Spring Eureka LoadBalanced RestTemplate when not connected - spring

Here are my dependencies:
When my Spring Boot application is registered with Eureka, I can define a RestTemplate bean like this:
public RestTemplate restTemplate() {
return new RestTemplate();
And in my services I can make requests to other services using their registered spring.application.name:
restTemplate.getForEntity("http://application1/test", String.class);
How do I define where http://application1/ is located with Eureka disabled?
Current Implementation test:
public class RibbonConfig {
public ServerList<Server> serverServerList() {
return new ConfigurationBasedServerList();
public class WebConfig {
public RestTemplate restTemplate() {
return new RestTemplate();
public class TestService implements CommandLineRunner {
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
ResponseEntity<String> responseEntity = restTemplate.getForEntity("http://application1/test", String.class);
#RibbonClient(value = "application1", configuration = RibbonConfig.class)
public class Demo5Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(Demo5Application.class, args);
enabled: false
list-of-servers: http://localhost:8081/

you can define a new RibbonClient configuration for your service this way:
#RibbonClient(name = "application1", configuration = Application1RibbonClientConfiguration.class)
public class Application {
class Application1RibbonClientConfiguration{
public ServerList<Server> ribbonServerList() {
return new ConfigurationBasedServerList();
you can skip all the configuration above if you don't have eureka on classPath
next in your properties file you can list all the servers location like this:


Bean of type 'com.netflix.client.config.IClientConfig' that could not be found

I encountered a problem with my Ribbon application. Here is my code:
#RibbonClient(name= "bye", configuration=RibbonConfig.class )
public class RibbonAppApplication {
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(RibbonAppApplication.class, args);
public String getService() {
return restTemplate.getForObject("http://bye",String.class);
public RestTemplate restTemplate() {
return new RestTemplate();
And my RibbonConfig.class:
public class RibbonConfig {
public IPing ribbonPing(IClientConfig config) {
return new PingUrl(false,"/health");
public IRule ribbonRule(IClientConfig config) {
return new AvailabilityFilteringRule();
However, I got the following error:
Parameter 0 of method ribbonPing in practice.zuul.zach.ribbonapp.RibbonConfig required a bean of type 'com.netflix.client.config.IClientConfig' that could not be found.
Consider defining a bean of type 'com.netflix.client.config.IClientConfig' in your configuration.
Is there any ways to solve it?
problem solved when i add this line in RibbonAppApplication class

Integration tests on spring-boot throws Connection refused

I have an unit test on Spring Boot:
#SpringBootTest(classes = Application.class)
public class CustomerControllerIT {
private RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
public void findAllCustomers() throws Exception {
ResponseEntity<List<Customer>> responseEntity = restTemplate.exchange(
"http://localhost:8080/Customer", HttpMethod.GET, null,
new ParameterizedTypeReference<List<Customer>>() {
List<Customer> list = responseEntity.getBody();
Assert.assertEquals(list.size(), 0);
If I launch test on started application - tests ok
If I try to launch only IT, there is connection refused error
My application.properties is same for single start.
For tests and located in resources and testResources.
Application.class is:
#EntityScan(basePackages = {"mypackage.model"})
#EnableJpaRepositories(basePackages = {"mypackage.persistence"})
public class Application extends SpringBootServletInitializer {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);
You must run a test with a running server ,
If you need to start a full running server, you can use random ports:
An available port is picked at random each time your test runs
You need this maven dependency:
public class TestRest {
private TestRestTemplate restTemplate;
public void findAllCustomers() throws Exception {
ResponseEntity<List<Customer>> responseEntity = restTemplate.exchange(
"/Customer", HttpMethod.GET, null,
new ParameterizedTypeReference<List<Customer>>(){});
List<Customer> list = responseEntity.getBody();
Assert.assertEquals(list.size(), 0);
Please read the documentation for more reference
For running #SpringBootTest and JUnit5 (Jupiter) with static port you can use:
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.DEFINED_PORT)
class MyUnitTests {
void checkActuator() throws Exception {
final String url = "http://localhost:8080/actuator/health";
ResponseEntity<Map> re = new RestTemplate().getForEntity(url, Map.class);
assertEquals(HttpStatus.OK, re.getStatusCode());
If you're using JUnit 4:
Change: #ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class)
To: #RunWith(SpringRunner.class)
And then add the port property to your application.yml (inside folder src/main/resources):
port: 8080
Or if have an application.properties:
How to configure port for a Spring Boot application
Test the SpringBoot application startup

