How to ssh into and issue command to list of ip addresses in a txt file Jenkins - bash

I have a list of ip addresses in a text file that I wish to use in a script.
Here is the code outputting the ip addresses in the text file
openstack server list | grep agent | awk '{print \$9}' >> ${STACK}_list.txt
I would like to retrieve the ip addresses and use in a loop by ssh'ing in to them but not sure how to do that

Please refer this post.
script to read a file with IP addresses and login
Might be helpful for you.

You can use a regex to filter all ip addresses from the server list-output:
openstack server list | grep -o '[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*'
You could pipe this output into a file if you need or to use this within a bash-script you could make something like this, without writing it into a file:
ADDRESSES=$(openstack server list | grep -o '[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*')
echo "ip: $ADDRESS"
It reads all ip-addresses from ther server-list output and iterate within the for-loop over this output and prints each ip separate on the terminal. Instead of the echo you could insert your ssh-command.
Example-server on my deployment:
root#m1r1:~# openstack server list
| ID | Name | Status | Networks | Image | Flavor |
| 46d04a77-4d33-4bb3-8214-b1444eed33a3 | server1 | ACTIVE | l2-network= | cirros | XS |
| e9489aca-00c3-4fc9-afc5-515c08b17406 | server2 | ACTIVE | l2-network= | | XS |
| ea8cec6a-a8d5-4bbb-970e-aaf65d7374b2 | server3 | ACTIVE | l2-network= | cirros | S |
| 7d934ec4-1d53-467b-9220-d67b4b68a832 | server4 | ACTIVE | l2-network= | | XS |
| 74d3036e-372a-4566-8ba2-10a0760c5562 | server5 | ACTIVE | l2-network= | cirros | XS |
| e08e1637-f4df-478d-a478-6578d038cb22 | server6 | ACTIVE | l2-network= | | XS |
| 8307a481-679e-4df0-a64e-3a497b13ac81 | server7 | ACTIVE | l2-network= | | XS |
| 38d10b12-daa5-483e-b9a5-9a16ba14d841 | server8 | ACTIVE | l2-network= | cirros | XS |
Output of this example:

openstack server list | grep -o '[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*' > stack
while $(wc -l stack | cut -d' ' -f1) -gt 0 ]
ipnumber=$(sed -n '1p' stack)
echo "${ipnumber}"
sed -i '1d' stack
The echo command there is just a placeholder. You can replace it with ssh, or whatever else you want to do, with the IP number in the variable.


