Detecting the existance of the cut - algorithm

we have an undirected graph G = (V,E) with n nodes and m edges, i want to calculate whether G have a cut of size m or not ? How can I solve it ? I tried BFS but i realized that we can calculate with lower or upper level for cut.
Edit: The cut just separates the graph in two pieces.

This problem is a sub-case of the maximum cut problem. Note that the maximum-cut problem asks for a cut of at least an arbitrary value x, not necessarily m. It is thus more general than what you asked for.
Max-Cut is NP-complete, meaning that there is no known algorithm in polynomial time. The best know algorithm is trying out every possible cut (brute search).
A max-cut may look like the following picture. Generally it does NOT look like something that you'd create with BFS or DFS.
In this sub-problem you are lucky though: First off, the edges are unweighted, meaning that indirectly all of them have a weight of 1. If they were weighted, my proposed solution would be invalid.
If there is a max-cut of size m, this means that every edge is part of the cut. This is equivalent to the test of bipartness. This is possible to check in linear time. Here is an example of a biparte graph:
To conclude: The question "does Graph G have a cut of size of at least x" is NP-complete, but your question is equivalent to test of bipartness. A graph is biparte exactly if it doesn't contain any circles of uneven length. Here is the algorithm to test for bipartness, which runs in O(V+E), just like BFS.


Karger Algorithm with weights

Assume that we are given an undirected, unweighted graph G= (V, E) and some cost function c:E→R>0 assigning a positive cost c(e) to each edge e∈E. The goal is to compute a minimum cut of G of minimum cost (i.e., a minimum cost cut among the cuts consisting of the smallest number of edges). Give an algorithm which with high probability finds such a minimum cost minimum cut in polynomial time. What is the running time of your algorithm?
Hint: Karger Algorithm
Approach I:
Do Karger n^c times (still polynomial, raises exponent on n of c) and compare resulting min cuts. with c >=1
Approach II:
When Karger is taken its edges for Contraction, raise probabilty of High weights. Doesnt affect Runtime
or even a combination of both?
Approach I doesn't seem to add anything to Karger's algorithm. From the introduction to this article: "By iterating this basic algorithm a sufficient number of times, a minimum cut can be found with high probability." In other words, Approach I is already part of the algorithm.
Approach II is technically unnecessary (Karger's algorithm will eventually find the minimum cut anyways), and may actively impair the algorithm. For example, consider a graph that can be cut by removing one particular edge, but otherwise requires two or more edges for a cut (the numbers represent the cost of an edge):
If that particular edge has the highest cost (999 in this example), then raising the probability of selecting that edge for contraction reduces the probability of finding the (minimum cost) minimum cut. In fact, it reduces the probability of finding the (any cost) minimum cut.
So all you need to do is run the standard algorithm. On each iteration you need to check if the newly found cut has fewer edges than the current best cut. If so, the newly found cut is the best cut (so far). If the newly found cut has the same number of edges as the current best cut, then compare the costs to see which is better.

Divide a graph into same size disjoint sets with minimum cut

Is there any algorithm or code that divide graph nodes into two or more disjoint sets that satisfy following conditions:
first, only edges allowed to remove.
second, edges are weighted and those that would be removed must has minimum weight(minimum cut algorithm).
third,desired disjoint sets have same size as long as possible.
It looks like you're trying to solve the Min-bisection problem in which given a graph G you would like to partition V[G] into two disjoint subsets A and B of equal size such that the sum of weights of the edges between A and B is minimized. Unfortunately, the Min-bisection problem is known to be NP-hard. However, Kernighan–Lin algorithm is a very simple O(n^2*logn) heuristic algorithm for the problem. While very little is known about the algorithm theoretically (we do not have a proven bound on its performance relative to an optimal solution), the algorithm is shown to be quite effective in experiments.

