How to download PPA through proxy on Debian WSL? - proxy

I am trying to download/install php7.2 on Debian which is installed on my WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux), through my company's proxy.
I have been able to download apt packages by using this solution :
The problem now is that I need ppa from sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php cause php > 7.0 is not available anymore with sudo apt-get install and I tried many solutions but no one worked for me. Every solution tested by the asker of were tried and the answers too.
So, there is my last obstacle :
$ sudo -E add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
Co-installable PHP versions: PHP 5.6, PHP 7.x and most requested extensions are included. Only
Supported Versions of PHP ( for Supported Ubuntu Releases
( are provided. Don't ask for end-of-life PHP versions or Ubuntu
release, they won't be provided.
Debian oldstable and stable packages are provided as well:
You can get more information about the packages at
BUGS&FEATURES: This PPA now has a issue tracker:
1. If you are using php-gearman, you need to add ppa:ondrej/pkg-gearman
2. If you are using apache2, you are advised to add ppa:ondrej/apache2
3. If you are using nginx, you are advise to add ppa:ondrej/nginx-mainline
or ppa:ondrej/nginx
PLEASE READ: If you like my work and want to give me a little motivation, please consider donating
WARNING: add-apt-repository is broken with non-UTF-8 locales, see for workaround:
# LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
More info:
Press [ENTER] to continue or ctrl-c to cancel adding it
gpg: keybox '/tmp/tmpw9sj_dvp/pubring.gpg' created
gpg: keyserver receive failed: No name


pgadmin3 install on CentOS7

I am using CentOS7 and PostgreSQL-13. As it is very difficult to work database-related queries in the command line I want to install pgadmin3. Aas it is available on the yum repository and in my CentOS, I do not have any internet connection. So I have installed pgadmin3 with the following installation command only: yum install pgadmin3.
I have seen in some tutorials they modified the sudo /usr/pgadmin4/bin/ file. But I did not find such a file in my CentOS machine after pgadmin3 installation. Now I have no idea how to configure it with my already installed PostgreSQL-13 and httpd and how I can use this. I have not found any documentation regarding this.
PostgreSQL-13 not supported for pgadmin3, you must install pgadmin4

Trying to install epel-release on Fedora 30 -- no match for argument: epel-release

I'm on Fedora 30. I am trying to install "epel-release".
I am following this guide: -- I am unable to successfully run the command:
$ sudo yum install -y epel-release yum-utils
I get as a result:
No match for argument: epel-release
So, I tried the following commands from this article:
$ cd /tmp
$ wget
$ yum install ./epel-release-latest-*.noarch.rpm
No such luck - this is the output:
Problem: problem with installed package fedora-release-workstation-30-1.noarch
- package epel-release-7-11.noarch conflicts with fedora-release provided by fedora-release-workstation-30-1.noarch
- package epel-release-7-11.noarch conflicts with fedora-release provided by fedora-release-workstation-30-4.noarch
- conflicting requests
I have also tried:
$ sudo dnf install epel-relase
which that didn't work either, here's the results:
No match for argument: epel-release
Error: Unable to find a match
I have come across several different articles basically saying to either use the first command listed or variations of the second command I've tried - all unsuccessful. side note: Is this because Fedora 30 was just "recently" released?
My end goal is to deploy a Ruby on Rails web app internally using Nginx. For that, I am following this guide:
Any direction for how to install epel-release would be great as I can't move forward until passenger is installed.
Note that EPEL is not suitable for use in Fedora! Fedora is not Enterprise Linux. EPEL provides "a high quality set of additional packages for Enterprise Linux, including, but not limited to, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), CentOS and Scientific Linux (SL), Oracle Linux (OL)". Put simply, Enterprise Linux is a term that refers to Red Hat Enterprise Linux or one of its clones. And Fedora is not a Red Hat clone.
That is why you cannot install the "epel-release" package in Fedora. It simply does not exist. Don't try to use EPEL on Fedora.
As noted before, the Fedora repositories provide most (if not all) of the EPEL packages. Additional software for Fedora is available in the RPMFusion repositories. In their own words, RPMFusion is "an extension of Fedora" that "provides software that the Fedora Project or Red Hat doesn't want to ship." RPMFusion can not be used on Enterprise Linux. You could see RPMFusion as the "EPEL alternative" for Fedora, but be aware that the software collections provided by RPMFusion and EPEL are entirely unrelated and uncomparable.
EPEL is managed from within the Fedora project, and thus part of Red Hat. RPMFusion is an independent organization. You can consider their repositories reliable, but always be cautious when you install software from external sources.
Finally - on a sidenote - on recent Fedora versions, 'dnf' has replaced 'yum'.
Okay, so turns out that this can be simplified to just:
$ sudo dnf install passenger
Crazy that they have an entire tutorial for how to install passenger when it can just be simplified to this one line.
you'll need to install the EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) repository.
The EPEL project is run by the Fedora team.
When you install third-party repositories on Red Hat and CentOS systems.
Install in centos:
sudo yum install yum-plugin-priorities epel-release
When the installation completes, navigate to the /etc/yum.repos.d directory,
and open the CentOS-Base.repo file in your favorite text editor.
After the last line of the base, updates, and extras sections, add the line: priority=1.
After the last line of the centosplus section, add the line:
Save the file and close the editor.
Now, Open the epel.repo file for editing.
After the last line of the epel section,add the line:
After the last line of each remaining section, add the line:
Update the system and then create a list of the installed and available packages by running:
sudo yum upgrade
sudo yum list > yum_list.txt
For RHEL - dnf install
Try with the above command to install epel-release in RHEL 8

