Bind Spring datasource to JNDI - spring-boot

I have a spring boot based spring application that is deployed into an external tomcat instance.
The application creates few datasources. These datasources are added to entitymanager and transaction manager is setup accordingly.
However, recently we have integrated programmatically an ETL tool that works with JNDI datasources. The ask here is to bind the current spring datasources into the JNDI tree at startup.
I have tried to create an initial context post datasource bean creation and bind the datasources there, however, i do see a NoInitialContext exception being thrown.
How can i bind these spring datasources into the JNDI tree of the external tomcat? Appreciate the help!
Note: I cannot/am not allowed to edit the tomcat configuration as it is initialized from a PaaS template. So need to work on the approach of being able to bind to the JNDI tree from within the application.

AFAIK this is not possible. Take a look at the JEE spec:
The container must ensure that the application component instances have only read access to their naming context. The container must throw the javax.naming.OperationNotSupportedException from all the methods of the javax.naming.Context interface that modify the environment naming context and its subcontexts.
Jakarta EE Spec - Resources, Naming, and Injection
See this SO post has some interesting code examples if you want to play around.
IMHO you can achieve what you want by creating JNDI resources and passing these to the EntityManger/Spring. But that means that the configuration would exist outside of Spring completely. So this may not do what you want to do.


Where spring container will create all run time objects

As per Spring documentation it says that spring IOC container manages entire life cycle for beans.
My question is where the Spring container will create a new object? in JVM or where? Also how references of objects will be maintained.
Also below questions,
For standalone application where those bean will be created?
For WebApplication where those bean will be created?
I have gone through major of the Spring doc's but haven't found any clear idea on how object references are maintained.
Since a Spring Boot application runs in a JVM, the objects are created there as well.
Spring keeps references to the beans in the application context. There are several concrete implementations of the ApplicationContext interface (depending on the type of the application), but in the end it comes down to a bunch of HashMaps, which hold the bean instances or information about how to create them, bean types etc. The most relevant class, if you're interested in implementation details, is IMO This is used by all application context implementations to register beans, resolve them etc.

Spring Cloud Config and Spring Cloud Vault order of initialization

We are leveraging Spring Cloud Config and Spring Cloud Config Vault. We would like to know if there is a way to "bootstrap the bootstrap", ie we want spring cloud config server to be hit and then pull properties from that to leverage in our vault configuration. We looked at order, but it didn't appear to work, and I assume it is because of the post processing order, but I was hoping I might be missing something.
It doesn't work.
What Spring Cloud does with its bootstrap context, is setting up an application context that contains a set of PropertySources initialized from Spring beans. The bootstrap context is used then as parent context for the actual context created by Spring Boot. A property lookup looks for properties in its own context and within the parent context.
Configuration properties are initialized very early in the startup process and they use properties from the current Environment. At the time ConfigurationProperties beans are initialized, the Environment does not yet contain any remote PropertySources.
The only option I see here (except creating a bootstrap-bootstrap-context) is using the Spring Cloud Config client within your main class and contribute Vault properties before any Spring context is built.
Probably you can, but it requires PropertySourceBootstrapConfiguration#initialize() method overriding. You can't disable bean PropertySourceBootstrapConfiguration, but you can disable it's initialize method by using applicationContext.getBeanFactory().getBean(PropertySourceBootstrapConfiguration.class).setPropertySourceLocators(new ArrayList<>()) in CustomPropertySourceBootstrapConfiguration (to avoid obsolete external property sources calls).
In your CustomPropertySourceBootstrapConfiguration#initialize method you can retrieve properties from config-server and then customize your vaultPropertySourceLocator by inserting generated in config-server secretId of token.
Don't forget to add your CustomPropertySourceBootstrapConfiguration to spring.factories.
So, it's not easy but it is possible.
We created the custom datasource using EnvironmentPostProcessor which will get called before autoconfigure beans

Is it possible to access the spring context outside of a spring-boot application?

