How to force Gradle to pick up tests in `main`? - gradle

We have some of our tests in main (so they can be built into and run from a service). The latest Gradle defaults to not recognizing source in main as test code.
I thought I could use the Nebula Facets plugin but the following doesn't work around the problem, either:
facets {
functionalTest {
parentSourceSet = 'main'
includeInCheckLifecycle = false

If you really need to live with tests in src/main/java, then you do not need an extra source set.
Instead you need to configure a test task so that it uses the main source set classpath.
Here is an example to configure such a test task, using the Kotlin DSL and task configuration avoidance:
val mainTest = tasks.register<Test>("mainTest") {
description = "Run tests from main"
group = "verification"
testClassesDirs = sourceSets["main"].output.classesDirs
classpath = sourceSets["main"].runtimeClasspath
tasks.named("check").configure {

The following is how to override srcDirs:
facets {
functionalTest {
includeInCheckLifecycle = false
sourceSets {
functionalTest {
java {
srcDirs = ["${projectDir}/src/main/java"]
resources {
srcDirs = ["${projectDir}/src/main/resources"]


Gradle disable javadoc except on deploy

I have enabled the javadoc for a project with
java {
The problem with this is that the javadoc is built everytime the library is built. In my case, this takes several minutes. Is there a good way to make the javadoc only run on gradle deloy?
The following did the trick:
// Disables a task unless we're publishing something.
def disableUnlessPublishing(toDisable) {
toDisable.enabled = false
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady {
.findAll { == "publishing" }
.any { toDisable.enabled = true }

Generalising compile* task in Gradle

How do I generalise``compile` task in a multi-language project?
E.g. I can to generalise this to run on all compile* tasks for each language used.
compileJava {
ajc {
enabled = true
classpath = configurations.aspectj
options {
aspectpath = configurations.aspect
compilerArgs = []
compileTestJava {
ajc {
enabled = true
classpath = configurations.aspectj
options {
aspectpath = configurations.testAspect
compilerArgs = []
Source: FreeFair Gradle Plugin Collection
How can the above be modified so that it can run with any compile* task, e.g. compileGroovy, compileKotlin, compileScala etc. in a multi-language project?
You can use the method matching(...) of the TaskContainer that is available via tasks in your build.gradle:
tasks.matching { task ->'compile') }.all {
ajc {
enabled = true
classpath = configurations.aspectj
options {
aspectpath = configurations.testAspect
compilerArgs = []
Please note that this solution will only work if all tasks that start with 'compile' actually have an extension ajc. It also only works because of Groovy, as whether afc is available or not will be evaluated dynamically. This won't work in a Kotlin build script.

Running specific tests using gradle over multiple browsers

I'm using Geb/Spock for automated testing. I'm using Gradle as my build tool.
I'd like to call different gradle tasks to build and run a specific spec(test) or a suite of specs.
I dont know enough about the gradle build lifecycle to completely understand what is going on here:
plugins {
id "idea"
id "groovy"
id "com.energizedwork.webdriver-binaries" version "1.4"
id "com.energizedwork.idea-base" version "1.4"
ext {
// The drivers we want to use
drivers = ["firefox", "chrome", "chromeHeadless"]
ext {
groovyVersion = '2.4.12'
gebVersion = '2.2'
seleniumVersion = '3.6.0'
chromeDriverVersion = '2.32'
geckoDriverVersion = '0.18.0'
repositories {
dependencies {
// If using Spock, need to depend on geb-spock
testCompile "org.gebish:geb-spock:$gebVersion"
testCompile("org.spockframework:spock-core:1.1-groovy-2.4") {
exclude group: "org.codehaus.groovy"
testCompile "org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:$groovyVersion"
// If using JUnit, need to depend on geb-junit (3 or 4)
testCompile "org.gebish:geb-junit4:$gebVersion"
// Drivers
testCompile "org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-chrome-driver:$seleniumVersion"
testCompile "org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-firefox-driver:$seleniumVersion"
webdriverBinaries {
chromedriver chromeDriverVersion
geckodriver geckoDriverVersion
drivers.each { driver ->
task "${driver}Test"(type: Test) {
outputs.upToDateWhen { false } // Always run tests
systemProperty "", reporting.file("geb/$name")
systemProperty "geb.env", driver
test {
dependsOn drivers.collect { tasks["${it}Test"] }
enabled = false
tasks.withType(Test) {
maxHeapSize = "1g"
jvmArgs '-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=128m'
testLogging {
exceptionFormat = 'full'
tasks.withType(GroovyCompile) {
groovyOptions.forkOptions.memoryMaximumSize = '256m'
I've tried inserting the following into build.gradle:
task dataGen {
include '**'
task sanity {
include '***'
But calling these tasks (gradle sanity) results in a build failure:
Could not find method include() for arguments [**] on task ':dataGen' of type org.gradle.api.DefaultTask
Obviously there's existing build instructions since I can call gradle build and all the specs run on Chrome, I'm just not sure how to add more tasks
I think these 2 tasks are test tasks so it should look like that :
task dataGen (type: Test) {
include '**'
task sanity (type: Test) {
include '***'
You can use Spock annotation to control the test or the Spec, see example here.
You will have to define annotation classes and define the Spock config file to use that annotation. You then annotate the specific Specification (or test).
Now you will have to define the Spock config file in the task or from a parameter.

How do I get IntelliJ to recognize gradle generated sources dir?