Use AWK with delimiter to print specific columns

My file looks as follows:
| Message | Status | Adress | Changes | Test | Calibration |
| Hello World | Active | up | 1 | up | done |
| Hello Everyone Here | Passive | up | 2 | down | none |
| Hi there. My name is Eric. How are you? | Down | up | 3 | inactive | done |
| Message | Status | Adress | Changes | Test | Calibration |
| What's up? | Active | up | 1 | up | done |
| Hi. I'm Otilia | Passive | up | 2 | down | none |
| Hi there. This is Marcus | Up | up | 3 | inactive | done |
I want to extract a specific column using AWK.
I can use CUT to do it; however when the length of each table varies depending on how many characters are present in each column, I'm not getting the desired output.
cat File.txt | cut -c -44
| Message |
| Hello World |
| Hello Everyone Here |
| Hi there. My name is Eric. How are you? |
| Message | Status
| What's up? | Active
| Hi. I'm Otilia | Passive
| Hi there. This is Marcus | Up
cat File.txt | cut -c 44-60
| Status |
| Active |
| Passive |
| Down |
| Adress
| up
| up
| up
I tried using AWK but I don't know how to add 2 different delimiters which would take care of all the lines.
cat File.txt | awk 'BEGIN {FS="|";}{print $2,$3}'
Message Status
Hello World Active
Hello Everyone Here Passive
Hi there. My name is Eric. How are you? Down
Message Status
What's up? Active
Hi. I'm Otilia Passive
Hi there. This is Marcus Up
The output I'm looking for:
| Message |
| Hello World |
| Hello Everyone Here |
| Hi there. My name is Eric. How are you? |
| Message |
| What's up? |
| Hi. I'm Otilia |
| Hi there. This is Marcus |
| Message | Status |
| Hello World | Active |
| Hello Everyone Here | Passive |
| Hi there. My name is Eric. How are you? | Down |
| Message | Status |
| What's up? | Active |
| Hi. I'm Otilia | Passive |
| Hi there. This is Marcus | Up |
or random other columns
| Message | Adress | Test |
| Hello World | up | up |
| Hello Everyone Here | up | down |
| Hi there. My name is Eric. How are you? | up | inactive |
| Message |Adress | Test |
| What's up? |up | up |
| Hi. I'm Otilia |up | down |
| Hi there. This is Marcus |up | inactive |
Thanks in advance.
One idea using GNU awk:
awk -v fldlist="2,3" '
BEGIN { fldcnt=split(fldlist,fields,",") } # split fldlist into array fields[]
{ split($0,arr,/[|+]/,seps) # split current line on dual delimiters "|" and "+"
for (i=1;i<=fldcnt;i++) # loop through our array of fields (fldlist)
printf "%s%s", seps[fields[i]-1], arr[fields[i]] # print leading separator/delimiter and field
printf "%s\n", seps[fields[fldcnt]] # print trailing separator/delimiter and terminate line
' File.txt
requires GNU awk for the 4th argument to the split() function (seps == array of separators; see gawk string functions for details)
assumes our field delimiters (|, +) do not show up as part of the data
the input variable fldlist is a comma-delimited list of columns that mimics what would be passed to cut (eg, when a line starts with a delimiter then field #1 is blank)
For fldlist="2,3" this generates:
| Message | Status |
| Hello World | Active |
| Hello Everyone Here | Passive |
| Hi there. My name is Eric. How are you? | Down |
| Message | Status |
| What's up? | Active |
| Hi. I'm Otilia | Passive |
| Hi there. This is Marcus | Up |
For fldlist="2,4,6" this generates:
| Message | Adress | Test |
| Hello World | up | up |
| Hello Everyone Here | up | down |
| Hi there. My name is Eric. How are you? | up | inactive |
| Message | Adress | Test |
| What's up? | up | up |
| Hi. I'm Otilia | up | down |
| Hi there. This is Marcus | up | inactive |
For fldlist="4,3,2" this generates:
| Adress | Status | Message |
| up | Active | Hello World |
| up | Passive | Hello Everyone Here |
| up | Down | Hi there. My name is Eric. How are you? |
| Adress | Status | Message |
| up | Active | What's up? |
| up | Passive | Hi. I'm Otilia |
| up | Up | Hi there. This is Marcus |
Say that again? (fldlist="3,3,3"):
| Status | Status | Status |
| Active | Active | Active |
| Passive | Passive | Passive |
| Down | Down | Down |
| Status | Status | Status |
| Active | Active | Active |
| Passive | Passive | Passive |
| Up | Up | Up |
And if you make the mistake of trying to print the '1st' column, ie, fldlist="1":
If GNU awk is available, please try markp-fuso's nice solution.
If not, here is a posix-compliant alternative:
# define bash variables
cols=(2 3 6) # bash array of desired columns
col_list=$(IFS=,; echo "${cols[*]}") # create a csv string
awk -v cols="$col_list" '
if (match($0, /^[|+]/)) { # the record contains a table
if (match($0, /^[|+]-/)) # horizontally ruled line
n = split($0, a, /[|+]/) # split into columns
else # "cell" line
n = split($0, a, /\|/)
len = 0
for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
len += length(a[i]) + 1 # accumulated column position
pos[FNR, i] = len
n = split(cols, a, /,/) # split the variable `cols` on comma into an array
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
col = a[i]
if (pos[FNR, col] && pos[FNR, col+1]) {
printf("%s", substr($0, pos[FNR, col], pos[FNR, col + 1] - pos[FNR, col]))
print(substr($0, pos[FNR, col + 1], 1))
' file.txt file.txt
Result with cols=(2 3 6) as shown above:
| Status | Adress | Calibration |
| Active | up | done |
| Passive | up | none |
| Down | up | done |
| Status | Adress | Calibration |
| Active | up | done |
| Passive | up | none |
| Up | up | done |
It detects the column width in the 1st pass then splits the line on the column position in the 2nd pass.
You can control the columns to print with the bash array cols which is assigned at the beginning of the script. Please assign the array to the list of desired column numbers in increasing order. If you want to use the bash variable in different way, please let me know.

