How to scale font, code behind on ipad in xamarin - xamarin

created design in xaml. which looks perfect in iphone. same design fonts are small on ipad because of resolution. how can we make it bigger changing in one place.


Xamarin iOS Splash Screen

Windows 10, Visual Studio 2019 (16.5.4).
I've been following this example:
Which is fairly straightforward. My splash screen is simply a blue background with my logo in the centre. However, I cannot work out how to centralise the logo on every iOS device and both portrait and landscape.
Do I have to create a different Asset or LaunchScreen.storyboard for every device?
The way I am familiar with that you can create a responsive design in iOS is to use the concept of AutoLayout.
But before you start that you should be aware of the basics of designing in iOS
Feel free to get back if you have queries
I cannot work out how to centralise the logo on every iOS device and both portrait and landscape.
In the designer you can grab the dot in the centre of the view and then drag it to the vertical or horizontal lines:

Xcode 9 - How to customize a design in storyboards for just iPhone 5?

I'm using Objective-C and Xcode-9.
When using autolayout, my designs appear perfectly on everything but iPhone 5.
I am trying to see if I can edit my design for -just- iPhone 5/SE screen sizes without affecting my other design integrations.
I tried using "Vary for Traits" but it appears that all iPhone sizes are considered regular height, compact width while in portrait mode so editing the iPhone 5 on those parameters edits all phone sizes.
I think I'm missing something here but I'm not sure the exact keywords to Google.
How do I customize a design in storyboards to be unique for iPhone 5 only, but remain the same for other phone sizes?
There isn't any simple built-in way to design in the storyboard for just one device type/size. But you should not have to. You should be able to make your design work for any phone size through autolayout alone.
Still, if you really can't, just implement viewDidLayoutSubviews (or layoutSubviews in your view controller's main view) and adjust the layout "by hand". That is when autolayout does its work, so if you don't like the results, you can tweak them at this point "manually".

iPhone 6(s) plus not scaling new application correctly for some users

I have a brand new Swift 2.0 XCode 7 Storyboard based application.
Target is set to 9.2. I'm currently supporting any device with GPS that can run ios 9.2
I started with the Tabbed View Template and I'm working in wAny and hAny and a single Storyboard.
It works fine in the simulator on a bunch of phones, both orientations and works fine on my 6s plus, 6s, 6 plus and a 5.
But for some users the scaling is wrong and everything comes out squished.
Even in landscape mode the TabBar Icons are very close to each other.
Narrower than even on my 6s plus in portrait.
I believe this is caused by my application not having a Launch bitmap.
My understanding is there are two ways to implement this.
Launcher .XIB/.NIB with half a dozen specific sized bitmaps attached. Or a StoryBoard Launcher with ... exactly what.
The "Or StoryBoard" is a little vague. But I wanted to keep things using the modern approach since this app is new and targeted users tend to have the latest device.
So I created my Launch Image set and tried to attached it to the UIImageView in the Launcher StoryBoard. It won't list items that are tagged as "Launcher Image Set". It will show other Image Sets and Icons. But not the ones specifically for Launcher. It shows an "L" in the xcassets list next to the Launcher Image set. I believe I have the build project setting set correctly and it looks perfect on many of the same exact devices.
After some digging, I read that if you use the "StoryBoard" method you don't need the 6 or so bitmaps anymore. You can put anything in the Storyboard Launcher View and treat it just like you would treat your main storyboard.
So I did that. I just centered a small image.png file in the View of the Launchers Storyboard. Works on all simulations and my iPhone 6s plus. I did not pin it to the edges because that would mess up the aspect ratio of the image.
A very small set of users still have the issue and one of them even uninstalled and reinstalled.
I tried playing with setting phone Zoomed, Normal, Text Size, Bold etc. They all work. Users also don't have anything out of the ordinary on these system settings.
So first, do I need the 6 proper sized bitmaps or not? I read conflicting info on this.
If I want to use the 6 images on a storyboard how to I get them in the UIImageView of the Launcher StoryBoard if they won't list? Should I put them in a regular image set. Does the "Launcher Image Set" only work for the for the Launcher.XIB?
If it's not the Launcher window, what else could it be causing this?
I know I could create a XIB/NIB with the 6 bitmaps. But that seems like I'm going backwards and I don't care about old OS versions or older phones.
I think I found my answer. When using a Storyboard Launcher you cannot use a "Launch Image Set" for your Launcher Storyboard. You have to use an Image Set.
This is the best Video I found that covers it A-Z.
It also didn't fix my initial problem. Which I'll post separately. It scales correct in Portrait but not in Landscape for hand full of users. Using the same hardware as others that it works fine on.

XCode6 Autoresizing

I always tested my iOS app with (written in swift) with iPhone 6 simulator. Now I realized, that it does not automatically resize in other simulators like iPad (layout is small in the left edge) or iPhone 4s (layout is too big and cutted). I tried disabling Auto-Layout but even when I enable it again it doesn't work. What is the best way to make it resize ?
Designing for multiple screen sizes is a fundamental part of the development process and therefore you can't enable auto-layout and expect it to work the way you want.
You know that the iPhone 4S has much less screen space than the iPhone 6 Plus, so at a minimum you need to add Auto Layout constraints to your views so that they scale and position appropriately. Sometimes you might want to change or move entire UI elements for compact and regular screen sizes.
See the Apple Auto Layout guide for examples.

Android layout design : Tablet first or Mobile first

I just developed an app for mobile and in the process of upscaling the UI layouts to tablets i.e xhdpi resources. But, the problem I face is that I have to restrucure a lot according to xhdpi screen and have to use different images as the image resource doesn't scale up with good resolution. Is it a good practice to have all images in common drawable folder with higher resolutions and resize it accordingly in different layout types. This also makes me wonder, should we have to consider tablet first design and then move to mobile.
It's not the good idea to have all images in common drawable folder with higher resolutions. Why? Rescaling overhead. I think that tablet and mobile design should be considered concurrently.
