Read data from multiple tables at a time and combine the data based where clause using Nifi - apache-nifi

I have scenario where I need to extract multiple database table data including schema and combine(combination data) them and then write to xl file?

In NiFi the general strategy to read in from a something like a fact table with ExecuteSQL or some other SQL processor, then using LookupRecord to enrich the data with a lookup table. The thing in NiFi is that you can only do a table at a time, so you'd need one LookupRecord for each enrichment table. You could then write to a CSV file that you could open in Excel. There might be some extensions elsewhere that can write directly to Excel but I'm not aware of any in the standard NiFi distro.


Incremental load from multiple tables for join queries in Nifi

For Incremental load we will be using QueryDatabaseTable processor which extracts data incrementally from one table. For writing sql query which extracts data from multiple tables we are using ExecuteSQL processor.
How can we extract incremental load for a join query??
If I understand what you're trying to do, in NiFi that's a Lookup pattern so you'd likely use LookupRecord with a DatabaseRecordLookupService. Each one of those would "join" the incremental load table with the rows from the table specified by the DatabaseRecordLookupService. For multiple joins you'd have a LookupRecord with corresponding DatabaseRecordLookupService for each of them.

NIFI: Proper way to consume kafka and store data into hive

I have the task to create kafka consumer that should extract messages from kafka, transfrom it and store into Hive table.
So, in kafka topic there are a lot of messages as json object.
I like to add some field and insert its into hive.
I create flow with following Nifi-processors:
JoltTransformJSON - for transform json
ConvertRecord - to transform json into insert query for hive
The topic will be sufficiently loaded and handle about 5Gb data per day.
So, are the any ways to optimize my flow (i think it's a bad idea to give a huge amount of insert queries to Hive)? Maybe it will be better to use the external table and putHDFS Processor (in this way how to be with partition and merge input json into one file?)
As you suspect, using PutHiveQL to perform a large number of individual INSERTs is not very performant. Using your external table approach will likely be much better. If the table is in ORC format, you could use ConvertAvroToORC (for Hive 1.2) or PutORC (for Hive 3) which both generate Hive DDL to help create the external table.
There are also Hive streaming processors, but if you are using Hive 1.2 PutHiveStreaming is not very performant either (but should still be better than PutHiveQL with INSERTs). For Hive 3, PutHive3Streaming should be much more performant and is my recommended solution.

Schema verification/validation before loading data into HDFS/Hive

I am a newbie to Hadoop Ecosystem and I need some suggestion from Bigdata experts on achieving schema verification/validation before loading the huge data into hdfs.
The scenario is:
I have a huge dataset with given schema (having around 200
column-header in it). This dataset is going to be stored in Hive
tables/HDFS. Before loading the data into hive table/hdfs I want to
perform a schema level verification/validation on the data supplied to
avoid any unwanted errors/exception while loading the data into hdfs.
Like in case somebody tries to pass a data file having fewer or more
number of columns in it then at the first level of verification this
load fail.
What could be the best possible approach for achieving the same?
Since you have files, you can add them into HDFS,and run map reduce on top of that. Here you would be having a hold on each row, so you can verify number of columns, their types and any other validations.
When i referred to jason/xml, there is slight overhead to make map reduce identify the records in that format. However with respect to validation there is schema validation which you can enforce and also define only specific values for a field using schema. So once the schema is ready, your parsing(xml to java) and then store them at another final HDFS location for further use(like HBase). When you are sure that data is validated, you can create Hive tables on top of that.
Use below utility to create temp tables every time based on the schema you receive in csv file format in staging directory and then apply some conditions to identify whether you have valid columns or not. Finally load into original table.

How to query file in hdfs which has xml as one column

I have data in a table in mysql with xml as one column.
For Ex: Table application has 3 fields.
id(integer) , details(xml) , address(text)
(In real case i have 10-12 fields here).
Now we want to query the whole table with all the fields in mysql table using pig.
Transferred the data from mysql into hdfs using sqoop with
record delimiter '\u0005' and column delimiter as "`" to /x.xml.
Then Load the data from x.xml into the Pig using
app = LOAD '/x.xml' USING PigStorage('\u0005') AS (id:int , details:chararray , address:chararray);
What is the best way to query such data.
Solution that i could currently think about.
Use a custom loader and extend Loadfunc to read the data.
If there is some way to load a particular column using xmlpathloader and rest loading normally. Please suggest if this can be done.
As all the examples i have seen using xpath are using XML loader while loading the file.
For Ex:
A = LOAD 'xmls/hadoop_books.xml' using'BOOK') as (x:chararray);
Is it good to use pig for querying such kind of data, please suggest if there are any other alternative technologies, that does it effectively.
The size of data present is around 500 GB.
FYI i am new to hadoop ecosytem and i might be missing something trivial.
Load a specific column:
Some other StackOverflow answers suggesting preprocessing the data with awk (generate a new input contains only the xml part.)
A nicer work-a-round to generate the specific data with an extra FOREACH from the xml column, like:
B = FOREACH app GENERATE details;
and store it to be able to load with an XML loader.
Check the StreamingXMLLoader
(You can also check Apache Drill it may support this case out of the box)
Or use UDF for the XML processing and in pig you just hand over the related xml field.

How to do complex query on big data?

every one.
I have some data about 6G in hdfs that has been exported from mysql.And I have write mapreduces prehandling data to fill some key field that data can be easily queried.
As the business demands are different aggregation data group by day ,hour,hospital,area etc,
so I have to write many hive sqls exporting data to local disk,and then I write python script to parse files on local disk ,then get datas in demand.
Is there some good technique on hadoop to resolve my demand.I am considering.
Can you help me ,please.
