SpringBoot works on the web but doesn't work in the postman? - spring-boot

I'm trying to build to build a really basic user/role CRUD with spring security.
I created 2 types of accounts: admin and user.
After I go to this URL: http://localhost:8080/api/v1/employees first I get login and after that I get the result
The problem start when I try to connect via postman. I can't get past the login.
I can't get past the login no matter what. I tried other controller but the same thing happens.
Am I doing something wrong? Am I missing a step?

To make a call in Postman, you need to pass a proper authorization (token header/cookie) when calling an endpoint. In your current case, Postman either shows you a login page which is that HTML you see, or an error page because unauthorized

I had this problem yesterday, it's most likely the same thing.
I disabled csrf in the class that extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter to get it to work. If you're moving into production, you should probably leave it enabled.
My WebSecurityConfig class:
public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
I don't fully understand how the csrf protection so there might be issues if you try to log in from a browser. Uncomment out the .csrf().disable() when you want to run in from a browser


My heroku app is requesting a password that I did not put there

I'm new to the process of sending an application to production and I'm using Heroku free plan to test. Today I went to check my app and the API I made using Spring boot is not working and is requesting a login that I didn't do. My app address is https://erik-financial-api.herokuapp.com and when you go there it redirects you to the address https://erik-financial-api.herokuapp.com/login with the following:
I did not make this page and none of the passwords (from my app or from my Heroku account) work on it. This was supposed to be just a REST API for another front-end app. Does anyone know why is this happening?
The code for this project can be found on my GitHub on https://github.com/esscheffer/financial-api
Edit: this seems to be a default spring security login page. I have searched for solutions, but none worked so far. What I have tried:
override fun configure(security: HttpSecurity) {
to my WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter class.
Add http.httpBasic().disable().formLogin().disable() to the configure of my ResourceServerConfigurerAdapter class.
Add (exclude = [SecurityAutoConfiguration::class]) to the #SpringBootApplication sanitation on my application class.
The first 2 tries didn't remove the login page and the last one broke the app, returning 404 for all pages. Note that this only happens when I deploy my application to Heroku. When running locally I don't have this login page or any other problem.
Add a new configuration class com.scheffer.erik.financial.api.config.SecurityConfig, where in the configure method you can disable the HTTP Basic authentication as well as login form based authentication, like below:
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity security) throws Exception {
Do it like this...permit all requests for the home page...I hope it will work for you.
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.antMatchers("/").permitAll() //OR .antMatchers("/**").permitAll()

Disabling CSRF on Spring generated project

So I used Open API 3.0 and Swagger-Codegen to generate a Spring server. It seems CSRF is automatically enabled. I won't need CSRF as I will be using another method for auth, so I want to disable it.
I've tried the following:
Upgrade Spring from 1.5.22-RELEASE to 1.5.9-RELEASE; Apparently in 1.5.2, CSRF is automatically enabled. This didn't work.
Create a "WebSecurityConfig" class that extends WebSecurityConfiguererAdapter and overrides "configure". I followed some steps from previous posts with the same problem, unfortunately it still seems to be enabled.
public class WebSecurityConfig extends
WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
When I open Swagger UI, I can see the following error:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
springfox.js?v=2.9.2:1 No csrf token can be found
Am I missing anything? Any tips? Thanks.

Issue with the spring security tutorial on spring.io

I am trying to run the spring security application on the official website. When I try to access the context root I get the user authentication prompt even though .antMatchers("/", "/home").permitAll() allows all access to /home and /. Also the password is being set in the application in the following code
public void configureGlobal(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
However I still get the Using default security password message in the logs with the password mentioned. Please could you help.
I had made a mistake in the code, I forgot to annotate the WebSecurityConfig class with #Configuration and #EnableWebSecurity annotations.
The password which you find from log is from basic auth which is by default enabled, you can do httpBasic().disabled() to disable it, then you will not see the default password any more.
I saw you are using spring-boot, which makes live much easier, try add this property: security.basic.enabled=false, it should help you to disable it..

