Websocket connection - client attempts to TLS handshake for one address but not the other - websocket

I have a setup which involves devices connecting to a server via web sockets. I'm experiencing a strange problem where they can connect to one test server without issues, but cannot connect to a different server (hosted on Azure).
I've installed Wireshark on both of them, and can watch both the successful connection and the unsuccessful connection. It appears that the unsuccessful one attempts to initiate an SSL handshake.
Here is the successful connection:
Here is the unsuccessful connection:
It seems like the client in the successful connection is simply setting up an HTTP web socket, but in the unsuccessful setup it's try to set up a secure connection.
Why would the client be setting up different connections depending upon the server address?
The client code to create the websocket is just javascript, invoking new Websocket(address), and in both cases the address begins with the 'ws' prefix.
I have done some further investigation and found another weird behavior. As it happens, there are two domain names pointing to the same server.
If I used the domain name with the top level domain "com" (XXXX.australiaeast.cloudapp.azure.com), then the connection works.
If I used the domain name with the top level domain "dev" (comutername.mydomainname.dev) then the connection fails, with the weird TLSV1 packet.
Both works fine if I run the same client code on the Microsoft Edge browser.
This appears to be a defect in Chrome's implementation of The WebScoket API
I have posted a defect here, let's see how it goes. https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1067076

The issue in play here is HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)
A browser can be configured so that certain domains have an HSTS policy attached, meaning any insecure link will automatically be converted to a secure link.
This policy will be applied if a request returns a Strict-Transport-Security header. But, and here's the significant bit, the Chrome and Firefox browsers automatically apply the policy to all dev domains.
It appears that up until recently, the Chrome browser and Chrome OS was not observing the policy with regard to WebSocket connections. This has changed, and now WebSockets will observe the HSTS policy.
The upshot is, if you have a websocket using the ws protocol and not the wss protocol, and it's on a .dev domain, your Chrome and Firefox browser will not be able to connect to it.


Restrict insecure web socket protocol connections in PCF

We are hosting an application in the preprod azure PCF environment which exposes websocket endpoints for client devices to connect to. Is there a prescribed methodology to secure the said websocket endpoint using TLS/SSL when hosted on PCF and running behind the PCF HAProxy?
I am having trouble interpreting this information, as in, are we supposed to expose port 4443 on the server and PCF shall by default pick it up to be a secure port that ensures unsecured connections cannot be established? Or does it require some configuration to be done on HAProxy?
Is there a prescribed methodology to secure the said websocket endpoint using TLS/SSL when hosted on PCF and running behind the PCF HAProxy?
A few things:
You don't need to configure certs or anything like that when deploying your app to PCF. The platform takes care of all that. In your case, it'll likely be handled by HAProxy, but it could be some other load balancer or even Gorouter depending on your platform operations team installed PCF. The net result is that TLS is first terminated before it hits your app, so you don't need to worry about it.
Your app should always force users to HTTPS. How you do this depends on the language/framework you're using, but most have some functionality for this.
This process generally works by checking to see if the incoming request was over HTTP or HTTPS. If it's HTTP, then you issue a redirect to the same URL, but over HTTPS. This is important for all apps, not just ones using WebSockets. Encrypt all the things.
Do keep in mind that you are behind one or more reverse proxies, so if you are doing this manually, you'll need to consider what's in x-forwarded-proto or x-forwarded-port, not just the upstream connection which would be Gorouter, not your client's browser.
If you are forcing your user's to HTTPS (#1 above), then your users will be unable to initiate an insecure WebSocket connection to your app. Browsers like Chrome & Firefox have restrictions to prevent an insecure WebSocket connection from being made when the site was loaded over HTTPS.
You'll get a message like The operation is insecure in Firefox or Cannot connect: SecurityError: Failed to construct 'WebSocket': An insecure WebSocket connection may not be initiated from a page loaded over HTTPS. in Chrome.
I am having trouble interpreting this information, as in, are we supposed to expose port 4443 on the server and PCF shall by default pick it up to be a secure port that ensures unsecured connections cannot be established? Or does it require some configuration to be done on HAProxy?
From the application perspective, you don't do anything different. Your app is supposed to start and listen on the assigned port, i.e. what's in $PORT. This is the same for HTTP, HTTP, WS & WSS traffic. In short, as an app developer you don't need to think about this when deploying to PCF.
The only exception would be if your platform operations team uses a load balancer that does not natively support WebSockets. In this case, to work around the issue they need to separate traffic. HTTP and HTTPS go on the traditional ports 80 and 443, and they will route WebSockets on a different port. The PCF docs recommend 4443, which is where you're probably seeing that port. I can't tell you if your platform is set up this way, but if you know that you're using HAproxy, it is probably not.
At any rate, if you don't know just push an app and try to initiate a secure WebSocket connection over port 443 and see if it works. If it fails, try 4443 and see if that works. That or ask your platform operations team.
For what it's worth, even if your need to use port 4443 there is no difference to your application that runs on PCF. The only difference would be in your JavaScript code that initiates the WebSocket connection. It would need to know to use port 4443 instead of the default 443.

