I need the url for TFS for TeamCity? - teamcity

I have setup teamcity in the past with Subversion, no problem. I have never used TFS before. We have TFS 2010 running and I can connect to via Visual Studio 2010. How do I find the URL for TeamCity? I am using TeamCity 6.

You can find the configured TFS URL from within Visual Studio by picking View -> Team Explorer, then looking at the top node. (I'm assuming for a second that you have only one TFS server set up; otherwise, there should be multiple top-level nodes.)
If you right-click on it and pick Properties, it will show you the full URL including protocol and port.
This is for Visual Studio 2008, but I'm pretty sure it's the same in 2010.


Visual Studio Team Services workspace error

I created a Visual Studio 2013 MVC project in Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate using Visual Studio Team Services through visualstudio.com. I have since reinstalled Windows and Visual Studio 2013 and have reopened the solution and receive error:
The solution you have loaded is bound to the source control server at https://{myaccount}.visualstudio.com/defaultcollection, but no workspace on that server could be located. If you do have a workspace on this server, and you want this solution to be opened under source control,
connect to that server using Team Explorer and then re-open the solution.
I am having difficulty locating how to setup and manage workspaces on my local machine and Team Services.
If you open visual studio and connect to your team project you should then be able to open the solution explorer. Once open you should see your project grated or as It is not maped locally.
Right click on your desired mapping folder level and map it to your local disk.
Note: You will need to map it to another location and pull across any uncommitted changes.

Can Visual Studio Online synchronize with TFS on a given project

We have a project source-controlled by local TFS installation (both are 2013 version).
The scenario that we want to accomplish is:
Developers located in the company use the local TFS as usual.
When they finish they check-in the code to the local TFs and Visual Studio Online.
Developers working from outside the company, get latest from the Visual studio Online.
When they finish, they check-in the changes back to Visual Studio Online.
The target is to have local and online code repositories that can be synchronized either manually or automatically. Is this possible using Visual Studio Online? If not, are there any workaround to achieve this scenario?
You can synchronise the work using the TFS Integration Tools. They are complicated to setup and will be painfull to run. There are commercial options that are ridiculously expensive, like OpsHub, and I would suggest you just pick a server.
Either have your local server with remote users on VPN, or have a VSO server that everyone accesses. I would recommend VSO with local Build servers.
You can check here. How to access VS 2010 TFS over the internet from remote office
It is about vs2010 but i guess the second answer is for you.

TFS Workspaces across VS 2010 and 2012?

I am currently developing on Visual Studio 2012 RC using TFS Preview for source control. I would like to create an SSIS Integration project, which requires me to use Visual Studio 2010. However, when I connect to TFS from VS 2010, it automatically creates a new workspace and does not list the VS 2012 workspace.
If I issue the tf workspaces command from the VS 2010 command prompt, I see only the VS 2010 workspace, and if I issue the command from the VS 2012 command prompt, I see only the VS 2012 workspace (both indicate the same colleciton is being used).
Is there some way I can get VS 2010 to see the VS 2012 workspace? I would prefer not to have to have two copies of source code just to be able to use VS 2010 for the SSIS project.
TFS 2012 introduces a new concept called local workspaces, which differ subtly from the behavior of workspaces in previous versions of TFS (the old default behavior is now called a server workspace.) Local workspaces do not require read-only files and instead allow files to be edited without checking out from the server, and they are intended to be more suitable for small to medium sized workspaces. For this reason, local workspaces are the default in TFS 2012.
Local workspaces, however, are not compatible with TFS 2010 and TFS 2010 clients will not be able to use a new local workspace.
You can convert the workspace that you created with your VS 2012 client to a server workspace. In the Edit Workspace dialog, select Advanced, and you can change the type from a Local to a Server workspace.
At that point, you should be able to connect with VS 2010 and choose that TFS workspace.
(Note that it's not sufficient to use tf workspaces as that will return a cached copy of your workspace list - you will need to connect to the server either with Visual Studio 2010 or with a tf.exe command that talks to the server.)
In addition to the Location="Server" property mentioned in other answers/comments, the File Time property must be "Current", as shown below.
Workspaces created in Visual Studio 2012/2013 with either Location="Local" or File Time="Checkin" are not visible/usable in Visual Studio 2010.

Visual Studio use old URL to TFS server

I have problem with bad url to TFS 2010 server in Visual Studio.
First I have TFS 2010 on machine zeus... TFS url was zeus:8080\tfs
Then changed location, now is TFS on machine hades...TFS url is now hades:8080\tfs
In visual studio I changed source control to hades:8080\tfs.
Then I created Team project in Team collection.
When I am trying add some solution to source control Visual Studio still use old TFS url (zeus:8080\tfs).
I don't know how can I change it. I search in Visual Studio some settings when I can configure TFS url.
But actually I am connected with good TFS url. I can add Team project to TFS collection but when I am trying add solution Visual Studio use old URL.
Any advice.
Did you try to clear your cache?
Did you follow the steps in the MSDN article: Move Team Foundation Server from One Hardware Configuration to Another?

Adding a project to the TFS server

I have my project already added to the online TFS server of Visual Studio. Now I want to unbind the project from the online TFS server. I have already tried unbinding the Project from the advanced options of Source control.
When I try to add the project to the source control after unbinding, the server name of the TFS remains the online TFS server. How can i change the name of the TFS server?
I have tried most solutions given on SO and internet. But nothing could help me to change the name of the tfs server
You didn’t completely remove TFS Bindings.
There is a tool to remove Source Control Bindings from Visual Studio Solutions and Projects from msdn: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/saveenr/archive/2012/08/11/a-tool-to-remove-source-control-bindings-from-visual-studio-solutions-and-projects.aspx
More ways and more information for you reference: How can I completely remove TFS Bindings
Moreover, If the online TFS mean Visual Studio Team Services(VSonline), to change your server name(server account), please refer this link Change Visual Studio Team Services account owner from MSDN.
