Incremental load from multiple tables for join queries in Nifi - apache-nifi

For Incremental load we will be using QueryDatabaseTable processor which extracts data incrementally from one table. For writing sql query which extracts data from multiple tables we are using ExecuteSQL processor.
How can we extract incremental load for a join query??

If I understand what you're trying to do, in NiFi that's a Lookup pattern so you'd likely use LookupRecord with a DatabaseRecordLookupService. Each one of those would "join" the incremental load table with the rows from the table specified by the DatabaseRecordLookupService. For multiple joins you'd have a LookupRecord with corresponding DatabaseRecordLookupService for each of them.


NIFI: Proper way to consume kafka and store data into hive

I have the task to create kafka consumer that should extract messages from kafka, transfrom it and store into Hive table.
So, in kafka topic there are a lot of messages as json object.
I like to add some field and insert its into hive.
I create flow with following Nifi-processors:
JoltTransformJSON - for transform json
ConvertRecord - to transform json into insert query for hive
The topic will be sufficiently loaded and handle about 5Gb data per day.
So, are the any ways to optimize my flow (i think it's a bad idea to give a huge amount of insert queries to Hive)? Maybe it will be better to use the external table and putHDFS Processor (in this way how to be with partition and merge input json into one file?)
As you suspect, using PutHiveQL to perform a large number of individual INSERTs is not very performant. Using your external table approach will likely be much better. If the table is in ORC format, you could use ConvertAvroToORC (for Hive 1.2) or PutORC (for Hive 3) which both generate Hive DDL to help create the external table.
There are also Hive streaming processors, but if you are using Hive 1.2 PutHiveStreaming is not very performant either (but should still be better than PutHiveQL with INSERTs). For Hive 3, PutHive3Streaming should be much more performant and is my recommended solution.

Read data from multiple tables at a time and combine the data based where clause using Nifi

I have scenario where I need to extract multiple database table data including schema and combine(combination data) them and then write to xl file?
In NiFi the general strategy to read in from a something like a fact table with ExecuteSQL or some other SQL processor, then using LookupRecord to enrich the data with a lookup table. The thing in NiFi is that you can only do a table at a time, so you'd need one LookupRecord for each enrichment table. You could then write to a CSV file that you could open in Excel. There might be some extensions elsewhere that can write directly to Excel but I'm not aware of any in the standard NiFi distro.

Nifi joins using ExecuteSQL for larger tables

I am trying to Join multiple tables using NiFi. The datasource may be MySQL or RedShift maybe something else in future. Currently, I am using ExecuteSQL processor for this but the output is in a Single flowfile. Hence, for terabyte of data, this may not be suitable. I have also tried using generateTableFetch but this doesn't have join option.
Here are my Questions:
Is there any alternative for ExecuteSQL processor?
Is there a way to make ExecuteSQL processor output in multiple flowfiles? Currently I can split the output of ExecuteSQL using SplitAvro processor. But I want ExecuteSQL itself splitting the output
GenerateTableFetch generates SQL queries based on offset. Will this slows down the process when the dataset becomes larger?
Please share your thoughts. Thanks in advance
1.Is there any alternative for ExecuteSQL processor?
if you are joining multiple tables then we need to use ExecuteSQL processor.
2.Is there a way to make ExecuteSQL processor output in multiple flowfiles? Currently I can split the output of ExecuteSQL using SplitAvro processor. But I want ExecuteSQL itself splitting the output ?
Starting from NiFi-1.8 version we can configure Max Rows for flowfile, so that ExecuteSQL processor splits the flowfiles.
NiFi-1251 addressing this issue.
3.GenerateTableFetch generates SQL queries based on offset. Will this slows down the process when the dataset becomes larger?
if your source table is having indexes on the Maximum-value Columns then it won't slow down the process even if your dataset is becoming larger.
if there is no indexes created on the source table then there will be full table scan will be done always, which results slow down the process.

Nifi Fetching Data From Oracle Issue

I am having a requirement to fetch data from oracle and upload into google cloud storage.
I am using executeSql proecssor but it is failing for large table and even for table with 1million records of approx 45mb size it is taking 2hrs to pull.
The table name are getting passed using restapi to listenHttp which passes them to executeSql. I cant use QueryDatabase because the number of table are dynamic and calls to start the fetch is also dynamic using a UI and Nifi RestUi.
Please suggest any tuning parameter in ExecuteSql Processor.
I believe you are talking about having the capability to have smaller flow files and possibly sending them downstream while the processor is still working on the (large) result set. For QueryDatabaseTable this was added in NiFi 1.6.0 (via NIFI-4836) and in an upcoming release (NiFi 1.8.0 via NIFI-1251) this capability will be available for ExecuteSQL as well.
You should be able to use GenerateTableFetch to do what you want. There you can set the Partition Size (which will end up being the number of rows per flow file) and you don't need a Maximum Value Column if you want to fetch the entire table each time a flow file comes in (which also allows you do handle multiple tables as you described). GenerateTableFetch will generate the SQL statements to fetch "pages" of data from the table, which should give you better, incremental performance on very large tables.

Questions about migration, data model and performance of CDH/Impala

I have some questions about migration, data model and performance of Hadoop/Impala.
How to migrate Oracle application to cloudera hadoop/Impala
1.1 How to replace oracle stored procedure in impala or M/R or java/python app.
For example, the original SP include several parameters and sqls.
1.2 How to replace unsupported or complex SQL like over by partition from Oracle to impala.
Are there any existing examples or Impala UDF?
1.3 How to handle update operation since part of data has to be updated.
For example, use data timestamp? use the store model which can support update like HBase? or use delete all data/partition/dir and insert it again(insert overwrite).
Data store model , partition design and query performance
2.1 How to chose impala internal table or external table like csv, parquet, habase?
For example, if there are several kind of data like importing exsited large data in Oracle into hadoop, new business data into hadoop, computed data in hadoop and frequently updated data in hadoop, how to choose the data model? Do you need special attention if the different kind of data need to join?
We have XX TB's data from Oracle, do you have any suggestion about the file format like csv or parquet? Do we need to import the data results into impala internal table or hdfs fs after calculation. If those kind of data can be updated, how to we considered that?
2.2 How to partition the table /external table when joining
For example, there are huge number of sensor data and each one includes measuring data, acquisition timestamp and region information.
We need:
calculate measuring data by different region
Query a series of measuring data during a certain time interval for specific sensor or region.
Query the specific sensor data from huge number of data cross all time.
Query data for all sensors on specific date.
Would you please provide us some suggestion about how to setup up the partition for internal and directories structure for external table(csv) .
In addition, for the structure of the directories, which is better when using date=20090101/area=BEIJING or year=2009/month=01/day=01/area=BEIJING? Is there any guide about that?
