Informatica Parameter File - informatica-powercenter

Whenever I use the -lpf parameter with the pmcmd command, the workflow runs perfectly fine but when I add the same path in the Parameter FileName under Workflow 'Properties' and try to execute the workflow from the Workflow Manager, I get an error saying that parameter file is not found.
Now, the path which I am giving for '-lpf' is :
I don't understand why it works when I am overriding the parameter file name, whereas it doesn't work when I add it in the workflow properties (the file is not found).
By default, is any Informatica Environment variable set which needs to be changed and what's the default path of the parameter file on server and can this be changed?

Could you provide the log file?
Assuming I did understand this:
when you run the workflow with the parameter file -lpf that has this path:
it does work, instead when you run it manually does not.
it could be so simply that manually you have to put instead of the extended path the string $PMSourceFileDir\ in the Source file Directory or to put it better: Source file Directory = $PMSourceFileDir\.
That because $PMSourceFileDir refer to the Informatica server initialization, as it is a server variable.
Instead with a parameter file usually is used to override that "deafult" path.


Failing to open a file which should be in the base path

I have a Go project (bazel-remote) that tries to read a yaml file passed in the command line, when built with bazel. This yaml file sits in the same location from where I run the bazel run command.
But it fails to run because os.Open fails with no such file or directory.
I printed the basePath using os.Getwd, because someone suggested that my basePath might be set wrong. But my basePath is set to a location in my /private/var/tmp/ where the bazel objects are created and stored:
How do I set my basePath correctly? Why is my basePath set to where it is?
Binaries started with bazel run are executed in an internal Bazel directory. They'll have access to "runfiles", which are files mentioned in the data attribute of the binary rule or its dependencies. For example, if you have a rule like the one below, you'll be able to read foo.txt, but not bar.txt or other files:
load("#io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_binary")
name = "hello",
srcs = ["hello.go"],
data = ["foo.txt"],
Note that the working directory of the binary corresponds to the repository root directory, not the directory where the binary is defined. You can debug with os.Getwd and filepath.Walk.
You mentioned you wanted to access a yaml file passed in on the command line though. Presumably, you want to be able to access any file the user passes in, not just files mentioned in the data attribute. For this case, take a look at the BUILD_WORKING_DIRECTORY environment variable (bazel run sets this). That gives the path to the directory where bazel run was invoked. Also, BUILD_WORKSPACE_DIRECTORY is the path to the workspace root directory.

Using user defined variables in the path of a results file in JMeter

I want to write a results CSV file in JMeter which contains a variable in path of the file I write.
But I only seem to be able to use predefined variables like ${__time(ddMMyyHHmmss)}
Is there a way to use user defined variables in the path? I have successfully done this to find input files by defining the variable in the test plan node as a User Defined Variable.
I managed to use user defined variable in the path of result file using JMeter 2.9. REPORT is a user defined variable with value REPORT. It gives me file named REPORT.csv
In JMeter 3.1(?) (or Windows?) a double slash is required in the path.
I have used the following successfully:
${testId} is a User Defined Variable configured in the Test Plan and set to ${__time(yyyyMMddHHmm)}

TFS2010: Need the Absolute Path of the Source Directory

I am invoking VSDBCMD.EXE in my build process template, there is a custom setvar parameter that requires a reference to the current source directory, passing this path has become an unexpected challenge.
I've tried using relative paths and $(SourceDirectory) to no avail (it remains as the literal string "$(SourceDirectory)" when I see the debug output), the parameter needs an absolute path.
Is there any way to get the absolute path for the current source directory when the script runs?
In the DefaultTemplate build workflow there is a variable called SourcesDirectory that contains the absolute path.
If you pass it to an InvokeProcess you just type the variable name in the activity property, no $() around it.
It might be worth checking out this resource, where author makes use of ConvertWorkspaceItem within his build in order to pass in a string the disk location of a know target in source control


FREMOVE is failing with an error "ORA-29280: invalid directory path"
It works fine when I add the path to the UTL_FILE_DIR and restart the database.
This is regardless of having the directory as an Oracle directory with both READ and WRITE granted.
When using UTL_FILE you have one of two options:
Option 1: UTL_FILE_DIR must have the directory you want to use in the parameter. If it's not there it will not work. The downside is that anytime you need this parameter changed or added to you need to bounce the database. With this method the first parameter of UTL_FILE.FREMOVE will be passed the actual OS directory.
Option 2: you alternatively use an oracle Directory object. You would use the directory object name (not the actual OS directory) in the first parameter of UTL_FILE.FREMOVE
What is the syntax you're using for FREMOVE parameter location? For a directory, you pass in the name of the Oracle Directory object, case significant.

Can i use FinalBuilder to set the name of a self extracting exe at Runtime?

When using FinalBuilder to package our website, I would like it to be able to set the filename when it creates the file set with a variable somewhere else. So the filename would be Website 1.4.exe
Has anyone got this working?
I'm new to FinalBuilder, so if you could give some more info it would be useful - like which action you're using to create the exe.
Have you tried using project variables? From what I've seen you can use them in most FB actions.
At worst you could use the rename file action:
create a new project variable ([Tools\Edit Variables\Add]) called Version and give it a default value
if you need to, you can add a Set Variable action to dynamically set the value of the variable
add a Rename action
set Rename File to the file you want to rename (including path) eg c:\Release.exe
set New Name to Release%Version%.exe
That if the Version project variable is set to 1.4, Release.exe will be renamed to Release1.4.exe
