Xcode generic project indexing - xcode

I'm new to Xcode and I can't get some basic indexing working.
I'm trying to use it as an editor for project with custom build system and is not supposed to be built on Mac OS at all. So I'm trying to use Xcode more as advanced source code editor, rather then as full featured IDE.
The problem is that it won't build any kind of index, so staff like "go to definition" won't work.
On the other hand sublime and eclipse would provide me with at least some indexing, which was not ideal, but it still worked.
UPDATE: in terms of languages used there's nothing hardcore or ecstatic. 90% of the project is plain C.
Any ideas are welcome.


How to change intellij's gradle elephant icon to the classic one

The elephant icon of the gradle build-tool doesn't look professional to non-programmer high ranked entities (in my opinion) , the older icon looks much more professional .
My goal is to find a way to revert back to the previous gradle icon on my IDE.
tried to find this answer on the intellij's documentation without no success,
tried numerous google searches,
investigated plenty of intellij-idea options,
searched stackoverflow's related topics, With no luck.
I'm sure that eventhough this problem isn't code related,
It relates to every java/scala/kotlin programmer who would love to find a solution for this.
You can clone the Intellij Community edition repo, replace the svg icon. You can then run it from source or compile it into an executable. The location of the icon can be found here. Build instructions are in the readme.

Swift Scripting Autocomplete

After finding a number of articles that describe using Apple's Swift for scripting purposes, I wanted to try my hand at it. I want to do some simple scripts that perform actions on the file system: moving things around, renaming things, and so on.
My preferred text editor is Sublime, and while there is a package for Swift syntax, you obviously don't get any kind of autocomplete. Alternatively, I could use Xcode, which historically has had awesome autocomplete. From the command-line, I can type open myFile.swift to pop open an Xcode editor window for that file.
However, when I do this there's no autocomplete. I fear that I need to have a whole Xcode project set up with a build target, etc. to get autocomplete going...is this the case?
Does anyone know a simple way to get Swift autocomplete in Xcode (or Sublime) for scripting purposes? Thanks!
You should try using a playground in XCode if you don't need to reference other files. This lets you perform some basic debug as well.
After checking the help command with swift package --help I noticed about the generate-xcodeproj subcommand:
generate-xcodeproj Generates an Xcode project
So, you can generate an Xcode project doing swift package generate-xcodeproj and benefit the awesome autocompletion that Xcode gives you, even using dependencies.
Just generate and open the project file. Resolving new package dependencies will not update the project, so you need to rerun the generate-xcodeproj command on every dependencies change.

Can't make Ada work with Xcode 3.2

I've been looking around the web for an hour and I'm just giving up to ask it here...
I've got to work under Ada. I managed to make gnat work as a command line to compile my files.
But I want to be able to have proper projects in Xcode. My problem is that I've found some templates on the to make ada default templates, I've copy pasted them a bit everywhere (/library/developer/ application support etc) but they never appear in the list when I want to create a project.
My other problem is that when I create an empty project and add a .adb file to it I can't compile at all... How do I specify that I should use gnat with it?
I'm sorry for all these questions if they are stupid but I can't find the answer...
Two alternatives that may be of interest: the Ada plugin modules for NetBeans and the Ada 05 Language Module for BBEdit 9.x and TextWrangler 2.x .
FWIW, templates live in /Developer/Library/Xcode in Xcode 3.1.4.
If you are using the XCode Ada Plugin from here, it looks like it was made to work with Xcode 3.0. You might try downgrading to that and see if you have any better luck.
Personally, my IDE of choice is Emacs, so I can't go into any real detail about XCode past that. I'd suggest talking to the MacAda mailing list if you don't get a good answer here.

GUI based debugger for Ruby?

Is there any GUI based debugger for Ruby? Just a debugger. I do not want a full IDE like NetBeans because they tend to get your project dirty with extra files.
Check out Mr. Guid, which uses GTK+ and is cross-platform.
In netbeans you can tell it to put the netbeans project files in a separate directory or you can easily ignore the nbproject directory with your project's vcs. Netbeans has by far the best integrated debugging I have seen and there are many other great reasons to give it a try. Don't worry about netbeans using a project folder. I highly doubt you'll be able to find a better free GUI debugger.
If the code completion stuff gets in your way with netbeans it is easy to turn off and only request code completion when you want it (ctrl+space). That was my biggest gripe with netbeans.
I haven't used it in about a year, but I liked Arachno Ruby

A Dashcode project without a Dashcode project package

Dashcode keeps source files in a ".dcproj" project file, which is really a package to OS X, which in turn is actually nothing more than a directory structure. I'd like to continue to use Dashcode but without the "convenience" of the ".dcproj" structure. Why? I want to...
check the source code into Mercurial
use TextMate when developing the non-GUI parts of the code
eventually build and deploy platform-specific customizations of common core code (i.e., have multiple projects share some common source
I can deploy the Dashcode project into a directory and then do all of the above. But once I do, I likely cannot return to Dashcode, which is quite handy for visual stuff. A more flexible solution would enable me to tell Dashcode where the code is and to read/write it there, not in a ".dcproj" package.
I haven't heard of anyone doing this - but it would cool because checking a dashcode project into source control is a total pain in the neck (I'm Versions for SVN and it totally chokes on dashcode - I don't think its Versions' fault - but who knows..)
I'm finding dashcode quite good for GUI stuff, but its just a neglected product, so there are lots of things that are sort of developer hostile in it.
So here is how I'm using dashcode now:
I use dashcode for GUI layout.
I publish to www_cache_dashcode
I have my custom javascript files in www_client
I then have a little make file that copies everything from www_cache_dashcode to www_client
www_client is under version control, but I exclude/ignore the files that are copied in from www_cache_dashcode
www_cache_dashcode is not under version control
my dashcode project is under version control, but I only rarely update it because there is ALWAYS a conflict. (I'm sure its somehow my fault - but whatever).
Hope this helps,
One thing to remember, but i am still looking at this to gauge the effect, is that Dashcode will generate code. This can be switched of and on. menu > View/Stat Code Generator or View/Stop Code Generator.
Apple do not say a lot other than "Because the canvas generates HTML and CSS automatically for you, you may want to turn its code generation off if you’re tweaking elements by hand. To turn off the automatic code generator, choose View > Stop Code Generator. When you’re finished tweaking values by hand, you can turn the code generator back on by choosing View > Start Code Generator."