Does squidman proxy server support https?

I'm trying to set up a proxy server on my local mac.
http - seems to work.
But Safari is not connecting via https.
Did I miss something?
No it doesn't. You need to specify a separate https port and a ssl certificate, as documented in the squid config:
The socket address where Squid will listen for client requests made
over TLS or SSL connections. Commonly referred to as HTTPS.
This is most useful for situations where you are running squid in
accelerator mode and you want to do the TLS work at the accelerator
You may specify multiple socket addresses on multiple lines, each
with their own certificate and/or options.
The tls-cert= option is mandatory on HTTPS ports.
See http_port for a list of modes and options.
By design, it is quite hard to intercept https traffic:
When a browser creates a direct secure connection with an origin
server, there are no HTTP CONNECT requests. The first HTTP request
sent on such a connection is already encrypted. In most cases, Squid
is out of the loop: Squid knows nothing about that connection and
cannot block or proxy that traffic.
You also need to load the proxy settings for the browser as a PAC file, otherwise the browsers won't connect or throw a certificate warning:
Chrome The Chrome browser is able to connect to proxies over SSL
connections if configured to use one in a PAC file or command line
switch. GUI configuration appears not to be possible (yet).
More details at
Firefox The Firefox 33.0 browser is able to connect to proxies over
TLS connections if configured to use one in a PAC file. GUI
configuration appears not to be possible (yet), though there is a
config hack for embedding PAC logic.
There is still an important bug open:
Using a client certificate authentication to a proxy:

Firewall blocks connection to second WebSocket server

In short we have two separate servers for our web app. The first one is the main server that uses Websockets for handling "chat rooms", and the second server only handles WebRTC audio chat rooms via Websocket. Both servers use Express to create a HTTPS server, use secure Websocket and the port 443.
I recently encountered a problem where a corporate client's firewall blocked the wss-connection to only the WebRTC server. The error logged in the user's browser was "ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT", which means the user never connects via Websocket. This has not happened with any other clients.
The Websocket connection works normally between the user and the main server, and no rules have been added to their firewall to use our app.
Has anyone encountered something similar? What kind of a firewall setting might cause this? Could this be a cors problem, since the servers are on their own sub-domains?
The main server could be restricting the type of data sent on port 443, which will use SSL to secure that transmitted data.
Refer to this page for information on the "Well-know port numbers".
The WebRTC audio data may need to be transmitted on its own dedicated port number that has been configured on the main server for this.
The problem was that the main server WebSocket used TCP and the WebRTC server used UDP, and UDP was blocked by corporate firewall on default.
WebRTC should use TCP as a backup, but I'm assuming UDP is still needed for the handshake.

SocketIO tries to connect using same port as the browser used to get web page

I am serving content locally, accessible through That works ok, I get a correct webpage, which contains the following line inside a script:
var socket = io('http://example.com');
i.e. I am referencing an external server. Now my browser shows the followoing error:
GET http://example.com:4000/socket.io/?EIO=3&transport=polling&t=1417447089410-1 net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
That is, the browser is trying to connect using the same port that it used to get the original page.
Everything works fine when both the SocketIO server and the web server listen on the same port.
Am I missing something? Is this a bug? Is there a workaround? Thank you.
You can read here about how a plain webSocket is initially set up. It all starts with a somewhat standard HTTP GET request, but one that has some special headers set:
GET /chat HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com:8000
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Key: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
The interchange may also allow the host to enforce requests only from web pages on certain origins. While this header can be spoofed from non-web-browser agents (so the server has to be prepared for that), it will likely be correct when the OP is using a real browser (assuming no proxy is modifying it).
If the server accepts the incoming request, it will then return an HTTP response that looks something like this:
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: s3pPLMBiTxaQ9kYGzzhZRbK+xOo=
At this point, the socket which used to be an HTTP socket is now a webSocket and both endpoints have agreed that they're going to use the webSocket data format from now on. This initial connection may be followed by some form of authentication or new or existing cookies can also be used in the authentication during the initial HTTP portion of the connection.
socket.io adds some enhancements on top of this by initially requesting a particular path of /socket.io and adding some parameters to the URL. This allows socket.io to negotiate whether it's going to use long polling or a webSocket so there are some exchanges between client/server with socket.io before the above webSocket is initialized.
So, back to your question. The socket.io server simply spies at all incoming web requests on the normal web port (and looks for both it's special path and for special headers to indicate a webSocket initiation rather than a classic HTTP request). So, it runs over the same port as the web server. This is done for a bunch of reasons, all of which provide convenience to the server and server infrastructure since they don't have to configure their network to accept anything other than the usual port 80 they were already accepting (or whatever port they were already using for web requests).
By default in socket.io, the domain and port will default to the same domain and port as the web page you are on. So, if you don't specify one or the other in your connect call, it will use the domain or port from the web page you are on. If you want to use both a different domain and port, then you must specify both of them.