Openstack snapshot create and restore scripting with bash commands

First of all it amazes me there is so little information about openstack and script examples but that is not the question i have
I want to create a snapshot and an simple way to restore the snapshot. Because the way of our hosting provider uses underlying storage i am unable to use the rebuild command so i need to destroy the running vm and recreate it with the snapshot image as a base. The creation of the image only works when all information about the running vm is provided as input parameters and here comes the troubles i have.
the information needed is provided by 3 commands
command1: nova show
| Property | Value |
| NWFINFRA_1600 network | |
| OS-DCF:diskConfig | MANUAL |
| OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone | gn3a |
| OS-EXT-STS:power_state | 1 |
| OS-EXT-STS:task_state | - |
| OS-EXT-STS:vm_state | active |
| OS-SRV-USG:launched_at | 2019-10-02T14:25:21.000000 |
| OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at | - |
| accessIPv4 | |
| accessIPv6 | |
| config_drive | |
| created | 2019-10-02T14:25:05Z |
| description | - |
| flavor:disk | 0 |
| flavor:ephemeral | 0 |
| flavor:extra_specs | {"ostype": "win", "hw:cpu_cores": "1", "hw:cpu_sockets": "2"} |
| flavor:original_name | win.2large |
| flavor:ram | 8192 |
| flavor:swap | 0 |
| flavor:vcpus | 2 |
| hostId | 18aa94c61106a53b2d9e672e93619a6fce76abb1ee6ba9da471491f9 |
| id | 70941fbf-9143-4f1c-a5e7-979f818ace23 |
| image | IFW039-InstanceSnapshot (8ee1104d-55e4-4c99-93e5-ceb4a53ce13f) |
| key_name | - |
| locked | False |
| metadata | {} |
| name | IWF039 |
| os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached | [{"id": "1134fe12-777b-4c26-ac2b-e6ecb6ad4f70", "delete_on_termination": false}, {"id": "f610a46e-46ad-460f-81b3-e2b34acfbbfc", "delete_on_termination": false}] |
| progress | 0 |
| status | ACTIVE |
| tags | [] |
| tenant_id | 4c15fd467dde4bd6a25427d6bab64a7f |
| trusted_image_certificates | - |
| updated | 2019-10-02T14:25:21Z |
| user_id | ddff2ce854114bef873bac9a1476805e |
Command 2: ./Scripts/openstack port show NWFINFRA_1600_IWF039
where NWFINFRA_1600_IWF039 is a combination of previous output NWFINFRA_1600 network and the server name IWF039
| Field | Value |
| admin_state_up | UP |
| allowed_address_pairs | |
| binding_host_id | None |
| binding_profile | None |
| binding_vif_details | None |
| binding_vif_type | None |
| binding_vnic_type | normal |
| created_at | 2019-10-02T06:49:08Z |
| data_plane_status | None |
| description | |
| device_id | 70941fbf-9143-4f1c-a5e7-979f818ace23 |
| device_owner | compute:gn3a |
| dns_assignment | fqdn='iwf039.rijkscloud.local.', hostname='iwf039', ip_address='' |
| dns_domain | |
| dns_name | iwf039 |
| extra_dhcp_opts | |
| fixed_ips | ip_address='', subnet_id='3298e8d0-b317-465c-8757-c1a4f2cad298' |
| id | b49a7d3a-bb0d-49cb-a04b-64c5dbf9df20 |
| location | cloud='', project.domain_id='default', project.domain_name=,'4c15fd467dde4bd6a25427d6bab64a7f','vws-pgb', region_name='Groningen3', zone= |
| mac_address | fa:16:3e:99:cc:3c |
| name | NWFINFRA_1600_IWF039 |
| network_id | 450dcc7a-5e55-4e38-9f4e-de9a9c685502 |
| port_security_enabled | False |
| project_id | 4c15fd467dde4bd6a25427d6bab64a7f |
| propagate_uplink_status | None |
| qos_policy_id | None |
| resource_request | None |
| revision_number | 15 |
| security_group_ids | |
| status | ACTIVE |
| tags | |
| trunk_details | None |
| updated_at | 2019-10-03T11:10:00Z |
with these outputs i can create the build command to restore the snapshot:
nova boot --poll --flavor win.2large --image IFW039-InstanceSnapshot --security-groups default --availability-zone gn3a --nic net-id=450dcc7a-5e55-4e38-9f4e-de9a9c685502 IWF039
note: the image is the name of the created snapshot
I try to script this so i can have a simple snapshot create and restore procedure
but i get stuck on the table layout of the output. This shows really nice but i cannot use it in my scripting to redirect the output to input variables.
I tryed using this: { read foo ; read ID Name MAC IP status;} < <(./Scripts/openstack port list --server IWF039 | sed 's/+--------------------------------------+----------------------+-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------- +//' | sed 's/|//' | sed 's/MAC Address/MAC/' | sed 's/Fixed IP Addresses/IP/')
