List<List<String>> mapped to List<String> - spring-boot

I'm learning how to use Mapstruct in a Spring Boot and Kotlin project.
I've got a generated DTO (ThessaurusDTO) that has a List and I need this mapped into a List on my model (Vocab).
It makes sense that MapStruct can't map this automatically, but I know for a fact that the first list will always be size = 1. I have no control on the API the DTO model belongs to.
I found on the documentation that I can create define a default method implementation within the interface, which would loosely translate to a normal function in Kotlin
My mapper interface:
interface VocabMapper {
// ...
fun thessaurusToVocab(thessaurusDTO: ThessaurusDTO): Vocab
fun metaSyns(nestedList: List<List<String>>): List<String>
= nestedList.flatten()
When I try to do a build I get the following error: error: Can't map collection element "java.util.List<java.lang.String>" to "java.lang.String ". Consider to declare/implement a mapping method: "java.lang.String map(java.util.List<java.lang.String> value)".
It looks like mapStruct is still trying to automatically do the mapping while ignoring my custom implementation. Am I missing something trivial here?

I found on the documentation that I can create define a default method implementation within the interface, which would loosely translate to a normal function in Kotlin
From my understand of what I found online, Kotlin does not properly translate an interface function into a default method in Java, but actually generates a class that implements the interface.
If that's the problem, you can annotate metaSyns with #JvmDefault:
Specifies that a JVM default method should be generated for non-abstract Kotlin interface member.
Usages of this annotation require an explicit compilation argument to be specified: either -Xjvm-default=enable or -Xjvm-default=compatibility.
See the link for the difference, but you probably need -Xjvm-default=enable.

I've seen to have fixed this by relying on an abstract based implementation, instead of using an interface.
From my understand of what I found online, Kotlin does not properly translate an interface function into a default method in Java, but actually generates a class that implements the interface.


Quarkus - #ConfigMapping: built-in way to show all properties like "toString()", instead of manual building

As #ConfigMapping uses interfaces, there are no ways to implement toString(); I cannot view all values and nested values without a lot of manual work(reflection and switch case to deal with each type).
Any plan to support easy view of all levels of properties? Like a super class to inherit which handles this manual toString() like building?
In SmallRye config doc page I read this:
If the config mapping contains a toString method declaration, the config mapping instance will include a proper implementation of the toString method.
But I added #Override String toString(); method everywhere, Quarkus just complains about cannot find property "to_string".
OK I found this issue which is implemented in this commit, which exactly adds the sentence I read into the doc; but still not very clear to me.
Adding a String toString() method in your #ConfigMapping will generate the expected toString() implementation.
This is only available starting from SmallRye Config 2.11.0 and Quarkus 2.12.0.Final, which came out just a few weeks ago. Previous versions will just try to resolve the method as a configuration property. From your description, it seems that is the case, so you may be using an older Quarkus version that does not support this feature yet.

How does Dependency Injection work in this case?

In a Spring Boot Web Application layout, I have defined a Service Interface named ApplicationUserService. An implementation called ApplicationUserServiceImpl implements all the methods present in ApplicationUserService.
Now, I have a Controller called ApplicationUserController that calls all the methods of ApplicationUserServiceImpl under different #GetMapping annotations.
As suggested by my instructor, I have defined a Dependency Injection as follows:
public class ApplicationUserController {
private final ApplicationUserService applicationUserService; //This variable will work as an object now.
public ApplicationUserController(ApplicationUserService applicationUserService) {
this.applicationUserService = applicationUserService;
I am new to Spring Boot and I tried understanding Dependency Injection in plain English and I understood how it works. I understood that the basic idea is to separate the dependency from the usage. But I am totally confused about how this works in my case.
My Questions:
Here ApplicationUserService is an Interface and it's implementation has various methods defined. In the code above, applicationUserService now has access to every method from ApplicationUserServiceImpl. How did that happen?
I want to know how the Object creation works here.
Could you tell me the difference between not using DI and using DI in this case?
The interface layer is used for abstraction of the code it will be really helpfull when you want to provide different implementations for it. When you create a instance you are simply creating a ApplicationUserServiceImpl and assigning it into a reference variable of ApplicationUserService this concept is called upcasting. Even though you have created the object of child class/implementation class you can only access the property or methods defined in parent class/interface class. Please refer this for more info,you%20can%20create%20test%20stubs.
in this example when a applicationusercontroller object is created. The spring engine(or ioc container) will create a object of ApplicationUserServiceImpl (since there is a single implementation of the interface ) and returns to controller object as a constructor orgument which you assign to the refrence variable also refer the concept called IOC(Invertion of control)
as explained in the previous answer the spring will take care of object creation (object lifecycle)rather than you explsitly doing it. it will make the objects loosely coupled. In this the controll of creating the instances is with spring .
The non DI way of doing this is
private ApplicationUserService applicationUserService = new ApplicationUserServiceImpl()
Hope I have answered your questions
this analogy may make you understand better consider an example, wherein you have the ability to cook. According to the IoC principle(principal which is the basis of DI), you can invert the control, so instead of you cooking food, you can just directly order from outside, wherein you receive food at your doorstep. Thus the process of food delivered to you at your doorstep is called the Inversion of Control.
You do not have to cook yourself, instead, you can order the food and let a delivery executive, deliver the food for you. In this way, you do not have to take care of the additional responsibilities and just focus on the main work.
Now, that you know the principle behind Dependency Injection, let me take you through the types of Dependency Injection

