Is it posible redistribute existing messages between all started consumers - jms

I have ActiveMQ Artemis. Producer generates 1000 messages and consumer one by one processing their. Now I want to process this queue with help of two consumers. I start new consumer and new messages are distributed between two runned consumers. My question: is it posible redistribute old messages between all started consumers?

Once messages are dispatched by the broker to a consumer then the broker can't simply recall them as the consumer may be processing them. It's up to the consumer to cancel the messages back to the queue (e.g. by closing its connection/session).
My recommendation would be to tune your consumerWindowSize (set on the client's URL) so that a suitable number of messages are dispatched to your consumers. The default consumerWindowSize is 1M (1024 * 1024 bytes). A smaller consumerWindowSize would mean that more clients would be able to receive messages concurrently, but it would also mean that clients would need to conduct more network round-trips to tell the broker to dispatch more messages when they run low. You'll need to run benchmarks to find the right consumerWindowSize value for your use-case and performance needs.


Kafka consumption rate is low as compare to message publish on topic

Hi I am new to Spring Boot #kafkaListener. Service A publishes message on kafka topic continuously. My service consume the message from that topic. Partitions of topic in both service (Service A and my service) is same, but rate of consuming the message is low as compare to publishing the message. I can see consumer lag in kafka.
How can I fill that lag? Or how can I increase the rate of consuming the message?
Can I have separate thread for processing message. I can consume a message in Queue (acknowledge after adding into queue) and another thread will read from that queue to process that message.
Is there any settings or property provides by Spring to increase the rate of consumption?
Lag is something you want to reduce, not "fill".
Can you consume faster? Yes. For example, changing the consumer max.poll.records can be increased from the default of 500, per your I/O rates (do your own benchmarking) to fetch more data at once from Kafka. However, this will increase the surface area for consumer error handling.
You can also consume and immediately ack the offsets, then toss records into a queue for processing. There is possibility for skipping records in this case, though, as you move processing off the critical path for offset tracking.
Or you could only commit once per consumer poll loop, rather than ack every record, but this may result in duplicate record processing.
As mentioned before, adding partitions is the best way to scale consumption after distributing producer workload
You generally will need to increase the number of partitions (and concurrency in the listener container) if a single consumer thread can't keep up with the production rate.
If that doesn't help, you will need to profile your consumer app to see where the bottleneck is.

Does Multiple JMS Consumers to same MQ JMS Queue guarantees Load Balancing?

We have an IBM MQ JMS queue and want to distribute the data into multiple consumers for load balancing. So if we write two JMS Clients to consume from same JMS queue what will happen? Will Messages be equally distributed across both consumers since one consumer will delete the data after it is read? Is there a possibility for data duplication, like if the same message is read by both consumers in a race condition?
My comments below are based on destructive get and not a browse get.
So if we write two JMS Clients to consume from same JMS queue what
will happen?
They will both consume messages.
Will Messages be equally distributed across both consumers since one
consumer will delete the data after it is read?
No. The "hot" consumer will be feed the next available message, assuming it is "getting" a message again before the next message arrives.
Is there a possibility for data duplication, like if the same message
is read by both consumers in a race condition?
Not if you are performing a destructive get (the default).

Does active mq prefetch work reserve away messages from other consumers?

Does the prefetch config locks away the messages so that other consumers will not be able to consume them?
Do they reflect immediately for example, if I have 1000 messages, and I have a prefetch value of 1000 on my consumers, will one consumer "reserve" all those messages to its self?
The messages in a client's prefetch buffer are not dispatched to any other client until the client holding them closes and it has some outstanding messages.
If the client comes online and it is the sole consumer on the destination it will start prefetching right away, if there are other clients the destination and it is a Queue then the messages are round robin dispatched to the clients until their prefetch buffers are full. Multiple clients on a Queue act as load balancers.

How to make involve all consumers for processing pending messages?

We have 10 messages in Activemq and we started 2 consumers.But only first consumer consume and processing the messages. Second consumer not consuming the messages.
If I send one more message to Queue while first consumer processing time, second consumer consuming and processing that particular message(What we sent 1 message while first consumer processing time) only.After it's not consuming pending messges.
Finally What I understand, All pending messages are processing by first consumer not remaining consumers.
I want to make involve all consumers for processing of pending messages.
I think what you are looking at is the prefetch limit causing one consumer to hog a bunch of messages up front and thereby starving the other consumers. You need to lower the consumer prefetch limit so that the broker won't eagerly dispatch messages to the first connected consumer and allow other consumers to come online to help balance the load.
In your case a prefetch limit of one would allow all consumers to jump in and get some work.

Aggregating JMS messajes from many destinations to a single queue

What can be the best way to aggregate messages from many different sources (actually queues/topics) into a single queue/topic and then consume it. I am trying to design an application to receive messages from different topics in JMS using weblogic.
You could write your own "aggregator" as a stand-alone Java application:
For each queue/topic have a reader in its own thread.
Each reader sends its received message again on a "aggregate queue".
Have another thread to listen on the "aggregate queue".
As a variation, you could use a JVM Queue (like java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue) as the "aggregate queue". This is faster, does not require another MQ queue, does not need network bandwidth, but it's not persistent.
Another idea is to use a "Message driven bean (MDB)" for each incoming queue/topic:
Again, each of these MDBs just reads the message and resends it to the "aggregate queue".
Have another MDB listening on the "aggregate queue".
A few suggestions on quality requirements. I belive you have to consider them.
They will be highly relate with your technical solution.
is that message loss acceptable?
client ack could be considered.
e.g. A memory queue sit in middle, e.g. incoming queue1...n -> ArrayBlockingQueue in memory -> outgoing queue. The data in the ArrayBlockingQueue , will lost when app crash.
is that message duplicate acceptable for the single outgoing queue?
I would suggest yes.
Set applicable level PossibleDuplicateFlag to make the client aware of that.
how fast the incoming messages per second on the diff incoming queue?
one queue session has only a uniqe thread. Performance has to be considered in advance.