But the variables get contents like '|' char etc.
So echo $Name gives '|' as output.
There must be a simpler way but i am unable to see it.
Please help ...
I managed to get it almost working by using awk instead of grep:
i have now this code:
#/bin/bash # # Query needed variables # echo -e "\nQuery needed information" NETWORK=$(nova show IWF039 | awk '/network/ {print $2}') ZONE=$(nova show IWF039 | awk '/OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone/ {print $4}') FLAVOR=$(nova show IWF039 | awk '/flavor:original_name/ {print $4}') SERVERID=$(nova show IWF039 | awk -F '|' '/id/ {print $3; exit}') NETWORKPORT=$(nova interface-list IWF039 | awk -F '|' '/ACTIVE/ {print $3}') # Print out variables echo "network: $NETWORK" echo "zone: $ZONE" echo "flavor: $FLAVOR" echo "server_id: $SERVERID" echo "network_port_id: $NETWORKPORT" # Remove current instance echo -e "\nRemove current instance" nova delete $SERVERID # Rebuild instance from snapshot image echo -e "\nRebuild instance from snapshot" nova boot --poll --flavor $FLAVOR --image IFW039-InstanceSnapshot2 --security-groups default --availability-zone $ZONE --nic port-id=$NETWORKPORT IWF039
If i run the script the last item however e.g. IWF039 which is the name of the instance i want to use throws me an error:
error: unrecognized arguments: IWF039
anyone can tell me why ?
If i run the line on the commandline it works, only not from the bash script
# Script restores snapshot created in OpenStack
# Script created by Lex IT, Alex Flora
# usage: <snapshot image name> <server name to restore to>
# to use: make sure to install the following python openstack modules:
# pip install python-openstackclient python-keystoneclient python-glanceclient python-novaclient python-neutronclient
# Query needed variables
if [ "$#" -eq "0" ]
echo -e "usage: restore_snapshot <name of snapshot> <name of server>"
echo -e "Querying available snapshots, one moment please ..."
glance image-list
echo -e "\n\033[0;33mGive name of snapshot to restore"
echo -e "\033[0m"
echo -e "\n\033[0;33mGive server name to restore"
echo -e "\033[0m"
echo -e "\n\033[0mQuery needed server information from server $SERVER, one moment please ..."
NETWORK=$(nova show IWF039 | awk '/network/ {print $2}' | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//')
ZONE=$(nova show IWF039 | awk '/OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone/ {print $4}' | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//')
FLAVOR=$(nova show IWF039 | awk '/flavor:original_name/ {print $4}' | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//')
SERVERID=$(nova show IWF039 | awk -F '|' '/\<id\>/ {print $3; exit}' | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//')
NETWORKPORT=$(nova interface-list IWF039 | awk -F '|' '/ACTIVE/ {print $3}' | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//')
# Print out variables
echo -e "\033[0mnetwork: \033[0;32m$NETWORK"
echo -e "\033[0mzone: \033[0;32m$ZONE"
echo -e "\033[0mflavor: \033[0;32m$FLAVOR"
echo -e "\033[0mserver_id: \033[0;32m$SERVERID"
echo -e "\033[0mnetwork_port_id: \033[0;32m$NETWORKPORT"
echo -e "\033[0mSnapshot image: \033[0;32m$SNAPSHOT"
echo -e "\033[0mServer naam: \033[0;32m$SERVER"
# Ask confirmation
echo -e "\n\033[0mGoing to restore snapshot image $SNAPSHOT to server $SERVER"
read -p "Is this correct (y/n) ? " -n 1 -r
if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]
# Remove current instance
echo -e "\n\033[0mRemove current instance"
nova delete $SERVERID
sleep 3
# Rebuild instance from snapshot image
echo -e "\nRebuild instance from snapshot using command:"
echo -e "\033[0mnova boot --poll --flavor $FLAVOR --image $SNAPSHOT --security-groups default --availability-zone $ZONE --nic port-id=$NETWORKPORT $SERVER"
nova boot --poll --flavor $FLAVOR --image $SNAPSHOT --security-groups default --availability-zone $ZONE --nic port-id=$NETWORKPORT $SERVER
This is my complete script. Problem was that the output contained spaces in front of the string. I resolved this with the following sed command: sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//'
Hopefully someone has some use of the script.

