geopandas rasterize shpefile - geopandas

I am looking for the very simplest way to rasterise a shpfile in geopandas - the equivalent to arcpy PolygonToRaster_conversion() which does things in one line.
I have found some relatively involved methods eg
is it this complicated? or is there a one line option like arcpy's PolygonToRaster_conversion()
I'm looking for the simplest starting point to get the idea
I've been exploring rasterio to do this, but perhaps there are other ways
I'm only just starting to use Geopandas and would appreciate any pointers

Are you trying to rasterize a set of polygons with unique values in one step? If so, you want to rasterize using that unique value for each polygon, but beware that the last polygon rasterized to a given pixel will "claim" it (i.e., multiple polygons may touch a pixel, but the last one in your list of features will be the value rasterized there).
Or do you want to rasterize each polygon independently (or all polygons at the same time, as if they were a single polygon), so that you can extract out statistics from the raster? Mask may work for this, in a loop over each feature.
The closest you are likely to get to a one-line operation is using rasterio's rio mask or rio rasterize operation. The reason that the example you link to is more involved is that you need to do a few extra things to extract a subset of your original raster. There are now a few extra methods in rasterio that make that a bit easier (docs).
From geopandas, your geometry is in a GeoSeries. I haven't tested this directly, but you may need to call the __geo_interface__ of the series to get back GeoJSON-like shapes that rasterio expects as input.


How to check if two user-drawn (squiggly) lines intersect?

I'm thinking of making an online version of the game Sprouts, possibly using the JavaScript web browser graphics library p5.js
You can read more about it but basically there are 2 players that draw lines with their mouse between points. The lines can be straight or curved in any way. One of the rules is that no 2 lines can cross.
I haven't started making the game yet, but planning it ahead, everything seems relatively simple to accomplish except for one problem:
When a user draws a line, I need to figure out if this line intersects with another line. However, since these lines aren't linear or exactly mathematical in any way I'm used to, there doesn't seem to be a simple mathematical way I can check for intersection.
How would I check if two such lines, given that I know the location of every pixel on the lines, cross?
I apologize for no code, I haven't yet started it. If you wish to include code in your answer, you can use psuedocode or any gui programming that you might be familiar with. However, I would prefer a purely hypothetical answer, since everything is at this stage.
Here are some ideas I have:
For each pixel on the line, I could check if any of the other lines has a pixel of the same position, in which case they overlap. This seems inefficient, so the below point is something else I came up with that is more efficient but less rigid and reliable.
Before drawing the line, If you make sure all the lines are one color, for every pixel on the line, you could check if this pixel is already colored in the same color as the color of the lines, using something like getPixel() If so, abort drawing the line. This solutions seems prone to many problems and a bit fragile.
These two solutions either trade efficiency for reliability or vice-versa. Are there any other solutions you know? Keep in mind this will run in a browser, so efficiency is important.
Keep in mind this will run in a browser, so efficiency is important.
You need to give yourself a better idea of what kind of "efficiency" is important to you and your users. Both approaches you outlined seem reasonable to me. I wouldn't assume that a solution is inefficient before you try it and measure its performance.
Taking a step back, in general you're going to need to store the lines in some kind of data structure. You said the lines are not mathematical, but you can break the lines down into individual line segments or points, which are mathematical. That could be an array of line segments, or a 2D array of boolean values, or a map of points, or a quadtree. There are many options. Then you need to check for collisions between those lines or points and the new lines or points added by the other player.
Another option to consider is decreasing the resolution of your input space. For example, maybe your game window is 500x500 pixels, but you really only need the game board to be 100x100 possible point positions. You could scale that 100x100 game board up so it's displayed at 500x500. This would improve the "efficiency" of whatever solution you come up with.
But again, I wouldn't worry about "efficiency" at this point. Either solution you mentioned seems fine. Get that working and then iterate on it if you notice a problem. Good luck.
May be this article from Mike Bostock about the Sutherland-Hodgman algorythm can interest you. It is more related to the intersection of 2 polygons rather than 2 lines but may be it can be adapted to your problem.

