Terminal say command is resulting in > when pasting - terminal

in terminal i type say and paste my text i want my mac to say. This results in a greater than sign >. Is there a way to paste my text and get it to work?


I can't enter text via the command line, is it possible to do this?

When you try to automatically enter the desired content (and there will be a lot of such objects with text content and I would prefer to avoid entering all the necessary data manually), the input field moves from the console to the area highlighted with a red rectangle, which makes it impossible to automatically create signatures.
The question is, is it possible to make the input field of the desired content always remain on the command line?
enter image description here
I tried to find the question on the Internet by entering the corresponding queries in Russian, nothing gave results
I understand that by "automatically" you mean copying and pasting from some editor to the AutoCAD command prompt.
I will never work that way, you must use a programming language and I think the easiest thing is to use AutoLISP.
Try copying and pasting this:
(command "_mtext" "36,0" "42,0" "your text here" "")
and note the empty string at the end "" that finalises the MTEXT command.

showing only few lines of command output in emacs shell

Is there an option or extension to restrict command output in Emacs shell or eshell to just few lines and show the rest either when pressing a special key or showing full output in a separated window?
I can redirect the output to a new buffer, but that requires to know in advance that the output is big. What would be nice instead is to restrict output to, for example, half widow height so unexpectedly long output does not clatter the shell window.

Bash shell command inline correction

When typing a (long) command in the bash shell, if you were to make a mistake early in the line, is there a way to correct that mistake without having to navigate back to it? For example, lets say you have just entered something like this, but not yet pressed return:
git commit =m 'Some really long commit message, perhaps spanning multiple lines'
where you have accidentally typed = instead of -, would it be possible to append something to the end of the command before you press enter that would perform an in-line substitution to correct the mistake? This would be really handy to avoid having to do something annoying like
Pressing Ctrl+C and then rebuilding the command using a combination of copy and paste.
Pressing the left arrow a huge bunch of times so that it can be corrected before pressing enter.
One solution (in theory) would be to pipe the contents of the whole command through sed, however I am not sure how to capture the command as a string of text that could then be used in this manner.
What I would do : ctrl+a
then move the cursor after the =, then hit ctrl+w.
The latest delete the previous word.
Multiple shortcuts can help here:
Use ctrl+a to go to the beginning of the line
Use alt+b and alt+f to move forward and backward one word at a time
Use alt+e to open an editor ($EDITOR) containing your current command, edit it, then close your editor.

How to create code box without rich text formatting

My question is related to this topic How to copy and paste code without rich text formatting? except its from the opposite viewpoint: I'm creating a document from PowerPoint in which I have code snippets in text boxes. I want to make the document as simple as possible by making the code snippet text boxes easy to copy and paste the code into a terminal to run without editing anything. However, the way I have it right now is that when I copy and paste it keeps the formatting and I have to go though letter by letter to erase the end of line symbols. How should I format this in PowerPoint?
You can get rid of most formatting by copy/pasting from PPT to Notepad and then copy/pasting from there to your terminal program, or if the latter has a Paste Special command, you should be able to paste as plain text, which'd get rid of formatting.
Line/Paragraph breaks are another matter. If the end of line symbols are the only formatting problem when you've pasted the text into a terminal (emulator program, I assume), it sounds as though the terminal's using CR or LF as a line ending, whereas PPT's using CR/LF pairs. It might only be necessary to reconfigure the terminal software to use CR/LF.
It's worth a look at this page on my site, where I explain what line and paragraph ending characters are used by different versions of PowerPoint in different situations.
Paragraph endings and line breaks
Sorry, my mistake was not realizing that PowerPoint auto formats hyphens and quotation marks to make them stylized, and the terminal was not recognizing the symbols. All I did was type in a quotation mark/hyphen then copying that before I pressed the space bar after it to save the original formatting.

How to use vim in the terminal?

How does one setup and start using vim in the terminal on OS X?
I want to start writing my C code using vim in the terminal rather than a separate text editor. How does one get started on this?
The basics like: opening, creating, saving files via terminal using vim and writing code using vim. Also, does one compile directly using vim in the terminal?
Get started quickly
You simply type vim into the terminal to open it and start a new file.
You can pass a filename as an option and it will open that file, e.g. vim main.c. You can open multiple files by passing multiple file arguments.
Vim has different modes, unlike most editors you have probably used. You begin in NORMAL mode, which is where you will spend most of your time once you become familiar with vim.
To return to NORMAL mode after changing to a different mode, press Esc. It's a good idea to map your Caps Lock key to Esc, as it's closer and nobody really uses the Caps Lock key.
The first mode to try is INSERT mode, which is entered with a for append after cursor, or i for insert before cursor.
To enter VISUAL mode, where you can select text, use v. There are many other variants of this mode, which you will discover as you learn more about vim.
To save your file, ensure you're in NORMAL mode and then enter the command :w. When you press :, you will see your command appear in the bottom status bar. To save and exit, use :x. To quit without saving, use :q. If you had made a change you wanted to discard, use :q!.
Configure vim to your liking
You can edit your ~/.vimrc file to configure vim to your liking. It's best to look at a few first (here's mine) and then decide which options suits your style.
This is how mine looks:
To get the file explorer on the left, use NERDTree. For the status bar, use vim-airline. Finally, the color scheme is solarized.
Further learning
You can use man vim for some help inside the terminal. Alternatively, run vimtutor which is a good hands-on starting point.
It's a good idea to print out a Vim Cheatsheet and keep it in front of you while you're learning vim.
Run vim from the terminal. For the basics, you're advised to run the command vimtutor.
# On your terminal command line:
$ vim
If you have a specific file to edit, pass it as an argument.
$ vim yourfile.cpp
Likewise, launch the tutorial
$ vimtutor
You can definetely build your code from Vim, that's what the :make command does.
However, you need to go through the basics first : type vimtutor in your terminal and follow the instructions to the end.
After you have completed it a few times, open an existing (non-important) text file and try out all the things you learned from vimtutor: entering/leaving insert mode, undoing changes, quitting/saving, yanking/putting, moving and so on.
For a while you won't be productive at all with Vim and will probably be tempted to go back to your previous IDE/editor. Do that, but keep up with Vim a little bit every day. You'll probably be stopped by very weird and unexpected things but it will happen less and less.
In a few months you'll find yourself hitting o, v and i all the time in every textfield everywhere.
Have fun!
if you want to open all your .cpp files with one command, and have the window split in as many tiles as opened files, you can use:
vim -o $(find name ".cpp")
if you want to include a template in the place you are, you can use:
:r ~/myHeaderTemplate
will import the file "myHeaderTemplate in the place the cursor was before starting the command.
you can conversely select visually some code and save it to a file
select visually,
add w ~/myPartialfile.txt
when you select visualy, after type ":" in order to enter a command, you'll see "'<,'>" appear after the ":"
'<,'>w ~/myfile $
^ if you add "~/myfile" to the command, the selected part of the file will be saved to myfile.
if you're editing a file an want to copy it :
:saveas newFileWithNewName
If you want to learn by reading yourself:
Open MacOS terminal app.
Write this and press enter -> vimtutor
For quit write this and click -> :q
