Is there direct API for Google Meet? [closed] - google-api

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm creating a system where I want to generate Google Meet meeting from NodeJS code. Is there API for creating a new meeting in Google Meet ? There is button Create new meeting on and I want to do something similar using API
I know that it is possible to create meeting using Google Calendar API but I'm looking for direct API for Google Meet without creating calendar event.
It does not solve my problem, but maybe would help someone else. There is also option to generate meeting using[custom-meeting-name] but you need to have Google Workspace (former GSuite)

It is now possible to create a new meet by going to this url:
That being said, it's not immediately obvious how you could get the link for the generated meet.

Try This redirects to the same meeting URL if they're on the same Google Apps account.
Found this at

There is currently no direct API for Google Meet

This is a bit of a hack, but you can create a new meeting using the Google Calendar API.
API Documentation:
Google blog post (when Meet was Hangouts Meet):
In the request you can configure the conference details (i.e. Google Meet settings) and retrieve a meeting ID.
The only caveat, which is a big one, is the new Google Meet will be tied to the calendar that the API is authenticated against. Depending on who you want the meeting to be available to you'll probably have to play around with the permissions some.

Vote on the feature request
There is a feature request for a Google Meet API here:
It specifically is asking for a way to get participant information of meetings in real-time. Though it is the closest thing to a Meet API that I have seen on the Issue Tracker.
Go and give it a ☆ if you want! That way Google knows its something that people are interested, at the moment it only has one.
Please don't comment with "+1" ... just click the star icon

there is no direct api for google meet for now, but through the help of the google calendar api I have created a npm package that can be used to create meeting directly it gives you the google meeting links instantly.

"conferenceData": {
"createRequest": {
"requestId": "7qxalsvy0e"
inside your events while creating an event using google calendar API v3
a google meet link will automatically be created

For your specific purpose of creating a Google Meet meeting with an API call without using the Google Calendar API I am afraid there is no other Google API service to achieve this at the moment of this answer.

Yes. It's part of the Google Calendar API and you can find it here:


How do I find out what project is connected to Youtube data API service based on the project number? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defined in the help center.
Closed 4 years ago.
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I got an email stating that my project(s) hasn't accessed or used the YouTube Data API Service in the last 60 days and if it's inactive for another 30 days they'll disable access to the API. The project is referenced only by a number, and I have no idea what the "project" is or how to find it based on that number.
I have had the same email. I eventually found the Project by stumbling my way to this part of my Google Account, so you should find the Project in your Google Account using the same link:
In my case the Project relates to the Wordpress Plugin "YouTube Lyte":
I installed this Plugin on a Wordpress self-hosted blog some years ago.
I have no idea why my Google Developer Console identifies me (ie. my Google Account) as the "Owner" of the "YouTube Lyte" api.
I will see if I can get any clarification via the YouTube Lyte Plugin Support Page:
This is not my highest priority at the moment so someone else might get there first - and maybe kindly post an answer here?

How to send SMS in laravel [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I created a food ordering system using Laravel. Now I want to send confirmation SMS automatically to the customer when their order received I am creating this project as my university project, not for commercial use so are there any free services that can I use?
These types of services almost always have a cost. They have been created via someone's time and efforts, and they charge for this.
That being said, there are some VERY cheap options out there. Here are probably the top 2:
They both have great APIs and run at less than an American penny.
For example, to send a text using Plivo:
$response = $client->messages->create(
'Test Message'
There are no free services but very very cheap services available for SMS. These cheap services are usually locale to a country.
Like Nigeria has BulkSmsNigeria, etc. Suggest you to google for "send sms services" and you'll find many.
Now using them in Laravel is a cakewalk with the Laravel SMS API Plugin. It integrates with the Laravel notification system as well. Go through the plugin documentation for an easy understanding.
You can use SMSFactor's API alongside with their Laravel Package to easily send SMS. You just need to create an account that comes with 10 free SMS so you can try it out. Then sending an SMS would look like this:
'to' => '33600000000',
'text' => 'Did you ever dance whith the devil in the pale moonlight ?'
For sending text message , there are several laravel packages available , i basically do use VONAGE package for sending text message .
register on vonage's official site
add test number
create your route
set up your controller according to your requirement as shown below .
For better understanding you can also read the full article sending text message from laravel

