I am trying to produce a algorithm in Latex but keep getting the same error: ! LaTeX Error: File 'float.sty' not found.. Even if i recreate examples in new documents.
The problem occurs when I use the package algorithm which should allow me to create a algorithm environment. The log file indicates that LaTeX couldn't find the float.sty.
A simple solution would been found by just simply adding \usepackage{float} to the preamble. But adding the package leads to an error on the line \usepackage{algorithm}.
Here is the example code:
\newcommand*\Let[2]{\State #1 $\gets$ #2}
\caption{Counting mismatches between two packed \DNA{} strings
\Require{$x$ and $y$ are packed \DNA{} strings of equal length $n$}
\Function{Distance}{$x, y$}
\Let{$z$}{$x \oplus y$} \Comment{$\oplus$: bitwise exclusive-or}
\For{$i \gets 1 \textrm{ to } n$}
\If{$z_i \neq 0$}
\Let{$\delta$}{$\delta + 1$}
\State \Return{$\delta$}
With the help samcarter_is_at_toanswers.xyz provided, I obtained a bit more understanding in how LaTeX operates. The problem was that the MiKTeX 2.9 file for some reason didn't exist anymore (or at least couldn't be located by LaTeX or manually).
So I used this answered question on to guide me to reinstall MiKTeX. This resolved the problem. After the reinstall TeXmaker was able to download the float package with the float.sty which I needed to resolve original error caused by the algorithm package.
I've little to no experience with LaTeX/TeXmaker/MiKTeX and I'am not that technical with computers. So please let me know if you have a better answer/explanation/understanding of the problem. I will edit/remove my answer.
I have a Windows 10 laptop where no TeX distribution was ever installed before (double-checked for config directories, files, and environment variables).
Wanting to install TeX Live 2021, I followed the full installation guide and also read the Windows-specific warnings. I've now tried several times, following different installation procedures - cleaning up everything (deleting base & user directories, environment variables, etc) before each time - but still don't manage to get a working installation. Before I report a bug at tex-live#tug, I wanted to ask for advice here, in case I'm doing something wrong. Here is what I did, step by step, and the problems I encountered in the process.
1. First I tried running the recommended online installer install-tl-windows.exe. It never got past the screen that tries to contact or load from a repository, even after a 30-min wait. Tried a dozen times, choosing different mirrors nearby and far away. No luck.
2. Then I downloaded and unpacked the install-tl.zip and run install-tl-windows.bat therein. This time the main installation window appeared. I left all default paths and environment variables (note that I do have write access to C:); in the selection scheme I unselected all languages except US & UK English, unselected XeTeX, LuaTeX, ConTeXt; also unselected TeXworks (I use Emacs), and clicked Install. After one to three hours (depending on the mirror I chose), the installation was complete.
I tried compiling a minimal latex document (see below), and got an error similar to the one in this old question:
I can't find the format file `pdflatex.fmt'
Following the advice in the answers to that question and similar questions elsewhere online such as this, I tried running texhash and fmtutil-sys --all. The latter gave the error
no appropriate script or programme found fmtutil.
for which there are also many posts online.
2a. Not understanding what the problem could be, I re-tried with all possible combinations of the following three options: (a) choosing different mirrors; (b) leaving the full selection of packages (ie without unselecting some languages, LuaTeX etc); (c) redoing the procedure by choosing "Run as Administrator". No luck.
3. At this point I tried downloading the ISO file with the full installation. Mounted the image and run install-tl-windows.bat (as normal user, as recommended; I repeat that I do have write access to C:). Everything proceeded as in step 2. above. At the end of the installation I tried running pdflatex on the minimal latex document. New error this time:
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-1.40.22 (TeX Live 2021/W32TeX) (preloaded format=pdflatex)
restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2020-10-01> patch level 4
L3 programming layer <2021-02-18>
! LaTeX Error: File `article.cls' not found.
Very strange. A file search revealed that article.cls is in the TeXLive file system; but kpathsea did not see it indeed.
4. At this point I opened the TeX Live Shell from the Start Menu; selected a CTAN mirror; updated the TL Manager which was not up to date; updated all packages; run Regenerate filename database; and run Regenerate formats. With the latter I got this error:
tex live shell:
mtutil [INFO]: total formats: 59
fmtutil [INFO]: exiting with status 53
C:\texlive\2021\bin\win32\runscript.tlu:915: command failed with exit code 53:
perl.exe c:\texlive\2021\texmf-dist\scripts\texlive\fmtutil.pl --sys --all
Here is a snip from the full set of errors appearing in the "Other" tab (I'm replacing my user directory with asterisks for privacy; note that I do have write access to these directories):
start load https://www.nic.funet.fi/pub/TeX/CTAN/systems/texlive/tlnet
finish load https://www.nic.funet.fi/pub/TeX/CTAN/systems/texlive/tlnet
start load http://contrib.texlive.info/current
finish load http://contrib.texlive.info/current
running mktexlsr ...
done running mktexlsr.
running mtxrun --generate ...
done running mtxrun --generate.
running updmap-sys ...
done running updmap-sys.
regenerating fmtutil.cnf in C:/texlive/2021/texmf-dist
running fmtutil-sys --byengine luatex --no-error-if-no-format --no-error-if-no-engine=luajithbtex,luajittex,mfluajit --status-file=C:\Users\***\AppData\Local\Temp\rPSb0Dpak2\WW_dJvUHgX ...
tlmgr.pl: fmtutil-sys --byengine luatex --no-error-if-no-format --no-error-if-no-engine=luajithbtex,luajittex,mfluajit --status-file=C:\Users\***\AppData\Local\Temp\rPSb0Dpak2\WW_dJvUHgX failed (status 255), output:
Unknown option: status-file
Try "fmtutil --help" for more information.
