Is there any way to use the return value as an argument to the same function during the previous recursion in merge sort - algorithm

I am coding the Merge sort algorithm but somehow got stuck with a problem. The problem is that I need to use the return value of the merge function as an argument as an previous recursive call of the same merge function. Sorry for not being clear.
Here is my code:
a = [10,5,2,20,-50,30]
def mergeSort(arr):
l = 0
h = len(arr)-1
if h > l:
mid = (l+h) // 2
left = arr[l:mid+1]
right = arr[mid+1:]
merge(left, right)
def merge(l, r):
subarr = []
lc = 0
rc = 0
loop = True
while loop:
if lc > len(l)-1 and rc <= len(r)-1:
for i in range(rc, len(r)):
loop = False
elif lc <= len(l)-1 and rc > len(r)-1:
for i in range(lc, len(l)):
loop = False
elif l[lc] < r[rc]:
lc += 1
loop = True
elif r[rc] < l[lc]:
rc += 1
loop = True
elif l[lc] == r[rc]:
lc += 1
rc += 1
loop = True
Any help will be appreciated thank you :)

First you need to actually return the result. Right now you return nothing so get None back.
Secondly, just assign to the same variable. left = mergeSort(left) and so on.
Here is a debugged version.
def mergeSort(arr):
if h>l:
# Capture the merge into variables here.
# Need a return of the merge.
return merge(left,right)
# Need to return arr if arr has 0 or 1 elements.
return arr
def merge(l,r):
while loop:
if lc>len(l)-1 and rc<=len(r)-1:
for i in range(rc,len(r)):
elif lc<=len(l)-1 and rc>len(r)-1:
for i in range(lc,len(l)):
elif l[lc]<r[rc]:
elif r[rc]<l[lc]:
elif l[lc]==r[rc]:
# Need to return the results of merge.
return subarr
# Need to actually try calling the function to see the result.
I also indented more sanely. Trust me, it matters.

There are multiple problems in our code:
you do not return the sorted slice from mergeSort nor merge. Your implementation does not sort the array in place, so you must return subarr in merge and the return value of merge in mergeSort or arr if the length is less than 2.
your code is too complicated: there are many adjustments such as mid+1, len(l)-1, etc. It is highly recommended to use index values running from 0 to len(arr) excluded. This way you do not have to add error prone +1/-1 adjustments.
the merge function should proceed in 3 phases: merge the left and right arrays as long as both index values are less than the array lengths, then append remaining elements from the left array, finally append remaining elements from the right array.
there is no need to make 3 different tests to determine from which of the left and right array to take the next element, a single test is sufficient.
also use a consistent amount of white space to indent the blocks, 3 or 4 spaces are preferable, tabs are error prone as they expand to different amount of white space on different devices, mixing tabs and spaces, as you did is definitely a problem.
Here is a modified version:
def mergeSort(arr):
# no need to use l and h, use len(arr) directly
if len(arr) > 1:
# locate the middle point
mid = len(arr) // 2
# left has the elements before mid
left = arr[:mid]
# right has the elements from mid to the end
right = arr[mid:]
# sort the slices
left = mergeSort(left)
right = mergeSort(right)
# merge the slices into a new array and return it
return merge(left, right)
# return the original array (should actually return a copy)
return arr
def merge(l, r):
subarr = []
lc = 0
rc = 0
# phase1: merge the arrays
while lc < len(l) and rc < len(r):
if l[lc] <= r[rc]:
lc += 1
rc += 1
# phase2: copy remaining elements from l
while lc < len(l):
lc += 1
# phase3: copy remaining elements from r
while rc < len(r):
rc += 1
# return the merged array
return subarr
a = [10, 5, 2, 20, -50, 30]