Dependency Resolution Error while installing Zabbix 2.4 on Centos 7

I have installed rpm from this site 1- Zabbix 2.4 download page for centos7
And I have been following installation instructions on this site 2- centos installation instructions
first, I configure zabbix repository
rpm -ivh‌​rpm
But, then I realized this repository is for /rhel/6. Then I run the command below to change the zabbix repository which is for /rhel/7 , since I use centos 7.
rpm --import
rpm -Uv
Then, I try to install zabbix
yum install mysql-server zabbix-server-mysql zabbix-web-mysql zabbix-agent zabbix-java-gateway
But I couldn't because of some dependency could not be installed.
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
Error: Package: zabbix-server-mysql-2.4.5-1.el6.x86_64 (zabbix)
Error: Package: zabbix-server-mysql-2.4.5-1.el6.x86_64 (zabbix)
Error: Package: zabbix-server-mysql-2.4.5-1.el6.x86_64 (zabbix)
Error: Package: iksemel-1.4-2.el6.x86_64 (zabbix-non-supported)
Error: Package: iksemel-1.4-2.el6.x86_64 (zabbix-non-supported)
You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
I have searched a bit and I have came accross a lot of people has same problem and you can find some offered solutions to the problem. I have tried to implement the offered solutions but non of them solved the problem.
3.1- Offered solution from : I could not understand this, I run the commands and result are shown below.
rpm -qR postfix
rpm -q mysql-libs
package mysql-libs is not installed
3.2- Offered solution from This problem seems very similar but it does not helped either
3.3- Offered solution from This problem seems exactly same, and a solution is offered. But I could not understand it.
Also, I found that on Zabbix official documentation 4- Zabbix 2.4 manual
Supported for versions: RHEL6, CentOS 6
centos 7 is not listed here, but it contradicts with Zabbix download page, since they provide a link for centos 7. you can check first link.
Please share if you have any idea how to solve this problem.
As #Jan Garaj pointed, the problem was yum try to install el6 packages, although I have changed the zabbix repository which is for rhel/7.
So, I have just cleaned the cache with the commands below and problem is resolved.
yum clean headers
yum clean packages
yum clean metadata
You can find more information about cleaning yum caches on this site:
Centos/clearing yum caches
You can find information about removing a yum repository on tihs site, Just cleaning cache solves this problem, so I did not try to remove yum repository. But, it can be useful if cleaning cache does not help.
serverFault/how to remove yum repo
I had similar problem while installing nginx. For me what helped was continuous release repository CR
yum -y install yum-utils
yum-config-manager --enable cr

How to install firefox in precise64 vagrant box

I want to use selenium-webdriver with chrome or firefox in precise 64 bit box.
At first I must install firefox, so I followed this instraction.
I added ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable to /etc/apt/sources.list, then sudo apt-get update.
But then I got this error.
E: Type 'ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable' is not known on line 2 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list
E: The list of sources could not be read.
I also tried add-apt-repository but it fails with command not found error.
How can do to install firefox to precise64? Or is it better if I use another box for using selenium webdriver?
Installing firefox will cause a lot of dependencies to be installed, .e.g X and a desktop environment or at least a light weight WM.
In fact, 12.04.4 LTS already has firefox 28.0 in its official repository, you don't have to add a PPA to get the latest stable, just do sudo apt-get -y install firefox and it'll do.
BTW: You are getting the error because it's not the correct line(s) to be added in sources.list or split files under /etc/sources.list.d/*.list
it should be like below:
deb precise main
deb-src precise main
To use add-apt-repository command, you'll have to install python-software-properties beforehand.

How was my running php compiled?

I'm trying to compile a new instance of PHP (5.4.0) from the source code and want to keep compatibility with the one (PHP 5.3.6-13ubuntu3.6) already installed from the distro, Ubuntu-11.10. That is, I want to run ./configure with the same directives as the installed PHP.
I always could see the ./configure command outputted by phpinfo() but this time, for my surprise, it's not provided.
Do you know of any flag that prevent phpinfo of outputting the compile configuration? Or,
Do you know of any other way to get how PHP was compiled?
Original answer
There should be a script php-config you can install on ubuntu to get the configure parameters used for php.
sudo apt-get install php5-dev
php-config --configure-options
2023 Update
The php-config executable is currently present in the generic package phpX.Y-dev, where X and Y is the major and minor version of the php package installed on your system. Also, the name of the executable reflects your php version.
sudo apt-get install php8.1-dev
php-config8.1 --configure-options
A list of popular ubuntu version and corresponding package:
Ubuntu 18.04: php7.2-dev
Ubuntu 20.04: php7.4-dev
Ubuntu 21.04: php7.4-dev
Ubuntu 21.10: php8.0-dev
Ubuntu 22.04: php8.1-dev
Ubuntu 22.10: php8.1-dev
Ubuntu 23.04*¹: php8.1-dev
*¹ Lunar Lobster nightly, scheduled to be released as 23.04
According to this bug report, the Configure Command output was intentionally suppressed from Ubuntu & Debian PHP builds.
Then recommend installing the source package via apt-get source php5:
If you want to see how PHP is built in Ubuntu, apt-get source php5,
and peruse debian/rules, the ./configure output in phpinfo() is, as the
changelog for the patch states, entirely misleading and not terribly
