How to keep Java code and Junit tests together building with Gradle - gradle

I have a project in which the main source and the test cases for that source are kept in the same package/directory. Each test class is the name of the class which it is testing with "Test" appended on the end. So if I have a there will be a right next to it.
My question is, how do I build this project with Gradle? I'd still like to keep the class files separate, i.e. a folder for main classes and a folder for test classes.

This should do the trick:
sourceSets {
main {
java {
srcDirs = ["some/path"]
exclude "**/*"
test {
java {
srcDirs = ["some/path"]
include "**/*"

For reference, here is the code I used to try to get around the Eclipse plugin's classpath issue. Using this in combination with Peter's answer above seems to work.
// The following ensures that Eclipse uses only one src directory
eclipse {
classpath {
file {
//closure executed after .classpath content is loaded from existing file
//and after gradle build information is merged
whenMerged { classpath ->
classpath.entries.removeAll { entry -> entry.kind == 'src'}
def srcEntry = new org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model.SourceFolder('src', null)
srcEntry.dir = file("$projectDir/src")
classpath.entries.add( srcEntry )

this work for me:
eclipse {
classpath {
file {
withXml {
def process(node) {
if (node.attribute('path') == 'src/test/java' || node.attribute('path') == 'src/test/resources')
node.attributes().put('output', "build/test-classes")
node.children().each {


Using Gradle to build a jar with dependencies with Kotlin-DSL

There is already an answer to the question: how to include all the dependencies in a jar file though it's for Groovy
I'm using gradle with kotlin-dsl and the code is not compatible. I tried to make it work using a few ways including:
tasks.withType<Jar> {
configurations["compileClasspath"].forEach { file: File ->
copy {
Though this doesn't work. So how to include the dependencies using kotlin-dsl in gradle?
This will work:
tasks.withType<Jar>() {
configurations["compileClasspath"].forEach { file: File ->
There's no need in copy { ... }, you should call from on the JAR task itself.
Note: Gradle does not allow changing the dependencies after they have been resolved. It means that the block above should be executed only after the dependencies { ... } are configured.
my case
withType<Jar> {
enabled = true
isZip64 = true
duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE
configurations.compileClasspath.get().filter {"jar")
}.map { zipTree(it) }
}) {
exclude("META-INF/*.RSA", "META-INF/*.SF", "META-INF/*.DSA")

How to include all src/test/resources/** AND src/main/java/**/*.html in the test sourceset in gradle?

I have the following and thought it was 'adding' to my sourceSet but actually just modified it..
sourceSets {
test {
resources {
srcDirs = ["src/main/java"]
includes = ["**/*.html"]
What I really want is both src/test/resources/** and the above as well. I don't want to exclude any files from src/test/resources though and the above is only including html from any directories I put there.
The following will illustrate the technique using main (so it can be verified):
apply plugin: 'java'
sourceSets {
myExtra {
resources {
srcDirs "src/main/java"
includes = ["**/*.html"]
main {
resources {
source myExtra.resources
Proof of concept via the command-line:
bash$ ls src/main/java
bash$ ls src/main/resources/
bash$ gradle clean jar
bash$ jar tf build/libs/myexample.jar
In your case, change main to test. This answer was discovered via the Gradle doc for SourceDirectorySet. Interestingly, for 3.0, it contains a TODO:
TODO - configure includes/excludes for individual source dirs
which implies that this work-around (via this method) is probably necessary.
I got your point. I tried this and it worked . Please take a look into it:
sourceSets {
test {
resources {
srcDirs = ["src/main/java"]
includes = ["**/*.html"]
sourceSets.test.resources.srcDir 'src/test/resources'
Add these in build.gradle.
I was thinking whether or not to post this answer. So that if you are not satisfied with the previous answer, try the following hacky way (probably it will work with eclipse command):
apply plugin: 'java'
ConfigurableFileTree.metaClass.getAsSource = {
def fileTrees = delegate.asFileTrees
fileTrees.metaClass.getSrcDirTrees = {
return delegate as Set
fileTrees as SourceDirectorySet
sourceSets {
main {
resources {
srcDirs = [] // cleanup first
source fileTree('src/main/java').include('**/*.html').asSource
source fileTree('src/main/resources').asSource
Using srcDir may be what you want. Here's an example:
sourceSets {
main {
resources {
srcDir "src/main/resources"
exclude "file-to-be-excluded"
include "file-to-be-included"
srcDir "src/main/java"
include "**/*.html"
srcDir "image-folder-in-root"
include "**/*.png"
include "**/*.jpg"
exclude "**/*.xcf"
Not exactly what you asked for, but it could be helpful for someone who finds this question:
I only wanted to have the test resources next to the sources. So I only need to exclude the sources.
In your case, perhaps you could exclude those which you would mind getting in the JAR and/or classpath.
None of the other answers worked for me, and this did work:
sourceSets {
test {
resources {
srcDirs += "src/test/kotlin"
excludes = ["**/*.kt"]
Gradle 6.3.