Spring Boot: Secured RESTful API using Spring Social and Spring Security

I am trying to define and secure a RESTful API using Spring Boot. Ideally, I would like to use Spring Social and allow clients (web and mobile) to login via Facebook.
What is working
So far, I managed to have a working API using #RestController and secure it with a basic Spring Security configuration as follows:
#EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true)
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.antMatchers(HttpMethod.POST, "/api/**").authenticated()
.antMatchers(HttpMethod.PUT, "/api/**").authenticated()
.antMatchers(HttpMethod.DELETE, "/api/**").authenticated()
The antMatchers could probably be improved, but I made it like this for my own clarity for now and it works fine. Doing GET requests is allowed and all others required to send the standard user:password given by Spring Security at runtime. An example using httpie:
http POST user:a70fd629-1e29-475d-aa47-6861feb6900f#localhost:8080/api/ideas/ title="My first idea"
Which right credentials, it sends a 200 OK back, otherwise a 401 Unauthorized.
Spring Social
Now, I am stuck and can't get my head around using Spring-Social-Facebook to get working with my current setup and keep fully RESTful controllers. Using standard forms and redirects seems trivial, but I couldn't find any solution for a REST-based approach that easily supports web and mobile clients for example.
As I understand, the client will have to handle the flow, since the back-end won't send any redirects to the /connect/facebook URL.
I followed the tutorial Accessing Facebook Data and it works on its own. However, I would like to avoid having to have those facebookConnect.html and facebookConnected.html templates like in the tutorial. So I don't know how to have change that.
Another Spring Boot tutorial for OAuth is also nice and working, but I would like to stick with Spring Social if possible due to the simplicity.
This post, helped for the Method not allowed issue of the /connect/facebook redirect when using those views mentioned above.
Post about Social Config. Probably, I am missing something there.
Any advice, solution or link to a better tutorial would be really helpful.
Now, I have a working website with traditional User SignUp and Login over forms. I have a "Login with Facebook" button that sends me over the "OAuth dance". So next issue is that I have to create somehow the User manually after the Facebook login has been successful, because for the moment both "logins" are not related, so even though the user is logged in with Facebook, he doesn't yet have an associated User object with the right authorisations.
SocialAuthenticationFilter by default, redirects to '/signup' in the case you described, user is signed in from a social app, however, no local account exists. You can provide a handler to create a local account. This is also covered in the spring-socal samples.
#RequestMapping(value = { "/signup" }, method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String newRegistrationSocial(WebRequest request, Model model) throws Exception {
String view = "redirect:/home";
try {
Connection<?> connection = providerSignInUtils.getConnectionFromSession(request);
if (connection != null) {
UserProfile up = connection.fetchUserProfile();
registerUser(up.getFirstName(), up.getLastName(), up.getEmail(), "DummyPassword");
providerSignInUtils.doPostSignUp(up.getEmail(), request);
return view;

how to implement a authentication with spring boot security?

i am using spring boot. i want to post a username and password params to login, and if login success then return a token. after, i will use the token to judge login status. here is my security configure code. but i don't konw where to write the login authentication logic code.
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
public void configure(WebSecurity web) throws Exception {
thank you !
There's always more than one way to do something with Spring. There is a happy path (probably) with Spring Boot, and you seem to have started on it. Note though, if you want Boot to provide some default behaviour, then don't use #EnableWebSecurity (as advised in the user guide). The web-secure sample has an example you can follow.
If you use formLogin() the default login URL is /login (not /user/login), so you should be able to post the username and password to that endpoint to authenticate. Don't add /login to the unsecured paths using web.ignoring() or Spring Security will never process it. When you post to /login you get back a JSESSIONID cookie. That's your authentication token, and it expires when the session expires in the server (30min by default, but easily configurable). Include it in future requests for secure resources - some HTTP clients will even do that for you (like a browser does).
