Error in tpl file or php version is wrong - cs-cart

I try to find similar problem like mine but seems no luck. I have cs-cart multivendor with php7.1 tested with normal theme work fine but when i install new theme site working until i login on admin panel. So that means after my login on admin panel site goes in white screen. I try to figure and i see in my theme folder index.tpl file always getting empty. So to site to work again I have to replace the index.tpl file again. Here is the code of the index.tpl file. Can u please tell me if there is some error in file who doing site to go down? Thank you!
{capture name="page_title"} {hook name="index:title"} {if
{$page_title} {else}
{if $language_direction == "rtl"}
{foreach from=$breadcrumbs|#array_reverse item=i name="bkt"}
{if !$smarty.foreach.bkt.last}{if !$smarty.foreach.bkt.last && !$smarty.foreach.bkt.first} ::
{foreach from=$breadcrumbs item=i name="bkt"}
{if !$smarty.foreach.bkt.first}{$i.title|strip_tags}{if !$smarty.foreach.bkt.last} :: {/if}{/if}
{if !$skip_page_title && $location_data.title}{if $breadcrumbs|count > 1} - {/if}{$location_data.title}{/if} {/if}
{/hook} {/capture} {$smarty.capture.page_title|strip|trim
nofilter} {include file="meta.tpl"} {hook name="index:links"}
{/hook} {include file="common/styles.tpl" include_dropdown=true} {if "DEVELOPMENT"|defined && $smarty.const.DEVELOPMENT == true}
window.jsErrors = [];
window.onerror = function(message, source, lineno, colno, error) {
var verboseMessage = message;
if (source) {
verboseMessage = source + '#' + lineno + ':' + colno + "\n\n" + message;
if (error && error.stack) {
document.write('<pre data-ca-debug="1" style="border: 2px solid red; margin: 2px;">'
+ verboseMessage + "\n\n"
+ (error && error.stack ? error.stack : '')
+ '</pre>'
); }; </script> <!--[if lt IE 9]><script src=""></script><![endif]-->
{/if} {hook name="index:head_scripts"}{/hook}
{hook name="index:body"}
{if $}
{include file="common/toolbar.tpl" title=("on_site_template_editing")
{if $runtime.customization_mode.live_editor}
{include file="common/toolbar.tpl" title=("on_site_live_editing")
{if "THEMES_PANEL"|defined && !$runtime.customization_mode.live_editor}
{include file="demo_theme_selector.tpl"}
<div class="ty-tygh {if $runtime.customization_mode.theme_editor}te-mode{/if} {if
$runtime.customization_mode.live_editor ||
$ ||
{include file="common/loading_box.tpl"}
{include file="common/notification.tpl"}
<div class="ty-helper-container" id="tygh_main_container">
{hook name="index:content"}
{hook name="index:et_content"}{/hook}
{hook name="index:footer"}{/hook}
{include file="common/scripts.tpl"}
{if $}
{include file="backend:common/template_editor.tpl"}
{if $runtime.customization_mode.theme_editor}
{include file="backend:common/theme_editor.tpl"}
{/hook} </body>