Automatically identify an unlabeled object from an image using bwperim

i would like to write an algorithm that allows me to automatically identify an unlabeled object from an image on matlab. So came across a suggestion that involves calculating the bwperim and simply filling in holes, however i dont quite understand how this works. I would really appreciate a point in the right direction.
Well, for starters, here is bwperim reference.
It seems to return a b/w image, where the detected boundaries* are marked with white but it will not say which object is which (as it is quite tough decision), for that you need to come up with a representation.
As you may find "holes" in the boundary lines, 'growing' the lines could be necessary (see: "erode/dilate"). Then you could decide for a black area surrounded by white pixels, which you fill up with white, then again use erode to clear the other boundaries; labeling done.
(*) perimeter candidates of objects

Recognizing distortions in a regular grid

To give you some background as to what I'm doing: I'm trying to quantitatively record variations in flow of a compressible fluid via image analysis. One way to do this is to exploit the fact that the index of refraction of the fluid is directly related to its density. If you set up some kind of image behind the flow, the distortion in the image due to refractive index changes throughout the fluid field leads you to a density gradient, which helps to characterize the flow pattern.
I have a set of routines that do this successfully with a regular 2D pattern of dots. The dot pattern is slightly distorted, and by comparing the position of the dots in the distorted image with that in the non-distorted image, I get a displacement field, which is exactly what I need. The problem with this method is resolution. The resolution is limited to the number of dots in the field, and I'm exploring methods that give me more data.
One idea I've had is to use a regular grid of horizontal and vertical lines. This image will distort the same way, but instead of getting only the displacement of a dot, I'll have the continuous distortion of a grid. It seems like there must be some standard algorithm or procedure to compare one geometric grid to another and infer some kind of displacement field. Nonetheless, I haven't found anything like this in my research.
Does anyone have some ideas that might point me in the right direction? FYI, I am not a computer scientist -- I'm an engineer. I say that only because there may be some obvious approach I'm neglecting due to coming from a different field. But I can program. I'm using MATLAB, but I can read Python, C/C++, etc.
Here are examples of the type of images I'm working with:
Regular: Distorted:
I think you are looking for the Digital Image Correlation algorithm.
Here you can see a demo.
Here is a Matlab Implementation.
From Wikipedia:
Digital Image Correlation and Tracking (DIC/DDIT) is an optical method that employs tracking & image registration techniques for accurate 2D and 3D measurements of changes in images. This is often used to measure deformation (engineering), displacement, and strain, but it is widely applied in many areas of science and engineering.
Here I applied the DIC algorithm to your distorted image using Mathematica, showing the relative displacements.
You may also easily identify the maximum displacement zone:
After some work (quite a bit, frankly) you can come up to something like this, representing the "displacement field", showing clearly that you are dealing with a vortex:
(Darker and bigger arrows means more displacement (velocity))
Post me a comment if you are interested in the Mathematica code for this one. I think my code is not going to help anybody else, so I omit posting it.
I would also suggest a line tracking algorithm would work well.
Simply start at the first pixel line of the image and start following each of the vertical lines downwards (You just need to start this at the first line to get the starting points. This can be done by a simple pattern that moves orthogonally to the gradient of that line, ergo follows a line. When you reach a crossing of a horizontal line you can measure that point (in x,y coordinates) and compare it to the corresponding crossing point in your distorted image.
Since your grid is regular you know that the n'th measured crossing point on the m'th vertical black line are corresponding in both images. Then you simply compare both points by computing their distance. Do this for each line on your grid and you will get, by how far each crossing point of the grid is distorted.
This following a line algorithm is also used in basic Edge linking algorithms or the Canny Edge detector.
(All this are just theoretic ideas and I cannot provide you with an algorithm to it. But I guess it should work easily on distorted images like you have there... but maybe it is helpful for you)

Fastest method to search for a specified item on an image?

