maven-surefire-plugin doesnot work in SpringBoot 2.2.2.RELEASE and above - maven

I have used maven-surefire-plugin in my Maven project to execute the tests in parallel.
everything work great.
When I have upgraded to SpringBoot 2.2.2.RELEASE and above, tests stop running in parallel.
This is how I use the plugin :
Is there a way to execute tests in parallel ? with this plug-in ?
I have uploaded a small maven project with two modules:
a not working module with springBoot 2.2.6.RELEASE
a working module with springBoot 1.5.9.RELEASE
Both modules are identical except SprintBoot version

Creating a configuration in pom:
The problem here is of course that you are using JUnit 4 only.


Maven Dependency Management is importing wrong version

I am cloning project to import a 7.13 version dependency as depicted here. As you can see, the camunda-webapp: 7.11.0 (managed from 7.13.0) is creeping in. This is causing some ClassNotFoundExceptions since I need camunda-webapp: 7.13.0 which IS happening correctly in a diff project I dont own. I did a lot of digging and exclusions but I'm not able to figure out where is this whole 7.11.0 (managed from 7.13.0) is even coming from.
How can i force this project to use 7.13.0 throughout?
However, In another project importing 7.13 imports the transitive 7.13 correctly.
EDIT - Updating the POM here to triage the fix:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
However this results still in. As you can see 7.11 is still there. If I exclude 7.11 completely, the camunda-webapp.jar completely disappears. Was hoping 7.13 would get popped in. Also camunda-webapp-webjar is completely removed, comparing to the screenshots above :
First change the property value of
to 7.13.0
See e.g.
If the issue persists the the plugin jars define their own versions, not driven by the BOM:
You shared the main project POM including the engine and webapps, but the unwanted dependency is coming in as a dependency of your custom* jars, as the screenshot of the dependency tree shows. camunda-webapp:7.11.0 is a dependency which is pulled in by
A) If possible update the POMs of those projects and run a mvn clean install on them
B) If you have no control over these projects then you can also add exclusions to the dependency tags listed above (as the jar is already included in the main project). However, this would mean your plugin jars running with another jar version than they have been compiled against. It is not a good practice and may cause issue if compatibility changed.
On a different note:
"Please note that we updated the frontend plugin interface with Camunda Platform Runtime 7.14. Plugins written for Camunda Platform Runtime 7.13 and earlier might no longer work with Camunda Platform Runtime 7.14. Checkout the update guide for more details."

Mockito Powermock Test run fails with ClassNotFoundException: org.mockito.cglib.proxy.MethodInterceptor

I'm migrating a maven java8 project to Java 11. All the source files and test files compiles successfully. There are tests that makes use of mockito/powermock.
When I try to mvn clean install, the build fails because of the failures in tests. All the tests fails with the same cause (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.mockito.cglib.proxy.MethodInterceptor) I'm using surefire plugin version 3.3.0-M3.
Please see relevant sections in pom.xml below. Please help me to resolve these ClassNotFoundException and make the build success.
The exception is coming from the APIs of following dependency which requires mockito 1.9.5.

How to exclude jasperreports artifact from jasperreports maven plugin

I have below plugin in my pom:
<!-- The dependency specified by the plugin doesn't work so we must provide our own -->
<!-- Groovy compiler seems to be required but not part of JasperReports' specified dependencies-->
The 1.0-beta-2 version of the above plugin points to jasperreports artifact of version 1.2.0, which in turn points to an open-ended commons-collections of [2.1, )
In 1.0-beta-2 pom:
And in jasperreports 1.2.0 pom:
In my case, there has been an push by someone else to a nexus repostiory, an artifact called 3.2.1-redhat-7 commons-collections.
jasperreports-maven-plugin is pointing to the above collections version which happens to be a corrupt one. There is a valid 3.2.1 version of commons collection. I need to exclude the jasperreports artifact and force the jasperreports-maven-plugin to use net.sf.jasperreports.
I have alread tried adding
to the above plugin, but it still points to the same 1.2.0 jasperreports that points to an open-ended commons-collections, and the build fails.
However if i comment out the dependency "jasperreports" in the jasperreports-maven-plugin.pom, it uses the jasperreports from net.sf.jasperreports and builds fine.
Please let me know.
Sorry for not really answering (can't comment yet due to lack of reputation), but:
in case you are in a hurry the way i was,
here is a workaround, from
You need to add
as one of your remote repos.
thanks a lot to joel.witham
I think that this answer to
Maven dependency management for plugin dependencies
is most promising..i.e. don't exclude jasper-1.2 but make sure it's using the correct dependency version.
Try this configuration :

