Is there a API endpoint to share elements (files, items, sites, ...) with other users in Sharepoint online and on-premise via REST API (in C#)? - xamarin

I am required to create a share feature (like the one in Sharepoint or OneDrive) for documents, items and folders, for Sharepoint online and on-premise, in a Xamarin app.
What I have:
Sharepoint REST API.
Xamarin app connected to a Sharepoint online and on-premise server.
Sharepoint content is available in Xamarin app and user can select the option Share item which I have to implement.
What I need:
The logic to implement to be able to create the shareable link and actually share it like the Sharepoint website online does it (check screen shot).

#Mohamed Aloui,
You could have a try the below endpoint to create a sharing link:
You can get an example through F12 tool:
Below is a tutorial blog and a similar thread, you may take a reference:
How to create a shared link with an expiration date for the item of OneDrive For Business via Rest API?


Creating a document provider to integrate with Microsoft Teams

I am looking at wanting to create a custom document provider to integrate with Microsoft Teams.
I have looked through the code samples here but cannot find anything that would do this.
Looking at this link, it quotes:
You can always add more cloud storage from other services. Additional services and integrations are available under the “Apps” menu, which you can access by clicking the “Apps” icon in the bottom-left corner
This would suggest to me that you can build third party document providers, but without any documentation or examples I am stumped on how to do this.

How to integrate an Azure Devops Calendar into Outlook

How can integrate an Azure DevOps Calendar into my Outlook (D365)?
The Azure DevOps calendar is a extension: Team Calendar, and the source code is in github:
For this extension, it stores data in Data storage and you can add/get/update it through REST API.
(You can check requests through Developer tool: Press F12 to open Developer tool > Network > add/update event >Check requests)
For example:{org}/_apis/ExtensionManagement/InstalledExtensions/ms-devlabs/team-calendar/Data/Scopes/User/Me/Collections/%24settings/Documents{org}/_apis/ExtensionManagement/InstalledExtensions/ms-devlabs/team-calendar/Data/Scopes/Default/Current/Collections/{team id}.{month}.{year}/Documents
So, you could build a outlook add-in to call these data storage REST APIs to integrate them.
For this issue, if you mean the calendar in the Boards, I am afraid currently there is no out-of-box feature to achieve this.
You can integrate Azure DevOps and outlook through Microsoft Flow, but there is currently no such flow about calendar.
In addition, in our official feature suggestion for Azure Devops forum, there is this existing suggestion: Import Outlook Calendar Events Into Azure Calendar. You could vote that suggestion ticket and share your comment there. The product team would provide the updates if they view it.

Is it possible to launch Word 365 in a browser from a web app to edit documents regardless whether the user has an office 365 license?

My local school allows me to log in to their online portal and access an email account using Outlook 365 within the browser, despite the fact I do not have a license for outlook/office 365.
Is it possible to create a web application where users of this app could click a link to edit a document directly in their browser using Word 365, with us/the developers of such app being the licensee of Word and not the end-user? The remote document would be held in a Sharepoint/Webdav capable service.
If this is possible, which MS-technologies should we investigate to develop such a system? Is it the MS-Graph API or something else?
A pointer in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
You can use the Graph to create a sharing link to a document. But the user will have to sign in to view the document I believe. I'm not sure what licensing they need but you can try this with your users to see.
You can use the Google Docs API to work with documents stored in Google Drive. If you are using Java there is a "Quickstart" at the following link:

Customization in Dynamics365

Can we do customization in Dynamics365 portal up to such extent that we create a website with and java script which interact with Dynamics365 entities and open inside dynamics365 portal.
Yes, you will probably need to setup single sign on authentication between your website and the portal, the suggested manner of which is Azure AD B2C.
This is currently possible but undocumented, official support is coming soon.
This slide is from an executive briefing by Microsoft last week.

Creating a separate web portal which manages custom entities inside dynamics365

I have an assignment which manages some custom entities of dynamics365 sales application. Is it possible to create a separate web application which resides in dynamics365 sales portal?
The web portal will have 5 to 6 menus and various forms with edit update delete, paging, sorting, searching. All the operations will be done in custom entities of the dynamics365.
Too broad. Possible.
for web application - Need to do custom development using metadata messages in SDK. Can host it separately.
Inside crm portal - this is not a typical requirement inside portal solution, so am doubtful. But still page template is not available like adx in 365 yet.
Other possibilities:
If we want to go with custom code inside webform: similar discussion
My wild guess - May be you can go with navigation link for your web app from portal.