How do I get IntelliJ to recognize gradle generated sources dir?

So I have an XJC javaExec that spins like a top but IntelliJ doesn't recognize the generated output despite having marked generated-src/java as such. Do I need to tweak the idea plug-in or something?
Note: The plug-in itself is loaded in subProjects from the root build.gradle.
XJC Project:
description = "Generates sources and compiles them into a Jar for $project"
configurations { xjc }
dependencies {
xjc 'org.glassfish.jaxb:jaxb-xjc:2.2.11'
xjc 'org.glassfish.jaxb:jaxb-runtime:2.2.11'
task xjc (type:JavaExec) {
File generatedSrcDir = file("$buildDir/generated-src/java")
if (!generatedSrcDir.exists()) {
main = ""
classpath configurations.xjc
def argsList = [
"-verbose", // or -quiet or nothing for default.
"-target", "2.1",
"-encoding", "UTF-8",
"-d", "$buildDir/generated-src/java",
file("$projectDir/src/main/resources/v1/") ]
args argsList
inputs.files files(file("$projectDir/src/main/resources/v1/"))
outputs.files files(file("$buildDir/generated-src/java"),file("$buildDir/classes"))
compileJava {
dependsOn xjc
source "${buildDir}/generated-src"
In the project that depends on this one I simply have:
compile project(":path:to:schemas:the-test-schema")
I've tried:
idea {
module {
def buildDir = file("$buildDir")
def generatedDir = file("$buildDir/generated-src")
def listOfDirs = []
buildDir.eachDir { file ->
if ( != && !=
excludeDirs = listOfDirs.toArray()
generatedSourceDirs += file("$buildDir/generated-src/java") += [ configurations.xjc ]
I'll point out a solution by Daniel Dekany, from a Gradle discussion thread actually linking to this question. To quote:
apply plugin: "idea"
... new File(buildDir, 'generated/javacc')
idea {
module {
// Marks the already(!) added srcDir as "generated"
generatedSourceDirs += file('build/generated/javacc')
Works well for me.
The code of this answer, rewritten using Kotlin DSL, will look like this:
plugins {
val generatedSourcesPath = file("out/production/classes/generated")
idea {
module {
In my case, it didn't work unless I added the generate sources directory to both sourceDirs and generatedSourceDirs:
def generatedSourcesDir = file('src/generated/main/java')
idea {
module {
sourceDirs += generatedSourcesDir
generatedSourceDirs += generatedSourcesDir
in 2020 you probably did not refresh the project in IDEA
because it actually works oob.
30 mins of reading outdated solutions :(
It's happening in some versions. There are some issues that we can look at and read carefully.
But for myself, from the IntelliJ IDEA 2019 the solutions below aren't working anymore: (it says Obsolete) (it's saying Fixed here)
Discussion in the Gradle forum about this:
According to #Daniel Dekany, this worked in IDEA 2017.1.2, and worked for me until 2019:
plugins {
id 'idea'
idea {
module {
generatedSourceDirs += file('build/generated/sources/annotationProcessor')
But from 2019 to 2022, the solution that worked for me was:
def generatedDir = "${buildDir}/generated/sources"
sourceSets {
main {
java {
srcDir generatedDir
idea {
module {
ext {
// path to IDEA generated sources directory
ideaGeneratedSourcesDir = "$projectDir/src/main/generated"
compileJava {
options.annotationProcessorGeneratedSourcesDirectory = file(ideaGeneratedSourcesDir)
//options.headerOutputDirectory.set(file(ideaGeneratedSourcesDir)) (tested no effect)
// above work for me, and i try all method this question mentioned it's not work! env: idea2019.3, wrapped gradle6.3-all, zh-CN, JDK8, [x] annotation processing is disabled(no effect, in global settings ), no idea plugin([x]plugins {id idea}), [x]sourceSets no need to set(genereated srcDir)
task vertxCodeGen(type: JavaCompile) {
group 'build'
source =
destinationDir = file(ideaGeneratedSourcesDir)
classpath = configurations.compileClasspath
options.annotationProcessorPath = configurations.annotationProcessor
options.debugOptions.debugLevel = "source,lines,vars"
options.compilerArgs = [
"-processor", "io.vertx.codegen.CodeGenProcessor",
// where the non Java classes / non resources are stored (mandatory) - the processors requires this option to know where to place them
refresh the gradle, continously exist