I am trying to create a standalone database application which can offer CRUD operations to other applications/modules...
I am aware of the need to create the entities and services used by the application in another artifact since you cannot depend on a spring-boot application alone.
But, can one get the runtime spring-configuration of a spring-boot application? So one can access a service that is deployed on my application?
For best through-put I am looking for a way to use services on a running spring-boot database application on the same JVM in order to minimise overhead...
What you want is technically it is possible using basic Java RMI (remote method invocation), you just register the bean as the implementation instance and share the interface between the two JVMs, either on localhost or even on different machines.
Spring even gives some additional support for this using RmiProxyFactoryBean, see Spring Remoting RMI article.
From above article, you can export it, using:
RmiServiceExporter exporter(CabBookingService implementation) {
Class<CabBookingService> serviceInterface = CabBookingService.class;
RmiServiceExporter exporter = new RmiServiceExporter();
return exporter;
and import it, using:
RmiProxyFactoryBean service() {
RmiProxyFactoryBean rmiProxyFactory = new RmiProxyFactoryBean();
return rmiProxyFactory;
Then you can use it in your application context based on your interface.
However I would not suggest to share beans like this because it has the same problem RMI has.
Shared library
Another way to do what you want is to create a shared library that can be included in other projects.
If all the project, which want to use it are Spring Boot application you can create a Spring Boot starter, see Spring documentation.
This way, other applications just have to add the dependency and they already has access to the beans in their application context, as well as the shared domain objects.
If other application use just regular Spring, they can just #Import your main configuration class.
If other apps are using Java, but not Spring, you can still use Spring inside, just provide a factory, which creates an internal Spring context.
REST service
If other applications are not written in Java, your best bet is to expose a REST interface for them to use the database applications.

Is it possible to change properties of a bean (defined for a service) and reload it when the application is running?

I migrated a simple CRUD application developed in Java using OSGi to Grails using Spring. I converted all the REST resources to controllers and HTML pages to GSP views, keeping the rest of the Java code as such.
I have a DBService service, which helps connect to the DB and run queries on it, and a ProcessorService, which uses DBService to perform business operations.
I created beans for these services as follows:
beans = {
dbServiceBean(DBService, "test_db")
Everything is working fine with the above config.
Now, I want the application to be able to process multiple DBs (multi-tenant). I won’t know the name of the DB beforehand, however, so I can’t have a list of dbServiceBeans predefined.
Is it possible to rebuild/reload a bean with dynamically obtained values and reload the dependent beans as well when the application is running?
Grails already have the option to use multiple datasources.
You can change your DBService to get a connection from the datasources configured. If you just change it to a Groovy class and put it in grails-app/service you will get transactions and dependency injection by attribute name for free.

Share spring container between test application and embedded tomcat

We are using cucumber-jvm to write an integration test layer in our application. One of the challenges we are finding is managing the database between the tests and the web application.
A typical scenario is that we want to persist some entities in a Given step of a scenario, then perform some actions on the user interface that may, in turn, persoist more entities. At the end, we want to clean the database. Because the cucumber-jvm tests are in one jvm and the web application is running in another jvm we cannot share a transaction (at least in a way of which I am aware) so the database must be cleaned manually.
My initial thought was to use an Embedded Tomcat server running off of an embedded in-memory database (HSQLDB) in the same JVM as the cucumber-jvm test. This way we might be able to share a single spring container, and by extension a single transaction, from which all objects could be retrieved.
During my initial tests it looks like Spring gets loaded and configured twice: once when the test starts and the cucumber.xml is read, and a second time when the embedded tomcat starts and the web application reads its applicationContext.xml. These appear to be in two completely separate containers because if I try to resolve an object in one container that is specified in the other container then it doesn't resolve. If I duplicate my configuration then I get errors about duplicate beans with the same id.
Is there a way that I can tell Spring to use the same container for both my test application and the embedded tomcat?
I'm using Spring 3.2.2.GA and Embedded Tomcat 7.0.39 (latest versions of both libraries).
Am I crazy? Do I need to provide more technical details? Apologies if I use some incorrect terminology.
p.s. If my problem seems familiar to you and you can suggest an alternative solution to the one I am trying, please let me know!
It is normal that spring is loaded twice. There are two places where two spring contexts are created:
In the servlet container listener org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener that is configured in web.xml. This one reads its configuration from the file set by the context-param contextConfigLocation.
In the implementation of ObjectFactory provided by cucumber-spring plugin This one reads its configuration from cucumber.xml.
The two spring contexts are totally different and their instances are kept in two different places. As a servlet context attribute for the former and kept by the JavaBackend for the latter.
When starting the embedded tomcat, it is possible to get access to the servlet context and thus set ourself the spring context used bt tomcat with the one from cucumber. But, spring has a special class called WebApplicationContext for context used in a servlet container. The cucumber SpringFactory on other hand creates its context through ClassPathXmlApplicationContext. So unless there is a way to specify the type of application context from the xml config, we will have to provide an ObjectFactory that shoots a WebApplicationContext.
What we can do is to have two web.xml. One for the normal and one for the test. For the test, we use our version of the ContexLoader listener.
