Arithmetic/Geometric series - ruby

The code below returns "Arithmetic", "Geometric" if the input array is an arithmetic and geometric series respectively and -1 if it is neither.
Although the code works fine, when I change
if s = arr.length - 1
if s == arr.length - 1
in the while loop, the code is not working properly anymore.
I do not understand why. Shouldn't == work instead of =?
def ArithGeo(arr)
# code goes here
len = arr.length
difference = arr[len-1] - arr[len-2]
ratio = arr[len-1]/arr[len-2]
k = 0
s = k + 1
while (arr[s] - arr[k]) == difference && s < arr.length
if s = arr.length - 1
return "Arithmetic"
k += 1
k = 0
while arr[s] / arr[k] == ratio && s < arr.length
if s = arr.length - 1
return "Geometric"
k += 1
return -1

You're never changing the value of s which I think you want to do. You should do that at the point that you increment k
k += 1
s = k + 1
Also, at the point where you reinitialize k for the geometric test, you want to reset s as well...
k = 0
s = k + 1
You could also get rid of the variable s completely and make it a method... add these three lines at the top of the code
def s(k)
k + 1
And remove all the lines where you assign a value to s and use s(k)... s(k) will be a method that always returns the next higher value to k

The difference between those two statements is that variable s is set for the first statement but not for the second. The first if statement has thus a side effect of setting s to arr.length - 1
if s = arr.length - 1 # s => arr.length - 1
if s == arr.length - 1 # s => undefined
Because the if statement is inside a while loop which uses s in its expression the change of the statement changes the behavior of the programm.

If you put == the statement will try to check if they are equals , with just = the statement work properly because your are only setting the value to a value , so this is always true.
If it's different compare something to equals than just set a variable , that can be always true.


How can I count number of iterations/steps to find answers of a method - RUBY

How can I get the number of iterations/steps that this method takes to find an answer?
def binary_search(array, n)
min = 0
max = (array.length) - 1
while min <= max
middle = (min + max) / 2
if array[middle] == n
return middle
elsif array[middle] > n
max = middle - 1
elsif array[middle] < n
min = middle + 1
"#{n} not found in this array"
One option to use instead of a counter is the .with_index keyword. To use this you'll need to use loop instead of while, but it should work the same. Here's a basic example with output.
arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
loop.with_index do |_, index| # The underscore is to ignore the first variable as it's not used
if (arr[index] % 2).zero?
puts "even: #{arr[index]}"
puts "odd: #{arr[index]}"
break if index.eql?(arr.length - 1)
odd: 1
even: 2
odd: 3
even: 4
odd: 5
even: 6
odd: 7
even: 8
Just count the number of iterations.
Set a variable to 0 outside the loop
Add 1 to it inside the loop
When you return the index, return the count with it (return [middle, count]).
I assume the code to count numbers of interations required by binary_search is to be used for testing or optimization. If so, the method binary_search should be modified in such a way that to produce production code it is only necessary to remove (or comment out) lines of code, as opposed to modifying statements. Here is one way that might be done.
def binary_search(array, n)
# remove from production code lines marked -> #******
_bin_srch_iters = 0 #******
begin #******
min = 0
max = (array.length) - 1
loop do
_bin_srch_iters += 1 #******
middle = (min + max) / 2
break middle if array[middle] == n
break nil if min == max
if array[middle] > n
max = middle - 1
else # array[middle] < n
min = middle + 1
ensure #******
puts "binary_search reqd #{_bin_srch_iters} interations" #******
end #******
x = binary_search([1,3,6,7,9,11], 3)
# binary_search reqd 3 interations
#=> 1
binary_search([1,3,6,7,9,11], 5)
# binary_search reqd 3 interations
#=> nil