Imagine we have a simple 2D drawing, filled it with lots of non-overlapping circles and only a few stars.
If we are to find all the stars among all these circles, I can think of very few methods. Brute force is one of them. Another one is possibly reduce the image size (to the optimal point where you can still distinguish the objects apart) and then apply brute force and map to the original image. The drawback of brute force is of course, it is very time consuming. I am looking for faster methods, possibly the fastest one.
What is the fastest image processing method to search for the specified item on a simple 2D image?
One typical way of looking for an object in an image is through cross correlation. Basically, you look for the position where the cross-correlation between a mask (the object you're attempting to find) and the image is the highest. That position is the likely location of the object you're trying to find.
For the sake of simplicity, I will refer to the object you're attempting to find as a star, but in general it can be any shape.
Some problems with the above approach:
The size of the mask has to match the size of the star. If you don't know the size of the star, then you will have to try different size masks. Image pyramids are more effective than just iteratively trying different size masks, but still require extra effort.
Similarly, the orientations of the mask and the star have to match. If they don't, the cross-correlation won't work.
For these reasons, the more you know about your problem, the simpler it becomes. This is the reason why people have asked you for more information in the comments. A general purpose solution doesn't really exist, to the best of my knowledge. Maybe someone more knowledgeable can correct me on this.
As you've mentioned, reducing the size of the image will help you reduce the computational time of your approach. In my opinion, it's hardly the core element of a solution -- it's just an optional optimization step.
If the shapes are easy to segment from the background, you might be able to compute distinguishing shape/color descriptors. Depending on your problem you could choose descriptors that are invariant to scale, translation or rotation (e.g. compactness, if it is unique to each shape). I do not know if this will be faster, though.
If you already know the exact shape and have an idea about the size, you might want to have a look at the Generalized Hough Transform, which is basically a formalized description of your "brute force algorithm"
As you list a property that the shapes are not overlapping then I assume an efficient algorithm would be able to
cut out all the shapes by scanning the image in some way (I can imagine relatively efficient and simple algorithm for convex shapes)
when you are left with cut out shapes you could use cross relation misha mentioned
You should describe the problem a bit better
can the shapes be rotated or scaled (or some other transform?)
is the background uniform colour
are the shapes uniform colour
are the shapes filled
Depending on the answer on the above questions you might have more less or more simple solutions.
Also, maybe this article might be interesting.
If the shapes are very regular maybe turning them into vectors could fit your needs nicely, but it might be an overkill, really depends what you want to do later.
Step 1: Thresholding - reduce the image to 1 bit (black or white) if the general image set permits it. [For the type of example you cite, my guess is thresholding would work nicely - leaving enough details to find objects].
Step 2: Optionally do some smoothing/noise removal.
Step 3: Use some clustering approach to gather the foreground objects.
Step 4: Use an appropriate heuristic to identify the objects.
The parameters in steps 1/2 will depend a lot on the type of images as well as experimentation/observation. 3 is usually straightforward if you have worked out 1/2 correctly. 4 will depend very much on the problem (for example, in your case identifying stars - which would depend on what is the actual shape of the stars expected in the images).

Drawing lines in win32/GDI with a custom pen style?

I have a need to do some drawing using win32/GDI (Native, not .NET), and I've run into the following problem:
I need to draw lines that are "styled." For example, in the attached image, the line marked "A" is a straight line as far as my application data is concerned, it just needs to be drawn with the additional zigzag as a style. Of course, this is easy to do programatically, but it gets more complicated when the line can be at any angle ("B") or even a bezier curve ("C").
Now, I could do this all programatically, painstakingly doing the math to put a zigzag around each line possibility, but that will take a lot of time and, more importantly, be rather error prone.
Is it possible to just give windows/GDI a "style" to apply to the line, perhaps a bitmap like the one marked "D", and have it use that as a pen to draw the lines? If not, is there a more flexible and less error-prone way of doing this than writing a bunch of specific drawing code for each of the "styled" lines?
*Apparently first timers can't post images. Examples can be found at
This is not possible in Win32 GDI. You will need to do the math yourself.
It should be noted however, that you can obtain the points used to make up the line or curve which should make it substantially easier.
See this "Hit-Testing" tutorial for an example.
For a bezier curve you would use Path Functions:
For straight lines you could use:
As far as I know there's nothing in GDI or even GDI+ that would support this. The only line options you have are dash-patterns, compound-pens, dash caps, end caps, and fill brushes.
You might be able to trick one of those functions into drawing something vaguely akin to your wiggles for straight splines, but it definitely won't work for curved splines.
It shouldn't be too hard to do this however. Sure, it will take a day or so, but all you have to do is write a line and bezier interpolator, divide the curves into equal segments, find the tangents at all those segments and alternate left and right. You'll end up with an array of points which can be drawn very quickly as a polyline.
There's nothing that'll do this automatically. You'll have to write some code. You might want to look at the LineDDA API in GDI. It might simplify the math your code will need.
ExtCreatePen(), maybe? I don't know for a fact if it supports zigzagging...