Spring Aspect doesn't work if bean is instantiated manually first

I have a simple aspect like below
public class PersistentAspect {
public void log(JoinPoint jp) {
System.out.println("aspect call");
and an AppConfig like below
public class AppConfig {
private Integer num;
private String text;
public Integer getNum() {
return num;
public void setNum(Integer num) {
this.num = num;
public String getText() {
return text;
public void setText(String text) {
this.text = text;
And configuration class like below
public class WsConfig extends WsConfigurerAdapter {
public void addInterceptors(List<EndpointInterceptor> interceptors) {
AppConfig config = config();
interceptors.add(new CustomValidatingInterceptor(schema(), null));
public AppConfig config() {
AppConfig config = null;
config = new AppConfig();
return config;
public PersistentAspect persistentAspect() {
PersistentAspect persistentAspect = new PersistentAspect();
return persistentAspect;
If I use below in the addInterceptors
AppConfig config = config();
The Aspect will not work. The obvious solution I have is to change the code to
AppConfig config = new AppConfig();
Now what I want to understand is, is there a config in which AppConfig config = config(); could still be made working. I assume that when spring initiates the Bean, it can make an AOP proxy of the AppConfig, and when I initiate the bean it interferes with that process somehow. What is the spring/spring-boot way of handling this?
Below is the pom.xml, so basically latest Spring 5.0.5
Before posting the I had already adding a #EnableAspectJAutoProxy, but that had not helped.
The git repo to try the issue is on below
Your AppConfig bean (which you initialize, correctly, using a method annotated with #Bean) needs to be wrapped in a proxy that then executes the aspect logic.
You have to enable this behavior by adding the #EnableAspectJAutoProxy annotation to your WsConfig class.
By the way: it is totally correct to use
AppConfig config = config();
in your addInterceptors method. Spring will return the bean that was created by the config method.

swagger not detected when i remove #configuration

i try to integrate swagger into my spring boot project but i receive always an error :
"Error creating bean with name 'modelMapperImpl': Failed to introspect bean class [springfox.documentation.swagger2.mappers.ModelMapperImpl] " but when i remove #configuration from swaggerConfig swagger will not be detected ,here is my code :
public class WebConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
public void addCorsMappings(CorsRegistry registry) {
.allowedMethods("HEAD", "GET", "PUT", "POST", "DELETE",
public class SwaggerConfig {
public Docket api() {
return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
Try this approach.
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "mycompany.cors")
public class CorsSettings {
final private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CorsSettings.class);
private List<String> origins = new ArrayList<>();
public CorsSettings() {
log.debug("construct CorsSettings");
public List<String> getOrigins() {
return this.origins;
public WebMvcConfigurer corsConfigurer() {
if (origins != null) {
log.debug("corsOrgins=" + origins);
} else {
return new WebMvcConfigurerAdapter() {
public void addCorsMappings(CorsRegistry registry) {
registry.addMapping("/**").allowedOrigins(origins.toArray(new String[origins.size()]));
Next in Config
public class SwaggerConfig {
ApiInfo apiInfo() {
return new ApiInfoBuilder().title("My Swagger API").description("This is a my swagger server")
.contact(new Contact("My name", "://www.mycompany.com", "myemail#mycompany.com"))
public Docket customImplementation() {
return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2).select()
Then in application.yml
- ${origin1:http://localhost:8080}
- ${origin2:http://localhost:8080}
- ${origin3:http://localhost:8080}
- ${origin4:http://localhost:8080}

Autowired RibbonAware RestTemplate with Interceptor

I am having a wrapper that autowire ribbon aware RestTemplate and then I add a interceptor-
public class MyRestTemplate {
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
public void init(){
If I #AutoWire RestTemplate in some other component, will I get same instance of RestTemplate with this incterceptor? My observation is the autowired resttemplate in other component also adds this interceptor. Please help to validate the understanding.
Yyou will get the same instance of RestTemplate. When the bean MyRestTemplate is constructor (rather after it's construction), you are adding the MyRestTemplateRequestInterceptor to the RestTemplate interceptor.
So this interceptor will be applied to RestTemplate.
If you are looking to apply an interceptor for a specific feign client you can create your own configuration:
public class FeignClientConfiguration {
private Environment environment;
public Encoder feignEncoder() {
return new GsonEncoder();
public ErrorDecoder feignDecoder() {
return new GsonDecoder();
public RequestInterceptor requestHeaderInterceptor() {
return new RequestInterceptor() {
public void apply(RequestTemplate requestTemplate) {
public Feign.Builder feingBuilder() {
return Feign.builder().encoder(feignEncoder()).decoder(feignDecoder()).errorDecoder(new YourErrorDecoder())
Then just apply the configuration to your feign client:
#FeignClient(name = "myFeign", url = "url/...", configuration = {
public interface YourFeignClient {