Google QPX API key [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 3 years ago.
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I am trying to obtain API key for QPX express but I stuck because QPX is not available in Google API Library on my account (I also tried other account).
Googe API Library screenshot
When I try use the API key without enabling API I get as result:
QPX with API key screenshot
When I go to link from description I see:
QPX api problem screenshot
I followed this instructions -
Is there any other way to obtain this key?
I've been having the same problem and then came across this:
QPX Express is shutting down in April and "New users can no longer sign up for the QPX Express API service"
same for me. i am assuming maybe it's because i am still on the free trial account and that api is not visible until you actually pay monhtly (like aws)
have sent an email yesterday.. hope someone will come back
Alternatively, can anyone suggest any other APIs i can use? i tried skyscanner but it does not show Ryanayr flights...

Outsystems platform: getting FullContact details for a person [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have been doing a work in outsystems platform.
My works is a recruitment application where you add candidates to your app with a curriculum. You then choose the best ones to schedule an interview with, and eventually you can hire them to your company. Well, I don't known if you guys really need to know what my app is about, or what it does but I can explain better or eventually show it if it helps with my problem.
Well what I want is:
- When I register a candidate, I add a name, an email address, and a phone number. With this email, Outsystems offers a widget that can find all networks referred to that person (by email), that widget (I am not sure if this is the correct name for this tool, maybe API is more correct) can be found in Logic and inside the folder called Dependencies, that widget is called FullContact. To use that API you must create a new action. I did it and I filled the mandatory parameters called Email with Candidate Email. I am not sure what to put in APIKey parameter, I tried a lot of things and when I publish and test it I always have the same error called 403 Forbidden. What I am doing wrong?
I am not sure if this question is supposed to be done here, if it is not just tell me and I can delete the question and search somewhere else.
what I have is this: app print
I am not sure what to put in APIkey, I saw an example and the person that did it added an assign and an ajax refresh. Do I need it to? And this is the error I get when I test the app enter link description here
I never worked with FullContact before but from some researches I learned the following:
Overview: The FullContact Developer APIs are used to manage and enhance contact information.
Authentication: All requests to all endpoints require you to specify your unique API key. The API Key is assigned to you by FullContact and is used to identify and authorize each request. Your API key should be kept private, and should never be displayed publicly.
To signup and get your free trial:
Note: FullContact isn't free, you can only apply for a trial or pay.
Where did you get that action from? Was it from the LinkedIn Connector perhaps? If so, you might be lacking authentication. Check the documentation from available in the sample eSpace.

Is there already a Google+ API? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations.
Closed 5 years ago.
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I would like to know if there is already a Google+ API available to the developers. I have not yet found something?
The API is now here available: This is the link to sign up for Google+ API access.
The official Google+ API can be found at:
There is an unofficial API, PHP.GooglePlusAPI, that you can use this to fetch public data. It's something to play around with while we're waiting for the full official API from Google:
I've just added support for feed posts as well. You can use this library in your server-side code to read a public profile, post, and relationship data, cache it in a MySQL database, and serve the data to a front-end as a JSON or JSONP service.
Google just announced the developer's page
Check out the following - both work pretty well:
I think that you'll find this article a good read.
Google Plus doesn't have a public API
yet, nor has it announced when one
will be available. But if you want to
find out about future developer
opportunities, Google has a mailing
list you can sign-up for to receive
more information in the future.
Taken from article linked above.
It is just released..
The API itself is there - it's restful, and requires a client library for each language in order to be used.
Here is one for Java: Googl-plus-java-api
For Android developers, visit here:
