Integration tests on spring-boot throws Connection refused - spring-boot

I have an unit test on Spring Boot:
#SpringBootTest(classes = Application.class)
public class CustomerControllerIT {
private RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
public void findAllCustomers() throws Exception {
ResponseEntity<List<Customer>> responseEntity =
"http://localhost:8080/Customer", HttpMethod.GET, null,
new ParameterizedTypeReference<List<Customer>>() {
List<Customer> list = responseEntity.getBody();
Assert.assertEquals(list.size(), 0);
If I launch test on started application - tests ok
If I try to launch only IT, there is connection refused error
My is same for single start.
For tests and located in resources and testResources.
Application.class is:
#EntityScan(basePackages = {"mypackage.model"})
#EnableJpaRepositories(basePackages = {"mypackage.persistence"})
public class Application extends SpringBootServletInitializer {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

You must run a test with a running server ,
If you need to start a full running server, you can use random ports:
An available port is picked at random each time your test runs
You need this maven dependency:
public class TestRest {
private TestRestTemplate restTemplate;
public void findAllCustomers() throws Exception {
ResponseEntity<List<Customer>> responseEntity =
"/Customer", HttpMethod.GET, null,
new ParameterizedTypeReference<List<Customer>>(){});
List<Customer> list = responseEntity.getBody();
Assert.assertEquals(list.size(), 0);
Please read the documentation for more reference

For running #SpringBootTest and JUnit5 (Jupiter) with static port you can use:
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.DEFINED_PORT)
class MyUnitTests {
void checkActuator() throws Exception {
final String url = "http://localhost:8080/actuator/health";
ResponseEntity<Map> re = new RestTemplate().getForEntity(url, Map.class);
assertEquals(HttpStatus.OK, re.getStatusCode());
If you're using JUnit 4:
Change: #ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class)
To: #RunWith(SpringRunner.class)
And then add the port property to your application.yml (inside folder src/main/resources):
port: 8080
Or if have an
How to configure port for a Spring Boot application
Test the SpringBoot application startup


Spring-Boot 2.3.0.RELEASE Unable to autowire RestTemplate for JUnit 5 test

I have configured the necessary Beans in #Configuration class but have not been able to get the RestTemplate injected into my test class for testing.
public class AppConfig {
public ProtobufHttpMessageConverter protobufHttpMessageConverter() {
return new ProtobufHttpMessageConverter();
public RestTemplate restTemplate(ProtobufHttpMessageConverter converter) {
RestTemplate http2Template = new RestTemplate(new OkHttp3ClientHttpRequestFactory());
List<HttpMessageConverter<?>> converters = http2Template.getMessageConverters();
return http2Template;
Test class:
#AutoConfigureWebClient(registerRestTemplate = true)
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.DEFINED_PORT, classes = {RestTemplate.class, ProtobufHttpMessageConverter.class})
public class GRPCRestApiTest {
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
public void GetOneCourseUsingRestTemplate() throws IOException {
assertNotNull(restTemplate, "autowired restTemplate is NULL!");
ResponseEntity<Course> course = restTemplate.getForEntity(COURSE_URL, Course.class);
HttpHeaders headers = course.getHeaders();
Any advice and insight is appreciated
The classes attribute of the annotation #SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.DEFINED_PORT, classes = {RestTemplate.class, ProtobufHttpMessageConverter.class}) takes component classes to load the application context. You should not put in here anything except your main Spring Boot class or leave it empty.
Furthermore #AutoConfigureWebClient(registerRestTemplate = true) as you want to use the bean you configure inside your application (at least that's what I understood from your question).
So your test setup should look like the following:
// #ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class) can be omitted as it is already part of #SpringBootTest
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.DEFINED_PORT)
public class GRPCRestApiTest {
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
public void GetOneCourseUsingRestTemplate() throws IOException {
assertNotNull(restTemplate, "autowired restTemplate is NULL!");
ResponseEntity<Course> course = restTemplate.getForEntity(COURSE_URL, Course.class);
HttpHeaders headers = course.getHeaders();
This should now start your whole Spring Boot context in dev profile and you should have access to all your beans you define inside your production code like AppConfig.

Why do I keep getting 404's when using #AutoConfigureMockMvc in SpringBoot test?

