20 byte MTU for web-bluetooth on Windows Chrome? - web-bluetooth

Does web-bluetooth run into a 20 byte MTU on Windows Chrome?
I am seeing writes to a characteristic value of the same 25 bytes succeed in Chrome on mac OS and fail in Chrome on Windows.
As I whittle down the bytes, the error continues occurring until I reach 20 bytes. If this is the MTU, is it documented somewhere? And is there a way to write values >20 bytes?
I've tried the following, in TypeScript:
const writeBytesBuffered = async (
characteristic: BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic
bytes: Uint8Array,
index: number = 0
): Promise<void> => {
while (index < bytes.length) {
await characteristic.writeValue(bytes);
index += 20;
No errors are thrown but presumably my device's GATT server doesn't know what to do with them and fails silently.


Multiple Slamtec LIDAR Connection Issues with MATLAB

I'm running into some initial LIDAR connection issue with simultaneously connecting 4 Slamtec RPLIDAR A3 using MATALB
with the provided interface library found here: https://github.com/ENSTABretagneRobotics/Hardware-MATLAB
The issue is that I am having to retry the connection on at least one of the LIDARS before it connects.
And it can also vary with LIDAR that is. That is, all but one LIDAR connects the first time.
One time, it could be LIDAR on one COM port, another time it could be a LIDAR on another COM port.
This is the way it is set up right now.
Basically MATALB loads the provided interface library, hardwarex.dll. That exposes some library methods to be used by MATLAB.
The method to connect the LIDAR does the following:
Opens the RS232 port
Sets port options
Gets some info and health statuses form lidar
Sets the motor PWM to zero (stop lidar motor)
Uses express scan mode option
Here somewhere the communication will error out.
Using a serial sniffer I was able to see that the LIDAR errors out after the following message to the LIDAR:
a5 f0 02 ff 03 ab a5 25 a5 82 05 00 00 00 00 00 22
Which I tracked to the following library methods, in that order
StartExpressScanRequestRPLIDAR() <-- Error here
To which the LIDAR responds with:
a5 5a 54 00 00 40 82
Where as a successfully connection response from the LIDAR much longer in content.
Things I've tried
Drain (force all write data) the write buffer with the interface libraries DrainComputerRS232Port() method before and/or after any write to lidar.
Setting the TX/Write OS FIFO buffer to FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING (ie. WriteFile()).
Changing the Hardware FIFO buffer form max (16) to min (1).
Using MATLAB's serial() command to flush any input or output buffers prior to loading the library or trying the connections.
This is the system and settings I am working with
Lidar (x4):
Slamtec RPLIDAR A3
Firmware 1.26
Connected via USB (no USB hub used)
No other COM port devices connected
OS: Windows 10 Pro - Build 1903
CPU: Intel Xeon 3.00Ghz
RAM: 64 GB
HD: SSD - 512GB NVMe
Serial Port Settings
Boud Rate: 256000
Timeout: 1000
MATLAB R2018b (9.5.0)
I've been banging my head on the wall with this. Any help is much much appreciated!
I'm going to answer my own question. And anyone is interested in a more detailed discussion please refer to the issue posted on the MATLAB RPLIDAR repo:
As I mentioned, when debugging, the error seemed to happen ConnectRPLIDAR() --> StartExpressScanRequestRPLIDAR(), then specifically here:
// Receive the first data response (2 data responses needed for angles computation...).
memset(pRPLIDAR->esdata_prev, 0, sizeof(pRPLIDAR->esdata_prev));
if (ReadAllRS232Port(&pRPLIDAR->RS232Port, pRPLIDAR->esdata_prev, sizeof(pRPLIDAR->esdata_prev)) != EXIT_SUCCESS)
// Failure
printf("A RPLIDAR is not responding correctly. \n");