Please check your license for the theme you are using


CS Cart - Show Three Level of Categories on Catalog and Top Category Page

For CS-Cart Multivendor, Version 4.15.2
How can we display 6 Sub-Categories-Level-1 and 3 Sub-Categories-Level-2 on page, similar to or
Then how to display 5 Sub-Categories-Level-1 image and name as displayed on
How can we display All Sub-Categories-Level-1 and 5 SubCategories-Level-2 on individual Category Page like below along with Level-1 and Level-2 Images
Finally Display SubCatetory-Level-2 and All Sub-Category-Level3 like
enter link description here
I think there is some modification required in views\categories\catalog.tpl and categories\components\subcategories.tpl.
Also some HTML and css related help is highly appreciated for user friendly view on all devices.
{split data=$categories size=$columns|default:"3" assign="splitted_categories"}
{foreach from=$splitted_categories item="scats"}
{foreach from=$scats item="category"}
{if $category}
{if $category.main_pair}
{include file="common/image.tpl"
{capture name="mainbox_title"}{$title}{/capture}
{if $subcategories}
{math equation="ceil(n/c)" assign="rows" n=$subcategories|count c=$columns|default:"3"}
{split data=$subcategories size=$rows assign="splitted_subcategories"}
<ul class="subcategories clearfix">
{hook name="categories:view_subcategories"}
{foreach from=$splitted_subcategories item="ssubcateg"}
{foreach from=$ssubcateg item=category name="ssubcateg"}
{if $category}
<li class="ty-subcategories__item">
<a href="{"categories.view?category_id=`$category.category_id`"|fn_url}">
{if $category.main_pair}
{include file="common/image.tpl"
<span {live_edit name="category:category:{$category.category_id}"}>{$category.category}</span>

Hide display if empty data

I'd like to display info when there is info in my description.
I need to hide the whole thing when there's no info
{if !empty($product.description-short) }
<span class="label" style="text-decoration:underline">
{l s='Information:' d='Shop.Theme.Catalog'}</span>
{$product.description_short nofilter}
Problem : Even when there are info, nothing will display
In your if statement you check for description-short and try to display description_short.
Should be:
{if !empty($product.description_short) }
<span class="label" style="text-decoration:underline">
{l s='Information:' d='Shop.Theme.Catalog'}</span>
{$product.description_short nofilter}

Prestashop, display information in function of product ID

I use Prestashop 1.4 (for requirements of a client) but I need to use a css class in function of the ID of a product.
I try this :
<header class="header {if $page_name == 'index' || $page_name == 'product' && $product->id_product== 2}transparent{/if}">
But that's don't work. I try to get the subcategory #2 from home category. Any idea please ?
Try :
<header class="header {if ($page_name == 'index' || $page_name == 'product') && $marty.get.id_product== 2}transparent{/if}">

Check a string in Smarty

I have a problem with smarty framework, so I need to verify if an image name starts with 'http':
I try this code:
{foreach from=$video->result() item=v}
{if substr($v->image,0,4) eq 'http'}
<img src="{$v->image}" alt="">
<img src="{$IMG_URL}videos/images/{$v->date|date_format:'%Y'}/{$v->date|date_format:'%m'}/{$v->image}" alt="">
Help me please..Exists another way?
This code should work fine. Probably your data is not set properly.
Consider the following testing code:
PHP file:
class V {
public $image = 'http://rwewreuiuiwre';
$smarty->assign('v', new V());
Template file:
{if substr($v->image,0,4) eq 'http'}
non http
It works fine. If you change $image to hxttp you get non http message

How to show content of a a specific URL in Smarty template?

Following is my code snippet from smarty template :
<div id="entrancelist">
<h2 class="heading">My Packages</h2>
{if $user_study_test_packages.test}
<ul class="entrancelist">
{foreach from=$user_study_test_packages.test item="user_test_packages" key=key}
{if $user_test_packages.pack_expiry_date1 >= $current_date }
<div class="fr"><span class="expiry">Expiry : {$user_test_packages.pack_expiry_date}</span></div>
<div class="fr"><span class="expiry_dt">This package is expired on {$user_test_packages.pack_expiry_date}.</span></div>
<p class="descp">{$user_test_packages.test_pack_desc}</p>
<div class="srtest"> </div>
You haven't bought any online test packages
Now what I want to do is reaplace the text "You haven't bought any online test packages" with the content of different URL say But I'm not understanding how should I achieve this. Can anyone help me out in this issue? Thanks in advance.
Why not keep PHP separate from the template?
Maybe do this in your php code,
$gcontent = file_get_contents('');
Then you can use {$gcontent} in your template.
You can even use query string parameters with the URL if you wanted to. More info on the php function.
Something like this works for me in Smarty 3, but some might not consider it very elegant:
