Google Places API: getting type of restaurant - google-places-api

I'm trying to get place infos from a restaurant and it works so far, the only data I'm missing is the type of restaurant: Spanish Restaurant which shows up in the actual Google Maps below the rating.
I googled for it and couldn't find it anywhere. Any ideas how it's called and how to retrieve it?


Retrieving set of restaurants with Google Places API

I'm using an api that retrieves food menu items and their nutritional information for a
set of around 800 restaurants. Using the google places api, I want to list only these roughly 800 restaurants to the user within a certain radius. I'm currently using the restaurant type parameter for place searches, however, this returns some unwanted restaurants that are not within the 800 restaurant list. Is there a way to
return the closet restaurants to the user within this specific restaurant set without having to call the google places api for each restaurant in the list? So, similar to the restaurant type parameter, is there somehow a way to create a type that can be passed through an api call that would return these 800 restaurants?

where does Google Places description field come from?

I am aware that Google Places API does not provide a description field (refrence) but I wondering where they get the description field you can see in their Maps?
I do not see this field when I made query in FourSquare's API.
I have also tried searching for this description in the network requests tab but do not see any JSON objects with this data.
where does it come from?

Google API for Restaurants Places in specific country?

I want to get all restaurants in Cairo.
The API just getting 250 restaurant and I want all the restaurants.
I use the radius and location in API.
please help me !!

How to get Amenities for a place using google place api or place data api

I could able to get details about the restaurant using google place detail api, but I need to get Amenities particularly. The Api I use is mentioned below.
You can't get amenities information from this API. They don't give you access to that information on purpose because Google Maps must have a competitive advantage. So, you can link the restaurant to that location on Google Maps in order give the option to view the amenities.

Is there an API for extracting grades in Google Classroom

I was reviewing the Google Classroom API and noticed there was not an option for getting grades. I need to extract the assignment grades from Google Classroom into an external grade book app that I am creating. Does anyone know if this is possible, or how to do this?
You can definitely get grades from the API.
From there, loop through the studentSubmissions:
That gets the assigned grade for that specific assignment. I also grab studentSubmissions.userId in order to get the student name. Let me know if you need anything else.
It is possible with Google Sheets and Apps Script. You can export your grades to Google Sheets and from there, you can use Apps Script to extract data from the sheets. To do that, you can check this SO question and the methods to access and modify spreadsheet sheets.