What seemed to have happened before that is after the command being send out in WriteAllRS232Port(), sometimes it would not read a response in the ReadAllRS232Port(), esdata_prev would be nothing.
We tried implementing a mSleep(500) delay before that second ReadAllRS232Port(), and it seemed to help (my guess that the lidar was slow to respond), but the issue did not get resolved fully.
The following is what made it work every time with 4 lidars:
inline int StartExpressScanRequestRPLIDAR(RPLIDAR* pRPLIDAR)
unsigned char reqbuf[] = { START_FLAG1_RPLIDAR,EXPRESS_SCAN_REQUEST_RPLIDAR,0x05,0,0,0,0,0,0x22 };
unsigned char descbuf[7];
unsigned char sync = 0;
unsigned char ChkSum = 0;
// Send request to output/tx OS FIFO buffer for port
if (WriteAllRS232Port(&pRPLIDAR->RS232Port, reqbuf, sizeof(reqbuf)) != EXIT_SUCCESS)
printf("Error writing data to a RPLIDAR. \n");
// Receive the response descriptor.
memset(descbuf, 0, sizeof(descbuf)); // Alocate memory
if (ReadAllRS232Port(&pRPLIDAR->RS232Port, descbuf, sizeof(descbuf)) != EXIT_SUCCESS)
printf("A RPLIDAR is not responding correctly. \n");
// Quick check of the response descriptor.
if ((descbuf[2] != 0x54) || (descbuf[5] != 0x40) || (descbuf[6] != MEASUREMENT_CAPSULED_RESPONSE_RPLIDAR))
printf("A RPLIDAR is not responding correctly. \n");
// Keep anticipating a port read buffer for 1 second
int timeout = 1500;
// Check it every 5 ms
// Note on Checking Period Value:
// Waiting on 82 bytes in lidar payload
// 10 bits per byte for the serial communication
// 820 bits / 256000 baud = 0.0032s = 3.2ms
int checkingperiod = 5;
RS232PORT* pRS232Port = &pRPLIDAR->RS232Port;
int i;
int count = 0;
// Wait for something to show up on the input buffer on port
if (!WaitForRS232Port(&pRPLIDAR->RS232Port, timeout, checkingperiod))
//Success - Something is there
// If anything is on the input buffer, wait until there is enough
count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 50; i++)
// Check the input FIFO buffer on the port
GetFIFOComputerRS232Port(pRS232Port->hDev, &count);
// Check if there is enough to get a full payload read
if (count >= sizeof(pRPLIDAR->esdata_prev))
// Thre is enough, stop waiting
// Not enough, wait a little
//Failure - After waiting for an input buffer, it wasn't there
printf("[StartExpressScanRequestRPLIDAR] : Failed to detect response on the input FIFO buffer. \n");
// Receive the first data response (2 data responses needed for angles computation...).
memset(pRPLIDAR->esdata_prev, 0, sizeof(pRPLIDAR->esdata_prev));
if (ReadAllRS232Port(&pRPLIDAR->RS232Port, pRPLIDAR->esdata_prev, sizeof(pRPLIDAR->esdata_prev)) != EXIT_SUCCESS)
// Failure
printf("A RPLIDAR is not responding correctly. \n");
// Analyze the first data response.
sync = (pRPLIDAR->esdata_prev[0] & 0xF0)|(pRPLIDAR->esdata_prev[1]>>4);
if (sync != START_FLAG1_RPLIDAR)
printf("A RPLIDAR is not responding correctly : Bad sync1 or sync2. \n");
ChkSum = (pRPLIDAR->esdata_prev[1]<<4)|(pRPLIDAR->esdata_prev[0] & 0x0F);
// Force ComputeChecksumRPLIDAR() to compute until the last byte...
if (ChkSum != ComputeChecksumRPLIDAR(pRPLIDAR->esdata_prev+2, sizeof(pRPLIDAR->esdata_prev)-1))
printf("A RPLIDAR is not responding correctly : Bad ChkSum. \n");
So in the above code, we are waiting for the OS read FIFO buffer to show something within 1.5s, checking every 5ms (WaitForRS232Port()). If anything shows up, makes sure to wait to have enough, the size of the payload (GetFIFOComputerRS232Port()).
I'm not sure if it made a difference but we also removed the OS write FIFO buffer by changing it from 0 to FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING:
File: OSComputerRS232Port.h
hDev = CreateFile(
0, // Must be opened with exclusive-access.
NULL, // No security attributes.
NULL // hTemplate must be NULL for comm devices.

