What happens when recaptchaV3 monthly quota is reached? - recaptcha

According to google documentation:
If a v3 site key exceeds its monthly quota, then site_verify may fail open by returning a static score 0.9 and an error message "Over free quota." for the remainder of the month. There are no user-visible indications when v3 sites are over quota.
They don't really specify what the response will be like, will the success indicator still be true? Meaning that the token was successfully validated? Will they still send the action in the response?
I'm not concerned about the static 0.9 score, but rather that the success indicator being false or the action being empty would cause issues for me.
Has anyone had to deal with reaching recaptchasV3 limit before?
Any help is appreciated, thanks.


What is "sf_max_daily_api_calls"?

Does someone know what "sf_max_daily_api_calls" parameter in Heroku mappings does? I do not want to assume it is a daily limit for write operations per object and I cannot find an explanation.
I tried to open a ticket with Heroku, but in their support ticket form "Which application?" drop-down is required, but none of the support categories have anything to choose there from, the only option is "Please choose..."
I tried to find any reference to this field and can't - I can only see it used in Heroku's Quick Start guide, but without an explanation. I have a very busy object I'm working on, read/write, and want to understand any limitations I need to account for.
Salesforce orgs have rolling 24h limit of max daily API calls. Generally the limit is very generous in test orgs (sandboxes), 5M calls because you can make stupid mistakes there. In productions it's lower. Bit counterintuitive but protects their resources, forces you to write optimised code/integrations...
You can see your limit in Setup -> Company information. There's a formula in documentation, roughly speaking you gain more of that limit with every user license you purchased (more for "real" internal users, less for community users), same as with data storage limits.
Also every API call is supposed to return current usage (in special tag for SOAP API, in a header in REST API) so I'm not sure why you'd have to hardcode anything...
If you write your operations right the limit can be very generous. No idea how that Heroku Connect works. Ideally you'd spot some "bulk api 2.0" in the documentation or try to find synchronous vs async in there.
Normal old school synchronous update via SOAP API lets you process 200 records at a time, wasting 1 API call. REST bulk API accepts csv/json/xml of up to 10K records and processes them asynchronously, you poll for "is it done yet" result... So starting job, uploading files, committing job and then only checking say once a minute can easily be 4 API calls and you can process milions of records before hitting the limit.
When all else fails, you exhausted your options, can't optimise it anymore, can't purchase more user licenses... I think they sell "packets" of more API calls limit, contact your account representative. But there are lots of things you can try before that, not the least of them being setting up a warning when you hit say 30% threshold.

Rate Limit in MS teams Bot framework-Clarification required

I referred Msdn documentation:- Rate limit in Teams.
From this, I get to know that we can only send 15000 messages from bot to users per hour.
but I am confused with bot per thread limit.
secondly, In order to handle 429 exception, I am now using this Code :-Back off Code.
earlier I was just using "connector.Conversations.ReplyToActivityAsync( (Activity)reply)" to send message to user.
Am I doing right, or is there any more precaution that I have to take care of? and how this exponential backoff will solve the rate limit?
Any help is going to be appreciated. :)
Thanks in advance.

Concrete price for YouTube API-Calls

In the quota calculation for YouTube, there is neither a currency nor a volume that the price refers to. Where do I find the pricing per API call?
Thank you!
The YouTube API quota calculator can be complicated thats why they created the calculator
YouTube Data API (v3) - Quota Calculator
This tool lets you estimate the quota cost for an API query. All API requests, including invalid requests, incur a quota cost of at least one point.
To use the tool, select the appropriate resource, method, and part parameter values for your request, and the approximate quota cost will display in the table. Please remember that quota costs can change without warning, and the values shown here may not be exact.
The cost is against your quota found in the developer console
I am not sure i understand what you mean by currency. The YouTube api is a free api it doesnt cost anything to use.

