Class not able to access bean managed by Spring - spring

I have Spring configuration file where I am defining beans but somehow this bean is not accessible from one of the class in same package, though same beans are accessible from Controller class which was annotated as #Controller. I was thinking may be this class was not managed by Spring but that's not the case.
1) Configuration class
public FooConsumer fooConsumer() {
return new FooConsumer();
public Map<String, ProxyConsumer> appProxyConsumerMap() {
Map<String, ProxyConsumer> proxyConsumer = new HashMap<String, ProxyConsumer>();
proxyConsumer.put(FOO_APP, FooConsumer());
return proxyConsumer;
public FooEventConsumer fooEventConsumer() {
return new FooEventConsumer();
public Map<String, FooConsumer> fooConsumerMap(){
Map<String, FooConsumer> fooEventConsumer = new HashMap<String, FooConsumer>();
fooEventConsumer.put(FOO_EVENT, fooEventConsumer());
2) Controller class
Map<String, ProxyConsumer> appProxyConsumerMap;
//proxyApp comes as path variable
ProxyConsumer consumer = appProxyConsumerMap.get(proxyApp);
//invoke consumer
boolean consumed = consumer.consumeEvent(eventRequest);
//here consumer is my FooConsumer class, till now all works fine.
3) now in FooConsumer class it tries to access Map bean named fooConsumerMap to get which event to call but somehow it returns null.
Map<String, FooConsumer> fooConsumerMap;
FooEventConsumer consumer = fooConsumerMap.get(eventType);
//Here fooConsumerMap comes as null in this class, though it comes as object in controller class , please advise.

In your configuration file, construct your FooConsumer bean with the FooConsumerMap bean declared in the same configuration.
You can autowire other beans into a configuration file, but to pull together beans within the file you pass them as constructor arguments.
Note that if you call a Bean annotated method multiple times, you will surprisingly always get the same instance even if the method logic constructs a new instance.
Check documentation at


SpEL KafkaListener. How can i inject custom deserializer through properties?