Implementation of a teamspeak like voice server

I'm implementing a voice chat server which will be used in my Virtual Class e-learning application for Windows, which makes use of the Remote Desktop API.
So far I 've been compressing the voice in with OPUS and I 've tested various options:
To pass the voice through the RDP Virtual Channel. This works but it creates lots of lag despite the channel creation with CHANNEL_PRIORITY_HI.
To use my own TCP (or UDP) voice server. For this option I have been wondering what would be the best method to implement.
Currently I 'm sending the udp datagram received, to all other clients (later on I will do server-side mixing).
The problem with my current UDP voice server is that is has lag even within the same pc: One server, and four clients connected, two of them have open mics, for example.
I get audible lag with this setup:
void VoiceServer(int port)
if (!Y->Bind(port))
auto VoiceServer2 = [&]()
char d[200] = { 0 };
map<int, vector<char>> udps;
for (;;)
// get datagram
int sle = sizeof(sockaddr_in6);
int r = recvfrom(*Y, o.d, 4000, 0, (sockaddr*)d, &sle);
if (r <= 0)
// a MESSAGE is a header and opus data follows
// have we received data from this client already?
// m->arb holds the RDP ID of the user
if (udps.find(m->arb) == udps.end())
vector<char>& uu = udps[m->arb];
memcpy(uu.data(), d, sle);
for (auto& att2 : aatts) // attendee list
long lxid = 0;
#ifndef _DEBUG
if (lxid == m->arb) // if same
const vector<char>& uud = udps[lxid];
sendto(*Y, o.d + sizeof(MESSAGE), r - sizeof(MESSAGE), 0, (sockaddr*)uud.data(), uud.size());
// 10 threads receiving
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
std::thread t(VoiceServer2);
Each client runs a VoiceServer thread:
void VoiceServer()
char b[4000] = { 0 };
vector<char> d2;
for (;;)
int r = recvfrom(Socket, b, 4000, 0, 0,0);
if (r <= 0)
memcpy(d2.data(), b, r);
if (audioin && wout)
audioin->push(d2); // this pushes the buffer to a waveOut writing class
Is this because I test in the same machine? But with a TeamSpeak client I had setup in the past there is no lag whatsoever.
Thanks for your opinion.
For message-oriented sockets, care must be taken not to exceed the
maximum packet size of the underlying subnets, which can be obtained
by using getsockopt to retrieve the value of socket option
SO_MAX_MSG_SIZE. If the data is too long to pass atomically through
the underlying protocol, the error WSAEMSGSIZE is returned and no data
is transmitted.
A typical IPv4 header is 20 bytes, and the UDP header is 8 bytes. The theoretical limit (on Windows) for the maximum size of a UDP packet is 65507 bytes(determined by the following formula: 0xffff - 20 - 8 = 65507). Is it actually the best way to send such a large packet? If we set a packet size too large, bottom of network protocol will splits packets at the IP layer. This takes up a lot of network bandwidth, cause the delay.
MTU(maximum transmission unit), is actually related to the link layer protocol. The structure of the EthernetII frame DMAC+SMAC+Type+Data+CRC has a minimum size of 64 bytes per Ethernet frame due to the electrical limitations of Ethernet transmission, and the maximum size can not exceed 1518 bytes. For Ethernet frames less than or greater than this limitation, we can regard it as a mistake. Since the largest data frame of Ethernet EthernetII is 1518 bytes, except for the frame header 14Bytes and the frame tail CRC check part 4Bytes, there is only 1500 bytes in the data domain left. That's MTU.
In the case that the MTU is 1500 bytes, the maximum size of UDP packet should be 1500 bytes - IP header (20 bytes) - UDP header (8 bytes) = 1472 bytes if you want IP layer not to split packets. However, since the standard MTU value on the Internet is 576 bytes, it is recommended that UDP data length should be controlled within (576-8-20) 548 bytes in a sendto/recvfrom when programming UDP on the Internet.
You need to reduce the bytes of a send/receive and then control the number of times.