QuickSort - Median Three

I am working on the QuickSort - Median Three Algorithm.
I have no problem with the first and last element sorting. But, when comes to the Median-three, I am slightly confused. I hope someone could help me on this.
Would be appreciate if someone could provide me some pseudocode?
My understanding is to get the middle index by doing this. (start + end) / 2 , then swap the middle pivot value to the first value, after all these done it should goes well with the normal quick sort ( partitioning and sorting).
Somehow, I couldn't get it works. Please help!
#Array Swap function
def swap(A,i,k):
# Get Middle pivot function
def middle(lista):
if len(lista) % 2 == 0:
result= len(lista) // 2 - 1
result = len(lista) // 2
return result
def median(lista):
if len(lista) % 2 == 0:
return sorted(lista)[len(lista) // 2 - 1]
return sorted(lista)[len(lista) // 2]
# Create partition function
def partition(A,start,end):
m = middle(A[start:end+1])
medianThree = [ A[start], A[m], A[end] ]
if A[start] == median(medianThree):
pivot_pos = start
elif A[m] == median(medianThree):
tempList = A[start:end+1]
pivot_pos = middle(A[start:end+1])
elif A[end] == median(medianThree):
pivot_pos = end
#pivot = A[pivot_pos]
pivot = pivot_pos
# swap(A,start,end) // This line of code is to switch the first and last element pivot
p = A[pivot]
i = pivot + 1
for j in range(pivot+1,end+1):
if A[j] < p:
return i-1
count = 0
#Quick sort algorithm
def quickSort(A,start,end):
global tot_comparisons
if start < end:
# This to create the partition based on the
pivot_pos = partition(A,start,end)
tot_comparisons += len(A[start:pivot_pos-1]) + len(A[pivot_pos+1:end])
# This to sort the the left partition
quickSort(A,start,pivot_pos -1)
#This to sort the right partition

Erroneous dynamic programming algorithm

Transferred from Code Review. If this question is not suitable for SO either, please let me know. I will remove it.
I am working on an algorithm puzzle here at:
It cannot pass all of the test cases. Some test cases have such large arrays that it gets so hard to debug. Simple cases from my end seem all work fine. Can anyone look into this and share what is wrong with this algorithm? Basically it just loops through the array and find every furthest covered station (as origin). A counter-like variable result record the origins (radio stations).
def solution(k, arr, origin=0):
arr = sorted(list(set(arr)))
result = 1
cur = 0
origin = 0
for i in range(1, len(arr)):
if arr[i] - arr[origin] <= k:
origin = i - 1
j = 1
while origin + j < len(arr):
if arr[origin + j] - arr[origin] <= k:
origin = origin + j
i = origin + j + 1
result += 1
j += 1
return result
Most of your code is correct. Only problem is with the usage of For range outer loop and continue in the inner loop.
For range loop doesn't change the i value # runtime (it is more like a ForEach loop).
The continue will not terminate the inner loop - you may want to use break.
The following code passed all the test cases
def solution(k, arr, origin=0):
arr = sorted(list(set(arr)))
print arr
result = 1
cur = 0
origin = 0
i = 0
while (i < len(arr)):
if arr[i] - arr[origin] <= k:
i = i + 1
origin = i - 1
j = 1
while origin + j < len(arr):
if arr[origin + j] - arr[origin] <= k:
# Start for next station position from this point
i = origin + j
origin = i
# need another radio station
result += 1
j += 1
return result
hope it helps!
You're placing the first object on the first index. The first object in the optimal solution can be placed later too.
solution(1,[1,2,3,4,5,6]) prints 3, when it should be 2 (by placing the two objects on 2 and 5). You place your first object on 1, then 3 and then 5. It should ideally be placed on 2, then 5.

Finding out the middle point in mergesort in Python

I have written two different implementations of mergesort algo with only one difference, that of formula used in finding the middle point of the array to divide it.
First implementation : (Runs correctly)
def mergesort(arr):
start = 0
end = len(arr) - 1
if len(arr) > 1:
mid = int(len(arr)/2)
left = mergesort(arr[:mid])
right = mergesort(arr[mid:])
return merge(left,right)
return arr
def merge(left,right):
final = []
while len(left) > 0 or len(right) > 0:
if len(left) > 0 and len(right) > 0:
if left[0] < right[0]:
del left[0]
elif right[0] < left[0]:
del right[0]
elif len(right) > 0:
right = []
elif len(left) > 0:
left = []
return final
arr = list(map(int,input().split(' ')))
print ("List before sorting:",arr)
final = mergesort(arr)
print ("After sorting:",final)
Second implementation (Gets into an infinite loop):
def mergesort(arr):
start = 0
end = len(arr) - 1
if len(arr) > 1:
mid = int(start + (end - start)/2)
left = mergesort(arr[:mid])
right = mergesort(arr[mid:])
return merge(left,right)
return arr
def merge(left,right):
final = []
while len(left) > 0 or len(right) > 0:
if len(left) > 0 and len(right) > 0:
if left[0] < right[0]:
del left[0]
elif right[0] < left[0]:
del right[0]
elif len(right) > 0:
right = []
elif len(left) > 0:
left = []
return final
arr = list(map(int,input().split(' ')))
print ("List before sorting:",arr)
final = mergesort(arr)
print ("After sorting:",final)
I have seen the second formula used in case of quicksort algo. The question is if my objective is to divide the array (as in the case of quicksort) why does it goes into an infinite loop.
I am very puzzled and can not come to any logical conclusion.
Can someone please throw some light into the matter? Thanks a lot in advance.
The second method should be used when working with a single array rather than multiple instances of a sub-array. Instead of using actual separate sub-arrays, the original array is split into logical sub-arrays via an index range. The mergesort function would take 3 parameters, mergesort(arr, start, end), and the caller would call mergesort(arr, 0, len(arr)). The merge function would take 4 parameters, merge(arr, start, mid, end).
Efficiency could be improved using an entry function that takes one parameter, mergesort(arr). It would allocate a single working array tmp and pass that to the internal functions, the call from mergesort(arr) would be mergesort(arr, tmp, 0, len(arr)). The mergesort function would be mergesort(arr, tmp, start, end). The merge function would be merge(arr, tmp, start, mid, end).