I am using spring.
I have a configured ObjectMapper for the entire project and I use it to set up a kafka deserializer.
And then I need a custom kafka deserializer to be used in KafkaListener.
I'm configuring KafkaListener via autoconfiguration, not via #Configuration class.
public class CustomMessageDeserializer implements Deserializer<MyMessage> {
private final ObjectMapper objectMapper;
public MyMessage deserialize(String topic, byte[] data) {
return objectMapper.readValue(data, MyMessage.class);
If i do like this
topics = {"${topics.invite-user-topic}"},
properties = {"value.deserializer=com.service.deserializer.CustomMessageDeserializer"}
public void receiveInviteUserMessages(MyMessage myMessage) {}
I received KafkaException: Could not find a public no-argument constructor
But with public no-argument constructor in CustomMessageDeserializer class i am getting NPE because ObjectMapper = null. It creates and uses a new class, not a spring component.
#KafkaListener supports SpEL expressions.
And I think that this problem can be solved using SpEL.
Do you have any idea how to inject spring bean CustomMessageDeserializer with SpEL?
There are no easy ways to do it with SPeL.
To get started, see the JavaDoc for #KafkaListener#properties:
* SpEL expressions must resolve to a String ...
The value of value.deserializer is used to instantiate the specified deserializer class. Let's follow the call chain:
You specify this value in the #KafkaListener annotation, then you are probably not creating a bean of the ConsumerFactory.class. So Spring creates this bean class itself - see KafkaAutoConfiguration#kafkaConsumerFactory.
Next is the creation of the returned object new DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory(...) as ConsumerFactory<?,?> using the constructor for default delivery expressions keyDeserializer/valueDeserializer = () -> null
This factory is used to create a Kafka consumer (The entry point is the constructor KafkaMessageListenerContainer#ListenerConsumer, then KafkaMessageListenerContainer.this.consumerFactory.createConsumer...)
In the KafkaConsumer constructor, the valueDeserializer object is being created, because it is null (for the default factory of point 2 above):
if (valueDeserializer == null) {
this.valueDeserializer = config.getConfiguredInstance(ConsumerConfig.VALUE_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, Deserializer.class);
The implementation of config.getConfiguredInstance involves instantiating your deserializer class via a parameterless constructor using reflection and your String "com.service.deserializer.CustomMessageDeserializer" class name
To use value.deserializer with your customized ObjectMapper, you must create the ConsumerFactory bean yourself using the setValueDeserializer(...) method. This is also mentioned in the second Important part of the JSON.Mapping_Types.Important documentation
If you don't want to create a ConsumerFactory bean, and also don't have complicated logic in your deserializer (you only have return objectMapper.readValue(data, MyMessage.class);), then register DefaultKafkaConsumerFactoryCustomizer:
// inject your custom objectMapper
public DefaultKafkaConsumerFactoryCustomizer customizeJsonDeserializer(ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
return consumerFactory ->
consumerFactory.setValueDeserializerSupplier(() ->
In this case, you don't need to create your own CustomMessageDeserializer class (remove it) and Spring will automatically parse the message into your MyMessage.
#KafkaListener annotation should also not contains the property properties = {""}. This DefaultKafkaConsumerFactoryCustomizer bean will automatically be used to configure the default ConsumerFactory<?, ?> (see the implementation of the KafkaAutoConfiguration#kafkaConsumerFactory method)
Here how it works for me:
#KafkaListener(topics = "${solr.kafka.topic}", containerFactory = "batchFactory")
public void listen(List<SolrInputDocument> docs, #Header(KafkaHeaders.BATCH_CONVERTED_HEADERS) List<Map<String, Object>> headers, Acknowledgment ack) throws IOException {...}
And then I have 2 beans defined in my Configuration
public ConsumerFactory<String, SolrInputDocument> consumerFactory(KafkaProperties properties) {
Map<String, Object> props = properties.buildConsumerProperties();
props.put(ConsumerConfig.ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG, false);
DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory<String, SolrInputDocument> result = new DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory<>(props);
String validatedKeyDeserializerName = KafkaMessageType.valueOf(keyDeserializerName).toString();
ZiDeserializer<SolrInputDocument> deserializer = ZiDeserializerFactory.getInstance(validatedKeyDeserializerName);
return result;
public ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<String, SolrInputDocument> batchFactory(ConsumerFactory<String, SolrInputDocument> consumerFactory) {
ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<String, SolrInputDocument> factory = new ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<>();
ExponentialBackOffWithMaxRetries backoff = new ExponentialBackOffWithMaxRetries(10);
backoff.setMultiplier(3); // Default is 1.5 but this seems more reasonable
factory.setCommonErrorHandler(new DefaultErrorHandler(null, backoff));
// Needed for manual commits
return factory;
Note that the interface ZiDeserializer<SolrInputDocument> deserializeris my interface and ZiDeserializerFactory.getInstance(validatedKeyDeserializerName); returns my custom implementation of ZiDeserializer. And ZiDeserializer extends org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Deserializer. This works for me

Does spring inject any beans provided in the #Configuration class

If I have a #Configuration class where I have a bean like below, will the dataMap be resolved in the constructor of the DataService class. What type of dependency injection is this? Is it by type because the name for sure doesn't match?
public Map<String, List<Data>> data() {
final Map<String, List<Data>> dataMap = new HashMap<>();
readings.put("1", new Data());
return dataMap;
and a class
public class DataService {
private final Map<String, List<Data>> information;
public DataService(Map<String, List<Data>> information) {
this.information = information;
#Configuration annotation serves as a placeholder to mention that whichever classes annotated with #Configuration are holding the bean definitions!
When Spring application comes up, spring framework will read these definitions and create beans (or simply objects) in IOC (Inversion of control) container These would be Spring managed objects/beans !
To answer your question, it should create a bean and this is a setter based injection!
However, your #Bean must be some user defined or business entity class in ideal scenarios!
Few links for you to refer to:

#Autowire vs AplicationContext way of injecting

public class KafkaController implements ApplicationContextAware {
KafkaConfig config;
ApplicationContext context;
public void getMessages() throws InterruptedException {
System.out.println("Queue name is >>>>>>>>>>>>" + config.getQueueName());
System.out.println("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"+ ((KafkaConfig)context.getBean("kafkaConfigBean")).getQueueName());
When I invoke the service multiple times it gives me the same queuename value in the log "Queue name is >>>>>>>>>>>>", but a different value if I get it like this : ((KafkaConfig)context.getBean("kafkaConfigBean")).getQueueName()
When I create bean I use Math.random() to produce different output.
public KafkaConfig createKafkaBeanConfig() {
KafkaConfig conf = new KafkaConfig();
conf.setQueueName("prototype" + String.valueOf(Math.random()));
return conf;
Why it's generating different value via applicationContext way but same when using #Autowired. Isn't scope "prototype" means creating new bean each time requested.
Why for each call to controller #Autowire is returning the same bean ?
In the first case, you're defining a singleton bean of type KafkaController that contains the autowired field KafkaConfig config;. Since the bean is a singleton, it is only created once, and so the KafkaConfig field value within it is only created once. Making multiple requests using that same Controller uses that same KafkaConfig value, and so the queue name doesn't change.
In the second case, you're calling context.getBean("kafkaConfigBean") yourself explicitly, which causes Spring to create a new bean every time you call it, because you've defined that bean as being a "prototype". As designed, each time it is created, it computes a different queue name.
If you were creating multiple KafkaController objects, each of them would contain a different KafkaConfig field value, each of which having a different queue name.