Erroneous dynamic programming algorithm

Transferred from Code Review. If this question is not suitable for SO either, please let me know. I will remove it.
I am working on an algorithm puzzle here at:
It cannot pass all of the test cases. Some test cases have such large arrays that it gets so hard to debug. Simple cases from my end seem all work fine. Can anyone look into this and share what is wrong with this algorithm? Basically it just loops through the array and find every furthest covered station (as origin). A counter-like variable result record the origins (radio stations).
def solution(k, arr, origin=0):
arr = sorted(list(set(arr)))
result = 1
cur = 0
origin = 0
for i in range(1, len(arr)):
if arr[i] - arr[origin] <= k:
origin = i - 1
j = 1
while origin + j < len(arr):
if arr[origin + j] - arr[origin] <= k:
origin = origin + j
i = origin + j + 1
result += 1
j += 1
return result
Most of your code is correct. Only problem is with the usage of For range outer loop and continue in the inner loop.
For range loop doesn't change the i value # runtime (it is more like a ForEach loop).
The continue will not terminate the inner loop - you may want to use break.
The following code passed all the test cases
def solution(k, arr, origin=0):
arr = sorted(list(set(arr)))
print arr
result = 1
cur = 0
origin = 0
i = 0
while (i < len(arr)):
if arr[i] - arr[origin] <= k:
i = i + 1
origin = i - 1
j = 1
while origin + j < len(arr):
if arr[origin + j] - arr[origin] <= k:
# Start for next station position from this point
i = origin + j
origin = i
# need another radio station
result += 1
j += 1
return result
hope it helps!
You're placing the first object on the first index. The first object in the optimal solution can be placed later too.
solution(1,[1,2,3,4,5,6]) prints 3, when it should be 2 (by placing the two objects on 2 and 5). You place your first object on 1, then 3 and then 5. It should ideally be placed on 2, then 5.

Modification to Selection Sort. Theoretically seems correct but doesn't give the results

I am learning ruby and the way I am going about this is by learning and implementing sort algorithms. While working on selection sort, I tried to modify it as follows:
In every pass, instead of finding the smallest and moving it to the top or beginning of the array, find the smallest and the largest and move them to both ends
For every pass, increment the beginning and decrease the ending positions of the array that has to be looped through
While swapping, if the identified min and max are in positions that get swapped with each other, do the swap once (otherwise, two swaps will be done, 1 for the min and 1 for the max)
This doesn't seem to work in all cases. Am I missing something in the logic? If the logic is correct, I will revisit my implementation but for now I haven't been able to figure out what is wrong.
Please help.
Update: This is my code for the method doing this sort:
def mss(array)
start = 0;
stop = array.length - 1;
num_of_pass = 0
num_of_swap = 0
while (start <= stop) do
num_of_pass += 1
min_val = array[start]
max_val = array[stop]
min_pos = start
max_pos = stop
(start..stop).each do
if (min_val > array[i])
min_pos = i
min_val = array[i]
if (max_val < array[i])
max_pos = i
max_val = array[i]
if (min_pos > start)
array[start], array[min_pos] = array[min_pos], array[start]
num_of_swap += 1
if ((max_pos < stop) && (max_pos != start))
array[stop], array[max_pos] = array[max_pos], array[stop]
num_of_swap += 1
start += 1
stop -= 1
puts "length of array = #{array.length}"
puts "Number of passes = #{num_of_pass}"
puts "Number of swaps = #{num_of_swap}"
return array
The problem can be demonstrated with this input array
7 5 4 2 6
After searching the array the first time, we have
start = 0
stop = 4
min_pos = 3
min_val = 2
max_pos = 0 note: max_pos == start
max_val = 7
The first if statement will swap the 2 and 7, changing the array to
2 5 4 7 6
The second if statement does not move the 7 because max_pos == start. As a result, the 6 stays at the end of the array, which is not what you want.

Bignum too big to convert into 'long' (RangeError)