C:\texlive\2021\bin\win32\runscript.tlu:915: command failed with exit code 255:
perl.exe c:\texlive\2021\texmf-dist\scripts\texlive\fmtutil.pl --sys --byengine luatex --no-error-if-no-format --no-error-if-no-engine=luajithbtex,luajittex,mfluajit --status-file=C:\Users\***\AppData\Local\Temp\rPSb0Dpak2\WW_dJvUHgX
running fmtutil-sys --byengine luajithbtex --no-error-if-no-format --no-error-if-no-engine=luajithbtex,luajittex,mfluajit --status-file=C:\Users\***\AppData\Local\Temp\rPSb0Dpak2\WW_dJvUHgX ...
I tried to continue anyway with Regenerate fontmaps, and then tried again pdflatex on the minimal document. New error:
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-1.40.23 (TeX Live 2021/W32TeX) (preloaded format=pdflatex)
restricted \write18 enabled.
---! c:/texlive/2021/texmf-var/web2c/pdftex/pdflatex.fmt made by different executable version
(Fatal format file error; I'm stymied)
5. I tried again steps 3. and 4., but with "Run as Administrator". Same errors.
OK at this point I give up and really don't know what to do. Am I doing something wrong? For the moment I have to concur with this post: installation of TeX Live 2021 is an utter failure.
Here is the minimal latex file I used for testing (copy & paste):
Found, that the download is not working because the system path to "cmd.exe" is not found. Therefore: open a cmd window and add the system path prior to starting the .bat file (set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Windows\system32)
I have a CUDA project in a .cu file that I would like to compile to a .mex file using mexcuda. Because my code makes use of the 64-bit floating point atomic operation atomicAdd(double *, double), which is only supposed for GPU devices of compute capability 6.0 or higher, I need to specify this as a flag when I am compiling.
In my standard IDE, this works fine, but when compiling with mexcuda, this is not working as I would like. In this post on MathWorks, it was suggested to use the following command (edited from the comment by Joss Knight):
mexcuda('-v', 'mexGPUExample.cu', 'NVCCFLAGS=-gencode=arch=compute_60,code=sm_60')
but when I use this command on my file, the verbose option spits out the following line last:
Building with 'NVIDIA CUDA Compiler'.
nvcc -c --compiler-options=/Zp8,/GR,/W3,/EHs,/nologo,/MD -
gencode=arch=compute_30,code=sm_30 -gencode=arch=compute_50,code=sm_50 -
gencode=arch=compute_60,code=sm_60 -
(and so on), which signals to me that the specified flag was not passed to the nvcc properly. And indeed, compilation fails with the following error:
C:/path/mexGPUExample.cu(35): error: no instance of overloaded function "atomicAdd" matches
the argument list. Argument types are: (double *, double)
The only other post I could find on this topic was this post on SO, but it is almost three years old and seemed to me more like a workaround - one which I do not understand even after some research, otherwise I would have tried it - rather than a true solution to the problem.
Is there a setting I missed, or can this simply not be done without a workaround?
I was able to work my way around this problem after some messing around with the standard xml-files in the MatLab folder. The following steps allowed me to compile using -mexcuda:
-1) Go to the folder C:\Program Files\MATLAB\-version-\toolbox\distcomp\gpu\extern\src\mex\win64, which contains xml-files for different versions of msvcpp;
-2) Make a backup of the file that corresponds to the version you are using. In my case, I made a copy of the file nvcc_msvcpp2017 and named it nvcc_msvcpp2017_old, to always have the original.
-3) Open nvcc_msvcppYEAR with notepad, and scroll to the following block of lines:
COMPFLAGS="--compiler-options=/Zp8,/GR,/W3,/EHs,/nologo,/MD $ARCHFLAGS"
ARCHFLAGS="-gencode=arch=compute_30,code=sm_30 -gencode=arch=compute_50,code=sm_50 -gencode=arch=compute_60,code=sm_60 -gencode=arch=compute_70,code=\"sm_70,compute_70\" $NVCC_FLAGS"
INCLUDE="-I"$MATLABROOT\extern\include" -I"$MATLABROOT\simulink\include""
-4) Remove the architectures that will not allow your code to compile, i.e. all the architecture flags below 60 in my case:
ARCHFLAGS="-gencode=arch=compute_60,code=sm_60 -gencode=arch=compute_70,code=\"sm_70,compute_70\" $NVCC_FLAGS"
-5) I was able to compile using mexcuda after this. You do not need to specify any architecture flags in the mexcuda call.
