How to resolve debugging error on VS-2019 - aspnetboilerplate

I downloaded the Boilerplate template project today. I am able to build without errors and also create a database from the entity model. I have set 'Web.Mvc' project as the startup project.
When i run the application on VS Community 2019 16.4.4 i get the below error. What am i missing here?
Also, attach to process window does not open from Tools > Attach to process. I get the same error as in the image.
Unable to start debugging.
Operation not supported. Unknown error: 0x8ede000e
Build Error:

Resolved: I had to re-install VS Community 2019. The previous update corrupted VS2019. Installing V.16.5.4 fix the issue.


Package Installation Error In Microsoft Visual Studio 2019

Please I was busy for the past 4 days trying to fix the issues resulting from the below error. Please how do I go about fixing this error below?
*Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error: Failed to add reference to 'comerr64'.
Please make sure that the file is accessible, and that it is a valid assembly or COM component.
So I tried reinstalling the Microsoft visual studio 2019 to see if things would go well but all trials were to avail. Then I've also tried several times to reinstall the Nuget package "MySql.Data (8.0.32) by oracle, 54.1M downloads" after all trials to fix this but all I got was same error.
There is bug with MySqlData 8.0.32. The workaround is installing MySqlConnector. This link explains it:
The error message went away once it was installed and the site is working.
I left MySqlData in the manifest (installed) for now because there are some dependencies to the other MySQL assemblies that require MySqlData installed that will make if difficult to remove at this point.

The “GetDeploymentPathFromVsixManifest” task failed unexpectedly

What to do to solve "The “GetDeploymentPathFromVsixManifest” task failed unexpectedly" when trying to debug a VS extension project??
Same question was already asked multiple times with different source reasons, all for VS2017 usually for upgrading VS extensions from VS2015, and it should have been solved with VS 2019. Yet, it just popped up.
The "GetDeploymentPathFromVsixManifest" task failed unexpectedly.
System.TypeLoadException: Method 'get_JoinableTaskFactory' in type 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Sdk.BuildTasks.ExtensionEngineHost' from assembly 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Sdk.BuildTasks.16.0, Version=16.9.2017.12405, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' does not have an implementation.
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Sdk.BuildTasks.ExtensionManagerUtilities.GetExtensionEngine(ISettingsManager manager, Boolean deletePendingUninstalls)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Sdk.BuildTasks.GetDeploymentPathFromVsixManifest.Execute()
at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskExecutionHost.Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.ITaskExecutionHost.Execute()
at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskBuilder.<ExecuteInstantiatedTask>d__26.MoveNext()
I have tried all the solution for the same error found on SO, so far to no avail. I am using VS 2019 Community 16.9.2, updated all packages, downgraded some to try, nothing really changes this error.
This is my first attempt on VSIX and I just downloaded an existing project from github and compiled it.
The github project is working (probably) since the extension is available on the marketplace.
Any other suggestions? Searches on this error in combination with the JoinableTaskFactory dont return exactly many results.
For me the solution was to do at least one of the following steps:
Delete the obj-folder in the project
Execute Reset the Visual Studio 2019 Experimental Instance. You can find this tool when you search it in the windows search bar.
Clean and Rebuild the project
Sometimes it helped if I did only one step and sometimes it only worked after doing all the steps.
I couldn't find out if there is a specific pattern behind, but doing all of the above steps always fixed the error for me.
Another issue where I got the same error was if there was the wrong external program selected under Project Properties -> Debug -> Start external Program. For VS2019 I need to select C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe
If I switched between Visual Studio Versions, then sometimes a different Visual Studio version was selected.
Uncheck: "Deploy VSIX content to experimental instance for debugging"
in solution properties->VSIX
Also Update installed NuGet packages.

