Remove TFS Connection From Visual Studio 2019 - visual-studio

I am trying to disconnect a TFS server and credentials from Visual Studio Team Explorer on an instance of Visual Studio 2019. I found a similar question on Remove TFS Connection From Visual Studio Team Explorer which was anwsered, but these steps do not seem to apply for VS 2019. I cannot find anything to remove the existing connections. What am I missing?

Go to Team Explorer, select the green plug symbol.
You will be able to see the connected/added list which contain both Azure DevOps Service and Azure DevOps Server in the pop-up dialog box.
Simply right click your TFS/Azure DevOps, then click Remove. Then your stored server url list will be removed.
Certainly, you could also select another server/organization here to quick switch to.
This way will disconnect your TFS connection and connect to another one, and it also keep the prior stored server url in list.


TF30063 error opening projects in Azure DevOps with a project already open connected to on-premises TFS server, or with Team Explorer tab selected

I am sometimes encountering "TF30063" errors in Visual Studio 2019 when connecting to an Azure DevOps (TFVC) repository.
I am using Visual Studio 2019 (v16.1.4 at the moment) on a Windows 10 Pro (version 1809) workstation. This workstation previously had Visual Studio 2017.
We have a department repository at, configured as a TFVC repository (not Git). This repository was originally created when Azure DevOps was VSTS, but we weren't using it for anything until recently, after it had been converted to Azure DevOps.
When opening a project that has its source managed in Azure DevOps in Visual Studio 2019, I have been encountering an error like this at times:
TF30063: You are not authorized to access[ORG-NAME]
Sometimes the error occurred when opening the project, and at other times when attempting to get the latest version of files or checking files in or out from the Azure DevOps repository.
I have been searching for this issue online for a few weeks, and have tried various suggested solutions, such as clearing the ".IdentityService" folder, or clearing out some specific AppData local/temp folders, or logging out of and back into Azure DevOps, etc. Some of these seemed to resolve the issue temporarily, but the issue always returned.
However, I now believe I know how to reliably cause this issue (and how to resolve it in the short term).
I have discovered that I can reliably cause this TF30063 error in either of two ways:
If I have Visual Studio open with a project connected to our on-premises TFS server, and then I open another instance of Visual Studio with a project that is connected to Azure DevOps.
If I don’t have any other projects open, but the last time that I had Visual Studio open, I left the "Team Explorer" tab selected (for example, because I had just checked in some files), and I open a project connected to Azure DevOps.
In either of the above cases, I will encounter the TF30063 error when I open a project connected to Azure DevOps (either when I first open the project, or when I attempt to perform any source control operations). In either case, the solution is relatively simple, as follows:
If Visual Studio is showing the "Team Explorer" tab/panel, select the "Solution Explorer" tab/panel.
If Visual Studio had already been showing the "Solution Explorer" tab, select the "Team Explorer" tab and then select the "Solution Explorer" tab again.
Make sure that the "Solution Explorer" tab is currently selected, and close this instance of Visual Studio (if I have other Visual Studio instances open that are connected to the on-premises TFS server, I can leave those open).
Re-open the same project (connected to Azure DevOps) in Visual Studio, and now everything seems to be fine.
Does anyone else have any additional information on this TF30063 error with Azure DevOps repositories, or any additional suggestions for resolving or working around the issue?
Please try below and see if it helps.
Close all instances of VS
Delete %localappdata%.IdentityService
Restart VS
another approach:
Close all VS instances.
delete your VS appdata folder and then open VS
Though this will reset all your setting. Hope it helps.
If you still face the same issue , please raise a request in below link.
you can do it from here too:

Remove TFS Connection From Visual Studio Team Explorer

I am using Visual Studio 2017 and I added a TFS Server in my Visual Studio.
Every time I open my VS I get the TFS connections in my Team Explorer.
How can I remove this connection from Visual Studio?
Note that I don't want to delete anything from the server. I only need to delete the connection from Visual Studio.
Click on the plug icon in Team Explorer. You should land on the tab "Connect" where you find a link" Manage Connections". Choose "Connect to a project" and you get a dialog with allyour tfs (and gihub, if you did use it) connectsion. With the "Add TFS Server" link above the list of connections you can add and remove TFS server instances.

I need the url for TFS for TeamCity?

I have setup teamcity in the past with Subversion, no problem. I have never used TFS before. We have TFS 2010 running and I can connect to via Visual Studio 2010. How do I find the URL for TeamCity? I am using TeamCity 6.
You can find the configured TFS URL from within Visual Studio by picking View -> Team Explorer, then looking at the top node. (I'm assuming for a second that you have only one TFS server set up; otherwise, there should be multiple top-level nodes.)
If you right-click on it and pick Properties, it will show you the full URL including protocol and port.
This is for Visual Studio 2008, but I'm pretty sure it's the same in 2010.

Visual Studio 2010 is prompting to login to Team Foundation Server

Visual Studio 2010 is prompting to login to a Team Foundation Server. How can I remove this?
If you go to Tools:Options:Source Control, you can change your Current source control plugin to something else (or nothing).
It appears that you are being prompted to make a TFS connection to a CodePlex TFS server.
If this is a result of opening a .sln, then you can cancel, and try disassociating this .sln with any source control. Unbind from source control.
Perhaps within Team Explorer you've got a TFS entry there to that CodePlex server. Try disconnecting that.

Adding a project to the TFS server

I have my project already added to the online TFS server of Visual Studio. Now I want to unbind the project from the online TFS server. I have already tried unbinding the Project from the advanced options of Source control.
When I try to add the project to the source control after unbinding, the server name of the TFS remains the online TFS server. How can i change the name of the TFS server?
I have tried most solutions given on SO and internet. But nothing could help me to change the name of the tfs server
You didn’t completely remove TFS Bindings.
There is a tool to remove Source Control Bindings from Visual Studio Solutions and Projects from msdn:
More ways and more information for you reference: How can I completely remove TFS Bindings
Moreover, If the online TFS mean Visual Studio Team Services(VSonline), to change your server name(server account), please refer this link Change Visual Studio Team Services account owner from MSDN.