Spring inject list of generic interface implementations in kotlin

Disclaimer: New to Kotlin, may be a easy to solve issue or misunderstood basics.
I am trying to inject a List of a specific interface's Spring implementations, in a regular java class this have been easy like this:
List<IMyClass> myClassList;
But in Kotlin doing the following gives me a error
lateinit private var myClassList: List<IMyClass<Any>>
// No beans of '? extends IMyClass<Object>' or 'List<? extends IMyClass<Object>>' types found
Doing it like this:
lateinit private var myClassList: List<IMyClass<*>>
Makes the injection work but doesn't allow me to use a function defined in the interface that takes a generic object as input
// Out-projected type 'IMyClass<*>' prohibits the use of 'public abstract fun myFunction(obj: T!): T! defined in com.path.IMyClass'
So how am I supposed to solve this? Is it easier to rewrite the interface in Kotlin with some specific syntac?
Thing you're doing in Java is just using implicit wildcard. So you have 2 ways here:
Try to refactor API and inject list of List<IMyClass<? extends SomeInterface>>
Use injected List<IMyClass<*>> but cast it explicitly to thing you need, i.e. myClassList as List<IMyClass<Any>>
Thing here is kotlin's erasure is more explicit. If you don't know what type is there — we can't guarantee your code will work, because there is such type in kotlin as Nothing, instance of which can't exist.
I faced a similar situation and as answered by asm0dey, casting was solution which I felt was better for me, but doing it in a cleaner way was a concern.
Just answering below how exactly I did it in the best possible way that I could think of:
class MyService(_myClassList: List<IMyClass<out Any>>) {
val myClassList: List<IMyClass<Any>> = { it as IMyClass<Any> }
// ...

Spring with Neo4j, GraphRepository<?> vs handmade interface

I found out that there is an interface called GraphRepository. I have a repository for users implementing a homemade interface that does its job, but I was wondering, shouldn't I implement GraphRepository instead ? Even if it will be quite long to implement and some methods will be useless, I think it is a standard and I already re-coded a lot of methods that are defined in this interface.
So should I write "YAGNI" code or not respect the standard ?
What is your advice ?
you don't need to actually implement GraphRepository but extend it. the principals of Spring-Data is that all the boiler-plate CRUD code is taken care of (by proxying at startup time) so all you have to do is create an interface for your specific entity extending GraphRepository and then add only specific methods that you require.
for example; if i have an entity CustomerNode, to create standard CRUD methods, i can create a new interface CustomerNodeRepository extends GraphRepository<CustomerNode,Long>. all the methods from GraphRepository (e.g. save, findAll, findOne, delete, deleteAll, etc.) are now accessible from CustomerNodeRepository and implemented by Spring-Data-Neo4J without having to write a single line of implementation code.
the pattern now allows you to work on your specific repository code (e.g. findByNameAndDateOfBirth) rather than the simple CRUD stuff.
Spring-Data package is very useful for repository interaction. it can reduce huge amounts of code (have seen 80%+ reduction in code lines) and would highly recommend using it
edit: implementing custom execution
if you want to add your own custom behavior to a Repository method, you create the concept of merging interfaces and custom implementation. for example, lets say i want to create a method called findCustomerNodeBySomeStrangeCriteria and to do this, i actually want to link off to a relational database to perform the function.
first we define a separate, standalone interface that only includes our 'extra' method.
public interface CustomCustomerNodeRepository {
List<CustomerNode> findCustomerNodeBySomeStrangeCriteria(Object strangeCriteria);
next we update our normal interface to extend not only GraphRepository, but our new custom one too
public interface CustomerNodeRepository extends GraphRepository<CustomerNode,Long>, CustomCustomerNodeRepository {
the last piece, is to actually implement our findCustomerNodeBySomeStrangeCriteria method
public class CustomerNodeRepositoryImpl implements CustomCustomerNodeRepository {
public List<CustomerNode> findCustomerNodeBySomeStrangeCriteria(Object criteria) {
//implementation code
so, there's a couple of points to note;
we create a separate interface to define any custom methods that have custom implementations (as distinct from Spring-Data compatible "findBy..." methods)
our CustomerNodeRepository interface (our 'main' interface) extends both the GraphRepository and our 'custom' one
we implement only the 'custom' method in a class that implements only the custom interface
the 'custom' implementation class must (by default) be called our 'main' interface Impl to be picked up by Spring Data (so in this case CustomNodeRepositoryImpl)
under the covers, Spring Data delivers a proxy implementation of CustomerNodeRepository as a merge of the auto-built GraphRepository and our class implementing CustomCustomerNodeRepository. the reason for the name of the class is to allow Spring Data to pick it up easily/successfully (this can be overwritten so it doesn't look for *Impl)

