Spring #Bean method executing after #Autowired - spring

I use Spring Boot MVC application.
I have a #Configuration class that initializes a bean into ApplicationContext using #Bean.
I have a #Controller class into which I am trying to autowire the bean using #Autowired annotation.
Result: #Autowired field is null.
DEBUG: I tried to debug to see the order of execution. I was expecting to see that class annotated with #Configuration will run first to initialize bean into application context. However, controller class got instantiated first. Then #Bean method of configuration class got called next. Due to this bean is instantiated after controller and that is why Controller is not getting bean autowired.
Question: How to have #Configuration #Bean method execute prior to the controller class instantiation?
code for configuration class:
public class RootConfiguration2 {
private IService<ActBinding> bindingService;
public Map<String, String> getBingindNameToRoutingKeyMap() throws Exception {
ListOperation<ActBinding> operation = ListOperation.from("key", "name", "exchangeId");
operation.sort("key", SortOrder.Ascending);
Iterable<ActBinding> result = bindingService.list(operation).getResult();
Map<String, String> bindingNameToRoutingKey = new HashMap<>();
result.forEach(x -> bindingNameToRoutingKey.put(x.getName(), x.getKey()));
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(bindingNameToRoutingKey);

I found two workarounds. Both solutions worked:
1. Use #Resource instead of #Autowired to inject the bean into controller.
2. Use #PostConstruct on the method annotated with #Bean in Configuration class.
Note: You dont have to do both of the changes. Any one of them should work.


Does spring inject any beans provided in the #Configuration class

If I have a #Configuration class where I have a bean like below, will the dataMap be resolved in the constructor of the DataService class. What type of dependency injection is this? Is it by type because the name for sure doesn't match?
public Map<String, List<Data>> data() {
final Map<String, List<Data>> dataMap = new HashMap<>();
readings.put("1", new Data());
return dataMap;
and a class
public class DataService {
private final Map<String, List<Data>> information;
public DataService(Map<String, List<Data>> information) {
this.information = information;
#Configuration annotation serves as a placeholder to mention that whichever classes annotated with #Configuration are holding the bean definitions!
When Spring application comes up, spring framework will read these definitions and create beans (or simply objects) in IOC (Inversion of control) container These would be Spring managed objects/beans !
To answer your question, it should create a bean and this is a setter based injection!
However, your #Bean must be some user defined or business entity class in ideal scenarios!
Few links for you to refer to:

why #Autowired work without #Component when inside #Configuration

I am configuring the shiro-spring-starter.
public class ShiroConfig {
public Realm realm() {
return new UserRealm();
\\Without #Component
public class UserRealm extends AuthorizingRealm {
private UserMapper userMapper;
UserRealm was create using "new UserRealm()",without #Component.
why the #Autowired work?
In your code, the #Component annotation is not required because you've created the UserRealm object as a spring bean in the ShiroConfig class. Since it's a spring bean, spring will manage the object and perform the dependency injections specified by the #Autowired annotation.
If you didn't create the UserRealm object as a spring bean in the ShiroConfig class, you would then need the #Component annotation on the UserRealm class. The #Component annotation would cause spring to automatically create an instance of the UserRealm class as a spring bean, assuming component scanning is enabled.
So you either don't use a #Component annotation and manually create spring beans in your configuration class, or use the #Component annotation and let spring automatically create the spring bean. The result is the same.

Kotlin Spring could not autowired an #Bean annoted

I'm encountering an issue with spring and kotlin :
Here it is :
I have a class MyConfig defined as such
class MyConfig
fun restTemplate(builder: RestTemplateBuilder): RestTemplate =
On the other side I have an other class MyService defined as such
class MyService constructor(private val restTemplate: RestTemplate) {
fun test() {
// Use restTemplate
But all I get is the following message :
Field restTemplate in my.package.MyService required a bean of type 'org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate' that could not be found.
Consider defining a bean of type 'org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate' in your configuration.
This issue only occurs with beans defined in #Configuration class (annotated with #Bean) but not with bean declared as #Component or #Service.
I have no such issue with the same kind of architecture in pure-Java.
I use spring boot 2.0.1
kotlin 1.2.40
on java 8
So, have I missed something?
Your restTemplate method isn't inside your MyConfig class - you've declared an empty class followed by a top level function. You're missing the curly braces that make the function a method inside the class:
class MyConfig {
fun restTemplate(builder: RestTemplateBuilder): RestTemplate =

