How do I implement a web linked button that will open inside of my iphone application (not open a link in Safari? - xcode

I have an iphone sdk application and want to tweak it.. as I've had a great idea on how I want my interface to appear.
I'm trying to create several buttons that will open a web page within my application but have failed to do so countless amounts of times now.
(I don't want the button to open a link in safari, I already know how to do this and it's not what I'm trying to achieve)
The application must not shut down in order to operate any links (i.e close down to open the link in safari as stated above.)
MORE INFO-----------------------------------
i already have the application and yes it is working and complete, however a while ago i decided that id like to change the interface on my application, but havnt been successful in doing so.
Currently i am using a webView based app which works perfectly, i have my website and another within the application (using a tab bar with two tabs within it).
Now i would like to completely re-model my app by starting from scratch..
using a uiwebview i want to place several buttons on the uiwebview page and have them as links which will direct my members to different sections of my website when pressed..
I have managed to do this but when the buttons are pressed, my application is closed and the link is then opened in safari, which is not what i want.
I would like the links to open within my application
Any ideas?


Teams in browers opens up new tab when Launch() function is used from within Power App (canvas)

I'm doing a custom Power App (canvas) that is used inside Teams as a Tab in a channel. This app has some deeplinks to other channels inside teams (the link url is copied from within teams and are verified and works ok). I'm using the Launch() function to do these deeplink redirects. I get the desired behavior in the Desktop and Mobile version of Teams, but in the browser version whatever I try it always open up the link in a new tab. I would like it to open up in the same window and keep the navigation context for a smooth UX.
I've tried booth LaunchTarget.New and LaunchTarget.Replace. Also used booth 'https://' and 'msteams://' in the deeplink urls. I would expect that the LaunchTarget.Replace would have done what I wanted, but it doesn't work.
The only way I've seen links working as expected in all three versions of teams (Desktop, Mobile and Browser). Is if I manually insert a link inside a message in a 'Posts' tab or if I manually insert a link inside a Wiki. If I do the same in for example a OneNote document it doesn't work and open up in a new Tab. Its quite inconsistent behavior.
Any help, info or workaround is appropriated.

Are there any changes in the WebView related APIs in UWP or UAP Windows app?

I am having a Windows 8.1 supported app, but now it is updated to the UWP/UAP (i.e. Windows 10) app.
After updating the custom URI scheme is not working, On a button click on the web page, we were using "navto://" custom URI scheme and handling were done in a js file. The button action was bind through the anchor tag.
From this approach, we navigate our web pages forward/backward or used to send a user to a particular web page.
But now this js file is being not called on the click of the same button and a System Popup appear saying "You will need a new app to open this navto link". For reference, please have a look at the attached screenshot of the error popup. If anybody is familiar with the issue, please suggest me the solution.
Actually I followed this page to migrating the app
And also tried other options as well by googling but I haven't got any perfect solution yet.

Avoiding drag and drop from embedded Web Browser

I have written a Win32 sample, in this sample I have added web Browser control. It is working fine.
I launch the application with web page having some images. Here I can drag the images on to the desktop.
One of the requirements says that application should not allow drag and drop feature.
Please let me know how to disable this feature.

Finding the origin (URL) of a dragged and dropped image/text on a cocoa application dock tile on 10.6.8

I have just started coding an application in cocoa on OSX 10.6.8. It is well underway mostly thanks to threads I have found here. For the subtle functionality I am about to explain I've looked everywhere and really have given it my best without success. Here is the situation:
There is a browser (chrome for now but the solution should be adaptable to FF and Safari at least)
There is my chrome extension
There is my desktop app
Text/images can be dragged on my desktop app which then organises these items by source.
For a file/text from finder, except a web browser, tagging the file with its file path is the desired behaviour, for a text I simply put clipboard as the source. Now the issue is that files/text dragged from a web browser should have the website they were dragged from as the source. There is an easy fix for files: I have an extension which sets a buffer with the last active url so that all I need to check when a file is dragged is whether it comes from the chrome cache to tag it with the content of the said buffer. My problem is for text. The way text dragging is handled is by using a service which I declared in the .plist, There is a similar unanswered question on SO and a technique that seems as if it could work but it is only available for 10.7 on. I also found a link where someone managed to get the url for itunes songs dragged on his application using
Is there a solution to see the URL of a dragged image/text that could be handled using only cocoa?
The only other option I see is using the extension to inject javascript code into all webpages for handling the 'dragenter' event and send the content of what is being dragged together with the source URL to the desktop app via a custom protocol. I'm not too keen on script injection and I sense some complication down that path as well.
In any case thank you for your help!

Windows Phone Application - Start page depends on FileExist in isolated storage

I'm developing application that start page depends on file existing in isolated storage.
If file doesn't exist my application shows some form to setup configuration, but if it exist I wish this page will not be diesplayed.
For now I just load configutarion page but if file exist i use NavigationService to navigate to proper page on pageloaded event. The problem is that after I play with my app and hit back button it goes to configuration setup and because file exist it navigates me stright to my app again. I despite the fact that setup screen blinks on the application launching.
So my question is - how to setup startup page depends on some condition ?
The advice that I've heard is to use a UserControl on your startup page - then toggle the visibility depending on the condition you have. That way you don't end up with an unwanted page in the backstack and you get to fully control the UX.
The example I heard it with was a login page - not something you want on the backstack usually - but something you can easily check a bool to hide/show the user control.
The place I heard it was this video from Mix 11: Expert Lessons: Top Tips for Building a Successful Windows Phone Application. You can download the code to the demo (it is the first demo in that video) from the bottom of his blog entry here (which gives some more detail): Demos from my Mix 2011 session - Part 1: Navigation Tips
There is no way to launch different page on some conditions.
There are methods to manipulate Page Stack in NavigationService class, so you can remove setup page from history and app not will be navigated to it when user tap back button.
For fighting with page blinking you can put an image (the same image as splashscreen) above your page, and hide it when right content loaded