Fetch particular column value from rows with specified condition using shell script

I have a sample output from a command
| id | fixed_ip_address | floating_ip_address | port_id |
| 04584e8a-c210-430b-8028-79dbf741797c | | | |
| 12d2257c-c02b-4295-b910-2069f583bee5 | | | 37ebfa4c-c0f9-459a-a63b-fb2e84ab7f92 |
| 98c5a929-e125-411d-8a18-89877d3c932b | | | |
| f55e54fb-e50a-4800-9a6e-1d75004a2541 | | | fe996e76-ffdb-4687-91a0-9b4df2631b4e |
Now I want to fetch all the "floating _ip_address" for which "port_id" & "fixed_ip_address" fields are blank/empty (In above sample &
How can I do it with shell scripting?
You can use sed:
fl_ips=($(sed -nE 's/\|.*\|.*\|(.*)\|\s*\|/\1/p' inputfile))
Here inputfile is the table provided in the question. The array fl_ips contains the output of sed:
>echo ${#fl_ips[#]}
2 # Array has two elements
>echo ${fl_ips[0]}
>echo ${fl_ips[1]}

shell script to extract the name and IP address

Is there a way to use shell script to get only the name and net from the result as below:
6cb7f14e-6466-4211-9a09-2b8e7ad92703 | name-erkoev4ja3rv | 2e3900ff36574cf9937d88223403da77 | ACTIVE | Running | net0=; ing-net=; net=;
Expected Result
$ input="6cb7f14e-6466-4211-9a09-2b8e7ad92703 | name-erkoev4ja3rv | 2e3900ff36574cf9937d88223403da77 | ACTIVE | Running | net0=; ing-net=; net=;"
$ echo "$input" | sed -E 's,^[^|]+ \| ([^ ]+).* net=([0-9.]+).*$,\1: \2,g'
echo "6cb7f14e-6466-4211-9a09-2b8e7ad92703 | name-erkoev4ja3rv | 2e3900ff36574cf9937d88223403da77 | ACTIVE | Running | net0=; ing-net=; net=;" | awk -F ' ' '{print $3}{print $13}'
Does this satisfy your case?

Linux - Postgres psql retrieving undesired table

I've got the following problem:
There is a Postgres database which I need to get data from, via a Nagios Linux distribution.
My intention is to make a resulting SELECT be saved to a .txt, that would be sent via email to me using MUTT.
Until now, I've done:
psql -d roaming -U thdroaming -o saida.txt << EOF
\pset border 2
SELECT central, imsi, mapver, camel, nrrg, plmn, inoper, natms, cba, cbaz, stall, ownms, imsi_translation, forbrat FROM vw_erros_mgisp_totalizador
My problem is:
The .txt "saida.txt" is bringing me info about the database, as follows:
Lista de relações
Esquema | Nome | Tipo | Dono
public | apns | tabela | jmsilva
public | config_imsis_centrais | tabela | thdroaming
public | config_imsis_sgsn | tabela | postgres
(3 Registers)
| central | imsi | mapver | camel | nrrg | plmn | inoper | natms | cba | cbaz | stall | ownms | imsi_translation | forbrat |
| MCTA02 | 20210 | | | | | INOPER-127 | | | | | | | |
| MCTA02 | 20404 | | | | | INOPER-127 | | | | | | | |
| MCTA02 | 20408 | | | | | INOPER-127 | | | | | | | |
| MCTA02 | 20412 | | | | | INOPER-127 | | | | | | | |
How could I make the first table not to be imported to the .txt?
Remove the '\d' portion of the script which causing listing the tables in the DB you see at the top of your output. So your script will become:
psql -d roaming -U thdroaming -o saida.txt << EOF
\pset border 2
SELECT central, imsi, mapver, camel, nrrg, plmn, inoper, natms, cba, cbaz, stall, ownms, imsi_translation, forbrat FROM vw_erros_mgisp_totalizador
To get the output to appear CSV formatted in a file named /tmp/output.csv do you can do the following:
psql -d roaming -U thdroaming -o saida.txt << EOF
\pset border 2
COPY (SELECT central, imsi, mapver, camel, nrrg, plmn, inoper, natms, cba, cbaz, stall, ownms, imsi_translation, forbrat FROM vw_erros_mgisp_totalizador) TO '/tmp/output.csv' WITH (FORMAT CSV)