SD MongoDB polymorphism in subdocument

I just started developing some app in Java with spring-data-mongodb and came across some issue that I haven't been able to solve:
Have a couple of document beans like this:
public class BarImpl implements Bar {
String id;
Foo foo;
// More fields and methods ...
public class FooImpl implements Foo {
String id;
String someField;
// some more fields and methods ...
And I have a repository class with a method that simply invokes a find similar to this:
public List<? extends Bar> findByFooField(final String fieldValue) {
Query query = Query.query(Criteria.where("foo.someField").is(fieldValue));
return getMongoOperations().find(query, BarImpl.class);
Saving a Bar works just fine, it would save it in mongo along with the "_class" attribute for both Foo and Bar. However, finding by some attribute in Foo would throw an exception like this:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No property someField found on test.Foo!
Which, after some digging, makes some sense, since nowhere in the query is the sub-document concrete type being specified, and the Entity Information of Bar says the type of foo is Foo (not FooImpl), which in turn can not have properties cause it is an interface.
My question is: Is there a way to specify it or work-around this issue without declaring the sub-document type as a concrete type?
I've been googling it for a couple of days and looking at the documentation and API and the source code but I can not find a clear way to do it. I'd really appreciate your help.
Thank you very much.
I had a similar problem, I have a class that implements an interface and when I use findAll I get the error: Could not instantiate bean class [test.MetaClasse]: Specified class is an interface.
After debugging SpringData code, I realized that Mapper uses #TypeAlias to discover the type it has to instantiate, so I just put #TypeAlias("FullClassName") on my implementations of test.MetaClasse and it worked!
I tested with your situation and it will work!
Like mentioned in this comment, the solution with having full class name in the type alias is imperfect as it might make refactoring cumbersome.
Instead you can just configure type mappings and make it work automagically. Here's how:
First you'll need to annotate BarImpl and FooImpl with #TypeAlias. It doesn't have to be a full class name, could be anything else. For example #TypeAlias("bar_impl") and #TypeAlias("foo_impl") respectively.
Then we’re going to need the reflections library. Pick the latest version for the build tool of your choice here.
For example with Gradle:
Now we’re going to need a small extension to DefaultMongoTypeMapper to make it easy to configure and instantiate. Here’s how it would look in Kotlin:
class ReflectiveMongoTypeMapper(
private val reflections: Reflections = Reflections("com.example")
) : DefaultMongoTypeMapper(
reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith( { clazz ->
where com.example is either your base package or the package with MongoDB models.
This way we will find all classes annotated with #TypeAlias and register alias to type mappings.
Next we'll need to adjust the app's mongo configuration a bit. The configuration has to extend AbstractMongoClientConfiguration and we need to override method mappingMongoConverter to make use of the mapper we created before. It should look like this:
override fun mappingMongoConverter(
databaseFactory: MongoDatabaseFactory,
customConversions: MongoCustomConversions,
mappingContext: MongoMappingContext,
) = super.mappingMongoConverter(databaseFactory, customConversions, mappingContext).apply {
Now all alias to type mappings will be registered automatically on context startup and all your polymorphic fields will work just fine.
You can check the full code example on GitHub.
Also, here's a blog post where you can read about the root cause of this issue as well as check other ways to solve it (in case you don't want to rely on reflection):