Why don't current websocket client implementations support proxies?

A Web Socket detects the presence of a proxy server and automatically sets up a tunnel to pass through the proxy. The tunnel is established by issuing an HTTP CONNECT statement to the proxy server, which requests for the proxy server to open a TCP/IP connection to a specific host and port. Once the tunnel is set up, communication can flow unimpeded through the proxy. Since HTTP/S works in a similar fashion, secure Web Sockets over SSL can leverage the same HTTP CONNECT technique. [1]
OK, sounds useful! But, in the client implementations I've seen thus far (Go [2], Java [3]) I do not see anything related to proxy detection.
Am I missing something or are these implementations just young? I know WebSockets is extremely new and client implementations may be equally young and immature. I just want to know if I'm missing something about proxy detection and handling.
[1] http://www.kaazing.org/confluence/display/KAAZING/What+is+an+HTML+5+WebSocket
[2] http://golang.org/src/pkg/websocket/client.go
[3] http://github.com/adamac/Java-WebSocket-client/raw/master/src/com/sixfire/websocket/WebSocket.java
Let me try to explain the different success rates you may have encountered. While the HTML5 Web Socket protocol itself is unaware of proxy servers and firewalls, it features an HTTP-compatible handshake so that HTTP servers can share their default HTTP and HTTPS ports (80 and 443) with a Web Sockets gateway or server.
The Web Socket protocol defines a ws:// and wss:// prefix to indicate a WebSocket and a WebSocket Secure connection, respectively. Both schemes use an HTTP upgrade mechanism to upgrade to the Web Socket protocol. Some proxy servers are harmless and work fine with Web Sockets; others will prevent Web Sockets from working correctly, causing the connection to fail. In some cases additional proxy server configuration may be required, and certain proxy servers may need to be upgraded to support Web Sockets.
If unencrypted WebSocket traffic flows through an explicit or a transparent proxy server on its way the WebSocket server, then, whether or not the proxy server behaves as it should, the connection is almost certainly bound to fail today (in the future, proxy servers may become Web Socket aware). Therefore, unencrypted WebSocket connections should be used only in the simplest topologies.
If encrypted WebSocket connection is used, then the use of Transport Layer Security (TLS) in the Web Sockets Secure connection ensures that an HTTP CONNECT command is issued when the browser is configured to use an explicit proxy server. This sets up a tunnel, which provides low-level end-to-end TCP communication through the HTTP proxy, between the Web Sockets Secure client and the WebSocket server. In the case of transparent proxy servers, the browser is unaware of the proxy server, so no HTTP CONNECT is sent. However, since the wire traffic is encrypted, intermediate transparent proxy servers may simply allow the encrypted traffic through, so there is a much better chance that the WebSocket connection will succeed if Web Sockets Secure is used. Using encryption, of course, is not free, but often provides the highest success rate.
One way to see it in action is to download and install the Kaazing WebSocket Gateway--a highly optimized, proxy-aware WebSocket gateway, which provides native WebSocket support as well as a full emulation of the standard for older browsers.
The answer is that these clients simply do not support proxies.
The communication channel is already established by the time the WebSocket protocol enters the scene. The WebSocket is built on top of TCP and HTTP so you don't have to care about the things already done by these protocols, including proxies.
When a WebSocket connection is established it always starts with a HTTP/TCP connection which is later "upgraded" during the "handshake" phase of WebSocket. At this time the tunnel is established so the proxies are transparent, there's no need to care about them.
Regarding websocket clients and transparent proxies,
I think websocket client connections will fail most of the time for the following reasons (not tested):
If the connection is in clear, since the client does not know it is communicating with a http proxy server, it won't send the "CONNECT TO" instruction that turns the http proxy into a tcp proxy (needed for the client after the websocket handshake). It could work if the proxy supports natively websocket and handles the URL with the ws scheme differently than http.
If the connection is in SSL, the transparent proxy cannot know to which server it should connect to since it has decrypt the host name in the https request. It could by either generating a self-signed certificate on the fly (like for SSLStrip) or providing its own static certificate and decrypt the communication but if the client validates the server certificate it will fail (see https://serverfault.com/questions/369829/setting-up-a-transparent-ssl-proxy).
You mentioned Java proxies, and to respond to that I wanted to mention that Java-Websocket now supports proxies.
You can see the information about that here: http://github.com/TooTallNate/Java-WebSocket/issues/88
websocket-client, a Python package, supports proxies, at the very least over secure scheme wss:// as in that case proxy need no be aware of the traffic it forwards.