Complete Weighted Graph and Hamiltonian Tour

I ran into a question on a midterm exam. Can anyone clarify the answer?
Problem A: Given a Complete Weighted Graph G, find a Hamiltonian Tour with minimum weight.
Problem B: Given a Complete Weighted Graph G and Real Number R, does G have a Hamiltonian Tour with weight at most R?
Suppose there is a machine that solves B. How many times can we call B (each time G and Real number R are given),to solve problem A with that machine? Suppose the sum of Edges in G up to M.
1) We cannot do this, because there is uncountable state.
2) O(|E|) times
3) O(lg m) times
4) because A is NP-Hard, This is cannot be done.
First algorithm
The answer is (3) O(lg m) times. You just have to perform a binary search for the minimum hamiltonian tour in the weighted graph. Notice that if there is a hamiltonian tour of length L in the graph, there is no point in checking if a hamiltonian tour of length L', where L' > L, exists, since you are interested in the minimum-weight hamiltonian tour. So, in each step of your algorithm you can eliminate half of the remaining possible tour-weights. Consequently, you will have to call B in your machine O(lg m) times, where m stands for the total weight of all edges in the complete graph.
Second algorithm
I have a slight modification of the above algorithm, which uses the machine O(|E|) times, since some people said that we cannot apply binary search in an uncountable set of possible values (and they are possibly right): Take every possible subset of edges from the graph, and for each subset store a value that is the sum of weights of all edges from the subset. Lets store the values for all the subsets in an array called Val. The size of this array is 2^|E|. Sort Val in increasing order, and then apply binary search for the minimum hamiltonian path, but this time call the machine that solves problem B only with values from the Val array. Since every subset of edges is included in the sorted array, it is guaranteed that the solution will be found. The total number of calls of the machine is O(lg(2^|E|)), which is O(|E|). So, the correct choice is (2) O(|E|) times.
The first algorithm I proposed is probably incorrect, as some people noted that you cannot apply binary search in an uncountable set. Since we are talking about real numbers, we cannot apply binary search in the range [0-M]
I believe that choice that was meant to be the answer is 1- you can't do that.
The reason is that you can only do binary search on countable sets.
Note that the edges of the graph may even have negative weights, and besides, they may have fractional, or even irrational weights. In that case, the search space for the answer will be the set of all real values less than m.
However,you may get arbitrarily close to the answer of A in Log(n) time, but you cannot find the exact answer. (n being the size of the countable space).
Supposing that in the encoding of graphs the weights are encoded as binary strings representing nonnegative integers and that Problem B can actually algorithmically be solved by entering a real number and perform calculations based on that, things are apparently as follows.
It is possible to do first binary search over the integral interval {0,...,M} to obtain the minumum weight of a Hamiltonian tour in O(log M) calls to the algorithm for Problem B. As afterwards the optimum is known, we can eliminate single edges in G and use the resulting graph as an input to the algorithm for Problem B to test whether or not the optimum changes. This process uses O(|E|) calls to the algorithm for Problem B to identify edges which occur in an optimal Hamiltonian tour. The overall running time of this approach is O( (|E| + log M ) * r(G)), where r(G) denotes the running time of the algorithm for Problem B taking a graph G as an input. I suppose that r is a polynomial, although the question does not explicitly state this; in total, the overall running time would be polynomially bounded in the encoding length of the input, as M can be computed in polynomial time (and hence is pseudopolynomially bounded in the encoding length of the input G).
That being said, the supposed answers can be commented as follows.
The answer is wrong, as the set of necessary states are finite.
Might be true, but does not follow from the algorithm discussed above.
Might be true, but does not follow from the algorithm discussed above.
The answer is wrong. Strictly speaking, the NP-hardness of Problem A does not rule out a polynomial time algorithm; furthermore, the algorithm for Problem B is not stated to be polynomial, so even P=NP does not follow if Problem A can be solved by a polynomial number of calls to the algorithm for Problem B (which is the case by the algorithm sketched above).