I'm trying to write an integration test using springrunner. I'm running it as a springboottest and using autoconfiguremockmvc. However, i keep getting 404s. It seems my controllers/endpoints aren't being loaded by the autoconfiguremockmvc. Does anyone know a solution of how to wire this up so that it will pick up my controllers?
I did add a basic controller into my test class and i was able to hit it successfully but I have been unable so far to hit the actual controller I want to use in my integration test.
#SpringBootTest(classes = { TestConfig.class })
#TestPropertySource(locations = "")
public class ControllerTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
public void test() throws Exception {
MockHttpServletRequestBuilder request =
final ResponseEntity<String> response =
new ResponseEntity<>("works", HttpStatus.OK);
final ResultActions result = this.mockMvc.perform(request).andDo(print());
public class TestConfig {
You could use
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment =
and RestAssured library in combination to test any endpoint/api like below
// include dependency in pom
//Test Class
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class IntTest{
//inject test local port
private int port;
public void setUp() {
//assign port for reset assured
RestAssured.port = port;
public void test() {
.body("name", is("test"));

Spring Boot testing with Junit

Using Spring Boot 2.0.3.RELEASE
The goal of the test is have a service call a controller in the same app.
Here is the simplified setup I am trying
The app class
public class StartApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
The controller class
public class EmpCtrl {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EmpCtrl.class);
private EmpDao empDao;
#RequestMapping(value = "/emp01", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, method = RequestMethod.GET)
public List<Emp> findAllEmp01() {
logger.trace("running my.demo.controller.findAllEmp01");
List<Emp> emps = new ArrayList<>();
Iterable<Emp> results = this.empDao.findAll();
results.forEach(emp -> {emps.add(emp);});
return emps;
The service class
public class GetEmpSrv {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GetEmpSrv.class);
public void getEmps01(){
final String uri = "http://localhost:8080/emp01";
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
String result = restTemplate.getForObject(uri, String.class);
and the Junit class
#SpringBootTest(classes = StartApp.class)
public class GetEmpSrvTest01 {
public void doCall() {
GetEmpSrv getEmpSrv = new GetEmpSrv();
This is being run inside Eclipse Oxygen.3a (4.7.3a)
in the console it appears Spring Boot is running .. ic the load of h2 db and /emp01 is being mapped however in the Failure Trace of Junit ic
I/O error on GET request for "http://localhost:8080/emp01": Connection refused: connect; nested exception is Connection refused: connect
This makes me think the embedded Tomcat is not running. When I start Spring normally /emp01 returns a JSON as expected.
My question is: Is this type of testing possible with Junit? If so what do I need to do to make it work?
In your test, please autowire TestRestTemplate. The reason is that your spring test will run on another port and the call to http://localhost:8080 will fail.
#SpringBootTest(classes = StartApp.class)
public class GetEmpSrvTest01 {
TestRestTemplate testRestTemplate;
public void doCall() {
// without http://localhost:8080, testRestTemplate it will handle it for you
testRestTemplate.getForObject("/emp01", String.class);
Also you can expect a list of objects in your test:
List<Emp> emps = testRestTemplate.getForObject("/emp01", List.class);