Strange behavior of the ZeroMQ PUB/SUB pattern with TCP as transport layer

In order to design our API/messages, I've made some preliminary tests with our data:
Protobuf V3 Message:
message TcpGraphes {
uint32 flowId = 1;
repeated uint64 curTcpWinSizeUl = 2; // max 3600 elements
repeated uint64 curTcpWinSizeDl = 3; // max 3600 elements
repeated uint64 retransUl = 4; // max 3600 elements
repeated uint64 retransDl = 5; // max 3600 elements
repeated uint32 rtt = 6; // max 3600 elements
Message build as multipart message in order to add the filter functionality for the client
Tested with 10 python clients: 5 running on the same PC (localhost), 5 running on an external PC.
Protocol used was TCP. About 200 messages were sent every second.
Local client are working: they get every messages
Remote clients are missing some messages (throughput seems to be limited by the server to 1Mbit/s per client)
Server code (C++):
// zeroMQ init
zmq_ctx = zmq_ctx_new();
zmq_pub_sock = zmq_socket(zmq_ctx, ZMQ_PUB);
zmq_bind(zmq_pub_sock, "tcp://*:5559");
every second, about 200 messages are sent in a loop:
std::string serStrg;
// first part identifier: [flowId]tcpAnalysis.TcpGraphes
std::stringstream id;
id << It->second->first << tcpG.GetTypeName();
zmq_send(zmq_pub_sock, id.str().c_str(), id.str().length(), ZMQ_SNDMORE);
zmq_send(zmq_pub_sock, serStrg.c_str(), serStrg.length(), 0);
Client code (python):
ctx = zmq.Context()
sub = ctx.socket(zmq.SUB)
sub.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, '')
print ("Waiting for data...")
while True:
message = sub.recv() # first part (filter part, eg:"134tcpAnalysis.TcpGraphes")
print ("Got some data:",message)
message = sub.recv() # second part (protobuf bin)
We have looked at the PCAP and the server don't use the full bandwidth available, I can add some new subscribers, remove some existing ones, every remote subscriber gets "only" 1Mbit/s.
I've tested an Iperf3 TCP connection between the two PCs and I reach 60Mbit/s.
The PC who runs the python clients has about 30% CPU last.
I've minimized the console where the clients are running in order to avoid the printout but it has no effect.
Is it a normal behavior for the TCP transport layer (PUB/SUB pattern) ? Does it means I should use the EPGM protocol ?
windows xp for the server
windows 7 for the python remote clients
zmq version 4.0.4 used
A performance motivated interest ?
Ok, let's first use the resources a bit more adequately :
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// zeroMQ init
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
zmq_ctx = zmq_ctx_new();
int aRetCODE = zmq_ctx_set( zmq_ctx, ZMQ_IO_THREADS, 10 );
assert( 0 == aRetCODE );
zmq_pub_sock = zmq_socket( zmq_ctx, ZMQ_PUB );
aRetCODE = zmq_setsockopt( zmq_pub_sock, ZMQ_AFFINITY, 1023 );
// ^^^^
// ||||
// (:::::::::::)-------++++
// >>> print ( "[{0: >16b}]".format( 2**10 - 1 ) ).replace( " ", "." )
// [......1111111111]
// ||||||||||
// |||||||||+---- IO-thread 0
// ||||||||+----- IO-thread 1
// |......+------ IO-thread 2
// :: : :
// |+------------ IO-thread 8
// +------------- IO-thread 9
// API-defined AFFINITY-mapping
Non-windows platforms with a more recent API can touch also scheduler details and tweak O/S-side priorities even better.
Networking ?
Ok, let's first use the resources a bit more adequately :
aRetCODE = zmq_setsockopt( zmq_pub_sock, ZMQ_TOS, <_a_HIGH_PRIORITY_ToS#_> );
Converting the whole infrastructure into epgm:// ?
Well, if one wishes to experiment and gets warranted resources for doing that E2E.