CommandLineRunner and Beans (Spring)

code what my question is about:
public class Application {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Application.class);
public static void main(String args[]) {;
public Object test(RestTemplate restTemplate) {
Quote quote = restTemplate.getForObject(
"", Quote.class);;
return new Random();
public RestTemplate restTemplate(RestTemplateBuilder builder) {
public CommandLineRunner run(RestTemplate restTemplate) throws Exception {
return args -> {
Quote quote = restTemplate.getForObject(
"", Quote.class);;
I'm very new to Spring. As far as I understood the #Bean annotation is responsible that an Object is saved in a IoC container, correct?
If so: Are first all Methods with #Bean collected and then executed?
In my example I added a method test() what does the same as run() but returns an Object (Random()) instead.
The result is the same so it is working with CommandLineRunner and Object.
Is there a Reason why it should return a CommandLineRunner i.e. use the syntax like run()?
Moreover: At that point I don't see so far the advantage to move methods to an container. Why not just execute it?
Thank you!
#Configuration classes (#SpringBootApplication extends #Configuration) are the place where the spring beans are registered.
#Bean is used to declare a spring bean. The method that is annotated with #Bean has to return an object(the bean). By default the spring beans are singletons, so once the method annotated with #Bean is executed and returns it's value this object lives til the end of the application.
In your case
public Object test(RestTemplate restTemplate) {
Quote quote = restTemplate.getForObject(
"", Quote.class);;
return new Random();
this will produce s singleton bean of type Random with name 'test'. So if you try to inject (e.g. with #Autowire) a bean of that type or name in other spring bean you will get that value. So this is not a good use of #Bean annotation, unless you want exactly that.
CommandLineRunner on the other hand is a special bean that lets you execute some logic after the application context is loaded and started. So it makes sense to use the restTemplate here, call the url and print the returned value.
Not long ago the only way to register a Spring bean was with xml. So we had an xml files and bean declarations like this:
<bean id="myBean" class="">
<property name="someField" value="1"/>
The #Configuration classes are the equivalent of the xml files and the #Bean methods are the equivalent of the <bean> xml element.
So it's best to avoid executing logic in bean methods and stick to creating objects and setting their properties.

Spring #Bean method executing after #Autowired

I use Spring Boot MVC application.
I have a #Configuration class that initializes a bean into ApplicationContext using #Bean.
I have a #Controller class into which I am trying to autowire the bean using #Autowired annotation.
Result: #Autowired field is null.
DEBUG: I tried to debug to see the order of execution. I was expecting to see that class annotated with #Configuration will run first to initialize bean into application context. However, controller class got instantiated first. Then #Bean method of configuration class got called next. Due to this bean is instantiated after controller and that is why Controller is not getting bean autowired.
Question: How to have #Configuration #Bean method execute prior to the controller class instantiation?
code for configuration class:
public class RootConfiguration2 {
private IService<ActBinding> bindingService;
public Map<String, String> getBingindNameToRoutingKeyMap() throws Exception {
ListOperation<ActBinding> operation = ListOperation.from("key", "name", "exchangeId");
operation.sort("key", SortOrder.Ascending);
Iterable<ActBinding> result = bindingService.list(operation).getResult();
Map<String, String> bindingNameToRoutingKey = new HashMap<>();
result.forEach(x -> bindingNameToRoutingKey.put(x.getName(), x.getKey()));
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(bindingNameToRoutingKey);
I found two workarounds. Both solutions worked:
1. Use #Resource instead of #Autowired to inject the bean into controller.
2. Use #PostConstruct on the method annotated with #Bean in Configuration class.
Note: You dont have to do both of the changes. Any one of them should work.