Spring Boot Apache Camel Routes testing

I have a Springboot application, where I have some Camel routes configured.
public class CamelConfig {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CamelConfig.class);
String brokerUrl;
int maxConnections;
ConnectionFactory jmsConnectionFactory() {
PooledConnectionFactory pooledConnectionFactory = new PooledConnectionFactory(new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(brokerUrl));
return pooledConnectionFactory;
public RoutesBuilder route() {"Initializing camel routes......................");
return new SpringRouteBuilder() {
public void configure() throws Exception {
I want to test this route from activemq:testQueue to queueEventHandler::handleQueueEvent.
I tried different things mentioned here, but doesn't seem to get it working.
I am trying to do something like this:
#SpringBootTest(classes = {CamelConfig.class, CamelTestContextBootstrapper.class})
public class CamelRouteConfigTest {
#Produce(uri = "activemq:testQueue")
protected ProducerTemplate template;
public void testSendMatchingMessage() throws Exception {
template.sendBodyAndHeader("testJson", "foo", "bar");
// Verify handleQueueEvent(...) method is called on bean queueEventHandler by mocking
But my ProducerTemplate is always null. I tried auto-wiring CamelContext, for which I get an exception saying it cannot resolve camelContext. But that can be resolved by adding SpringCamelContext.class to #SpringBootTest classes. But my ProducerTemplate is still null.
Please suggest. I am using Camel 2.18 and Spring Boot 1.4.
In Camel 2.22.0 and ongoing, which supports Spring Boot 2 you can use the following template to test your routes with Spring Boot 2 support:
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.NONE, classes = {
#DirtiesContext(classMode = DirtiesContext.ClassMode.AFTER_CLASS)
public class RouteTest {
static class Config {
CamelContextConfiguration contextConfiguration() {
return new CamelContextConfiguration() {
public void beforeApplicationStart(CamelContext camelContext) {
// configure Camel here
public void afterApplicationStart(CamelContext camelContext) {
// Start your manual routes here
RouteBuilder routeBuilder() {
return new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() {
// further beans ...
#Produce(uri = "direct:start")
private ProducerTemplate template;
#EndpointInject(uri = "mock:done")
private MockEndpoint mockDone;
public void testCamelRoute() throws Exception {
Map<String, Object> headers = new HashMap<>();
template.sendBodyAndHeaders("test", headers);
Spring Boot distinguishes between #Configuration and #TestConfiguration. The primer one will replace any existing configuration, if annotated on a top-level class, while #TestConfiguration will be run in addition to the other configurations.
Further, in larger projects you might run into auto-configuration issues as you can't rely on Spring Boot 2 to configure your custom database pooling or what not correctly or in cases where you have a specific directory structure and the configurations are not located within a direct ancestor directory. In that case it is proabably preferable to omit the #EnableAutoConfiguration annotation. In order to tell Spring to still auto-configure Camel you can simply pass CamelAutoConfiguration.class to the classes mentioned in #SpringBootTest
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.NONE, classes = {
As no automatic configuration is performed, Spring won't load the test configuration inside your test class nor initialize Camel as well. By adding those configs to the boot classes manually Spring will do it for you.
For one route with MQ and Spring Boot like this:
public class InboundRoute extends RouteBuilder {
public void configure() {
JaxbDataFormat personDataFormat = new JaxbDataFormat();
.log("inbound route")
I use adviceWith in order to replace the endpoint and use only mocks:
#SpringBootTest(classes = InboundApp.class)
public class InboundRouteCamelTest {
#EndpointInject(uri = "mock:a")
private MockEndpoint mock;
#Produce(uri = "direct:start")
private ProducerTemplate template;
private CamelContext context;
public void whenInboundRouteIsCalled_thenSuccess() throws Exception {
RouteDefinition route = context.getRouteDefinition("InboundRoute");
route.adviceWith(context, new AdviceWithRouteBuilder() {
public void configure() {
String response = (String) template.requestBodyAndHeader("direct:start",
getSampleMessage("/SimplePatient.xml"), Exchange.CONTENT_TYPE, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML);
private String getSampleMessage(String filename) throws Exception {
return IOUtils
I use the following dependencies: Spring Boot 2.1.4-RELEASE and Camel 2.23.2. The complete source code is available on Github.
This is how I did this finally:
public class CamelRouteConfigTest extends CamelTestSupport {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CamelRouteConfigTest.class);
private static BrokerService brokerSvc = new BrokerService();
private QueueEventHandler queueEventHandler;
// Sets up an embedded broker
public static void setUpBroker() throws Exception {
protected RoutesBuilder createRouteBuilder() throws Exception {
return new CamelConfig().route();
// properties in .yml has to be loaded manually. Not sure of .properties file
protected Properties useOverridePropertiesWithPropertiesComponent() {
YamlPropertySourceLoader loader = new YamlPropertySourceLoader();
try {
PropertySource<?> applicationYamlPropertySource = loader.load(
"properties", new ClassPathResource("application.yml"),null);// null indicated common properties for all profiles.
Map source = ((MapPropertySource) applicationYamlPropertySource).getSource();
Properties properties = new Properties();
return properties;
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("application.yml file cannot be found.");
return null;
protected JndiRegistry createRegistry() throws Exception {
JndiRegistry jndi = super.createRegistry();
jndi.bind("queueEventHandler", queueEventHandler);
return jndi;
// Sleeping for a few seconds is necessary, because this line template.sendBody runs in a different thread and
// CamelTest takes a few seconds to do the routing.
public void testRoute() throws InterruptedException {
template.sendBody("activemq:productpushevent", "HelloWorld!");
verify(queueEventHandler, times(1)).handleQueueEvent(any());
public static void shutDownBroker() throws Exception {
Did you try using Camel test runner?
If you are using camel-spring-boot dependency, you may know that it uses auto configuration to setup Camel:
It means that you may also need to add #EnableAutoConfiguration to your test.

Camel Spring Boot MockEndpoint assertion not working as expected

My test application can start up normally with CamelSpringBootApplicationController. However, when I am working on the integration test, the assertion of MockEndpoint is not working as expected The snapshot of my test code is listed below. Am I doing anything wrong?
public class Application {
public static final String DIRECT_BT_INPUT = "direct:btInput";
public static final String DIRECT_BT_OUTPUT = "direct:btOutput";
public RouteBuilder RouteBuilder() {
return new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() throws Exception {
#SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = Application.class)
#DirtiesContext(classMode = ClassMode.AFTER_EACH_TEST_METHOD)
public class BTRouteIT {
protected CamelContext camelContext;
#EndpointInject(uri = "mock:" + Application.DIRECT_BT_OUTPUT)
protected MockEndpoint mockBtOutput;
#Produce(uri = Application.DIRECT_BT_INPUT)
protected ProducerTemplate producerTemplate;
public void test() throws InterruptedException {
#MockEndpoint is not supported yet in Camel Spring Boot.
Workaround: move endpoint uris to properties file (in route definition use {{}}) and use different property file where you substitute original endpoint uri with mock:orginalUri.
You are testing with CamelSpringJUnit4ClassRunner in camel-test-spring. Camel spring test is for regular spring, not spring-boot.
Use SpringJUnit4ClassRunner test runner instead.