c: socketCAN connection: read() not fast enough

socketCAN connection: read() not fast enough
I use the socket() connection for my CAN communication.
fd = socket(PF_CAN, SOCK_RAW, CAN_RAW);
I'm using 2 threads: one periodic 1ms RT thread to send data and one
thread to read the incoming messages. The read function looks like:
void readCan0Socket(void){
int receivedBytes = 0;
// set GPIO pin low
receivedBytes = read(fd ,
sizeof(struct can_frame));
// reset GPIO pin high
if (receivedBytes != 0)
if (receivedBytes == sizeof(struct can_frame))
if (recvBufferWritePosition == CAN_MAX_RECEIVE_BUFFER_LENGTH)
recvBufferWritePosition = 0;
receivedBytes = 0;
} while (1);
The socket is configured in blocking mode, so the read function stays open
until a message arrived. The current implementation is working, but when
I measure the time between reading a message and the next waiting state of
the read function (see set/reset GPIO comment) the time varies between 30 us
(the mean value) and > 200 us. A value greather than 200us means
(CAN has a baud rate of 1000 kBit/s) that packages are not recognized while
the read() handles the previous message. The read() function must be ready within
134 us.
How can I accelerate my implementation? I tried to use two threads which are
separated with Mutexes (lock before the read() function and unlock after a
message reception), but this didn't solve my problem.

Windows SCSI ReadCapacity16 in D

I'm attempting to send a scsi ReadCapacity16 (0x9E) to a volume on Windows using D. The CDBs are to spec and my ReadCapacity16 works on Linux and scsi Inquiries work on Windows. Only the not-inquiry calls on Windows fail to work with an "incorrect function" from the windows kernel.
Since only inquiries work, is there a trick to sending not-inquiries through the Windows kernel? Any tips on getting this to work? I've researched a couple weeks and haven't solved this.
This is an example of the CDB:
CDB buffer contents:
9e 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00
sgio.exceptions.IoctlFailException#sgio\exceptions.d(13): ioctl error code is 1. Incorrect function.
Here is where the CDB is copied to a buffer for the DeviceIoControl call, and this is the same code path which successfully sends the Inquiry commands (but fails for readcap). Code in github pasted below:
void sgio_execute(ubyte[] cdb_buf, ubyte[] dataout_buf, ubyte[] datain_buf, ubyte[] sense_buf)
version (Windows)
const uint SENSE_LENGTH = 196;
ubyte[512] iobuffer = 0;
DWORD amountTransferred = -1;
SCSI_PASS_THROUGH_DIRECT scsiPassThrough = {0};
scsiPassThrough.Cdb[] = 0;
uint size = cast(uint)((cdb_buf.length <= scsiPassThrough.Cdb.length ?
cdb_buf.length : scsiPassThrough.Cdb.length));
scsiPassThrough.Cdb[0..size] = cdb_buf[0..size];
scsiPassThrough.Length = SCSI_PASS_THROUGH_DIRECT.sizeof;
scsiPassThrough.ScsiStatus = 0x00;
scsiPassThrough.TimeOutValue = 0x40;
scsiPassThrough.CdbLength = cast(ubyte)(size);
scsiPassThrough.SenseInfoOffset = SCSI_PASS_THROUGH_DIRECT.sizeof;
scsiPassThrough.SenseInfoLength = SENSE_LENGTH;
scsiPassThrough.DataIn = SCSI_IOCTL_DATA_IN;
scsiPassThrough.DataBuffer = datain_buf.ptr;
scsiPassThrough.DataTransferLength = bigEndianToNative!ushort(cast(ubyte[2]) cdb_buf[3..5]);
int status = DeviceIoControl( m_device,
iobuffer.length, //scsiPassThrough.sizeof,
if (status == 0)
int errorCode = GetLastError();
// build error message ...
throw new IoctlFailException(exceptionMessage);
Reading the Windows SCSI_PASS_THROUGH_DIRECT structure documentation very closely I noticed this:
DataTransferLength: Indicates the size in bytes of the data buffer.
Many devices transfer chunks of data of predefined length. The value
in DataTransferLength must be an integral multiple of this predefined,
minimum length that is specified by the device. If an underrun occurs,
the miniport driver must update this member to the number of bytes
actually transferred.
I changed the code to use 512 bytes for DataTransferLength, by increasing the size of datain_buffer, and the code now works just fine.