So I have an XJC javaExec that spins like a top but IntelliJ doesn't recognize the generated output despite having marked generated-src/java as such. Do I need to tweak the idea plug-in or something?
Note: The plug-in itself is loaded in subProjects from the root build.gradle.
XJC Project:
description = "Generates sources and compiles them into a Jar for $project"
configurations { xjc }
dependencies {
xjc 'org.glassfish.jaxb:jaxb-xjc:2.2.11'
xjc 'org.glassfish.jaxb:jaxb-runtime:2.2.11'
task xjc (type:JavaExec) {
File generatedSrcDir = file("$buildDir/generated-src/java")
if (!generatedSrcDir.exists()) {
main = ""
classpath configurations.xjc
def argsList = [
"-verbose", // or -quiet or nothing for default.
"-target", "2.1",
"-encoding", "UTF-8",
"-d", "$buildDir/generated-src/java",
file("$projectDir/src/main/resources/v1/") ]
args argsList
inputs.files files(file("$projectDir/src/main/resources/v1/"))
outputs.files files(file("$buildDir/generated-src/java"),file("$buildDir/classes"))
compileJava {
dependsOn xjc
source "${buildDir}/generated-src"
In the project that depends on this one I simply have:
compile project(":path:to:schemas:the-test-schema")
I've tried:
idea {
module {
def buildDir = file("$buildDir")
def generatedDir = file("$buildDir/generated-src")
def listOfDirs = []
buildDir.eachDir { file ->
if ( != && !=
excludeDirs = listOfDirs.toArray()
generatedSourceDirs += file("$buildDir/generated-src/java") += [ configurations.xjc ]
I'll point out a solution by Daniel Dekany, from a Gradle discussion thread actually linking to this question. To quote:
apply plugin: "idea"
... new File(buildDir, 'generated/javacc')
idea {
module {
// Marks the already(!) added srcDir as "generated"
generatedSourceDirs += file('build/generated/javacc')
Works well for me.
The code of this answer, rewritten using Kotlin DSL, will look like this:
plugins {
val generatedSourcesPath = file("out/production/classes/generated")
idea {
module {
In my case, it didn't work unless I added the generate sources directory to both sourceDirs and generatedSourceDirs:
def generatedSourcesDir = file('src/generated/main/java')
idea {
module {
sourceDirs += generatedSourcesDir
generatedSourceDirs += generatedSourcesDir
in 2020 you probably did not refresh the project in IDEA
because it actually works oob.
30 mins of reading outdated solutions :(
It's happening in some versions. There are some issues that we can look at and read carefully.
But for myself, from the IntelliJ IDEA 2019 the solutions below aren't working anymore: (it says Obsolete) (it's saying Fixed here)
Discussion in the Gradle forum about this:
According to #Daniel Dekany, this worked in IDEA 2017.1.2, and worked for me until 2019:
plugins {
id 'idea'
idea {
module {
generatedSourceDirs += file('build/generated/sources/annotationProcessor')
But from 2019 to 2022, the solution that worked for me was:
def generatedDir = "${buildDir}/generated/sources"
sourceSets {
main {
java {
srcDir generatedDir
idea {
module {
ext {
// path to IDEA generated sources directory
ideaGeneratedSourcesDir = "$projectDir/src/main/generated"
compileJava {
options.annotationProcessorGeneratedSourcesDirectory = file(ideaGeneratedSourcesDir)
//options.headerOutputDirectory.set(file(ideaGeneratedSourcesDir)) (tested no effect)
// above work for me, and i try all method this question mentioned it's not work! env: idea2019.3, wrapped gradle6.3-all, zh-CN, JDK8, [x] annotation processing is disabled(no effect, in global settings ), no idea plugin([x]plugins {id idea}), [x]sourceSets no need to set(genereated srcDir)
task vertxCodeGen(type: JavaCompile) {
group 'build'
source =
destinationDir = file(ideaGeneratedSourcesDir)
classpath = configurations.compileClasspath
options.annotationProcessorPath = configurations.annotationProcessor
options.debugOptions.debugLevel = "source,lines,vars"
options.compilerArgs = [
"-processor", "io.vertx.codegen.CodeGenProcessor",
// where the non Java classes / non resources are stored (mandatory) - the processors requires this option to know where to place them
refresh the gradle, continously exist

How to keep Java code and Junit tests together building with Gradle

I have a project in which the main source and the test cases for that source are kept in the same package/directory. Each test class is the name of the class which it is testing with "Test" appended on the end. So if I have a there will be a right next to it.
My question is, how do I build this project with Gradle? I'd still like to keep the class files separate, i.e. a folder for main classes and a folder for test classes.
This should do the trick:
sourceSets {
main {
java {
srcDirs = ["some/path"]
exclude "**/*"
test {
java {
srcDirs = ["some/path"]
include "**/*"
For reference, here is the code I used to try to get around the Eclipse plugin's classpath issue. Using this in combination with Peter's answer above seems to work.
// The following ensures that Eclipse uses only one src directory
eclipse {
classpath {
file {
//closure executed after .classpath content is loaded from existing file
//and after gradle build information is merged
whenMerged { classpath ->
classpath.entries.removeAll { entry -> entry.kind == 'src'}
def srcEntry = new org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model.SourceFolder('src', null)
srcEntry.dir = file("$projectDir/src")
classpath.entries.add( srcEntry )
this work for me:
eclipse {
classpath {
file {
withXml {
def process(node) {
if (node.attribute('path') == 'src/test/java' || node.attribute('path') == 'src/test/resources')
node.attributes().put('output', "build/test-classes")
node.children().each {