-6) (optional) I suppose you want to revert this change after you are done with the project that required you to make this change, if you want to ensure maximum portability of the code you will compile after this.
Note: you will need administrator permission to make these changes.
I’m trying to work Aleph with Swi-prolog. Are there any one could please tell me how to run this program if I have a file named train.pl (including the background and positive and negative examples.) What can I do to induce my program and get the output? By the way, I have already downloaded Aleph.pl for my program. When I ran it, it showed like this:
ERROR: c:/users/mac/downloads/aleph.pl:97:
Wrong context: arithmetic_function/1 can only be used in a directive
I also had similar problems. However, after some googling, I found a github repository which contains the aleph script that actually works (prolog/aleph.pl). However, the manual could be more detailed (at least for a newbie like me). A minimal working example that I have managed to run is the trains example (prolog/examples/train.pl) and I did the following:
Put the aleph.pl script into some directory path/to/dir
Put the train.pl script into the same directory.
Executing the following commands, one by one:
working_directory(_, 'path/to/dir').
I ignored some errors and warnings that have appeared when executing the command consult('trains.pl').:
ERROR: path/to/dir/train.pl:16:
ERROR: source_sink `library(aleph)' does not exist
Warning: path/to/dir/train.pl:16:
Warning: Goal (directive) failed: user:use_module(library(aleph))
I found this question:
In the solution is suggested compiling ipython from:
I did that and followed the directions here:
To summarize:
I followed the instruction from
and jsplugins > d3graph > README.md
d3graph.py : copied to .ipython\extensions
d3graph.js and d3graph.css : copied to
(Note: I am on ubuntu/linux 12.10
run ipython notebook --pylab inline
open Visualizing Graphs with d3.ipynb
each cell was executed, but the graph did not show up.
But I can plot graph with:
Is very strange because I can`t to use the plugin too.
can you probe to do the instructions in the .config/.ipython/profile_default folder?. because that is the real sesion path
I'm trying to resurrect an old (1999 or earlier) project written in Scheme (PLT-Scheme, using the mzscheme interpreter (?) commandline tool). To make the matters worse, I don't know Scheme, or Lisp (in fact, I want to learn, but that's another story).
I have the source code of the project at:
Now, when running the code, it bails out with an error message like below:
Sherman runtime version 0.5
Hosted on MzScheme version 52, Copyright (c) 1995-98 PLT (Matthew Flatt)
reference to undefined identifier: list->block
(I've tried PLT-Scheme versions 52, 53, 103, 103p1. Earlier versions don't allow mzscheme -L option, which is referenced in the sherman.bat script used in the project. Later versions also have some more serious problems with the code or options.)
The difficulty is, that from what I see, list->block actually is defined - see: collects/sherman/BLOCK.SS line 48. So, what is wrong?
To run the code, I perform the following steps:
Download PLT-Scheme v. 103p1 (from the old versions download page - first closing the "PLT Scheme is now Racket" banner) - for Windows, use: mz-103p1-bin-i386-win32.zip.
Unzip (e.g. to directory c:\PLT).
Copy c:\sherman\collects\sherman directory with contents to: c:\PLT\collects\sherman (where c:\sherman contains the contents of the github repository).
Run cmd.exe, then cd c:\sherman.
set PATH=c:\PLT;%PATH%
sherman.bat run trivial.s
this command is in fact, from what I understand, equivalent to:
(require-library "runtime.ss" "sherman")
(parameterize ((current-namespace sherman-namespace)) (load "trivial.s"))
(current-namespace sherman-namespace)
After that, I get the error as described above (MzScheme version would be reported as 103p1 or whatever).
Could you help me solve the problem?
To whom it may concern, I've added a fully fledged "How to use this project" instruction on the project page, detailing the solution to the problem thanks to soegaard's help.
In short:
copy trivial.s trivial.rs
rem (the above is workaround for problems with 'r2s.exe < trivial.r > trivial.rs')
sherman.bat compile trivial.rs
sherman.bat run trivial.zo
rem (or: sherman.bat run trivial.ss)
Not an answer, but a few notes too big for a comment.
1. Sanity Check
The error message says list->block is undefined.
Make sure that the code in block.ss is run, by
inserting (display "block.ss is loaded!") in block.ss
just to make sure, the code is run.
2. Random Thoughts
The file blocks.ss begins with:
(require-library "functios.ss")
(require-library "synrule.ss")
(require-library "stream.ss" "sherman")
The file "sherman/stream.ss" is in the repository,
but where is "synrule.ss" and "functios.ss" ?
Ah... This code is old! Here is a description of
how require-library worked. It lists functios.ss
and synrule.ss as part of MzLib.
Let's check out how require-library worked:
When require-library is used to load a file, the library name and the
resulting value(s) are recored in a table associated with the current
namespace. If require-library is evaluated for a library that is
already registered in the current namespace's load table, then the
library is not loaded again; the result(s) recorded in the load table
is returned, instead.
So when the code in block.ss is run, the names are stored in a namespace. If the current namespace is the wrong one, when the code in block.ss is evaluated, it would explain you error message of list->block being undefined.