How to access the bot deployed from Microsoft Samples (bot-builder-samples) - botframework

I have created bots using the azure portal, which auto creates a bot app resource in azure. When I click on this resource via the portal, I can access the bot by opening the chat window and can try out the bot.
I also created bot using visual studio, published it to the azure web and then configured a 'bot channels registration' bot to use this published bot.
All good so far.
Now I am trying to go through the ready made Microsoft examples from:
I opened the "Create new conversation" link from the above website ( I scroll down and click on "Deploy to Azure" button and the deploy is successful. How do I access the bot now?
I have tried creating the 'bot channels registration' bot and setting the messaging endpoint to the https://DeployedExampleAzureWebsiteLink/api/messages. Now, when I go into this azure resource, and into the test chat window, my message does not get delivered to the bot, and same issue upon retry aswell.
How do I access this bot please?

When you click deploy to Azure you get an option to fill out the Microsoft App Id and Password.
You are supposed to enter the same App Id and Password you gave while registering the Bot in the Bot channel registration


Refresh the microsoft teams chat with bot embedded code

I have created a bot using bot composer and I have generated bot embed URL. I have accessed the same URL in browser and it got opened successfully in Microsoft teams
Now when I have updated the bot and published in azure, I am not finding an option to refresh this same in Microsoft teams
Is there any way to refresh the session and start the chat again with new modified bot????
when you update the bot and publish it in azure, the bot ID and user Id will not change so, the chat id will be remains same in the backend and you can't refresh the chat window in teams. This is by design.

Unable to click on Manage option of "Microsoft App ID" in Azure Bot channel registration

I have created a Azure Bot threw bot channel registration but when i click on Setting -> (Microsoft App ID) Manage link, it always show "Not Found" page.
can any one help to resolved this issue.
There is a bug that prevents MSA accounts from navigating to their App Registration from the bot settings blade if they didn't make their own app registration when creating the bot. I am working on a fix right now, but in the mean time you can go to{insert app id here}/isMSAApp/true or{insert app id here} to manage your app registration.
July 29th edit: A fix for this has been rolled out and it should be fixed for MSA accounts.

microsoft bot framework - skype for business - error

I am using Microsoft Botframework to publish a bot (Channel Registration). When I try enabling the channels , I see the bot to be working in Slack , Skype, MS Teams & Web chat . However (despite following the steps to enable bot in SFB) I could not get the bot working in Skype for Business. I keep getting the error.
"Sorry, we ran into a problem at our end."
Neither do I see any log to debug.
Waited more than 24 hrs to ensure it is not the sync issue. But issue still remains. Any help appreciated !!
I am not clear with the error as to from which end it is being thrown.
I need you to follow the below steps:
Publish Bot in azure as an app service, through VS if you are coding through c#.
Create a "Bot channel registration" in azure and connect the above app service and Bot channel registration(simple use the URL of the app service append it with /api/messages and insert the same as messaging endpoint in Bot channel registration).
use the app id and app secret in bot solution and republish the app service.
Inside Bot channel registration click on channel and enable it for Skype for business(you will find your BOT in SFB using the credentials you have used to create the bot channel registration).
Finally got it working. What i noticed is the following
I faced the issue when I used the SIP URI as to register the bot in my tenant.
And i got it working when I used the SIP URI as
Unsure on the reasoning though :)
And btw thanks #Tanmoy for your answer aswell !!

How do I migrate my bot to an Azure Bot Service?

Recently, we have got a notification on portal which states:
With the launch of the new Azure Bot Service, we are migrating all bots to the new service by 3/31/2018
There's a migrate button against each bot (if you have many of them) which is supposed to do seamless migration for those whose Azure Subscription is associated with the same Microsoft Account as the one which was used to create a bot on
My bots are associated with an X Microsoft Account and the Azure Subscription is with Y Microsoft Account.
Is there anyway to migrate? If yes then how.
You can change the bot's owner/admin and migrate the bot by following these steps:
Log in to the Bot Portal with the account used to create/register the bot.
Navigate to the "My bots" page
Select your bot
Navigate to the "Settings" page, and scroll down to the "Admin" section.
Add the email address connected to your Azure subscription to the "Owners" list, and click "Save changes" button.
Log out of Bot Portal
Log in to Bot Portal using your Azure subscription account you added in Step 5.
Navigate to the "Settings" page and remove your old email address from the "Admin > Owners" field.
Click "Save changes"
Navigate to the "My bots" page view and click the "migrate" button.
Note: Currently only Bot Registrations are supported for migration, and will be migrated to the Azure product called "Bot Channels Registration".
For more information on bot migration, see:

Microsoft Bot Web Chat Not working but Emulator work fine

I have created a bot application and published it to azure. When I test this bot using Emulator it works fine but when I use the web chat control it doesn't show anything . I am using the correct app-secret .
The link to web chat is here . My bot is hosted on azure .Here is the link of Message Endpoint=
The first thing to check: If you go into your bot management page on and press the blue "Test" button on the bottom left ("Test connection to your bot"), does it indicate that the bot accepts the connection by the bot framework middleware?
If not, then there might be something wrong with your bot. It will actually give you some indications. If it's "forbidden", then you might have a problem with authentication (check your appId and appPassword). If it's an error, then your bot might have a code issue / exception.
If the connection has been accepted, check if your web chat credentials have been validated. To do so, click on the "Edit" link next to the Web Chat channel on the bot management page. Try regenerating your credentials and (most importantly) make sure you checked "Enable this bot on Web Chat" and confirm.
