I'm running the AWS Lambda tutorial at https://aws.amazon.com/getting-started/hands-on/run-serverless-code/ and I'm getting a strange error. I'm on step 5, where it says to run the test a few times to generate some metrics to view. After running my test 3 times, I started getting this error message:
Calling the invoke API action failed with this message: Rate Exceeded.
What? I'm new to lambda, but I'm not doing anything complicated or time consuming, I'm just running the the AWS tutorial. Can anyone tell me how to get past this?
I set a lambda code to count number of running ec2 like below:
I want to run this lambda funtion every day in specific time, so i triggered
'Eventbridge'. I tested this, and it worked well.
The result of lambda function is like
Function Logs
START RequestId: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Version: $LATEST
Running: 1
END RequestId: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Im running 1 ec2 now, so the result said 'Running: 1'
Also, i can check the result like image below.
The last thing i want to do is
getting the log information to my phone.
Espacially, 'Running: 1' this parts.
More, i want to get text message to my phone like below:
Today's running ec2 is 1
How can i get this message to my phone?
(The lambda is going to run every day, so i should recieve the phone message also everyday.)
Please help me...
You can use the AWS SDK to send a message to a Simple Notification Service (SNS) topic. You can then subscribe your phone to that topic. So that whenever your topic receives a message it will be sent to your phone.
I am running some cypress (version 9.5.2) tests on a project and when I execute it on my computer there is no problem. Everything is alright
But when I run it on my gitlab runner with docker as executor, I got some errors that I don't understand.
For example I got this one:
During a cy.wait(30000); at the middle I got this error
CypressError: Timed out after waiting 60000ms for your remote page
to load. Your page did not fire its load event within 60000ms. You
can try increasing the pageLoadTimeout value in cypress.json to
wait longer. Browsers will not fire the load event until all
stylesheets and scripts are done downloading.
So I don't understand to what this error is related, have you an idea ? I can share a video if you got any idea
This used to be working perfectly until a couple of days back exactly 4 days back. When i run gcloud app deploy now it complete the build and then straight after completing the build it hangs on Updating Service
Here is the output:
Updating service [default] (this may take several minutes)...failed.
ERROR: (gcloud.app.deploy) Error Response: [13] Flex operation projects/just-sleek/regions/us-central1/operations/8260bef8-b882-4313-bf97-efff8d603c5f error [INTERNAL]: An internal error occurred while processing task /appengine-flex-v1/insert_flex_deployment/flex_create_resources>2020-05-26T05:20:44.032Z4316.jc.11: Deployment Manager operation just-sleek/operation-1590470444486-5a68641de8da1-5dfcfe5c-b041c398 errors: [
location: "/deployments/aef-default-20200526t070946/resources/aef-default-20200526t070946"
message: {
\"message\":\"Exceeded limit \'QUOTA_FOR_INSTANCES\' on resource \'aef-default-20200526t070946\'. Limit: 8.0\",
\"message\":\"Exceeded limit \'QUOTA_FOR_INSTANCES\' on resource \'aef-default-20200526t070946\'. Limit: 8.0\",
I tried the following the ways to resolve the error:
I deleted all my previous version and left the running version
I ran gcloud components update still fails.
I create a new project, changed the region from [REGION1] to [REGION2] and deployed and m still getting the same error.
Also ran gcloud app deploy --verbosity=debug, does not give me any different result
I have no clue what is causing this issue and how to solve it please assist.
Google is already aware of this issue and it is currently being investigated.
There is a Public Issue Tracker, you may 'star' and follow so that you can receive any further updates on this. In addition, you may see some workarounds posted that could be performed temporarily if agreed with your preferences.
Currently, there is no ETA yet for the resolution but there will be an update provided as soon as the team progresses on the issue.
I resolved this by adding this into my app.yaml
min_num_instances: 1
max_num_instances: 7
I found the solution here:
And I was also redirected to:
gcloud app deploy - updating service default fails with code 13 Quota for instances limit exceeded, and 401 unathorizeed
I want to view AWS lambda last hour errors of two types:
Lambda function that finished with an error
Lambda function returned http 500
How should I do that?
If you have many lambdas, in can be difficult to identify exactly which lambda caused an error. Here is how to find it out, even if you have hundreds of lambdas.
In CloudWatch, go to the Metrics page, then go to the Graph Metrics tab, then navigate to the dropdown menu item “Math expression > Search > Lambda Throttles or Errors.”
This will give you error counts per lambda in a graph, mouse over to get the name of the offending lambda.
Once you launched an AWS Lambda project, automatically that is watched by CloudWatch.
Lambda function that finished with an error
You can see Lambda function errors from monitoring tab on Lambda default view.
Lambda function returned http 500
I guess your Lambda function is WEB API. If your WEB API created by Lambda function, you need to output logs with standard output in order to see logging on CloudWatch.
Please find documents from Accessing Amazon CloudWatch Logs for AWS Lambda
NOTE: only if you use serverless:
Alternatively, you can monitor your lambda function logs using serverless cli.
For example, to get log in the past 1 hours:
sls logs -f functionName --startTime 1h
You also can filter based on the string 'error' in the past 1 hours:
sls logs -f functionName --startTime 1h --filter error
Please check on the doc.
You could enable X-Ray traces from the lambda dashboard
Lambda Console Enable X-Ray Tracing
The X-Ray service displays trace mappings for lambda execution results. The service is great for checking the results of errors within lambda functions, but if you are looking for detailed error result logs, CloudWatch is your best bet.
You could also try something like Logbird that processes CloudWatch streams for all errors in AWS Lambda, API Gateway and other cloud services and can trigger notifications.
I get this error sometimes when trying to save things to Parse or to fetch data from it.
This is not constant and appear once in a while making the operation to fail.
I have contacted Parse for that. Here is their answer:
Starting on 4/28/2016, apps that have not migrated their database may see a "428" error code if the request cannot be handled by the remaining shared pool of resources. If you see this error in your logs, we highly recommend migrating the database for your app without delay.
Means this happens because of starting this date all apps are on low priority but those who started DB migration. So, Migration of the DB should resolve that.