Debug and build web success but publish fail visual 2019

I'm using visual 2019, ASP.NET MVC core 2.2.0
My project debug ok, build no error but when I publish it give me an error like this
Detail file in AppData\Local\Temp\tmp76C2.tmp
System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. --->
Microsoft.WebTools.Shared.Exceptions.WebToolsException: Build failed.
Check the Output window for more details. --- End of inner
exception stack trace ---
---> (Inner Exception #0) Microsoft.WebTools.Shared.Exceptions.WebToolsException: Build failed.
Check the Output window for more details.<---
Microsoft.WebTools.Shared.Exceptions.WebToolsException: Build failed.
Check the Output window for more details.
How can I fix it?
Check out the output window of visual studio when publishing, read all lines to find any error, then fix it. For example it might be a problem for copying files to publish folder after building. So you won't get any error on build as well.
Look for something like this:
I ran into this error in VS 2019/Core 3.1. In my case, the Publish displayed a bunch of errors with the Bundler, which a regular build didn't show. Eventually found the Web Publish Activity window gave a clue: it shows line numbers for errors it finds, and the first error with the Bundler there was the problem, apparently. Turned out it didn't like an async function in the JS file. I removed that and it published OK.
For me the problem was that I updated de .net core version (2.2 to 5) of my project and forgot to change the .net version target on my publish profile.
Update Microsoft.Net.Compilers package.
I have also encountered this problem when I was going to publish my API.After that, I found my publishing folder does not exist in my local PC.
It could also be due to a problem with the signature in your deployment options. Make sure to select a valid certificate.
I encountered this problem in Visual Studio 2022 when try to publish Blazor project. I tried many things (Clean, Rebuild, clear Nuget Cache etc) but nothing worked. Finally I used this command on the solution folder with Powershell (run as Admin)
dotnet workload install wasm-tools
Then I reopened Visual Studio and publish worked
This may be helpful for someone else.
I got below error while publishing the code.
Microsoft.WebTools.Shared.Exceptions.WebToolsException: Build failed. Check the Output window for more details.
We upgraded .Net core 5.0 to 6.0 (VS 2022) and trying to provide new build to higher environments.
After spending little time around the error in output window and logs (published by Visual Studio) i found publish profile(FolderProfile.pubxml) of our project is targeting to .Net 5.0 where is our project now upgraded to .NET 6.0 hence the publish was unsuccessful.
Modified tag in FolderProfile.pubxml

Xamarin Error, following tutorial, dependencies issues for days

Using Visual Studio 2017, Community Edition.
I'm doing the tutorial (/guides/xamarin-forms/getting-started/hello-xamarin-forms/quickstart/) for Xamarin and I'm getting a similar error, whenever I try to update any of the Android packages. If I try to update Xamarin.Androix.Support.Vector.Drawable, I get the following error message:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error Unable to resolve dependencies. 'Xamarin.Android.Support.Vector.Drawable' is not compatible with 'Xamarin.Android.Support.v7.AppCompat 23.3.0 constraint: Xamarin.Android.Support.Vector.Drawable (= 23.3.0)'. 0
I went to the Android SDK manager and updated everything I could find there, still no luck. Any advice is much appreciated.
You need to first upgrade Xamarin.Android.Support.v7.AppCompat. If it's an option, you could just upgrade ALL packages in one shoot using update option from Packages context menu on the solution explorer.

How to fix VS2015 Package 'VisualBasicPackage' failed to load?

I have projects in a solution going from Visual Studio 2010 to Visual Studio 2015 with Update 1. I just installed VS2015 with update 1 on a Windows 7 Continuous Integration build server and I'm getting the following errors. I've been digging around on the Internet for a couple days now with no leads on how to fix this. I've read similar posts on here that relate to other "packages" not being loaded but the recommended fixes haven't worked for this. I've uninstalled and reinstalled vs2015 a few times and still get the same errors. Any thoughts or ideas on how to fix?
Package 'VisualBasicPackage' failed to load.
C:\Workspaces\AHLTA\Current\Product\Production\Shared\Security\Security.vbproj : error : The application for the project is not installed.
Package 'VisualBasicPackage' failed to load.
C:\Workspaces\AHLTA\Current\Product\Production\Shared\Shared\Shared.vbproj : error : Project 'Shared' could not be opened because the Visual Basic 2015 compiler could not be created. Please re-install Visual Studio.
Package 'CSharpPackage' failed to load.
C:\Workspaces\AHLTA\Current\Product\production\DataLayer\Dmdc\Immunizations.Messaging\Immunizations.Messaging.csproj : error : Project 'Immunizations.Messaging' could not be opened because the Visual C# 2015 compiler could not be created. Please re-install Visual Studio.
UPDATE #1: I think I may have resolved this myself just now.
I found this post and tried the suggestion, now the build seems to be compiling correctly with no errors.
vs2012 error: package 'visual c++ package' failed to load
The information on the following link seems to have solved the problem I'm having.