Neo4j with SpringRestGraphDatabase - getting class not found exception

I've built a new project using Spring data graph for Neo4J. I'm using Maven.
Everything works fine with embedded database, but when I'm trying to set a database on remote server using REST I'm getting:
I saw a post from about one year ago, but with no solution - at least not one that works for me... In this post they referred aspectJ which indeed I use.
Is anyone familiar with this? does anyone have a working configuration example?
I really tried a L-O-T of different configurations, based on different posts in different forums and guides. This is my last one - I'll just specify that I also have other POMs and all of them are grouped by a parent POM (this is a bug project).
This is the bean definition:
<!-- Neo4j configuration (creates Neo4jTemplate) -->
<datagraph:config graphDatabaseService="neo4JRestGraphDatabase" />
<!-- With this uncommented - it works great -->
<!--datagraph:config storeDirectory="data/graph.db" /-->
And this is the project's POM:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- Neo4J -->
<!-- Do not remove this although we are not using Hibernate! this is needed
for Neo4J -->
<!-- Cassandra Client -->
<!-- this profile is for ci build mode. to activate it use -Pci flag -->
Thanks for your help!
I think you don't want to use "org.neo4j" dependencies if you use Spring Data. I'm not an expert but my current project works with only these:
I think you need to include the artifact, not just the org.neo4j.neo4j-rest-graph-db.
Also, you're mixing versions pretty freely
spring-data-neo4j 3.0 snapshot
neo4j-rest-graphdb 2.0 milestone
neo4j 1.8 milestone (you sure you don't mean to use 2.0 M6 here also?)
a long list of exclusions
explicit dependencies on spring-security-web 3.1.4 and spring-orm
I don't know the relevant dependencies and compatibilities for SDN 3, and there isn't necessarily anything wrong with mixing it up a bit, but if you get ClassNotFoundException or NoClassDefFoundError with a pom like that, you may want to look at your dependency tree, for instance by running mvn dependency:tree -Dverbose in your project root, to see if there are conflicting versions causing some dependencies to be silently excluded.
Eventualy, the problem was the definition of my neo4JRestGraphDatabase (which unfortunately I haven't pasted here...).
It was:
<bean id="graphDatabaseService" class="">
<constructor-arg value="http://localhost:7474/db/data/" />
Instead of:
<bean id="graphDatabaseService" class="">
<constructor-arg value="http://localhost:7474/db/data/" />
Now I have 'Connection Refused' problem, but this is another issue.
Regarding the dependencies, the dependencies that geceo mentioned above are indeed enough.
Thanks for anyone that tried to help!

Using Maven to download dependencies without mavenising my project

I am looking at using Spring Batch, which seems to mainly be distributed/managed using Maven. I am not a Maven user (I've always got away with using Ant), and don't feel I should need to mavenise my project purely in order to be able to use Spring Batch.
Are there any tools or Maven commands that I can use to download the various dependencies? There are no recent releases of Spring Batch that are marked "with dependencies".
Should I just create a Maven project that uses Spring Batch and then download the dependencies like that and then extract the jars that I need?
Use the maven ant tools or ivy to connect an ant built to the maven dependency/repository system.
Here's what I use. If you put this is in pom.xml, you can run
mvn dependency:copy-dependencies
from a command line and you'll end up with jars in your libs directory.