Arithmetic/Geometric series

The code below returns "Arithmetic", "Geometric" if the input array is an arithmetic and geometric series respectively and -1 if it is neither.
Although the code works fine, when I change
if s = arr.length - 1
if s == arr.length - 1
in the while loop, the code is not working properly anymore.
I do not understand why. Shouldn't == work instead of =?
def ArithGeo(arr)
# code goes here
len = arr.length
difference = arr[len-1] - arr[len-2]
ratio = arr[len-1]/arr[len-2]
k = 0
s = k + 1
while (arr[s] - arr[k]) == difference && s < arr.length
if s = arr.length - 1
return "Arithmetic"
k += 1
k = 0
while arr[s] / arr[k] == ratio && s < arr.length
if s = arr.length - 1
return "Geometric"
k += 1
return -1
You're never changing the value of s which I think you want to do. You should do that at the point that you increment k
k += 1
s = k + 1
Also, at the point where you reinitialize k for the geometric test, you want to reset s as well...
k = 0
s = k + 1
You could also get rid of the variable s completely and make it a method... add these three lines at the top of the code
def s(k)
k + 1
And remove all the lines where you assign a value to s and use s(k)... s(k) will be a method that always returns the next higher value to k
The difference between those two statements is that variable s is set for the first statement but not for the second. The first if statement has thus a side effect of setting s to arr.length - 1
if s = arr.length - 1 # s => arr.length - 1
if s == arr.length - 1 # s => undefined
Because the if statement is inside a while loop which uses s in its expression the change of the statement changes the behavior of the programm.
If you put == the statement will try to check if they are equals , with just = the statement work properly because your are only setting the value to a value , so this is always true.
If it's different compare something to equals than just set a variable , that can be always true.

Modification to Selection Sort. Theoretically seems correct but doesn't give the results

I am learning ruby and the way I am going about this is by learning and implementing sort algorithms. While working on selection sort, I tried to modify it as follows:
In every pass, instead of finding the smallest and moving it to the top or beginning of the array, find the smallest and the largest and move them to both ends
For every pass, increment the beginning and decrease the ending positions of the array that has to be looped through
While swapping, if the identified min and max are in positions that get swapped with each other, do the swap once (otherwise, two swaps will be done, 1 for the min and 1 for the max)
This doesn't seem to work in all cases. Am I missing something in the logic? If the logic is correct, I will revisit my implementation but for now I haven't been able to figure out what is wrong.
Please help.
Update: This is my code for the method doing this sort:
def mss(array)
start = 0;
stop = array.length - 1;
num_of_pass = 0
num_of_swap = 0
while (start <= stop) do
num_of_pass += 1
min_val = array[start]
max_val = array[stop]
min_pos = start
max_pos = stop
(start..stop).each do
if (min_val > array[i])
min_pos = i
min_val = array[i]
if (max_val < array[i])
max_pos = i
max_val = array[i]
if (min_pos > start)
array[start], array[min_pos] = array[min_pos], array[start]
num_of_swap += 1
if ((max_pos < stop) && (max_pos != start))
array[stop], array[max_pos] = array[max_pos], array[stop]
num_of_swap += 1
start += 1
stop -= 1
puts "length of array = #{array.length}"
puts "Number of passes = #{num_of_pass}"
puts "Number of swaps = #{num_of_swap}"
return array
The problem can be demonstrated with this input array
7 5 4 2 6
After searching the array the first time, we have
start = 0
stop = 4
min_pos = 3
min_val = 2
max_pos = 0 note: max_pos == start
max_val = 7
The first if statement will swap the 2 and 7, changing the array to
2 5 4 7 6
The second if statement does not move the 7 because max_pos == start. As a result, the 6 stays at the end of the array, which is not what you want.
