How to have absolutely no bounce when colliding two objects? - collision

I have a node called "SlidingBlock" which is a RigidBody2D, its mode is Character so I can move it with the physics engine but not rotate it. It also has a CollisionShape2D.
I've programmed a kicking action on which I set a value for its linear velocity, like this:
block_touched.linear_velocity.x = BLOCK_SPEED
The block moves until it collides with another RigidBody2D which is in mode Static and, when it collides, it goes one pixel forward and then back. It looks weird in my game which is a somewhat low resolution pixel art game.
I tried creating a Physics Material with Bounce set to 0 with no success. How can I achieve a collision with absolutely no bounce effect?


Creating a "floor mat" type of object in Cannon.js that reacts when stepped on

I'm just diving into Cannon.js and was wondering how to achieve this.
My use case is that I have a circular area on the floor where if the player steps inside, they will trigger some interactions. I didn't want to do raycasting for this because I was already using Cannon.js for other collisions and felt that raycasting would add another layer of performance latency.
Right now my player object is a simple sphere shape RigidBody that I move by setting its velocity. I made the interaction area to be a Cylinder shape with a very low height. However, when the player goes over this object, the collision gets registered successfully but the player spins out of control and there's a noticeable bump in the movement.
Is there a standard way to register these kinds of objects for Cannon.js? I would like it so there is no bump, almost as if it's an invisible object that the player can pass through but it still registers collisions.
A typical way of solving this issue in games is the usage of triggers. So physics engines are unrelated to this topic.
A trigger can be implemented as a simple bounding volume like a bounding sphere. In three.js, it's an instance of THREE.Sphere. Each simulation step, you test if the trigger was activated by the player. You can do this in various ways. For example by just testing if the player's position is inside the bounding sphere via Sphere.containsPoint(). Or you represent the player as another bounding volume like a bounding sphere or AABB (via THREE.Box3) and then perform an intersection test.
Both approaches are very fast and should not noticeable affect the performance of your app. Even if you are doing these tests with more game entities who potentially activate triggers.
Here is a simple example that demonstrates the concept of triggers in Yuka:

To control 3D type Snake Game's movement when turning by WebGL

I hope to create a 3D type Snake game by Babylon or THREE.js.
Here's the picture about how i want the snake to move when the snake to turn left or turn right.
movement comparison
That is, I want the snake to move more "smoothly", just like the car's movement when it turn left or turn right.
Do I need skeleton animation to achieve this goal? If so, could you give me a solution/suggestion about how to implement it.
Another potential (likely simpler) way to do it would be to use a particle system. When snake grows you could just change the params on the particle system, then the engine would be responsible for handling smoothing.
Particle system would just need to adhere to the following rules:
Particles shoot out in one direction from the head mesh.
Particles minimum_lifetime = maximum_lifetime
Particle minimum_speed = maximum_speed
Then as it grows in size you just increment the particles direction. And you then just compare head position to it's particle (tail) positions to check for collisions.
The default particle system in BJS doesn't as far as I know support collisions officially, but you could query the positions of the particles to check for collisions, or use the solid particle system which allows for physics. (SPS is probably the best way to go in the end).
Here is an example playground however just to demonstrate the movement.

How to change rigs spine rotation in unity3d, using camera rotation?

I have a rigged 3d model of a person with animations that i made. It is a player model in a first person shooter. I want this model to "bow", when looking down or do the opposite, when looking up. To achieve this, i decided, instead of making an animation for each degree the player might decide looking at, to rotate models spine, depending on the angle of the camera. In scene view, i can easily change rotation value and get the results i want, however, when game is running, those parameters seem to be "locked" and no matter what script i tried, i cant seem to change the rotation value. I figured, perhaps, when animation is playing, i cant change things it effects, so made a body mask to excluded torso from animations and spines rotation was still locked away from me. Is there a way to rotate models spine, when its doing its normal, lets say, idle, animation? is there actually another easy way to achieve this?
You have to update in LateUpdate(). Unity's animator does it's changes to the transform in Update(). By doing it in LateUpdate() it will be handled after the animation has made it's changes.

Can points or meshes be drawn at infinite distance?

