Azure QnA Bot ServiceError: CreateAppOnlySteps - azure-bot-service

While following this tutorial, the step that creates the web app bot in Azure results in an error. After clicking Create Bot in QnA Maker, accepting all of the default values in the new Azure window, and clicking the Create button to create the web app bot, the following error is printed:
ServiceError: CreateAppOnlySteps
Clicking on the error opens a panel on the right, but the panel is empty with no further detail. What does this error mean, and why won't Azure create the web app bot?


Get bot-side code in bot framework - webchat github repo

I am creating an SPFx webpart to create a chat window for SharePoint Online. Basically Azure bot service is to be used in conjunction with QnA maker service and the resultant bot should be used with the chat window. I have successfully transformed the sample available at Microsft/BotFramework-webchat github repository to create a minimizable chat window and this is working properly.
I want to show a welcome message to user as soon as user get connected with bot and for that a sample is available at /BotFramework-WebChat/tree/master/samples/15.d.backchannel-send-welcome-event 'WEB_CHAT/SEND_EVENT' is added in store but now i am not getting it that how to access 'bot-side' code to post a welcome message when above mentioned activity is received by the bot.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

In QnA maker bot I want to interrupt qnamaker dialogs

I am try to integrate my basic bot with "QnA-maker". After editing all the stuff i publish it to azure portal and try to check it and i am getting error.
The Error is when i open my bot to test it keeps the window waiting for my bot to ready.

How to access the bot deployed from Microsoft Samples (bot-builder-samples)

I have created bots using the azure portal, which auto creates a bot app resource in azure. When I click on this resource via the portal, I can access the bot by opening the chat window and can try out the bot.
I also created bot using visual studio, published it to the azure web and then configured a 'bot channels registration' bot to use this published bot.
All good so far.
Now I am trying to go through the ready made Microsoft examples from:
I opened the "Create new conversation" link from the above website ( I scroll down and click on "Deploy to Azure" button and the deploy is successful. How do I access the bot now?
I have tried creating the 'bot channels registration' bot and setting the messaging endpoint to the https://DeployedExampleAzureWebsiteLink/api/messages. Now, when I go into this azure resource, and into the test chat window, my message does not get delivered to the bot, and same issue upon retry aswell.
How do I access this bot please?
When you click deploy to Azure you get an option to fill out the Microsoft App Id and Password.
You are supposed to enter the same App Id and Password you gave while registering the Bot in the Bot channel registration

How do I migrate my bot to an Azure Bot Service?

Recently, we have got a notification on portal which states:
With the launch of the new Azure Bot Service, we are migrating all bots to the new service by 3/31/2018
There's a migrate button against each bot (if you have many of them) which is supposed to do seamless migration for those whose Azure Subscription is associated with the same Microsoft Account as the one which was used to create a bot on
My bots are associated with an X Microsoft Account and the Azure Subscription is with Y Microsoft Account.
Is there anyway to migrate? If yes then how.
You can change the bot's owner/admin and migrate the bot by following these steps:
Log in to the Bot Portal with the account used to create/register the bot.
Navigate to the "My bots" page
Select your bot
Navigate to the "Settings" page, and scroll down to the "Admin" section.
Add the email address connected to your Azure subscription to the "Owners" list, and click "Save changes" button.
Log out of Bot Portal
Log in to Bot Portal using your Azure subscription account you added in Step 5.
Navigate to the "Settings" page and remove your old email address from the "Admin > Owners" field.
Click "Save changes"
Navigate to the "My bots" page view and click the "migrate" button.
Note: Currently only Bot Registrations are supported for migration, and will be migrated to the Azure product called "Bot Channels Registration".
For more information on bot migration, see:

Creating a chat connector for communicating with the Bot Framework Service

I am trying to implement a bot in my website using the botbuilder framework for node.js. The function builder.ChatConnector() get the parameters appId and appPassword, does any one knows where can i found these appId and appPassword? It isn't clear for me in the microsoft documentation. The function is shown above:
function builder.ChatConnect
BotFramework documentation
You can find this information when you create your bot in Azure Bot Service, or when you proceed to register your bot at the dev portal.
Here's a brief walkthrough for registering through the dev portal with the minimum requirements. You'll need to fill out the name, bot handle and description for the bot as indicated below:
After this, you can scroll down and click on the button that says "Create Microsoft App ID and password".
Once you click on the button you'll be taken to a page with your bot name, your newly-generated App ID, and another button that allows you "Generate a password to continue".
After you click the button a small window will pop up with your password which you need to keep track of as it is only shown once!
NOTE: For developing and testing using the Emulator, you don't need this information just yet. You only need the AppID and password when you are making your bot public facing/deploying it.
You need to register your bot in and there you will get those values. Check this article that explains how to do that.