Gradle sourceSet depends on another sourceSet

This Question is similar to Make one source set dependent on another
Besides the main SourceSet I also have a testenv SourceSet.
The code in the testenv SourceSet references the main code, therefor I need to add the main SourceSet to the testenvCompile configuration.
sourceSets {
dependencies {
testenvCompile sourceSets.main
This does not work, because you cannot directly add sourceSets as dependencies. The recommended way to do this is:
sourceSets {
dependencies {
testenvCompile sourceSets.main.output
But this does not work correctly with eclipse, because when I clean the gradle build folder, eclipse can't compile anymore, since it depends on the gradle build.
Also if I change main code I'd have to rebuild the project in gradle for the changes to take effect in eclipse.
How do I declare the dependencies correctly?
sourceSets {
dependencies {
testenvCompile files(, sourceSets.testenv.resources.srcDirs)
works for the main source, but because I now reference the .java files I am missing generated classes from the Annotation-Processor :(
So after all this is the way to go:
sourceSets {
dependencies {
testenvCompile sourceSets.main.output
To make it work correctly with eclipse you have to manually exclude all sourceSet outputs from the eclipse classpath.
This is ugly, but it works for me:
Project proj = project
eclipse {
classpath {
file {
whenMerged { cp ->
project.logger.lifecycle "[eclipse] Excluding sourceSet outputs from eclipse dependencies for project '${project.path}'"
cp.entries.grep { it.kind == 'lib' }.each { entry ->
rootProject.allprojects { Project project ->
String buildDirPath = project.buildDir.path.replace('\\', '/') + '/'
String entryPath = entry.path
if (entryPath.startsWith(buildDirPath)) {
cp.entries.remove entry
if (project != proj) {
boolean projectContainsProjectDep = false
for (Configuration cfg : proj.configurations) {
boolean cfgContainsProjectDependency = cfg.allDependencies.withType(ProjectDependency).collect { it.dependencyProject }.contains(project)
if(cfgContainsProjectDependency) {
projectContainsProjectDep = true
if (!projectContainsProjectDep) {
throw new GradleException("The project '${proj.path}' has a dependency to the outputs of project '${project.path}', but not to the project itself. This is not allowed because it will cause compilation in eclipse to behave differently than in gradle.")

How to add gradle generated source folder to Eclipse project?

My gradle project generates some java code inside gen/main/java using annotation processor. When I import this project into Eclipse, Eclipse will not automatically add gen/main/java as source folder to buildpath. I can do it manually. But is there a way to automate this?
You can easily add the generated folder manually to the classpath by
eclipse {
classpath {
file.whenMerged { cp ->
cp.entries.add( new org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model.SourceFolder('gen/main/java', null) )
whereby null as a second constructor arg means that Eclipse should put the compiled "class" files within the default output folder. If you want to change this, just provide a String instead, e.g. 'bin-gen'.
I think it's a little bit cleaner just to add a second source directory to the main source set.
Add this to your build.gradle:
sourceSets {
main {
java {
srcDirs += ["src/gen/java"]
This results in the following line generated in your .classpath:
<classpathentry kind="src" path="src/gen/java"/>
I've tested this with Gradle 4.1, but I suspect it'd work with older versions as well.
Andreas' answer works if you generate Eclipse project from command line using gradle cleanEclipse eclipse. If you use STS Eclipse Gradle plugin, then you have to implement afterEclipseImport task. Below is my full working snippet:
project.ext {
genSrcDir = projectDir.absolutePath + '/gen/main/java'
compileJava {
options.compilerArgs += ['-s', project.genSrcDir]
compileJava.doFirst {
task createGenDir << {
ant.mkdir(dir: project.genSrcDir)
println 'createGenDir DONE'
eclipse.classpath.file.whenMerged {
classpath - >
def genSrc = new org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model.SourceFolder('gen/main/java', null)
task afterEclipseImport(description: "Post processing after project generation", group: "IDE") {
doLast {
def classpath = new XmlParser().parse(file(".classpath"))
new Node(classpath, "classpathentry", [kind: 'src', path: 'gen/main/java']);
def writer = new FileWriter(file(".classpath"))
def printer = new XmlNodePrinter(new PrintWriter(writer))
