Xamarin iOS Splash Screen - xamarin

Windows 10, Visual Studio 2019 (16.5.4).
I've been following this example:
Which is fairly straightforward. My splash screen is simply a blue background with my logo in the centre. However, I cannot work out how to centralise the logo on every iOS device and both portrait and landscape.
Do I have to create a different Asset or LaunchScreen.storyboard for every device?

The way I am familiar with that you can create a responsive design in iOS is to use the concept of AutoLayout.
But before you start that you should be aware of the basics of designing in iOS
Feel free to get back if you have queries

I cannot work out how to centralise the logo on every iOS device and both portrait and landscape.
In the designer you can grab the dot in the centre of the view and then drag it to the vertical or horizontal lines:
Check https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/ios/user-interface/designer/designer-auto-layout#center-constraints


How to scale font, code behind on ipad in xamarin

created design in xaml. which looks perfect in iphone. same design fonts are small on ipad because of resolution. how can we make it bigger changing in one place.

How to properly take screen shots in Xamarin iOS simulator

I am currently taking screen shots for my application using iOS simulator. The issue I am coming across is that they are being being taking with borders and causing it to be rejected.
I have another approved application with screen shots and it doesn't have rounded borders.
I am using this button to take screen shots
Try to run the iOS simulator in the Mac and then take the screenshot. I did a test and the screenshot in the mac does not has the rounded borders.
Another way is you can use some tools to edit those screenshots to achieve what you want:).

force app orientation to landscape in code

I'm building a multi-device application in C++ in Rad Studio Rio (10.3.2). The primary target is an iPhone. I'd like to have a button click that forces the app to landscape regardless of the phones actual orientation.
How can I do this? I'm looking for something like this:
Form1->Orientation = Landscape;
I know I can force the app to be portrait or landscape at design time: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Tokyo/en/Application_Orientation but that is NOT what I want. I want to do it in my code at run time.
I can write code to change forms at runtime (e.g. make a "portrait" version of my form and a "landscape" version of my form and switch between them) but I'm hoping there is a code solution to let me use my one form and force it into landscape when i want.

Metro style,how to make my screen compatible for landscape and portrait mode?

I am new to metro style app.I designed a normal page in visual studio 2012 ultimate in landscape mode using only drag and drop tools.I run this page using Emulator.It runs well in landscape mode.but In Portrait mode,the contents of the page is not fitted automatically.Even it is not allowed to scroll the screen to see all the contents in the page.
I want a design fits for all screen resolution and different orientation. what should i do?
If any tutorial available please provide the link.
Are you talking about Windows Phone or WinRT?
Either way, you need to handle the orientation change yourself.
If you're doing WinRT, start here:
Optimizing for both landscape and portrait
and if you're doing Windows Phone, start here:
How to: Handle Orientation Changes on Windows Phone

How to make an iOS app support landscape orientation in XCode?

How to make an iOS app support landscape orientation?
How do you make it support both landscape and portrait, where you can just press a button to activate it.
for any new people reading this old post just go to main.storyboard->click on the view controller click on simulated metrics (the fourth icon that pops up, looks kind of like a pentagon belt buckle)
then orientation->Landscape this is for Xcode 5
