How to pass a parameter as an environment variable - spring

How do you pass a parameter as an environment variable?
Step 1: Open up user bash file 'vim ~/.bash_profile', write the environment variable and save the file
export TWLIO_NUMBER=+303....
Step 2: In the application porperties file, store the variable
Step 3: Import Value in order to use it
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
private String TWILIO_NUMBER;
Also, if I hardcode the value in the application properties file, the code works.

Pass those as Java-Opts. It will work.
How to pass JVM arguments in SpringBOOT

So I have a system variable in my spring project.
String dataSourceUrl = System.getenv(DEFAULT_CONNECTION);
I am looking for something quick to set the variable in command line.
I found this command work in mac
export DEFAULT_CONNECTION=value (value wrap in single quote to prevent the values being replaced)
You can check by env | grep DEFAULT_CONNECTION
run as usual mvn spring-boot:run


How to make Gitlab CI not apply variable when the variable is in file

I have created a GitLab pipeline and predefined variable (type file). That file contains a variable ${myVar} that should not has to be applied before some steps of the job.
I found that when I open that file using cat, the ${myVar} disappeared. Looks like it was applied but with an empty string since its content has not yet been generated.
Question: how to tell GitLab CI to ignore variables in the variable file
The issue is fixed. All you need to do is to add one more $ sign before the variable. Hence instead of ${myVar} you need to specify $${myVar} in this case GitLab CI will not apply the variable
As of Gitlab 13.7 you can disable variable expansion for the variable (enabled by default). See:

How to Get Environment Value in Config File

Currently, I have an environment variable in my .env file.
How do I pass that variable as part of a path in a config file? I'm trying to get a path similar to below:
Notice the "Testing" part of the path in the sample above; I need that name to be different each time.
You're able to retreive the values anywhere in your laravel project by making use of the env function.
env('MY_NAME_TEST'); // returns "Testing"
In your case it would be used like so:
base_path('Plugins/' . env('MY_NAME_TEST') . '/Database/Migrations/'
The second parameter the env function takes is a default value if a value is not already set.

Is there a way to assign the output of a step to another environment variable on Bitrise?

The Xcode archive step creates this variable: ${BITRISE_DEPLOY_DIR} and read that pilot uses the PILOT_IPA environment variables for the IPA directory.
Is there a way to assign the output (BITRISE_DEPLOY_DIR) to another environment variable (e.g.: $PILOT_IPA)?
You can do that by using envman ( which is part of the bitrise CLI tool stack.
To assign the value of an existing Environment Variable (Step outputs are just regular Environment Variables) you can use a Script step, and specify this as the content:
envman add --key PILOT_IPA --value "$BITRISE_DEPLOY_DIR"
This'll first print the value of the BITRISE_DEPLOY_DIR environment variable, and then with envman add it'll add a new environment item with the key PILOT_IPA and the value of $BITRISE_DEPLOY_DIR.

Using user defined variables in the path of a results file in JMeter

I want to write a results CSV file in JMeter which contains a variable in path of the file I write.
But I only seem to be able to use predefined variables like ${__time(ddMMyyHHmmss)}
Is there a way to use user defined variables in the path? I have successfully done this to find input files by defining the variable in the test plan node as a User Defined Variable.
I managed to use user defined variable in the path of result file using JMeter 2.9. REPORT is a user defined variable with value REPORT. It gives me file named REPORT.csv
In JMeter 3.1(?) (or Windows?) a double slash is required in the path.
I have used the following successfully:
${testId} is a User Defined Variable configured in the Test Plan and set to ${__time(yyyyMMddHHmm)}

Informatica Parameter File

Whenever I use the -lpf parameter with the pmcmd command, the workflow runs perfectly fine but when I add the same path in the Parameter FileName under Workflow 'Properties' and try to execute the workflow from the Workflow Manager, I get an error saying that parameter file is not found.
Now, the path which I am giving for '-lpf' is :
I don't understand why it works when I am overriding the parameter file name, whereas it doesn't work when I add it in the workflow properties (the file is not found).
By default, is any Informatica Environment variable set which needs to be changed and what's the default path of the parameter file on server and can this be changed?
Could you provide the log file?
Assuming I did understand this:
when you run the workflow with the parameter file -lpf that has this path:
it does work, instead when you run it manually does not.
it could be so simply that manually you have to put instead of the extended path the string $PMSourceFileDir\ in the Source file Directory or to put it better: Source file Directory = $PMSourceFileDir\.
That because $PMSourceFileDir refer to the Informatica server initialization, as it is a server variable.
Instead with a parameter file usually is used to override that "deafult" path.
