible? I wasn't able to find an API for Outlook or Apple Calendar.
Is CalDev the answer? Is there any product/software that will do that automatically, so that I need only to sync with it and it will do the rest?
You could do the following:
Synchronize your proprietary calendar with Google Calendar (make this your "master calendar") using the GCal API; if your application can produce a valid ICS file then you can import it directly to Google Calendar. As this feature is discontinued by Google you can use some online WebDAV based import/export service (I use for this Synqya)
Use the WebDAV access to the Google Calendar to synchronize Outlook and Apple Calendar with it using their calendar subscription features (this would be one way sync). If you need secured access to GCal and 2-way sync, it will involve further steps.