Trying to teach myself ruby - I'm working on Project Euler problem 14 in ruby.
n = 1000000
array =,0)
#array[x] will store the number of steps to get to one if a solution has been found and 0 otherwise. x will equal the starting number. array[0] will be nonsensical for these purposes
i = n-1#We will start at array[n-1] and work down to 1
while i > 1
if array[i] == 0
numstep = 0 #numstep will hold the number of loops that j makes until it gets to 1 or a number that has already been solved
j = i
while j > 1 && (array[j] == 0 || array[j] == nil)
case j%2
when 1 # j is odd
j = 3*j + 1
when 0 # j is even
j = j/2
numstep += 1
stop = array[j] #if j has been solved, array[j] is the number of steps to j = 1. If j = 1, array[j] = 0
j = i
counter = 0
while j > 1 && (array[j] == 0 || array[j] == nil)
if j < n
array[j] = numstep + stop - counter #numstep + stop should equal the solution to the ith number, to get the jth number we subtract counter
case j%2
when 1 #j is odd
j = 3*j+1
when 0 #j is even
j = j/2
counter += 1
i = i-1
puts("The longest Collatz sequence starting below #{n} starts at #{array.each_with_index.max[1]} and is #{array.max} numbers long")
This code works fine for n = 100000 and below, but when I go up to n = 1000000, it runs for a short while (until j = 999167 *3 + 1 = 2997502). When it tries access the 2997502th index of array, it throws the error
in '[]': bignum too big to convert into 'long' (RangeError)
on line 27 (which is the while statement:
while j > 1 && (array[j] == 0 || array[j] == nil)
How can I get this to not throw an error? Checking if the array is zero saves code efficiency because it allows you to not recalculate something that's already been done, but if I remove the and statement, it runs and gives the correct answer. I'm pretty sure that the problem is that the index of an array can't be a bignum, but maybe there's a way to declare my array such that it can be? I don't much care about the answer itself; I've actually already solved this in C# - just trying to learn ruby, so I'd like to know why my code is doing this (if I'm wrong about why) and how to fix it.
The code above runs happily for me for any input that produces output in acceptable time. I believe this is because you might experience problems being on 32bit arch, or like. Anyway, the solution of the problem stated would be simple (unless you might run out of memory, which is another possible glitch.)
Array indices are limited, as is follows from the error you got. Cool, let’s use hash instead!
n = 1000000
array =
#array[x] will store the number of steps to get to one if a solution has been found and 0 otherwise. x will equal the starting number. arr
i = n-1#We will start at array[n-1] and work down to 1
while i > 1
if array[i].zero?
numstep = 0 #numstep will hold the number of loops that j makes until it gets to 1 or a number that has already been solved
j = i
while j > 1 && array[j].zero?
case j%2
when 1 # j is odd
j = 3*j + 1
when 0 # j is even
j = j/2
numstep += 1
stop = array[j] #if j has been solved, array[j] is the number of steps to j = 1. If j = 1, array[j] = 0
j = i
counter = 0
while j > 1 && array[j].zero?
if j < n
array[j] = numstep + stop - counter #numstep + stop should equal the solution to the ith number, to get the jth number we
case j%2
when 1 #j is odd
j = 3*j+1
when 0 #j is even
j = j/2
counter += 1
i = i-1
puts("Longest Collatz below #{n} ##{array.sort_by(&:first).map(&:last).each_with_index.max[1]} is #{arr
Please note, that since I used the hash with initializer, array[i] can’t become nil, that’s why the check is done for zero values only.

native string matching algorithm

Following is a very famous question in native string matching. Please can someone explain me the answer.
Suppose that all characters in the pattern P are different. Show how to accelerate NAIVE-STRING MATCHER to run in time O(n) on an n-character text T.
The basic idea:
Iterate through the input and the pattern at the same time, comparing their characters to each other
Whenever you get a non-matching character between the two, you can just reset the pattern position and keep the input position as is
This works because the pattern characters are all different, which means that whenever you have a partial match, there can be no other match overlapping with that, so we can just start looking from the end of the partial match.
Here's some pseudo-code that shouldn't be too difficult to understand:
pPos = 0
iPos = 0
while iPos < n
if pPos == k
if pattern[pPos] == input[iPos]
// if pPos is already 0, we need to increase iPos,
// otherwise we just keep comparing the same characters
if pPos == 0
pPos = 0
It's easy to see that iPos increases at least every second loop, thus there can be at most 2n loop runs, making the running time O(n).
When T[i] and P[j] mismatches in NAIVE-STRING-MATCHER, we can skip all characters before T[i] and begin new matching from T[i + 1] with P[1].
1 n length[T]
2 m length[P]
3 for s 0 to n - m
4 do if P[1 . . m] = T[s + 1 . . s + m]
5 then print "Pattern occurs with shift" s
Naive string search algorithm implementations in Python 2.7:
In the middle of implementing Boyer-Moore's string search algorithm, I decided to play with my original naive search algorithm. It's implemented as an instance method that takes a string to be searched. The object has an attribute 'pattern' which is the pattern to match.
1) Here is the original version of the search method, using a double for-loop.
Makes calls to range and len
def search(self, string):
for i in range(len(string)):
for j in range(len(self.pattern)):
if string[i+j] != self.pattern[j]:
elif j == len(self.pattern) - 1:
return i
return -1
2) Here is the second version, using a double while-loop instead.
Slightly faster, not making calls to range
def search(self, string):
i = 0
while i < len(string):
j = 0
while j < len(self.pattern) and self.pattern[j] == string[i+j]:
j += 1
if j == len(self.pattern):
return i
i += 1
return -1
3) Here is the original, replacing range with xrange.
Faster than both of the previous two.
def search(self, string):
for i in xrange(len(string)):
for j in xrange(len(self.pattern)):
if string[i+j] != self.pattern[j]:
elif j == len(self.pattern) - 1:
return i
return -1
4) Storing values in local variables = win! With the double while loop, this is the fastest.
def search(self, string):
len_pat = len(self.pattern)
len_str = len(string)
i = 0
while i < len_str:
j = 0
while j < len_pat and self.pattern[j] == string[i+j]:
j += 1
if j == len_pat:
return i
i += 1
return -1