not able to replace spring bean with mock in camel route

using #Profile I am able to mock the spring bean, however in the camel route which mock bean method is not invoked. I am using SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class and using #ActiveProfile
Below is the route in which I want to replace, cancelSubscriptionTransformer, myBeanClient, extendedClient beans with my mock beans in unit testing.
.unmarshal().json(JsonLibrary.Jackson, Subscription.class)
.bean("cancelSubscriptionTransformer", "toKbCancelSubscription")
.when().simple("${body.serviceType} == 'subscriptions'")
.bean("myBeanClient", "cancelSubscription(${body.subscriptionId}, ${body.createdBy}, ${body.reason}, ${body.comment})")
.bean("extendedClient", "retrieveSubscription(${body.subscriptionId}, ${body.externalKey})")
.when().simple("${body.serviceType} == 'usage'")
.bean("myBeanClient", "cancelSubscription(${body.subscriptionId}, ${body.dateTime},null, null, -1, ${body.createdBy}, ${body.reason}," +
" ${body.comment})")
Below is how I define my ExtendedClientMock, I use the same approach for the rest of the mock beans
public class ExtendedClientMock extends ExtendedClient {
public Subscription retrieveSubscription(UUID subscriptionid, String sdpSubscriptionId) throws MyClientException {
Subscription subs=new Subscription();
return subs;
Below is the code for unit testing:
#ActiveProfiles({"test", "aop"})
#AutoConfigureTestDatabase(connection = EmbeddedDatabaseConnection.H2)
#SpringBootTest(classes = CancelSubscriptionRouteTest.class)
#ContextConfiguration(classes = { BillingServicesApplication.class })
public class CancelSubscriptionRouteTest {
protected CamelContext camelContext;
private CancelSubscriptionTransformer cancelSubscriptionTransformer;
private ExtendedClient extendedClient;
private MyBeanClient myBeanClient;
#EndpointInject(uri = "{{cancelSubscriptionTORMQUri}}")
private MockEndpoint cancelSubscriptionTORMQUriEndpoint;
#EndpointInject(uri = "{{cancelSubscriptionFromRMQUri}}")
private ProducerTemplate cancelSubscriptionFromRMQUriEndpoint;
private ObjectMapperContextResolver objectMapperContextResolver;
public void testCancelSubscriptionRoute() throws Exception {
ObjectMapper objectMapper= objectMapperContextResolver.getContext(ObjectMapperContextResolver.class);
String jsonString=objectMapper.writeValueAsString(subscription);
CancelSubscription cancelSubscription=cancelSubscriptionTransformer.toKbCancelSubscription(subscription);
Assert.assertEquals("mock auto created by amel",cancelSubscription.getComment());
cancelSubscriptionFromRMQUriEndpoint.sendBody(" {{cancelSubscriptionFromRMQUri}}",jsonString);
The Assert.assertEquals("mock auto created by amel",cancelSubscription.getComment()); gets statisfied by calling cancelSubscriptionTransformer.toKbCancelSubscription which is invoked on the mock bean. however when message is sent to cancelSubscriptionFromRMQUriEndpoint.sendBody, the route is invoked and the actual beans in the route are not being replaced by mock beans
#MickaƫlB looks like the issue was I was not extending the correct bean and also I had to use #Inject in my route builder spring bean and use bean name instead of string format of bean name
This is very old but I ran into this issue.
The answer is that instead of .Bean(MyBean.class, "myMethod"), you should use .to("bean:myBean?method=myMethod"). The reason is that the first way, Camel will instantiate the bean. The 2nd way, Spring has control of the bean and camel will look it up. Therefore you can use Spring mockBean to change it.
I'm using Camel version 3 now by the way, and beanRef is removed. If you used beanRef, replace it with .to("bean:myBean?method=myMethod).

Spring Boot Autowired failed - null

I have 3 classes which are found in different packages in a spring boot application as follows:
Why does #Autowired work in certain classes only?Anything I am doing wrong?
public class Configurations{
Prop prop; //works fine
//other bean definitions
public class Prop{
public void method(){};
public class User{
Prop prop; //does not work, null
public void doWork(){
I have also tried the #PostConstruct, but same result
public class User{
Prop prop; //does not work, null
public void doWork(){
The #Autowired annotation works only if Spring detects that the class itself should be a Spring bean.
In your first example you annotated Configurations with the #Configuration annotation. Your User class on the other hand does not have an annotation indicating that it should be a Spring bean.
There are various annotations (with different meanings) to make your class being picked up by the Spring container, some examples are #Service, #Component, #Controller, #Configuration, ... . However, this only works if your class is in a package that is being scanned by the Spring container. With Spring boot, the easiest way to guarantee that is by putting your User class in a (sub)package of your main class (the class annotated with #SpringBootApplication).
You can also manually create your bean by writing the following method in your Configurations:
public User user() {
return new User();
In this case you don't have to annotate your User class, nor do you have to make sure that it is in a package that is being scanned.