Complexity of walking through graph by taking path with biggest weight

I have a graph, I want to walk through the graph (not necessary through all vertices), always taking path with greates weight. I cannot go through same vertex twice, I stop if there are no more moves I can make. What is the complexity? I assume it's "n" (where n is number of vertices) but I'm not sure.
If you can't go through the same vertice twice, your upper bound for edge traversals is n.
It's easy to think of examples where that would be a tight bound (a single chain of vertices connected for example).
However, keep in mind that complexity is for a given algorithm, not a general task, you haven't described your algorithm or how your graph is organized, so this question doesn't have any meaning.
If for example the graph is a clique, perhaps picking the highest weight edge for each traversal would itself take n computation steps (if the edges are kept in an unsorted list kept in each vertice), making the naive algorithm O(n^2) in this case. Other representations may have different complexity, but require different algorithms.
If you're asking about finding the path with greatest overall weight (which may require you in some traversals to pick an edge that doesn't have the highest weight), than the problem is NP-hard. If it had a polynomial algorithm, then you could take an unweighted graph and find the longest path (a known NP hard problem as jimifiki pointed), and solve it with that algorithm.
From Longest Path Problem
This problem is called the Longest Path Problem, and is NP-complete.

Find the extreme for priority function / alphabet order

We have an array of elements a1,a2,...aN from an alphabet E. Assuming |N| >> |E|.
For each symbol of the alphabet we define an unique integer priority = V(sym). Let's define V{i} := V(symbol(ai)) for the simplicity.
How can I find the priority function V for which:
Count(i)->MAX | V{i} < V{i+1}
In other words, I need to find the priorities / permutation of the alphabet for which the number of positions i, satisfying the condition V{i}<V{i+1}, is maximum.
Edit-1: Please, read carefully. I'm given an array ai and the task is to produce a function V. It's not about sorting the input array with a priority function.
Edit-2: Example
E = {a,b,c}; A = 'abcab$'; (here $ = artificial termination symbol, V{$}=+infinity)
One of the optimal priority functions is: V{a}=1,V{b}=2,V{c}=3, which gives us the following signs between array elements: a<b<c>a<b<$, resulting in 4 '<' signs of 5 total.
If elements could not have tied priorities, this would be trivial. Just sort by priority. But you can have equal priorities.
I would first sort the alphabet by priority. Then I'd extract the longest rising subsequence. That is the start of your answer. Extract the longest rising subsequence from what remains. Append that to your answer. Repeat the extraction process until the entire alphabet has been extracted.
I believe that this gives an optimal result, but I haven't tried to prove it. If it is not perfectly optimal, it still will be pretty good.
Now that I think I understand the problem, I can tell you that there is no good algorithm to solve it.
To see this let us first construct a directed graph whose vertices are your elements, and whose edges indicate how many times one element immediately preceeded another. You can create a priority function by dropping enough edges to get a directed acyclic graph, use the edges to create a partially ordered set, and then add order relations until you have a full linear order, from which you can trivially get a priority function. All of this is straightforward once you have figured out which edges to drop. Conversely given that directed graph and your final priority function, it is easy to figure out which set of edges you had to decide to drop.
Therefore your problem is entirely equivalent to figuring out a minimal set of edges you need to drop from athat directed graph to get athat directed acyclic graph. However as says, this is a known NP hard problem called the minimum feedback arc set. begin update It is therefore very unlikely that there is a good algorithm for the graphs you can come up with. end update
If you need to solve it in practice, I'd suggest going for some sort of greedy algorithm. It won't always be right, but it will generally give somewhat reasonable results in reasonable time.
Update: Moron is correct, I did not prove NP-hard. However there are good heuristic reasons to believe that the problem is, in fact, NP-hard. See the comments for more.
There's a trivial reduction from Minimum Feedback Arc Set on directed graphs whose arcs can be arranged into an Eulerian path. I quote from :
To the best of our knowledge, the
complexity status of minimum feedback
arc set in such graphs is open.
However, by a lemma of Newman, Chen,
and Lovász [1, Theorem 4], a
polynomial algorithm for [this problem]
would lead to a 16/9 approximation
algorithm for the general minimum
feedback arc set problem, improving
over the currently best known O(log n
log log n) algorithm [2].
Newman, A.: The maximum acyclic subgraph problem and degree-3 graphs.
In: Proceedings of the 4th
International Workshop on
Approximation Algorithms for
Combinatorial Optimization Problems,
APPROX. LNCS (2001) 147–158
and multi-cuts in directed graphs. In:
Proceedings of the 4th International
Con- ference on Integer Programming
and Combinatorial Optimization. LNCS
(1995) 14–28
