I referred Msdn documentation:- Rate limit in Teams.
From this, I get to know that we can only send 15000 messages from bot to users per hour.
but I am confused with bot per thread limit.
secondly, In order to handle 429 exception, I am now using this Code :-Back off Code.
earlier I was just using "connector.Conversations.ReplyToActivityAsync( (Activity)reply)" to send message to user.
Am I doing right, or is there any more precaution that I have to take care of? and how this exponential backoff will solve the rate limit?
Any help is going to be appreciated. :)
Thanks in advance.
According to google documentation:
If a v3 site key exceeds its monthly quota, then site_verify may fail open by returning a static score 0.9 and an error message "Over free quota." for the remainder of the month. There are no user-visible indications when v3 sites are over quota.
They don't really specify what the response will be like, will the success indicator still be true? Meaning that the token was successfully validated? Will they still send the action in the response?
I'm not concerned about the static 0.9 score, but rather that the success indicator being false or the action being empty would cause issues for me.
Has anyone had to deal with reaching recaptchasV3 limit before?
Any help is appreciated, thanks.
I am getting
"code": 403,
"message": "User Rate Limit Exceeded"
while using Google Drive API in my web app
Although the quota is 10,000 requests per 100 seconds and my average is less than 2:
How can I resolve this error? How to implement exponential backoff as the documents say?
There are sevrail types of quotas with Google apis.
Project based quotas which effect your project itself. These quotas can be extended. If for example you your project can make 10000 requests pre 100 seconds. you could request that this be extended.
Then there is the user based quotas. these quotas limit how much each user can send.
User Rate Limit Exceeded
Means that you are hitting a user rate quota. User rate quotas are flood protection they ensure that a single user of your application can not make to many requests at once.
These quotas can not be extended.
if you are getting a user rate limiting quota then you need to slow down your application and implement exponential backoff.
How you implement exponential backoff is up to you and the language you are using but it basically involves just retrying the same request again only adding wait times each time it fails
the graph
the graph in the google cloud console is an guestimate and it is not by any means accurate. If you are getting the error message you should go by that and not by what the graph says.
After hours of searching and thinking, I found out that,
'User Rate Limit Exceeded' has a spam protection which allow max 10 requests per second.
Thus I found out a lazy trick to do so by delaying the calls using:
It simply delays the call by a random duration between 1 and two seconds.
Which are the limitations of free plan in getstream?
I have 8 members and 5 administrators following each others feed and I always get an email from GetStream alerting the rate limit when I make them follow.
Now I have an issue when updating activities. Perhaps I have reached my update limit, because sometimes when I try to create an activity, I get a ERROR TIMEDOUT.
We send out two rate limit messages: one for API calls, and one for feed updates. Our API call rate limit is about 2000 activities per minute, but feed updates are more like 50-100 per minute on the free plan. Setting up a follow relationship will trigger some feed updates as old activities get copied from other feeds to the new follower's feed.
When you do hit a rate limit, we don't stop your incoming traffic, but we de-prioritize slightly it so it takes a little longer to catch up. Our API v2 coming out soon will report rate limit information in API calls so you'll have more visibility into how close you are to hitting those limits before getting emails.
Regarding timeouts, which region is your app in (us-east, us-west, eu-central) and where are you located related to that area? We're going to be rolling out multi-region support later this year to minimize latencies there as well.
We currently use our applications to download some pins information for analytics purposes
Currently we hit the API on hourly basis but we have some problems with rate limiting, so we need the following questions to be addresses:
The documentation states that the rate limit is 1000 calls per hour per user token per endpoint. By looking at the HTTP headers apparently the actual limit is 200. So, which is the correct one?
Are GET /v1/pins/1234 and GET /v1/pins/5678 considered to be a call to the same endpoint?
Are there any application level (so, despite of the used user token) rate-limit in place?
Are there any IP level rate limits?
Since we use concurrent requests, are there any limitation on the number of CONCURRENT request? (which means: make another call from the same IP and using the same token, even if the previous one hasn't ended yet)
Thanks in advance.
PS: I tried to contact them via support form, but it returns a 422. Which is awesome!
For apps that is still in development stage the limit is 200. You will get 1000 if your apps passed the review.
The documentation states that the rate limit is 1000 calls per hour
per user token per endpoint. By looking at the HTTP headers
apparently the actual limit is 200. So, which is the correct one?
Ans: Its 10 per token per app id per hour for app in development(tested), 1000 per token per hour for production app.
Are there any application level (so, despite of the used user token)
rate-limit in place?
Ans: No, rate limit will be 10(app in development) or 1000(approved app)/hour for each tokens you have
Are there any IP level rate limits?
Ans: No
Since we use concurrent requests, are there any limitation on the number of CONCURRENT request? (which means: make another call from the same IP and using the same token, even if the previous one hasn't ended yet)
Ans: No there is no such limit but they will probably check for bot activity and you may end up with banned account, so please do maintain some delay in between requests for same token IMO 12 seconds should be enough
Lately, in our app using IPP data services, we have encountered these errors from time to time.
<RestResponse xmlns="http://www.intuit.com/sb/cdm/v2">
<Error RequestId="49f7926a9aa84cfc8289534801dee72d">
<ErrorDesc>message=This client has made too many consecutive requests over too short a period of time. Please wait a short amount of time before attempting to submit again; errorCode=003001; statusCode=403; source=Throttling Policy</ErrorDesc>
Can't find any reference to a "Throttling Policy" or error code "3001" anywhere in the IPP documentation.
Any help in figuring out what the throttling limits are would be appreciated. Are they based around an IP, rate limitation, concurrency limitation, OAuth consumer, OAuth client, something else perhaps?
EDIT: Link to IDN forums about the same issue: https://idnforums.intuit.com/messageview.aspx?catid=69&threadid=18910.
Yes, there is a throttling process in place if > 500 requests per minute by a single user or against a single realm.
You had over 600 requests during the one minute period.
Looks like almost all (all except 32 requests) were individual customer queries… all different customer record ids. Is there a way you can make a single customer list query, filtered if necessary, to get a bunch of customer records in a single request and reduce the number of calls you are making.