Square Point of Sale API - Error code "amount_too_small", but card is charged?

i'm making calls to the square pos ios web api with charges of $1.00 for system integration testing.
the calls are successful, in that they switch control to the square app, the card gets charged $1.00, transactions show up in the dashboard, i can refund them, etc. so obviously i'm sending the minimum amount suggested in the documentation to test the api (https://docs.connect.squareup.com/articles/web-api-ios) due to the lack of a point of sale api sandbox?
why does the response return a status of "error" with an error_code of "amount_too_small" when it was processed successfully?
Make sure you are using an amount of at least 100 to represent $1 (or 100 cents). You should only get this error if you try to charge an amount lower than 100.
My guess is that you are seeing transactions that you made previously, or you are getting replayed responses by reusing idempotency keys. If you are in fact getting an error in response while a transaction is being created, it seems like there is something wrong with our system. Could you record a video of what you are doing, or some detailed logs of requests & responses with headers?

Does the Google Analytics API throttle requests?

Does the Google Analytics API throttle requests?
We have a batch script that I have just moved from v2 to v3 of the API and the requests go through quite well for the first bit (50 queries or so) and then they start taking 4s or so each. Is this Google throttling us?
While Matthew is correct, I have another possibility for you. Google analytics API cashes your requests to some extent. Let me try and explain.
I have a customer / site that I request data from. While testing I noticed some strange things.
the first million rows results would come back with in an acceptable amount of time.
after a million rows things started to slow down we where seeing results returning in 5 times as much time instead of 5 minutes we where waiting 20 minutes or more for the results to return.
Request URL :
Request Time (seconds:milliseconds): :0:484
Request URL :
Request Time (seconds:milliseconds): :7:968
I did a lot of testing stopping and starting my application. I couldn't figure out why the data was so fast in the beginning then slow later.
Now I have some contacts on the Google Analytics Development team the guys in charge of the API. So I made a nice test app, logged some results showing my issue and sent it off to them. With the question Are you throttling me?
They where also perplexed, and told me there is no throttle on the API. There is a flood protection limit that Matthew speaks of. My Developer contact forwarded it to the guys in charge of the traffic.
Fast forward a few weeks. It seams that when we make a request for a bunch of data Google cashes the data for us. Its saved on the server incase we request it again. By restarting my application I was accessing the cashed data and it would return fast. When I let the application run longer I would suddenly reach non cashed data and it would take longer for them to return the request.
I asked how long is data cashed for, answer there was no set time. So I don't think you are being throttled. I think your initial speedy requests are cashed data and your slower requests are non cashed data.
Email back from google:
Hi Linda,
I talked to the engineers and they had a look. The response was
basically that they thinks it's because of caching. The response is
below. If you could do some additional queries to confirm the behavior
it might be helpful. However, what they need to determine is if it's
because you are querying and hitting cached results (because you've
already asked for that data). Anyway, take a look at the comments
below and let me know if you have additional questions or results that
you can share.
Summary from talking to engineer: "Items not already in our cache will
exhibit a slower retrieval processing time than items already present
in the cache. The first query loads the response into our cache and
typical query times without using the cache is about 7 seconds and
with using the cache is a few milliseconds. We can also confirm that
you are not hitting any rate limits on our end, as far as we can tell.
To confirm if this is indeed what's happening in your case, you might
want to rerun verified slow queries a second time to see if the next
query speeds up considerably (this could be what you're seeing when
you say you paste the request URL into a browser and results return
-- IMBA Google Analytics API Developer --
Google's Analytics API does have a rate limit per their docs: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/core/v3/coreErrors
However they should not caused delayed requests, rather the request should be returned with a response of: 403 userRateLimitExceeded
Description of that error:
Indicates that the user rate limit has been exceeded. The maximum rate limit is 10 qps per IP address. The default value set in Google Developers Console is 1 qps per IP address. You can increase this limit in the Google Developers Console to a maximum of 10 qps.
Google's recommended course of action:
Retry using exponential back-off. You need to slow down the rate at which you are sending the requests.
