Disabling CSRF on Spring generated project - spring-boot

So I used Open API 3.0 and Swagger-Codegen to generate a Spring server. It seems CSRF is automatically enabled. I won't need CSRF as I will be using another method for auth, so I want to disable it.
I've tried the following:
Upgrade Spring from 1.5.22-RELEASE to 1.5.9-RELEASE; Apparently in 1.5.2, CSRF is automatically enabled. This didn't work.
Create a "WebSecurityConfig" class that extends WebSecurityConfiguererAdapter and overrides "configure". I followed some steps from previous posts with the same problem, unfortunately it still seems to be enabled.
public class WebSecurityConfig extends
WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
When I open Swagger UI, I can see the following error:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
springfox.js?v=2.9.2:1 No csrf token can be found
Am I missing anything? Any tips? Thanks.


SpringBoot works on the web but doesn't work in the postman?

I'm trying to build to build a really basic user/role CRUD with spring security.
I created 2 types of accounts: admin and user.
After I go to this URL: http://localhost:8080/api/v1/employees first I get login and after that I get the result
The problem start when I try to connect via postman. I can't get past the login.
I can't get past the login no matter what. I tried other controller but the same thing happens.
Am I doing something wrong? Am I missing a step?
To make a call in Postman, you need to pass a proper authorization (token header/cookie) when calling an endpoint. In your current case, Postman either shows you a login page which is that HTML you see, or an error page because unauthorized
I had this problem yesterday, it's most likely the same thing.
I disabled csrf in the class that extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter to get it to work. If you're moving into production, you should probably leave it enabled.
My WebSecurityConfig class:
public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
I don't fully understand how the csrf protection so there might be issues if you try to log in from a browser. Uncomment out the .csrf().disable() when you want to run in from a browser

Unable to Remove ;jsessionid in a Spring Boot / Web Flow Application's URL when Deployed to Tomcat 8.5

I'm working on a Java application where a user registers a password for his/her account. The following are being used:
Spring Boot
Spring MVC
Spring Web Flow
Spring Security
Interceptor (for checking the session in the preHandle method)
For the Spring Security part, there's really no authentication required. I just use it to handle CSRF and the configuration is as follows:
#EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(securedEnabled = true, prePostEnabled = true)
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// CSRF feature only
Now, this is where things get messy. When I deploy it to Tomcat in a Unix environment, ;jsessionid gets appended to the URL and Spring Security is not happy. I have scrounged the Internet and found the following solutions to remove it (alongside my results).
server.servlet.session.tracking-modes=cookie in application.properties does nothing.
public class WebConfig implements WebApplicationInitializer {
public void onStartup(ServletContext servletContext) {
HashSet<SessionTrackingMode> set = new HashSet<>();
yields an IllegalArgumentException: The session tracking mode [COOKIE] requested for context [/<context-name>] is not supported by that context
I'm about to pull what remains of my hair off so I reverted any cookie-related changes and thought of just allowing semicolons in the URL (I know, I know, not secure) using the snippet below in the same SecurityConfig class.
public HttpFirewall allowUrlSemicolonHttpFirewall() {
StrictHttpFirewall firewall = new StrictHttpFirewall();
return firewall;
public void configure(WebSecurity web) throws Exception {
And voila! The web flow runs on an infinite redirect.
Has anyone ever encountered IllegalArgumentException: The session tracking mode [COOKIE] requested for context [/<context-name>] is not supported by that context before? I've searched far and wide and the closest that I could find is this.
Could the reason behind server.servlet.session.tracking-modes=cookie not working be the same as above?
Could the infinite redirect be caused by http.authorizeRequests().anyRequest().permitAll()? I tried using anonymous() but the result was the same.
Is it possible to know which part exactly is causing the infinite redirect?
Please note that allowing semicolons in the URL is working fine and dandy in my localhost, so I have a hunch that what's causing the redirects is SSL-related. In the same way that locally ;jsessionid is not being appended to the URL.
My next step is to try configuring SSL locally in an attempt to replicate the issue. In the meantime, any help would be highly appreciated. My apologies if there's too much information here; I'm willing to repost it as multiple questions if that's necessary.

How to authenticate some URL and ignore anything else

I want to manage security policy like below. ( HTTP Basic Authorization)
Apply authentication following URLs.
"/foo/", "/bar/"
Ignore anything else URLs. ( Even though requests have Authorization field in header)
I know permitall(). But permitall() is not suitable because it apply security policy when request has Authorization field in headers.
If you want ignore particular url then you need to implement this method.
public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
public void configure(final WebSecurity web) throws Exception {
You can put your url in place of /static/** in which you want no authentication apply.
Your example means that Spring (Web) Security is ignoring URL patterns
that match the expression you have defined ("/static/**"). This URL is
skipped by Spring Security, therefore not secured.
Read the Spring Security reference for more details:
Click here for spring security details

My heroku app is requesting a password that I did not put there

I'm new to the process of sending an application to production and I'm using Heroku free plan to test. Today I went to check my app and the API I made using Spring boot is not working and is requesting a login that I didn't do. My app address is https://erik-financial-api.herokuapp.com and when you go there it redirects you to the address https://erik-financial-api.herokuapp.com/login with the following:
I did not make this page and none of the passwords (from my app or from my Heroku account) work on it. This was supposed to be just a REST API for another front-end app. Does anyone know why is this happening?
The code for this project can be found on my GitHub on https://github.com/esscheffer/financial-api
Edit: this seems to be a default spring security login page. I have searched for solutions, but none worked so far. What I have tried:
override fun configure(security: HttpSecurity) {
to my WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter class.
Add http.httpBasic().disable().formLogin().disable() to the configure of my ResourceServerConfigurerAdapter class.
Add (exclude = [SecurityAutoConfiguration::class]) to the #SpringBootApplication sanitation on my application class.
The first 2 tries didn't remove the login page and the last one broke the app, returning 404 for all pages. Note that this only happens when I deploy my application to Heroku. When running locally I don't have this login page or any other problem.
Add a new configuration class com.scheffer.erik.financial.api.config.SecurityConfig, where in the configure method you can disable the HTTP Basic authentication as well as login form based authentication, like below:
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity security) throws Exception {
Do it like this...permit all requests for the home page...I hope it will work for you.
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.antMatchers("/").permitAll() //OR .antMatchers("/**").permitAll()

DIsabling JBoss EAP 6.4 basic authentication

I have Spring Boot application which use Spring Security OAuth2 as the protection. The application worked well when tested using default server. However, when I try to deploy it on JBoss EAP 6.4 , the application expects the CSRF token. How do I disable JBoss' basic authentication so that my application does not require CSRF token?
As I have described at the comment for sadasidha's answer, this problem didn't show up on Wildfly 8 (JBoss AS)
Disable csrf protection. It's enabled by default
#Configuration #EnableWebSecurity public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// Disable
// ...... }
I have found the solution. Actually it is the result of mapping problem. I'm following the solution from
Spring Java Config vs Jboss 7
