where does Google Places description field come from? - google-places-api

I am aware that Google Places API does not provide a description field (refrence) but I wondering where they get the description field you can see in their Maps?
I do not see this field when I made query in FourSquare's API.
I have also tried searching for this description in the network requests tab but do not see any JSON objects with this data.
where does it come from?


Google Places API: getting type of restaurant

I'm trying to get place infos from a restaurant and it works so far, the only data I'm missing is the type of restaurant: Spanish Restaurant which shows up in the actual Google Maps below the rating.
I googled for it and couldn't find it anywhere. Any ideas how it's called and how to retrieve it?

How to replicate Who bot people search criteria?

Need help in implementing people/user search in the entire organization with a fuzzy search
Microsoft Graph API
People Search
Perform a fuzzy search but this is done only on people collection of the signed-in user
Which doesn't give a result based on the entire organization
Users Search
Doesn't support following ODATA Parameters
1.$Search https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users?$search="Mary" is not supported
2.$filter doesn't support $filter=substring(displayName, 1) eq 'abc, xyz'
3.contains is also not supported $filter=contains(CompanyName,'Alfreds')
Seems your are trying to search user among your organization. But the way you tried is not supported.
If you want to search organization user you could try in following way
It will show all the name start with given value. See the screen shot
Please refer to this official docs

Google places API doesn't return postal codes for large cities or centres. How do I get around that?

I'm utilising google autocomplete to allow visitors to enter towns, suburbs or postcodes, so that they can select the right one from the autocomplete list. I then need to store the postcode for that location so that I can compare that postcode to entries in a database to find service providers in that postcode.
The problem I'm now having is that the Google API doesn't return postcodes for all locations. This especially seems to be the case for larger cities. For example, it doesn't return postcodes for Melbourne Australia, Sydney Australia or Perth Australia.
Has anyone developed a solution or workaround to this issue? Any suggestions?
I've been googling for ages now and can't find a solution. Google itself doesn't seem to mention this situation in their Google Places docs.
Since many cities span multiple postal codes, you probably need your users to provide the exact street address where they need service. Fearing the tedium of entering a full street address? Fear not; Place Autocomplete can save them many keystrokes especially if you constrain results to a specific country or location bounds.
You might want to create an address form and use Places Autocomplete to auto-fill the components including postal code once the user selects the address from autocomplete predictions. This section of the documentation demonstrates how it works and this page provides sample Javascript code for implementing an auto-completing address form.

How to get Amenities for a place using google place api or place data api

I could able to get details about the restaurant using google place detail api, but I need to get Amenities particularly. The Api I use is mentioned below.
You can't get amenities information from this API. They don't give you access to that information on purpose because Google Maps must have a competitive advantage. So, you can link the restaurant to that location on Google Maps in order give the option to view the amenities.

Finding product name from UPC/EAN

Is there any way to get the product name from UPC/EAN barcode scanned from Google API?
There is no general registry of UPC product codes. You can find a list of the country codes at the beginning of the number easily, and with some legwork possibly get the national organization for a few countries that you're particularly interested in to give you a list of their secondary allocations.
But in order to get all the way down to "Banana chips, bag of 200 g, reduced trans fat formulation, Danish/Swedish/Finnish text on packaging" there's only the particular manufacturer to ask. That, or own a supermarket and register the UPC numbers of new items when you start stocking them.
Allegedly the gtin field holds the UPC/EAN code, if you restrict the search to values in that field you should only get responses where the gtin matches your barcode.
For example if you scanned your barcode and got an EAN-8 code of 05001234 then in the query string of your API call you could set
I have often seen multiple products returned for a single code so I guess the UPC/EAN are not globally unique or some providers have not been uploading their products under the right code.
In the response from Google are fields which hold the product title and description, you just need to parse the JSON or ATOM response.
I found another API https://market.mashape.com/mignify/gtin2product. It's pretty good. You can get products information from UPC/EAN/GTIN. It can return products description in different language.
You can use Rapid API https://rapidapi.com/search/ean. Here you get lot of API like Amazon API, Google Shopping, Barcode Lookup