I'm interested in drawing a stardome in THREE.js using either mesh points or a particle system.
I don't want the camera to be able to move any closer to any part of the stardome, since the stars are effectively at infinite distance.
I can think of a couple of ways to do this:
A very large mesh (or very large point/particle distances)
Camera and stardome have their movement exactly linked.
Is there any way to specify a mesh, point, or particle system is automaticaly rendered at infinite distance so it is always drawn behind any foreground objects?
I haven't used three.js, but my guess is no. OpenGL camera's need a "near clipping plane" and "far clipping plane", which effectively denote the minimum and maximum distance that it'll render things in. If you've played video games where you move too close to a wall and start to see through it, or see things in the distance suddenly vanish as you move away, those were probably the clipping planes at work.
The workaround is usually one of 2 ways:
1) Set the far clipping plane distance as high as it'll let you go. I don't know what data type three.js would use for this, but my guess is a 32-bit float.
2) Render it in "layers". Render all the stars first before anything else in the scene.
Option 2 is the one I usually use.
Even if you used option 1, you would still synchronize the position of the camera and skybox.
If you do not depth cull, draw the skybox first and match its position, but not rotation, to the camera.
Also disable lighting on the skybox. Instead, bake an ambience directly into its texture.
You're don't want things infinitely away, you just want them not to move with respect to the viewer and to not appear in front of things. The best way to do that is to prevent the viewer from getting closer to them which produces the illusion of the object being far away. The second thing is to modify your depth culling function so that the skybox is always considered further away than whatever you are currently drawing.
If you create a very large mesh object, you'll have to set your camera's far plane large enough to include the mesh which means you'll end up drawing things that you really do want to cull.

How to collide .fbx animation in Unity

I am new to unity. I have two animation in .fbx format.They can move..Now i want when both will collide with each other a sound will produce.Is there any idea how i will do this.Thanks in advance
I think you need to read about how Physics work, and then how Trigger-Events and Colission detection is handled.
Read this here, and this. The first one gives you insight on how the Unity engine works. The latter provides a video tutorial on how to do Collision Detection.
If you don't want to do that and just want the code, I found this on a quick Google:
var crashSound : AudioClip; // set this to your sound in the inspector function
OnCollisionEnter (collision : Collision) {
// next line requires an AudioSource component on this gameobject5.
You can add a MeshCollider to the fbx meshes. Anyway, this is not a good idea because this will cause performance issues.
You can create an empty gameobject for each character, and add to them: the fbx animation and a simple collider (some cube, sphere, capsule, etc). Then, when you use a script for them, you attach it to the parent object and from there you handle the whole thing.
If you want that the collider moves from specific places from the animation (Like the punch movement, or a kick),then you can ask to your 3D animator/modeler to add a simple mesh on that points. For example, a sphere on one punch, which will move with the animation. Then, in Unity, you will hide the mesh of the sphere but add a mesh collider to it. :)
Hope it helps!
Most of the time, if you apply an animation to an object then you'll loose the physics reaction. Don't trust me? See here:
Obviously, animation are not part of Unity physics. Think about it... Unity physics decide position and rotation of objects accordingly to Newton and friends laws. How do you think these laws can accord to a keyframe arbitrary animation? They can't: hence the crazy results you get when you try.
How to solve it? Use Unity physics also for animation: learn to master rigidbody.AddForce and all the other stuff described here.
You may always want to keep the physics and the animation separated. That's how you get out of trouble.
If you really want to know: here's my personal experience on how to mediate physics with animation.
Sometimes, even binding a simple parameter to the physics and another
to an animation (or a script which mediates user input) may result in
catastrophic results. I've made a starship: rotation controller by
user mouse (by flagging "block rigidbody rotation"), direction and
speed by physics. It was inside a box collider. Imagine what happens
if a cube, orientated by a few degrees angles, meets a flat ground: it
should fall and rotate until one of the faces lays completely on the
ground. This was impossible, as I blocked any physics interaction with
the rotation of the body: as a result the box wanted to get flat on
the ground but couldn't. This tension eventually made it move forward
forever: something impossible in real world. To mediate this error,
I've made the "block rotation" parameter change dynamically according
to the user input: as the ship is moving the rotation is controlled by
the user but as soon as the user stop controlling the ship the
rotation parameter is given back to the physics engine. Another
solution would be to cast a ray down the collider, check if the ground
is near and avoid collisions if the ship is not moving (this is how
the banshee in Halo Combat Evolved is controlled, I think). When
playing videogames, always have a look at how your user input is
mediated into the physics engine: you may discover things which a
normal player normally wouldn't notice.
